Read Citrine Page 32

  Chapter Twelve

  When Eve arrived at home, she was pleasantly surprised that time in days there was nobody around, pestering her with questions. Taking a few minutes to grab the items that Kevan and Kailtyn had asked her to pick up, she sighed. She’d been looking forward to her day off, but it seemed it wouldn’t be spent doing laundry or cleaning like usual, not with what they had coming this evening.

  Eve was amazed at how quickly the cairbare healing abilities, as Rhiannon described them, had kicked in during the 24 hours since Marcus had arrived at Caleb’s. When she had checked on Marcus after her shift, she could see how much better he seemed.

  It still bothered her that they didn’t know who, how or why someone had been poisoning him with lead, but she was a doctor, not a cop; it was her job to ensure he continued on the path to recovery.

  She wanted to check the attic for her great grandmother’s diaries, her mother she thought that they may be there. This being the other reason she was glad nobody was home when she got there. It was hard to avoid her mum, when she got in a questioning mode.

  Eve hoped the diaries might hold some information regarding Daphne’s murder, and other things that would help Rhiannon if they ever needed a healer again. Trust was building, but she wasn’t ready to discard all the stories they had grown up with, and as much as they wanted her to be their healer, she still had her position at the hospital. While she couldn’t do both, she could help if they needed assistance.

  It was intriguing to imagine treating people that looked human, but weren’t, and her mind flipped through the science of it all, as she drove back to Caleb’s. She also needed to talk to her sisters; maybe they could resolve this whole thing between Brennan and Kevan before the parental units found out.

  The memory of Kevan’s face as she’d tried unsuccessfully to hide what was happening between her and Caleb drifted through Eve’s mind. In some ways, Eve was jealous, but she was happy for her sister but at the same time she was worried; Kevan had a tough road ahead. Eve shuddered at the idea of butting heads with Brennan and their parents at the same time. She was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t hear a thing, so she jumped with a loud gasp when someone knocked on the window of her car, and her heart thundered in surprise.

  “Sorry,” Roderic laughed, as she pushed open the door. There was something comforting about him, and she enjoyed their time together. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “You caught me daydreaming.”

  “They must have been good dreams; you had a smile on your face. I hope they involved you and me and a hot tub.” Eve cracked up at the leer he gave her.

  Eve smiled, liking him even more for making her laugh, “Sorry, no hot tub, maybe next time.”

  Roderic pouted, “Damn, just my luck … so what was making you smile?”

  “Kevan’s embarrassment about last night.”

  “Ah yes, our undercover lovers,” Roderic replied.

  “You wouldn’t happen to know where Kevan is, would you.”

  “Upstairs behind closed doors.”

  Eve stood back looking surprised. “They couldn’t be?” Roderic waggled his eyebrows. “Could they?”

  “The last time I saw Caleb, he was bounding up the stairs two at a time. We haven’t seen either since.”

  Eve shook her head. “I hope Kevan knows what she’s doing,” Eve remarked, more to herself than to Roderic.

  “Do you think they are doing something wrong?” Roderic asked, pouring a glass of ice tea. Taking the offered glass, she headed to the table, struggling with what Roderic had just asked.

  “Kevan’s my sister, nothing will change that, but she was raised like we were, which includes being distrustful of you guys. I don’t know if that’s going to change, even if Kevan’s involved with one of you.”

  “So what? Are you going to be like your other sister, threaten to cut her out of your life? You’re all quick to make assumptions that we’re the bad guys, but you don’t know us,” Roderic pointed out. “Why can’t she have both? You can’t dictate who someone falls in love with.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing. You can’t seriously believe that’s what’s happening. They’ve known each other two days; they’re maybe in lust, but love, isn’t that a little too soon to call?”

  “How long does it take to fall in love? Two days, two weeks, two years, or maybe two seconds?” Roderic questioned. “I can’t speak for either Caleb or Kevan, I won’t presume to say that it’s love for sure, but I suspect it could be, or the start of it.” Roderic paused for a moment. “Let me ask this, if it is love, what would you do? Would you cut her out of your life because you don’t approve of the man she loves?”

  Looking down at the glass, tracing the water drops covering the outside with her fingertips, she thought over what Roderic had asked. “You’ve made several good points, but I don’t know. Kevan’s my sister, I love her very much, and I can’t think of anything that would make me cut her out of my life, not even her falling for someone that the family disapproves of,” Eve stated, “So there’s your answer, no, I wouldn’t cut her out of my life.”

  “Glad to hear that,” Kevan remarked, pushing away from the door where she had be eavesdropping.

  “Kevan,” Eve sat up, seeing her sister. “You know, I certainly don’t agree with everything you do, but that doesn’t mean I’d turn my back on you.” Eve gave Kevan a hug. “As for the rest, we’ll get them on board; we may have to take a 2 x 4 to some, but they’ll come around sooner or later.”

  “At least one of them has the ability to reason,” Niall spat, joining them, heading straight for the bar.

  “Oh gods,” both Kevan and Eve groaned, seeing the look on Niall’s face.

