Read Circle Seven Page 24

  Chapter 23

  “Female bodyguards let you move freely today?” Aleister whispered as he passed my desk.

  “Never needed them, but I think you know that which is why you are only trying to agitate me in a classroom instead of outside these walls.” I responded.

  I knew that he had never had anyone stand up to him. For some strange reason he was able to move around freely without consequence. His father was in charge of the southwest terrorist roundup by the FBI so people were afraid of that connection and what that could mean for them in these times.

  For us, we knew we had eyes on us as I sensed that he talked to his father about our altercation yesterday so I had to assume that at least I was father’s radar as well. But perception is reality so the more normal I appeared the more wild his accusations would be to those he attempted to convince.

  As the teacher was beginning to take attendance I saw my two favorite ladies who gave me a wink which made Aleister, his father, and his motives seem unimportant. I was fitting in here, we were making friends, and life was beginning to have some normalcy.

  The lecture for that day and all other days for that matter was a complete bore. There was nothing challenging about school especially after last night’s meditation. It was like being taught by an infant they ways of the world. Still I had to grin and bear it for I could not let my mind wander to spiritual things because it would most likely raise my energy signature which would set off the tracker Aleister had monitoring me. So I made myself participate which made me look even more nerdy than before. But unlike Washington DC being smart was cool here so that was just another notch in my belt. It is sad I had to travel so far to have my intelligence be appreciated but that was the problem with the inner city where the global elite to keep the masses dumb made culture not appreciate intelligence but other unimportant ideals such as fame, money, sports and the like.

  As I went through the motions of the day I couldn’t help but let my mind slip to our real adventure that was becoming a nightly occurrence. It made this school thing seems so fake but I understood the necessity of it. In the midst of our awakening our school days had a sort of grounding effect on us which literally brought us back to reality. We could not have our heads in the clouds all day we needed these experiences we were getting in the social setting of school in order to both validate and practice the skills we were obtaining. It is the need for experience to test the limits of reality in order for growth.

  As I walked to lunch with the Shekinah and Binah I saw Nyema and Skylar talking to some boys in the hallway. I had to smile to myself because I knew it was only a matter of time before they decided to blend and I understood that they were sensing the same thing I was. I met Bilal in the entrance to the cafeteria as we all waked toward our table to sit with Zayin who had already claimed his seat.

  “Today has an interesting feel to it.” I said.

  “It has to be the fact that we can finally have lunch with these beautiful ladies without incident.” Bilal responded.

  They giggled in reply and asked if we could go to the library with them after school to help them with their homework. I was tempted to say no because of the real work that we had to do but I did not want to come off as a jerk either. I just had to make sure that we did our work and made it home at a reasonable hour to get to this next sphere. Still, relationships are important especially the one with my brother who would have been furious with me if I did not go.

  “Of course we can help you, with Bilal and I we will make you geniuses.” I replied to the delight of my little brother.

  “We need to find a girl for Zayin.” I said as I gave him a little nudge.

  He was so quiet at times but he had perfect timing with everything he said.

  “These girls act too young.” He responded and I realized his timing was not always perfect.

  “All present company is excluded of course because you are already taken.” He continued.

  “Nice recovery guy, I was two seconds from giving you a gut punch.” Bilal said.

  The girls went back to smiling so I guess mission accomplished. As we left lunch we had noticed we never saw the Nyema and Skylar. As I went back to class there they were giggling to themselves.

  “You all go ahead, I will catch up.” I told Bilal, Binah, and Shekinah.

  “What is so funny?” I asked.

  “These boys.” Nyema and Skylar said simultaneously.

  “There are five of them ready to do anything that we ask them.” Skylar informed me.

  “Oh really.” I asked

  “I know you want an army Zohar, I saw it last night.” Nyema said with a grin.

  “We have to keep a low profile.” I told them.

  “We are, but guys have the assumption that girls are attracted to the ones that a fearless in the face of danger which is true but more than anything we love that fearlessness to be coupled with sense and smarts. Sad for them is that they are lacking the sense, smarts and can be directed with a bat of the eye lashes. When the time comes to actually recruit they will be ready. Guys always want to impress the pretty girls, so we will make the rebellious nature of a terrorist cool.” Nyema informed me.

  I could not help but be impressed. I do not know how many guys back home were afraid to show intelligence for fear of being labeled a nerd. We just had to set the table in a different way that favored our agenda. It is what we were fighting with the media for so we had to attack it on our level in hopes that the sentiment would spread.

  It seemed all well and good but I could not shake the fear of being found out and what that would mean for us. It was not until later that I received clarity in the issue.

  When we arrived home after our tutoring session with the ladies. We continued the ritual we had established the nights prior. Tonight we ventured into the sphere of Binah. The was a feeling of checking our intent on this mission where even though we thought we knew everything we had not connected all the dots as we so thought. There was a sense of exhilaration and understanding of the fear that I felt earlier in the day. Even though I knew and foresaw everything that has and was going to happen there was no understanding of the overarching picture that had the future hanging in the balance of every decision that we made. We were playing this as if it were a high school game, checkers instead of chess. There was no strategy whatsoever to our movements that had the depth that was necessary for such an endeavor. No collective voice in our thoughts we had not broken away from this world thus still allowing ourselves to be victims to it like everyone else. Although we did not dwell in fears and doubts they had their moments where they crept in and crippled me for a split second. In our situation even the tiniest moment of doubt was unacceptable and could destroy everything we were working for.

  This was nobody’s fault but our own. There had to be something bigger than just saving our own skin. There were people being hunted based on the fact that our souls were ancient which connected our minds and spiritual compositions to a time that existed far beyond modern perception of time for reasons that were inconsequential in the grand scheme of things because the script had already been written we were just acting it out. Us four felt it pulling us from the time of conception in the womb. But what to do with it? Our parents got us to this point but even they were unclear what was next. We knew we just had to pull a solution out of us but we need to operate at an even higher level in our day to day lives and not allow ourselves to be grounded too much by school but find and maintain an even stronger balance between the mundane and the spiritual.