Read Circle Seven Page 35

  Chapter 34

  “They got the girls, Shekinah and Binah.” Zayin said and hung up immediately in case his phone was being traced.

  Luckily for us the girls did not know much about our operation but could identify us if pressed by the government. We had to get them out of there but needed to get with Skylar because the four of us could use our telekinesis in order to hone in on their energy signature and find them. As we made our way to the safe house we informed Skylar of the success and ultimate challenges of the night.

  “What do you mean Shekinah and Binah were picked up, who was with them?” Skylar asked.

  “I am not sure of all the detail yet, it was a short conversation form Zayin.” I told her.

  “Well we have to get them out of there.” Bilal said.

  “We will we just have to be smart about it so that we do not put them in harms way.” Nyema responded.

  “We need to get back to Yuma.” I told them.

  By now the four girls had become close and they wanted to see them retrieved. They were picked up in San Diego as they were doing some organizing for us on the West Coast. We were looking to recruit a team for the next phase of our plan and they were taken. There were no alternatives; we had to go get them. Unfortunately after our little stunt the only option was to drive back across country as planes were grounded.

  “We have a cousin Rafael in New York City; he can get us a car to drive back.” I told them.

  “But he has always hated dad.” Bilal said.

  “Hate is a strong word, perhaps not agreeing with the way he lived but knowing of his death I am sure will put him in a different place. It is easier to step on a man for the way he lives them to trample on his memory to his children after he has died. We can use that guilt to get what we need.” Nyema said.

  “Well let’s go. Just make sure to keep energies low as the government will be on high alert.” I told them.

  “Sometimes you say the most obvious things Zohar.” Bilal said.

  “It is because you forget them too much. I am only here to keep you focused Bilal.” I said.

  As we made our way to Queens we found our cousin in the hallway outside of his apartment talking about the commotion of the New Years.

  “Did you hear the boom, I know it was those terrorist.” Rafael said to them.

  Yeah but they seem to have good reasons for their actions.” someone in the group shouted.

  “To kill innocent people, the news is saying over 150 onlookers were caught in the blast.” Rafael said.

  I knew this was going to be awkward.

  “Hey cousin, we heard on the news what happened and was coming to make sure you all were ok we were in Times Square for the ball drop.” I said.

  “Yeah we are good. Where are your folks at? Rafael asked.

  “Dad passed a few months back; mom has us on the west coast now. We are staying with Nana until school picks back up.” I said.

  “Sorry to hear about your father, we were close. We hung out all the time but then he got a little too weird for me so I had to back off.” Rafael told us.

  “Yeah Dad was a stubborn guy about what he knew, you could not tell him anything differently.” Bilal said.

  “Rafael could you do us a huge favor.” Nyema asked.

  “I knew you guys needed something, what it is.” Rafael laughingly asked.

  “We need a car, my mother just called us about an emergency back west and with the planes being grounded we cannot get home that way, a bus would take too long, we need a vehicle.” Nyema said.

  “She has not been right since dad died so we never know how serious it is until we get there.” Bilal said.

  “Why did you leave?” Rafael asked.

  “As bad as mom is Nana is 10X worse.” I told him.

  “Well let me see what I can do but it will not be until dawn.” Rafael told us.

  “Thank you.” I said.

  That morning Rafael was able to get us a car so we could drive back west.

  “Skylar scan their minds so we can get a fixed location and let me know if they move them.” I told her.

  “Got it!” she said focusing intently on her third eye where she was able to bend space and pinpoint their energy signature and in their minds which allowed us to monitor their questions they were being asked and the responses they were giving.

  Skylar saw them in a dark room being interrogated by military officials. They were trying to find answers to the bombing of the Statue of Liberty and our overall operations neither of which those two had any answers to. Outside of the four of us the only person that knew was Zayin. They only helped provide contacts for us due to their social abilities and status on the West Coast through their family ties.

