Read Circle Seven Page 29

  Chapter 28

  These were great tools but I still felt that we had work to do with the tree. The weekend was ours and we had to get through three more spheres before we could get to the kingdom. And that would all start tonight same time, same place as we had made our own sacred rituals out of our evening meditation as we skrying down the Tree of Life investigating where it would take us.

  But in this movement after completing our work with Musa for the day I felt alive and powerful with the sun on my face and having the keys to eternity in our fingers we just had to make sure we put in effort and completed the path we had laid out for ourselves because immortality awaits.

  As the sun went down and we made our way back to our rooms we said goodnight to Skylar who continued her teachings with El Ra Sun. After cleaning ourselves from the day’s workout we prepped the room for our work to commence. Tonight was a trip to the sphere of Netzach which was Hebrew for Victory. It was a fitting end to the day where we were feeling victorious in our newfound confidence.

  In our meditation that night we were greeted by a beautiful woman with beautiful dark skin the color of midnight and hair in a stylish Afro looking like she has just came out of the seventies. Bilal and I stood in awe where Nyema looked to the woman as if she knew her. As the woman began to speak we all stood in anticipation.

  “You seek answers to questions that you already know. Your victory lies in the love for your fellow ancient ones. How far are you willing to go to wake them up.?” She said.

  As she spoke, we were all being bombarded with images of the Hebrew alphabet with their corresponding tarot cards in our minds. It was as if a feeding tube had been placed in our mind where we getting a rush of information with no filter to our third eye hitting us over and over again. We were being overwhelmed with imagery and the crazy thing about it all is that it felt great. Similar to that feeling you get going up a rollercoaster then immediately have the rush of going down. It was a level of programming we were going through but not the kind the elite were pushing to the masses via their TV programs. It was supreme programming where we were learning the depths of symbols from a time long before the letters were known as Hebrew and then connecting them to the paintings of the ancient one who created the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

  Through this we were able to see how the spheres of the tree were connected and understood the different systems of skyring from Rabbi Isaac Luria to Gra the Moor. The tree became so simple and in the understanding we were pulled to the 8th sphere.

  Our movements now became a little swifter than in our first encounter with the tree where we were grasping them in threes as a triad. As we moved to the eighth sphere I saw an orange ball of light that was almost as engulfing as watching the sun. In that instance we were on the planet Mercury greeted by a hermaphrodite. Bilal and I in our ignorance felt uncomfortable and wanted to wake up out of what we felt was something that was feeling so right to feeling so wrong in an instant. But Nyema in her brilliance said to us.

  “Do not use the mind of the planet we are trying to save but use the mind of the ancient beings; we are to understand the symbolism that is occurring in these thoughts as we travel the tree life.” She observed.

  In that instance I was able to understand the importance of the eighth sphere which is infinity on its side, the sphere of magic and occultism. It was a balance of the feminine and the masculine. Instinct and intuition merging as one whether through a asexual relationship with oneself where the balance between the masculine and feminine nature were combined pushing one closer to godhood on the physical plane or a sex magic relationship between a man and women where through their act they create life like the creator on the physical plane. Nevertheless, creation was the message that permeated through this sphere and resonated within all of us, and it was through this message that we would be able to change the world.

  It hit me in that moment why they were sexually transmitted diseases that hit the communities of the ancient ones after the free love of the 70s. Sexual relations between a man and women had to be halted and sex had to be made to look like death because through sex portals to communion with the ancient ones was available if perfected and understood properly by its participant who were not solely looking at the act in a physical nature but a spiritual one. In that instance I understood why the elite feared us. We bridged the gap between the profane and the divine. Through a union of ancient man and woman true godhood would be achieved. It did not necessarily have to between a physical man and woman but also balancing the masculine and feminine principles within oneself.

  In Mercury or Hod which meant Glory we found our true power as we moved farther down the tree it was further reassurance into what we were doing although at times it felt unreal in trance it felt realer than anything we experienced in the world as this was a pure unadulterated look into reality that was not tainted by the elite in their fear mongering, television controlling, or terrorist threats which we had received in the last few months. It was a freedom that was invigorating making us feel alive.

  As we pulled away from Hod we entered Yesod or the Foundation it was our last sphere into the tree before reaching Malkuth which was the kingdom. Malkuth was the closet the tree would come into our normal waking life. In Yesod there was a man that looked just like me standing in his Glory. I saw the look in Bilal’s face and he saw himself in that very man as well. The look on Nyema’s face made me think she saw something else and I was afraid to ask what it was in fear of losing all the food that I had ate for the day. But it was greatness that we saw. The opportunity to be great through channeling the energies of the Moon whose influences were able to effect reality on Earth whether it was a woman’s cycle, tides, or personalities. We were able to get on the same frequency as the Moon where it felt like signals were coming to the back of our heads where we saw ancient ones living there and inhabiting the moon.

  “Where is the space landing that we learned about in school?” Bilal asked.

  “Yeah, I am not getting any of that either.” Nyema said.

  “Come on you guys stop joking you know that the elite do not have the capacity to leave the planet only the ancient ones possess that ability.” I said.

  We had a brief laugh and in that very moment we were met with various entities that I could not recognize initially.

  “Who are you all?” I asked.

  We are the guardians of the tree who have watched you move through our realms the past few weeks and question what you are doing here. We are all interested in understanding you as nobody has been able to tap into our frequency since the Rabbi who sat by the lake of the River Nile. He was the only one who has come close and even he was only able to touch the choir of angels beneath us in the realm of Yetzirah which is Formation where through that he was able to be remembered as one of the greatest rabbis of all time. You come close to the Gods, too close.” The Ten said in unison.

  “We are the Gods, we are the Ancient Ones.” we responded in unison.

  “We come from the other side of the black hole to return to our thrown and take back our crown from the elite who sit in our chair and threaten our very existence.” I said.

  “Do you serve us?” Nyema asked.

  “For an eternity, welcome home elders.” they responded.

  Our responses to the Angels of the tree were not premeditated. They were just natural responses we gave without thinking. What are we becoming in this place and what we will it mean for us when we wake up from this trance. We were shocked but not surprised by the events. We all sat down in the realm of Yesod with the angels of the sphere getting information on how to best move forward in our attack on the elite.

  It was funny because earlier we were thinking of how to set up Aleister but that now was a thing of the past. Not that we were not going to do it, because we were but there was such assurance in his fate that we moved on to planning the next course of action and that was taking down the elite and restoring the ancients to their thrown. But befor
e we could return to save those in the realm who sleep yet think they are awake, the angels recommended that we take the path of the arrow to with Metatron to the gates to retrieve our crown and journey to the other side of the black hole.