Read Circles Of Fear Page 51


  Monday the fifth of April nineteen ninety-nine, nine am Washington DC. Quinn Packard, President of the United States, studied a report on the Dover incident with his military chief of staff, George Mortimer. Mortimer had risen to fame as ambassador to Colombia. With the assistance of Miller and Zup they had wiped out all rival drug barons leaving only their own network in place. Mortimer had progressed on a tide of publicity on his eradication of drug dealers in the south; this had left him free to launder his own operations money through the multinational Stormway Shipping Company. He had developed a top secret underwater autonomous submarine fleet, working from Florida with several top minds assigned to him by the American government. He was now the top player for the American armed forces, air, sea and land. Quinn Packard trusted Mortimer with his life; the government had no idea of Mortimer’s underworld operations.

  Miller and Zup were now head of the CIA and FBI respectively. Mortimer had succeeded in gaining full control of US military forces and government policing agencies. All this had been achieved on convincing the American public he had won the drug war; in that way he was telling the truth. He just didn’t tell them how or the real reason why. Mortimer, Miller and Zup were always together, they were Mortimer’s unofficial body guards. They owed a lot to Mortimer as he had arranged all the forged paperwork to get them to high office.

  The President’s aid Buck Cameron, an ex-air force wing commander during the Vietnam War was also present. Cameron was Mortimer’s biggest worry; he didn’t trust Mortimer and had tried to penetrate Mortimer’s private dealings on more than one occasion. Mortimer had wanted Cameron assassinated, Miller and Zup had rejected the idea as they had a lot in common with Cameron.

  Quinn Packard was a fine straight man, educated at Washington State University; he graduated as an aeronautical engineer and went straight into the air force on fighter research in Florida. He found research life boring and entered local politics in Florida State in seventy-one. People found he could be trusted and liked his no nonsense honest approach. He gained a seat in the senate in eighty-two and became president for the Republicans in ninety-three. Packard had just won a second term, Mortimer liked him there as they got on so well and Packard suspected nothing. Cameron had been with Packard for all his years as President, the meeting was tense. Packard was a big man, six foot five inches, with broad shoulders and blonde hair greying with age. He looked up after reading the report, removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes. “Do we know anything about this ADAM defence system at all?” he asked.

  “The CIA had a man in Australian Defence Force Manufacturers in the late eighties,” replied Mortimer. “Other than that we know nothing. A Harry Briggs headed ADAM; he was once on the star wars project in the late seventies - early eighties. Briggs moved to Australia when star wars was disbanded. Jason Brinkly, the Australian Prime Minister bought ADAM recently. Shortly after that Briggs was released from prison, he was doing life for murder, seems he was framed. At about the same time, Matt Sharp another main player and the man who sold ADAM to Brinkly was killed in Queensland in a freak accident. I had been negotiating with Sharp for him to return to the States and work with us on the Seadragon submarine project.” Miller and Zup looked at each other as they heard Jason’s name bounced around.

  “Do we still have the CIA man who was on that assignment?” asked Packard.

  Mortimer nodded, “Yes sir, he’s waiting outside.”

  “Let’s see what he has to say,” said Packard.

  Zup opened the door, in walked a tall thin Negro wearing a fine suit and gold rimmed Ray Ban sunglasses. “John Lee at your service Mr President,” said the man.

  “What can you tell us about Australian Defence Arms Manufacturers John Lee?” asked Packard.

  John Lee had a deep southern accent. “I was inside with them from eighty-six to eighty-eight. I was withdrawn by the government before you came to power sir. They gave the project little priority; I think we ran out of money to keep me there. A guy called Harry Briggs and another American, Matt Sharp as far as I can remember, had a mean team of scientists working on a lot of things. I saw evidence to show Briggs had invented some sort of bearing that required no lubrication, worked on some kind of electro magnetic field. Sharp had put together a computer operated military surveillance system; they had top secret information on all super power hardware and software come to think of it. Security was tight in the end; I heard rumours of flying saucers or something operating on their own power. I heard they were capable of hitting two hundred targets a second, with laser guided lightning bolts. I know they launched some satellites; the Japs helped them with that. I made reports on it sir, but was met with laughter, and then I was ordered home sir. I’ve been a car park attendant at CIA headquarters in Washington ever since sir. Sorry I can’t be of more help sir.”

