Read Circle Seven Page 37

  Chapter 36

  Following our attacks, the President was not able to address the people for every time that he would our Senator on the inside would inform us and we would interrupt his message with our symbol. Our symbol was seen in every city and town nationwide as sympathizers wrote it all over the streets in graffiti. Our plan was working but we had not driven out the Pope from the gates of the Vatican yet as our efforts were only taken place on U.S. soil. We had to take this fight to the world. The bankers were not enough. Other dominoes had to fall and we knew just how to do it.

  “We need to get to England and take out the Royal Family.” I said to them.

  “There are other families that have something coming to them as well Zohar; we have to hit them all at once.” Bilal said.

  “They are having a party to celebrate the prince’s birthday. Royals from all over your Europe will be attending to pay their respect.” Skylar informed us.

  We needed to work our way down from Europe to Africa, in the same route the elite enslaved the people of Africa we would redeem. But we needed to split as one group would take the path through Europe and the other would take the path through the “Middle East”. We never liked separating but it would allow us to cover more ground and encircle the Vatican.

  Nyema and Skylar would take the path through Europe and we would take the path less travelled starting in the land of Jerusalem. Due to the tenuous relationship between the East and West from the War on Terror which was a precursor to the War on Spirituality many from America did not like travelling in the Middle East due to news reports but we were not like the rest. This world was ours for the taking to reclaim what was once lost and no news story was going to stop that. We had left the newbies under Nomo’s command nationwide as we decided to trek across the ocean.

  “Any magickal sympathizers going to come this time Zohar?” Skylar asked.

  “I do not think so but through proper planning after the events of New York City, I have already arranged for a boat to take us East.” I said.

  “Well I guess we are going to navigate this boat on our own.” Bilal said.

  “Flawless Moorish navigation as dead always said.” Nyema responded.

  “Yeah, navigating ships is in the blood and how hard could it be, I mean we are gods” Skylar said.

  As we made our way toward Europe we were all pretty level headed, we had a plan where we would meet in Morocco after we each finished our task. We all embraced and said our momentary goodbyes as we parted to our own paths once we dropped Nyema and Skylar off on European soil.

  Nyema and Skylar made it to London at 4:44pm in the evening. The weather was beautiful. They had made plans to go to Stonehenge for a meditation session prior to their journey to Buckingham Palace. Everyone was still on high alert because of the attack of the World Bankers as the families of those men controlled businesses and politics worldwide but they were as equally as concerned with the destruction of landmarks although they had not understood the connections of our attacks. Thus, the girls were walking around without any suspicion from our enemies but it was not like they had any power to do anything to them if the girls were apprehended.

  As the girls made it Stonehenge the sun was setting and a majority of the people was leaving the site. They girls laid out some cloths and lit some candles. The freedom to be spiritual was treated with suspicious eyes in Europe but had not yet hit the level of hysteria as it had in the United States which was the worldwide pilot for this program of the United Nations so the threat of confrontation was not present where they were just able to let go. Still they set up an energy barrier around Stonehenge that did not allow anyone with negative intent to notice them making them undetectable.

  As the girls plummeted deep within their trance they found themselves in front of fifty gates of darkness where in the distance there was a planet with rings. They looked at each other knowing they were seeing Saturn. Immediately after that acknowledgement of their location a figure which resembled the devil out of Western religious tradition appeared at the gates.

  “Since you like to monitor intent of those in the waking world I must do the same before I let you enter the gates.” The figure instructed.

  “Why are you here?” he asked.

  “We are here for rest and we miss home.” Skylar responded.

  “Home, then you must go back to the United States where you are hunted down like animals.” the figured continued.

  “We mean our real home. We are the children of the first star. Our enemies the world over must be held accountable for their actions and atrocities they have committed in the name of power and greed.” Nyema interjected.

  “Devil, you are under our dominion, no different than the angels and their choirs, and gods of the Tree of Life. Why are you questioning us?” Skylar asked.

  “I am just here to check your intent by the first mover, the first star. Others in your situation may have gotten drunk with the same power and greed that you are looking to overthrow. It has happened to your kind before. We have to maintain a check and balance processes for your own benefit.” The Devil responded.

  The girls rolled their eyes at the same time annoyed with the idea that the issue would even be a topic of discussion. But understanding that the fall of the ancients must be avoided at all cost succumbed to an understanding of the necessity of the discussion which they knew was a success. As they walked through the gate they floated in space making the way to the crown and back into the other side of the black hole where they enjoyed the very first water of creation and took in an enormous amount of dark matter. They loved these moments as they were serene and enjoyable which was different from the revolution they were getting away from if even for a split second.