  “Skylar hold them off until we make it.” I told her.

  “I will try but they are scared Zohar, they are beginning to crack but I am holding them together.” Skylar responded.

  “I am surprised them have not began to torture them yet.” Bilal said.

  “I am sure that is coming.” I said.

  We were able to keep them quiet until we made it to their holding spot, Los Angeles.

  As we gathered outside of the building we knew things were going to get complicated. We did not have enough time to meet up with Zayin for a cocktails or explosive. We were just going to have to go in there and rescue our friends.

  “So do we have a plan?” Nyema asked.

  “I think it’s time we showed them who we were it is time to come out of the shadows.” Bilal said.

  “I have to agree with Bilal we control this realm so it is time to make that known.” I responded.

  As we walked into the military base in Los Angeles we were able to get an idea the full extent of our abilities. We walked straight through the gate knocking out the guards with a swipe of the hand. As more military made their way to us we turned them around sending them back to their homes. We did not want to hurt anyone, just get our friends back. We continued to their location but there was a sniper on the rooftop that we did not see. As the shot fired, Bilal caught the bullet with his hand inches before it struck the back of his head.

  “He knew we were not trying to hurt anyone and he shot anyways.” He said.

  Bilal threw the soldier off the rooftop and did not even bother to look back. None of us did we just kept moving, understanding that things happen in war. The other snipers took heed to their fallen comrade and stood down.

  “I really thought there would be more action than this.” Nyema said.

  “You sound disappointed.” Bilal said.

  “Let’s just keep moving and find the girls, which way Skylar?” I asked.

  “Pass the flags and through the pillars.” She said.

  As we moved closer we saw tanks approaching.

  “You happy now Nyema?” Skylar said.

  “Absolutely!” Nyema responded.

  We picked the tanks up off the ground throwing them into each other causing explosions all over the base. Fires were ablaze and people were screaming in the chaos. We were able to finally get to the exact location of Binah and Shekinah but at this point we let go of the passive approach that was taken at the gates. We took control of the minds of all the soldiers in the building turned their guns on each other and fired. They all fell at once. We made our way to Shekinah and Binah who embraced Bilal and I with happiness and tears.

  “What took you so long?” Binah asked.

  “We have a flare for the dramatic.” Bilal said.

  “We need to move, now! Nyema said.

  We made our way out of the base with little resistance or sp we thought noticing the line of tanks at the gate.

  “Are you kidding me? Did they not just see what happened like twenty minutes ago?” Bilal said.

  We did not want to hurt anyone in front of the girls so we just flew the tanks out of the way with a slight of the hand.

  “Impressive,” Shekinah said.

  “I think you might have
done this on purpose for my attention.” I told her.

  “Of course you would think that.” She responded.

  “Girls!” Bilal said.

  As we made our way back to Yuma we told the girls from now on to keep off their street since the government knew who they were now they would definitely be a target. The same could be said for us who may have revealed too much in their rescue although they may still underestimate us because we did not hurt as many people as we could have.

  “So you got them! You guys are all on the news.” Zayin said as he greeted us upon our arrival.

  As we turned on the television we saw the reports with the government calling us a new kind of terrorist too brazen to be controlled. They had never seen anyone spiritual that looked liked us as we had been in the shadow. I was not sure of the magnitude of our decision or the domino effect it may have on others.

  “Did we really expect them to tell the truth? The government controls the media.” Nyema said.

  “This is the time to strike at our other targets.” I said.

  “I agree let’s get to it.” Bilal responded.

  “This whole traveling by car is for the birds let’s get a plane.” Bilal continued.

  “Where are we going to get a plane from?” Skylar asked.

  “Skylar, we have the power over this planet I am sure we can figure it out.” Bilal said.

  Before any of us could say anything we got an encrypted email from one of our supporters out of Tucson that had a plane if we needed it.

  “You see Skylar, you got to believe. “ Bilal said.

  “Shut up!” she responded.