Read Circle Seven Page 27

  Chapter 26

  I popped up in a sweat but peaceful as I remembered everything that had happened during those eight hours of sleep which had me alert but not rested. I did not feel like I got any sleep for I was so aware of the dream world I was in. Still, I grabbed my notebook and began writing the experiences as they occurred and had ten pages full of notes and another twelve pages full of picture. As I finished I put my book down and threw on some clothes, since the sun was rising to start the day, I thought for whatever reason it may be good to get a run in. I never run or really do anything that involves exercising but I had followed the feeling regardless and hit the road.

  I have to admit I understood why the others had this as part of your day. It allowed me to clear my mind and let go of the dream for a moment, I was able to breath in the air, see the sun high fiving the clouds as it rose in the air. I saw the cactuses move ever so gently as the morning breeze softly pushed its thorns from side to side. It at times looked like a painting. I loved Arizona and its beauty it was nothing like anything I have ever experienced on the east coast.

  After my three mile run I made my way back to our apartment. Only to find everyone else getting ready for a run of their own.

  “What did you see that had you running, a ghost?” Bilal asked.

  “It was a great dream, I have tons of notes I must share with you. Did you all write yours down as well?” I asked.

  “Of course, I think we all saw something special last night. We all woke up with the intent on moving.” Nyema said.

  “Yeah we just do not know where to go, I think that is what Uncle Ra will help pull together for us this afternoon when we meet at 12pm.” Skylar said.

  “Well let’s reconvene around a little before noon so we can go to Ra’s place for our first official lesson.” I told everyone as they went on their way.

  As we met at the table in Ra’s kitchen we all were anxious of what was in front of us.

  Ra sat down at the table and spoke of the connections that we were making and the similarities all our lessons had. It was a simple truth but it still rang loudly. He was able to connect Skylar’s teaching with our own as he stated that they were identical just that our fathers came to their conclusions separately but in the end the truth was the same. We have the power to bring our thoughts to reality. We do it every day but when it is controlled, when it has directed intentions then it is the most powerful.

  During this time Ra revealed to us that this was not going to be an everyday session as our experiences will be our ultimate guide although he and all of our parents would always be available for support this was our path that we had to walk and in this conversation he would be giving us all we needed to be successful in our journey.

  This ability to create reality is known under different mantles depending on the age and location that one is in but they are all the same. The purpose is to still the mind and get the insidious talking to stop. In doing so one is truly able to hear one’s own thought. That little voice that is in tune to the first breath of the cosmos. We were all doing the same thing which is why we were able to connect so easily the night before.

  “You see, a way is being prepared for you.” Ra said. But he continued to delve deeper into the topic at hand.

  “Have you ever seen a movie where the person has time travelled and sees their other self but cannot impact the future because it is already predetermined? Well, this is not that type of movie. You must always remember the elite in this society place those images and ideas in your mind to keep you chained to linear time. As ancients we do not see time as they do we see it as one loop that can go in either direction, back and forth, up and down. We have set this all up as I am sure you all have seen when you entered the sphere of Chokmah.” He said.

  “So why didn’t we just stop this from ever happening?” I asked.

  “Through our challenges we grow stronger. As ancients we are eternal and to live for eternity with no challenges ones stagnates, gets bored. It is through difficulties our greatness is elevated continuously. Thus, by placing the elite in our path we are able to overcome them and reach levels that we could have never imagined.” Ra said.

  That sounds like the smartest dumbest thing I have ever heard.” Bilal said.

  I shared Bilal’s skepticism but not as openly. I just found it a bit of a stretch to think that this was all some supreme master plan. It was almost like Darwin’s Theory of Evolution on steroids. But nothing was making sense to me anymore. I mean I was having visions of planets, people on thrones, and dreaming things that were becoming reality.

  “Your acceptance of these truths is the key to unlocking who you really are. Your mind must know that you are in control and not programmed by outside forces.” Ra continued.

  “Have you ever watched a movie and that night your dream had elements of the film. Well, that is programming where people outside of yourselves are in control of your thoughts. We are trying to combat that where your access to external influences have been limited. We all wanted your thoughts to be your own and then you could truly see the other side of curtain where you are in control. Although you have always been in control even though a times you have given up that control to the corporate elite. And as above so below where the ancients have done the same thing. But this is in an effort to go to new levels of consciousness. You have to understand that we are stellar beings.”

  “We are aliens?” we all said in unison.

  “Yes, this is what gets swept under the rug, one secret that has been hidden is that the ancient ones which we in our family are descended from come from the other side of a black hole trillions of years ago to this planet. We civilized this place that was barren with no culture. The color of our skin is like a space suit composed of what is called dark matter that allows us to stay in tune with the darkest regions of the universe where we can tap into to who we are where we come from and what we will be. It was through this knowledge that the thought of this opportunity came into fruition.” He told us like an old griot.

  But this coupled with the revelations that we had the other day brought everything into perspective.

  “So what do we have to do unk?” I asked.

  “It is simple just let go. Become one with what you’re studying as it is a tool that you laid out for yourself to find to get closer to yourself. But you must trust in yourself first and foremost because if you do not you will make this journey more difficult than it has to be.” he told us.

  “Should we tell him about Aleister?” Nyema and Skylar whispered to each other albeit not in manner that did not make the question audible to everyone in the room.

  “Who is Alerister?” he asked.

  We gave him the history and discussed with Ra our plans for him.

  “So you all have been doing this naturally that is wonderful.” he exclaimed.

  He took it better than I thought, where we all assumed he would attempt to stop us. But he encouraged it as it was a great way to test us and see how far we developed. Because ultimately we were manifesting something from nothingness into light and the implications were far reaching. Nothing was mentioned of those said implications it was just something I felt in a place that was beyond spirit and soul that pulled at the core of my being.

  As we walked out of our session we all had a sense of reassurance that we were moving in the right direction where if there were any doubts it had been tamed. Yet still we all were more than ready to work at this spirituality and understood why it was a threat to the elitist that ran the world.

  As we walked we ran into to Musa.