  “You’ve been of great assistance John,” said Packard. “Make sure this man gets some work more akin to his allegiance to the American People Buck.” Cameron nodded. “You may go John Lee.” The lean Negro walked out. Mortimer made a sharp head movement towards John Lee as he left, whilst looking at Zup. Zup followed John Lee out. “Well gentlemen, from all the information we have, Jason Brinkly the Australian Prime Minister, has at his disposal the most powerful weapon on the planet. I think it’s about time I meet this man. Cameron get me Brinkly on the phone.”

  Mortimer put his hand on Cameron’s as he went to pick up the phone hand piece. “The Australian Prime Minister should call you Quinn; there must be a way we can get him to do that. We should not appear scared, or too interested in what they have.”

  Packard looked at Mortimer with surprise. “This Brinkly guy is the first man on the planet to ever be elected to office with no opposition, in a democratic society. He is making his country the richest and most powerful industrial nation on earth. Their transportation and power making facilities are being installed all over the western world; now we see they have some kind of weapon that can stop or win World War Three. If they do have such a thing George, we can leave it to them to police the world and bring all our boys home. Two of those boys out there are mine. I would be very happy to see them home, I’m sure the rest of America’s mothers and fathers would feel the same. Now get this man on the phone, so we can see if that’s possible.”

  Mortimer glared at the wall, as Cameron set the wheels in motion. It was ten am in Washington and one thirty in the morning in Canberra. Jason had just finished an address to Parliament at an emergency sitting to explain the Dover affair and the existence of ADAM. World super powers were meeting across the globe to study a press release on ADAM’s existence and the Dover affair, made by the Australian government. Jason had been receiving several overseas ambassadors in his office at parliament house. Dick Hamlin escorted Nick Bolton, Australia’s American Ambassador into Jason’s office. Jason and Nick knew each other well, Nick got straight to the point. The President wished to speak to Jason as soon as possible. Nick made the necessary arrangements on Jason phone, they chatted as they waited a few minutes. Jason’s phone rang.

  “Jason Brinkly speaking.”

  “Quinn Packard Jason, United States President. I hope you forgive my call this hour of the morning.”

  “I have been very busy, I expect little rest until this Dover incident settles down.”

  “We have a lot of questions Jason; I would like to see this thing for myself to be perfectly frank. Would that be possible?”

  “A demonstration has been arranged in a remote area of South Australia for all overseas ambassadors in forty-eight hours, you may attend if you wish Quinn.”

  “It will be difficult to arrange passage of Air Force One in such a short period of time, but I really want to see this thing.”

  “ADAM will escort Air Force One as soon as it enters Australian air space; the Woomera Rocket Range in South Australia will be your destination. Our technical staff will take care of details with yours no doubt; I will meet you there on your arrival. Three p
m Wednesday afternoon South Australian time is set for the demonstration. If you wish to stay for a while, my residence is in Adelaide not far away, you are welcome.”

  “That’s most kind of you. You said ADAM would escort us in Australian air space; what exactly does that mean?”

  “I’m sure ADAM will see the importance of Air Force One and protect it from attack whilst it is within the boundaries of our skies, as it protects our own population.”

  “I have quite a large entourage; will facilities be big enough at our destination?”

  “Better that our technical staff take care of the details, even I am unsure of that. I’d say a large security staff is unnecessary; ADAM may even object to it. If your main objective is to see ADAM, we will do all possible to accommodate you and your people.”

  “This ADAM, how will it know I’m coming? I would rather this was top secret. Surely your staff only need know; the weapon covering my movements is really unnecessary.”

  “ADAM would already know Quinn; we have told it by having this phone conversation.”

  Packard hesitated for a few seconds. “Air Force One will touch down one hour before the demonstration, I look forward to meeting you.”

  “I also will be waiting for the pleasure of meeting you Mr President, something long overdue I feel. Goodbye till then sir.”

  Packard smiled. “Yes, I feel you are right, goodbye to you till then sir,” Packard hung up, he looked sternly at Cameron. “I want Air Force One on the ground, fifteen hundred hours Australian time Wednesday morning, Woomera Rocket Range, South Australia.” Before anyone could object, he spoke more sternly. “Just do it gentlemen! Thank you!”