Read Circle Seven Page 36

  Chapter 35

  “So where to next?” I asked.

  “We are going to have to take down another national monument.” Nyema said.

  “Yeah it will cripple their economy.” Skylar added.

  “Yeah if we have not learned anything from history it is that if you hit them in the wallet, it hurts.” Bilal said.

  Within no time we were boarding a plane headed to Mt. Rushmore. It was the next stop on our national tour of destruction.

  “Do you have the explosives from Zayin?” I asked.

  “Yeah I will place them around the area so we can set it off this evening.” Skylar said.

  We waited until the building was closed and set off a light show that could be seen for miles, it was exquisite.

  “They have no idea where we are going to hit.” I said.

  “I am sure they are mostly concerned with Washington DC, that is next so wee must be prepared.” Nyema said.

  We had our next stop coming up shortly but the President had another national address we had to crash. He was speaking to the people about the Mt Rushmore incident. This was going to be a little more intense then blowing up some faces on a mountain. These were guarded national treasures as symbols of the elites’ power structure. With our recent actions the level of alert was at an all-time high and they were ready for an attack on their front lawn.

  “We need a diversion to make this go as smooth as possible. We do not want another military base incident like in LA; we were too blatant with our efforts.” Nyema said.

  “For good reason though sis.” I responded.

  “She is right though we have to be smart, what about the released detainees from the concentration camp?” Bilal asked.

  “They are hungry for some retribution and we need a distraction so everyone wins.” I said.

  If we were to loosen the security in Washington DC we had to get these newbies in an uproar. We used our contacts we had made through Shekinah and Binah to call a meeting with our East Coast supporters. We met in the backwoods of Maryland between Washington DC and Baltimore to an excited crowd. I was given the task to speak to the people.

  “Get them to the point they are willing to take a bullet for us.” Nyema told.

  “Absolutely, just think of it as if you were talking to fellow ancient ones before a battle.” said Skylar.

  “Yes, just a far less evolved version.” Bilal said.

  “Thank you all for coming out, it has been a long ride for my family to get to this point. We have traveled all over the country and are only beginning to see the results that we envisioned in what seems a lifetime ago. We are here not as your allies but your friends, we have a common enemy and that is the elite government of the world controlled by the President of the free country, and I use that term loosely and the Pope who is the spiritual leader of a majority of the planet. They play a power game to keep us under their thumb only getting by with crumbs and seek out our very destruction for a fear that we are powerful beyond measure. Well beloved, we are powerful and we are great. We are the future that will take the world to new heights never before imagined. But we cannot do it without your help. For whatever reason your spirit has leaned to spiritual truths from the people we call the ancient ones have left behind for us to discover. Others have taken credit for their finding but make no mistake these are relics left by creatures of high mind. In order to move this utopian vision my family and I have for the planet we must get rid of these usurpers that are in the way. They are backed by powerful families that control their monies worldwide. We have cells all over the country but you my beloved at this point are the most important. We have gotten word from our insiders that these bankers are having a meeting in the upcoming weeks in New Orleans, LA. They will be conducting rituals using our ancient magick in hopes to try to stop what we are discussing tonight unfortunately it will be too late for them. You all will strike with furious vengeance and slaughter those bankers and will set in motion a chain of events that will change the world as we know it. It will be dangerous but the reward will make it that much sweeter when this obstacle is overcome. Are you prepared to die and embrace your immortality and live forever?” I asked in conclusion.

  The crowd roared in excitement. And with that hook line and sinker the newbies were ready. We dispatched them to the swamps of Louisiana to prepare and get ready. We had ancient one who was a descendant of the old Moorish sailors from Western Africa out of the Dogon Tribe who came here before Columbus setting up civilization with all the ancient tribes of North American and helping them design the pyramids in Mexico. His name was Nomo he would be overseeing the operation down there on our behalf as he was privy to our grand plans with him being an ancient. He was an old friend of our parents and was kept abreast of our progress through them. He was proud of who we have become and was willing to do anything to aid in our journey along the way. We knew what we asked of him was no small tasks but the newbies would be doing all the work. He was just there to make sure they followed through on their tasks.

  “I am sorry to hear about your father. I felt when he left and have seen him in my dreams. He told me that you all were coming so I was prepared.” Nomo said.

  “Thank you Nomo, you have been there since forever and we appreciate you being here now as this is the craziest things we could have asked you to do.” I said.

  “It is just a babysitting job more or less; I will have the newbies doing all the heavy lifting.” Nomo said.

  “Zohar has them ready to take a bullet so you make sure you take advantage.”

  “Did you hear what was going on around the country?” Nomo asked.

  No, we have been out of the loop for obvious reasons.” Bilal said.

  “They are killing any people that looking they could be descendants of the ancient ones as they fear you all. The shot one boy your age with his hands in the air as he asked them not to shoot” Nomo said.

  “And that is the very reason they need to be stopped.” Nyema said.

  “You all have the glow of enlightenment surrounding you. I see your father’s advice for us to pave the path for the ones was accurate. Well let us not waste any more time talking and let’s get this plan moving forward.” Nomo said.

