Read Circle Seven Page 28

  Chapter 27

  “Since you all have had a work out with your minds we must now work out the body.” Musa said.

  We went out to the park and began working on a mixed martial arts exercise that was incorporating many different practices. We learned that these arts came from the ancient ones as well but had been broken up into different branches because some found it too difficult to pull them all together. Only the ancient ones were able to understand the depths of the art and mold them together for any effectiveness.

  I never really liked to exercise but I loved these martial arts where I was really good at it. I was even as good as Bilal which never happens because he is the athlete of us two. I noticed he was irritated that I was able to keep up. But even the girls took to it. They both being naturally athletic too but the way they were able to manipulate movements was amazing.

  “This is another way to work on your non-thought which will also aid in your mediations. Just think of this place and let go as you feel the freedom of your movement and your direct your action without thinking just by your intent alone. The same is true for your mediation which leads to your manifestations. This is all a dance that you are doing with your mind’s eye.” He instructed.

  However, Musa told us that the real martial arts were in the practice of Aikido. It was a practice of non-striking where you would use the opponents force against them. We practiced on each other where one would attempt a punch or a kick and the other combatant would use the energy from the attacker and manipulate it for our own personal gain to win the confrontation.

  “The Aikido practice is something you will have to master to be effective. It is a way to hit and damage the enemy without exerting an exorbitant amount of energy.” Musa instructed us.

  We were not sure how Musa learned all of this but we enjoyed this break from a strictly mentally exercise which had been the bulk of our efforts. Musa was able to blend the mental and physical making us feel whole and able to understand how our body played a role on everything that was going on. Before it was either a battle or compromise between the two in order for any spiritual progression but we know seeing how our movements in the physical; could be a benefit to both. It was a powerful lesson we were learning from Musa who before now I did not really connect with but was glad he was on our path, understanding his extreme value to the group as his expert understanding of all things physical and his ability to connect his gifts to our path.

  “But Musa, who are we having any physical altercations with? These people have guns.” Bilal asked.

  “The ability to use your enemies’ energy against them is not only limited to the physical. You should know that better than anyone Bilal. I mean you’re an athlete but I hope that you do not rely on only your body when you perform at a high level. If that is the case than you have only scratched the surface of what is possible and I look forward to what you will be able to do with your brother and sisters because there is a connection that you all be able to make with these techniques that you must find for yourselves but when you unlock all these answers the world will be in awe.” Musa told us.

  I had to scratch my head because it felt like something off of a Kung Fu movie. Are we going to start glowing like in that movie my father loves? I mean realistically what hand to hand combat will we be engaging in? Where is our firearm training? It all seemed a little much but that was this whole situation. But we just kept on working knowing that like everything else this would all make sense. All of our actions have been coalescing into this new perspective we were all developing for this new world we were thrown into and this would be no different.

  We continued working with Musa for a several weeks which had us take a break from our meditation. Through our previous efforts with the tree and Skylar’s work with her father we were catching on really fast to the surprise of Musa. I am not sure what track he had our progression on but we were exceeding it by leaps and bounds. We were mastering and putting together all the styles being taught but Aikido was taking on a life of its own with our training just like Musa said it would. We were able control the strong and weak forces which was to the delight of our family as this seemed to be their plan all along.