Read Circles Of Fear Page 53


  Wednesday, seventh April, nineteen ninety-nine, two pm, Woomera Airport, South Australia. Jason watched Air Force One touch down amidst tight security. The American President was not the only head of state to attend the demonstration and several planes already stood on the tarmac. Jason shook the President’s hand as he stepped onto Australian soil. “Welcome to Australia Quinn,” Jason’s speech was interrupted as one of the President’s bodyguards fell on the steps behind the President as soon as his eyes saw Jason, he shielded his eyes and screamed in terror. Jason pointed at him. “You, if there is any good in you at all, go and find it! If you can’t change your ways, I will drive you from the face of the earth!”

  Several bodyguards had gathered round the President, pistols drawn.

  “Put your guns away!” shouted Packard. “Why does he cringe in fear from you Brinkly? He doesn’t even know you.”

  Jason climbed the few steps to where the body guard lay in fear, Jason held his arm. “Why, tell your President why.”

  While Jason touched him, he could tell no lies. “I am a spy, to gather information for someone on the ADAM weapon.”

  Quinn shouted at him. “What country have you been planted by?”

  Jason shook his arm, “Tell him!”

  “From within our own Government,” replied the guard.”

  Quinn shouted to Cameron at the top of the stairs. “Take him away and find out what the hell is going on Cameron. As soon as you know I want to know.”

  Security men dragged the bodyguard back into Air Force One. “That’s the God damnedest thing I ever saw Brinkly,” said Quinn. “Seems the things I have heard about you are true, I can even feel it myself.”

  “Our goals are for our people, we are as one,” said Jason. “Please come this way.”

  They were all escorted aboard electric coaches to a tent about twenty kilometres from the airfield; the media were given a separate area. One side of the tent canvas had been replaced with thick panes of glass, looking out to the desert’s horizon. Terraced seating was arranged along the inside of the glass panels to give everyone a clear view; binoculars were also distributed. Five minutes to three, all were advised to take a seat. Jason sat between the United States President and the Prime Minister of Japan. Harry Briggs mounted a small rostrum at one end of the tent, inside the glass, and used a microphone set up there.

  “Good afternoon ladies, gentlemen, dignitaries and members of the press. I welcome you to the first ever public demonstration of ADAM. Australian Defence Arms Manufacturers integrated defence system. The system you are about to witness is where a lot of Brinkly International technology has originated from. Such as the electric, self-powered coaches that carried you here and our electro magnetic public transport systems being installed throughout the modern world. ADAM is controlled and owned by the Australian Prime Minister, Jason Brinkly. ADAM has been in existence for some years now; since Brinkly International acquired it, its peacetime intention has been magnified intensely, by the wide use of its technology in industrial applications on direction of Mr Brinkly himself. ADAM is self-powered and can operate anywhere on the globe to a height of thirty five thousand metres. Two years ago ADAM had ten A10 defence pods; it now has thirty. It is controlled by a new generation Neuron computer situated underground somewhere in rural Australia. A sophisticated satellite system controls ADAM, which can defend itself, not only from attack from earth, but from space such as meteorites. An A10 pod is a sphere that can travel to the speed of light and beyond, producing its own power of electro magnetic energy at indispensable quantities. It has a laser guided strike system to direct its power in required quantities depending on the size of the target. It can strike two hundred targets per second to within a few centimetres. If you look to the Horizon you will see several objects, six hundred in all, ranging from old trucks and cars to paint cans. Some are five metres apart; some are five hundred or more. We have instructed ADAM to destroy the six hundred objects as a demonstration of its defence power. Please bear in mind that the A10 giving the demonstration will be directed here from over the Indian Ocean on the edge of our air space, from where it awaits our command some five thousand kilometres away. Once it has destroyed the targets, it will hover in front of us at a distance of two thousand five hundred metres for two minutes, for you to observe it. It can come no closer or all electrical power will be drained from the area. Some of you may have heard of the myth of the Min Min lights at Boulia in Queensland Australia. We cannot deny that ADAM has been responsible for this as much of its testing was carried out in the northern deserts of Australia. It will then return to its Bunker; eyes front please.” Briggs picked up a hand held radio, pushed its transmit button and spoke into it. “Proceed with the demonstration.”