  As they were working so were we. The planning for the attack on DC had commenced. We trusted nobody other than ourselves with carrying out these tasks and just like all of our other attacks we waited until the dead of night to limit the casualties. The plan was simple we had purchased four RPGs to be fired by each of us at the same time at the targeted location. We would be hitting the Lincoln Memorial because he never freed anyone just gave the illusion that people were free to enslave them economically; the Thomas Jefferson Memorial because he spoke of freedom and owned slaves; and finally the Washington Monument because it was a slap in the face of our Ancient Society using our architecture to keep the energy of the people of the city in line with your agenda. After those targets had been taken care of we would turn our sites to the US Capitol that would give the message that there laws no longer had any authority and we were in control. After this we would head to back top Yuma to meet with our West Coast team and plan the next steps which would have global ramifications.

  Back in Louisiana Nomo was organizing the newbies to disrupt the meeting of all the world bankers’ meeting to protect their interest worldwide which we were damaging through our various efforts over the past year. Our intelligence was informing us that they would be performing a ritual in order to stop our cause unbeknownst to them we had dominion over this world so their ritual would only empower our efforts which we would direct to Nomo and our troops on the ground to slaughter the bankers. The newbies were ready for anything but we had given Nomo specific instruction to rattle them to the point where they wanted to get vengeance for their plight. And he did just that as they approached the meeting that was being held in a quiet hotel in the French Quarters off of Bourbon St. Armed with guns and a lot of ammo Nomo spoke to the group
of ten as he pulled them aside for a brief pep talk as he saw some of them look wavering in their commitment to my call for action.

  “You all must understand these people we are attacking are not people they are leeches. They get rich off the misery of the masses, for them to be rich somebody must suffer. There will always have to be somebody at the bottom for them to succeed. They are so cold that they would eat their own children in order to make it, which is the name of the game for them. There have raped and pillaged lands for wealth and status, caused war for the promotion of greed and riches. But we my friends will say NO MORE to their exploitation and we will extract our vengeance with their blood. They may put somebody in their place tomorrow, but we will find them and slaughter them too. Our revolution is not about hurting the innocent but there is nothing innocent about these bankers. And they are planning on doing a ritual to harm us but we are protected by the chosen ancient ones, we have already won this contest but let’s put our words to action.” Nomo said.

  Nomo had organized one hundred soldiers ready to fall on Bourbon St. from multiple areas which would be a blitzkrieg style attack on the hotel where they would hit them hard and fast. We had been training the newbies since their release from the camps for this very moment and what was to follow. They had taken well to our direction yet still were uncertain and antsy for when their moment would come as they heard stories of our exploits at the different sites around the country. But there was nobody we trusted to lead this group other than Nomo.

  Nomo was one our families close friends. My father had known him for what seemed like an eternity where he was one of the few outside of our circle that made my dad feel like he wasn’t crazy. At times we thought Nomo was crazy enough than all of us combined. He had a determination to overthrow the government and would organize the descendants of the ancient ones constantly but they lacked the wherewithal to put anything to action for they were scared. Everyone who had stood up in the past the elite government was gunned down. Fear and hopelessness was a staple in the community. There was only dialogue and exercises in mental thoughts; many were just arm chair revolutionaries which angered Nomo. He voiced it often to my father who would calm him down by letting him know that in time their chance would present itself and they would take it. The time for that was now.

  So Nomo was the only one we could have lead this attack. He had some of his close friends with that he trusted to make sure that it all went to plan and did it ever go to plan. They ransacked the hotel leaving nobody to tell what happened outside of trail of bodies that could not talk. The actions did not win us any support to say the least from the public but what it did was galvanize the descendants of the ancient ones who had recently been under attack with the unarmed shootings of the children.

  In Washington, DC we got word of their success and knew it was our time to act as we saw the defense of the District relaxed as their efforts was to investigate what occurred in New Orleans.

  “You all ready for this, no turning back now.” I said.

  “Turning back has never been an option Zohar.” Nyema responded.

  Although the words were clear they were not spoken as Nyema was miles away with Skylar about to use the RPG on the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. Bilal was targeting the Lincoln Memorial, and I was locked on the Washington Monument. Unfortunately, it was too risky to plant explosives on account of us or the bombs being discovered so RPGs made the most sense, well to us anyways. The fireworks never stopped. The timing was perfect because everyone was so concerned with the massacre on Bourbon St. no one saw an attack on more landmarks coming. For whatever reason they could not think like us, we were playing chess and they were playing hop scotch.

  We released our ammunition at the same time and all you heard was BOOM. We all met at the site of the destruction on the Washington Monument which was really a tekken or obelisk that was used to balance energy. Nobody noticed us in the destruction which I think was by the design of the ladies as they were intent on not making it known who the culprit was for the event where I think Bilal and I could care less. It was funny how we were acting like the spheres of the Tree of Life Binah and Chockmah in this moment. Still in unison we lifted out RPGs together and took aim at the United States Capitol and shot it down. The destruction of that building had my heart gasp in excitement and enjoyment which I felt shared by us all.

  And before the authorities were able to arrive on the scene we were on our way to Yuma in a vehicle transport we arranged as we knew through our previous attack that all aircrafts would be grounded in fear that we would strike in the air as well. But we knew that the events of 9/11 were a ploy and we would never reenact their methods of fear using the general public as collateral damage as the methods of operation taken by the global elite. Our goal was not to make the people afraid of us but to make the government and their army shake in their boots. Those who saw our symbol the seven encircled knew our intentions were pure and even if they never uttered it aloud, they supported our revolution.