  As they awoke they casually got up and made their way to the train on their way to the palace. It was eerie how calm they were. As they sat on the train Nyema grabbed a newspaper that detailed the chaos that was going on stateside. The girls had to bite their tongues to avoid cracking a smile at their success and put on their best acting voices to appear concerned.

  “Somebody needed to stop these lunatics causing all this madness.” Skylar said.

  “Yeah, I am just glad this mess is on the other side of the world.” Nyema responded.

  Instantly they heard a voice chime in from behind.

  “It is a true tragedy. I understand why they were being rounded up now. They are a complete nuisance to our way of life. I cannot wait for them to be exterminated.” The man said.

  The girls shook their head in agreement and continued to read. The paper was a tool for the elite to still get their message to the public without the fear of a hacking and it seemed to be successful to a point because reading the newspaper was a practice that had died out a long time ago where most information was coming from your computers, phones, or televisions. But you still had your people who were sheep and committed to the government so when they were told that they would only be disseminating official information through the paper followed orders and would tune everything out unless it came from that source. In the paper the revolution was portrayed as everything other than what it truly was. Nyema and Skylar read it as a big joke, a last ditch effort to control the minds of those who were slowly turning to our side. These next moves we would make would be polarizing and force sides to be chosen hoping the public would fully understand who we were and what our purpose was. There was a universal admiration for the Crown of England for reasons that were not available to our minds. Maybe it was the way our parents raised us telling us we were the real royal family I do not know nor did I care after these actions of Nyema and Skylar it was clear that you were going to be either with us or against us.

  “The birthday party of the Prince will have the most security of any event known to England due to the recent attacks in the United States although no attacks are imminent in England it is only a precaution.”

  The newspaper read.

  “I am glad you insiste
d on buying that paper. We need to maintain focus and hopefully we can get this done and be in Morocco way before the boys.” Nyema said to Skylar in jest.

  “All of the stars are aligning sis.” Skylar responded.

  As the girls pulled into the city they made their way to the gates of Buckingham Place, looking up they saw the new moon and felt regenerated because a new beginning was on the horizon as they were able to pull in more energy from the sphere of Yesod from Tree of Life.

  With a swipe of their hands they knocked the guards into the fence and walked through the gate. As they were dressed for the occasion they blended right in. As they walked in they immediately saw their faces in the royal coat of arms, again proving what they already knew.

  This throne like all the other ones all over the planet belongs to the ancient ones.

  “What time is it, Skylar?” Nyema asked.

  “It is 7:11pm, Nyema.” Skylar responded.

  “No time like the present.” Nyema said grabbing Skylar’s hand.

  As they grasped hands they immediately went into trance with their eyes as black as the darkest night of the year. They girls had the winter solstice in their eyes the day of cold and death yet pointing to a rebirth that was on the cusp.

  They levitated in the room which got the attention of everyone present where their hearts were overwhelmed with fear and panic. The royals knew who were. Regardless of the newbies that were the face of our revolution the true puppet masters stayed in the shadows as only a muddled whisper of our presence was known through our rescue of Binah and Shekinah but today we truly came out of the shadows for them to see but nobody would be left to tell the story.

  As the partygoers looked to exit Nyema and Skylar locked the doors and turned off all the lights. Where the room was just as dark as their eyes. The girls began to glow a radiant golden hue. They began to contact the souls of those from the Atlantic Slave Trade that these families built their powers off and Seafaring Moors from Northern Africa who lost power to the families in the battle of Granada in 1492. They were able to bring these souls through the other side of the black hole to cause chaos to the party. The Souls ravaged the skin and bones of all in the room leaving nothing but dust.

  Screams of horror went throughout the hall as justice finally reached Buckingham Palace. The only people remaining after the souls were done were the palace’s owners, the Royal Family of Buckingham Palace. When Nyema and Skylar came out their state of trance they heard whimpers in the corner, it was the king and his queen and their immediate family.

  “Not so bold when the slaughtering is going on in your own house I see.” Nyema said.

  The girls took the blade we had in our meditation circle and stabbed them one by one in the heart. As their bodies fell to the floor bleeding out there was a feeling of extreme accomplishment. As all the families of Europe fell in one night.

  “My father always said stabbings are personal and it does not get more personal than this.” Nyema said.

  “Royalty, what a joke.” Skylar said.

  “Let’s get out of here, I hate Europe.” Nyema said.

  “I doubt the boys can match this.” Skylar responded.