  Several seconds passed then the horizon was lit up with brilliant flashes of coloured light; within three seconds of the spectacular attack, all objects had been burnt to nothing and a humming blue sphere hovered in front of them. The crowd lay silent as they studied the object before them, flashes of red, blue and yellow sprang from its edge with no constant rhythm. In exactly two minutes it streaked away, the eye not quick enough to monitor its progress. “If anyone has any questions, could you please raise your hand,” said Briggs.

  The Chinese Ambassador to Australia raised his hand. “Your question please sir,” said Briggs.

  “If this weapon was used to attack your enemies, how quickly can it act?” asked the Chinese Ambassador.

  “I think that’s a question more for the Prime Minister Mr Brinkly,” replied Brigg’s.

  Jason made his way to the microphone. “In answer to the Chinese Ambassador’s question, we have no enemies, ADAM is a defence weapon. It is not for attack.”

  The Chinese Ambassador spoke again. “Then why was it used in the Dover affair in our air space?”

  Jason explained. “A full explanation has been handed to all concerned, I will reiterate that now. ADAM monitors our defence requirements; we knew the Dover was not receiving her orders to strike China from British Admiralty. To allow what was happening to continue would have caused massive conflict in the region, thus threatening Australia’s safety. It was my decision to use ADAM to defuse the situation. I would have no hesitation in doing it again under similar circumstances.”

  The Chinese Ambassador spoke again. “I still have no answer to my original question so I will rephrase it. If Australia was attacked by a force as strong as say, the combined forces of China, America and Russian navies and air force, could it survive?”

  Jason looked at Harry who took the question. “ADAM would have defused such a plot a long time before it happened, but for the purpose of an answer to that question. We estimate that ADAM could immobilise a force that size in approximately ten minutes. There would be no point in destroying it but to completely answer the question, total eradication would take no more than thirty minutes. That’s taking into consideration ADAM defending itself from incoming projectiles in the process.”

  The Chinese Ambassador continued, “Is there any chance of this falling into the wrong hands?”

  Jason spoke. “No is the answer we all want to hear and that is true. I have asked myself many hypothetical questions about ADAM. The real truth is what you have witnessed here today is real, it is with us and if a threat of global warfare should raise its head anywhere, it will be used to defend this country. If any nation should see this as an act of war, ADAM would still be directed to do its job and for that I take complete responsibility. We did not gather here today to discuss global decimation with this weapon. Take with you what you have seen and heard, in a positive light towards peace and industrial revolution against the pollution of our planet, the atomic bomb was used to finish a war, ADAM was used to prevent one. I wish this technology to be used for peace; a further tour of the Corporations electro magnetic industrial applications has been arranged for those who wish to see it. I thank so many of you with such valuable time for being here. Again, thank you.??

  All took Jason’s offer of becoming aware of the advantages of Corporation developments. Jason chatted with as many as he could as they inspected electric cars, trucks and monorail systems. Jason eventually escorted the guests to the airport early Thursday morning, even George Mortimer raised a smile as he shook Jason’s hand goodbye. “We are testing an autonomous submarine fleet; I would like you to visit the installation with your people in Florida. My son Ridge operates the project, he would love to see ADAM; defence is his passion,” said George.

  Quinn interrupted, “That’s an excellent idea, within the next few days if possible. I would like to talk to you about some delicate issues too Jason, one of my life goals is to bring all our boys home. ADAM working with Seadragon may just see that happen. We plan to launch Seadragon on George’s son’s birthday; he’s worked very hard on it.”

  “It’s only a few weeks to launch time now; Seadragon is top secret but we can give you a closer look than most before then,” added George.

  Jason smiled and nodded. “How long to the launch? I’ll make a point of getting there before all the fuss.”

  “About eight weeks,” said George. “The sixth of June.”

  “How old is your son George?” asked Jason.

  “Thirty-three this year, Ridge is a fine lad,” replied George.

  “He was born in sixty-six?” asked Jason.

  “Yes that’s very quick of you,” said George. “His birthday is very easy to remember, the sixth of the sixth sixty-six.”

  “I look forward to meeting him,” replied Jason. “Will next week be inconvenient?”

  “I don’t think so,” interrupted Quinn. “Our staff can get their heads together on it right away. Er ... will ADAM be accompanying you on your visit?”

  “ADAM is never far away Quinn,” replied Jason.

  “Fine, security need make no special arrangements then. Till next week then,” said Quinn shaking Jason’s hand firmly.

  Jason watched as Air Force One leave the runway as he asked Harry to get all he could on Ridge Mortimer and Seadragon from ADAM’s files and give it to him as soon as he could.