  “Did I not tell you to stay away from her?” Kevan accused him.

  “I did for an hour. I just wanted to make things better for you, I thought I could charm her into seeing things my way,” he shook his head. “It’s always worked before.”

  “That’s impossible, a woman Niall couldn’t charm? I didn’t think there was a woman born that could resist your charms?” Caleb joked as he joined them.

  “Me either,” Niall admitted with a note of surprise, “but the famous Orwerth charm failed, I’m afraid. It’s an odd feeling; it’s never happened before.”

  “So who’s the woman able to resist the famous Orweth charm?” Caleb pulled Kevan into his arms, watching Niall bypass the ice tea and head straight for the scotch.

  “Brennan,” Kevan and Eve giggled.

  “You didn’t?” Caleb gulped.

  “Niall didn’t what?” Kaitlyn questioned as she joined them.

  “Niall decided he could make things better between me and Brennan.”

  “Oh my gods and he’s still standing,” Kaitlyn snorted. “You’re a brave soul, my dear man. Foolish but brave.”

  “How was I to know that a more stubborn woman had never been born?” he whined. “She’s so stubborn.”

  “I told you to leave it alone,” Kevan admonished.

  “I’m sorry; I may have made it worse,” Niall stated, pouring another shot.

  Kevan reflected on all she had discovered so far. “You know she’ll come around,” she informed them, as things suddenly became clear. “I’ve done nothing wrong. Sooner or later she’ll realize that.”

  “What about the shop?” Kaitlyn asked.

  “I love the shop, but it was always Brennan’s baby. I want to design custom pieces. That’s always been my love, and according to my good friend Niall here, he can get me a dozen or more commissions within 24 hours, so maybe I’ll take advantage of his generous offer and beg Caleb for a room to use as a studio, until I find a place of my own. I have most of what I need, and what I don’t will wait until I can afford it,” Kevan stated with determination.

  “There’s a small studio on the other side of the pool, it might be exactly what you need,” Caleb told her. “Tell me all you need and we’ll have it
here ASAP.”

  “That’s not …”

  Caleb stopped her with a kiss, pulling away, watching her eyes.

  “Whatever you need,” he insisted, his tone booking no argument.

  “Okay,” Kevan agreed.

  “So you’re going into business!” Kaitlyn laughed.

  “I guess so,” Kevan smiled at her twin. “I’m going to call it Dragon Designs. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re crazy, but then so am I. I’ll stand behind you no matter what.”

  “Thanks Kait,” Kevan gave her sister a hug, and then looked to Eve, wanting her opinion.

  “Of course I’m behind you,” Eve informed her, “but you know Brennan’s going to be pissed.”

  “So what else is new, I don’t care.” Kevan cheered, “We need to celebrate.”

  “Yes we do,” Caleb agreed. “Martha!” he shouted, “Martha?”

  Caleb’s housekeeper appeared around the corner, her look scolding him like a schoolboy.

  “You bellowed, Sir,” her voice displayed her displeasure at his yelling.

  “Shi… sorry Martha, I got excited,” Caleb dropped his eyes, looking at the ground.

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Caleb?” Martha inquired.

  “Couple bottles of champagne, we’re celebrating.”

  “Yes sir,” Martha disappeared back around the corner.

  “You’re in so much trouble,” Kevan laughed, “She has you acting like a school boy.”

  “Which is really hilarious if you think about it, since we never attended school.” Niall laughed, watching Caleb blush red.

  Several hours later, they were all at the table having just finished another wonderful dinner, but unlike the evening before, this one was mainly eaten in silence, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Nobody really wanted to discuss what they were about to do.

  “Who died?” Brody asked, as he strolled onto the patio.

  “Brody, no one’s in the mood for your rhetoric,” Caleb snapped at him.

  “What did I say? You’re the ones sitting here looking like you are about to walk the plank, not that they do that anymore, or at least I don’t think they do. Hey, do modern day pirates make you walk the plank?”

  Kevan looked to Brody, and busted up laughing, “You’re very strange, you know that?”

  “I’m strange? Come on dudes, dudettes, why so glum? You know they are the ones of legend; it’s just a ritual.”

  “Brody,” Niall warned him, “just leave it alone.”

  “Dude, come on, you’re the ultimate party man, and you’re sitting here like you’re 90 years old.”

  “No, it’s more like 5500 years old,” Roderic drawled, stopping Brody dead in his tracks.

  “At least you’re not moldering away in some forgotten tomb.”

  Niall fought to suppress his smile. One thing Brody was good at was getting them out of their ruts.

  “Oh come on, it can’t be that bad. Ladies, you’re beautiful, you have your health, and you’ve all got a shot at me.” That sent the four women into peals of laughter. “Hey, I happen to be a very eligible bachelor, I’ll have you know,” he tried to appear offended, zeroing in on Rhiannon. “I wouldn’t laugh there Rhiannon; if you weren’t like my sister, I’d consider it a challenge to change your mind on your preferences.”

  “Or cement her knowledge that she made the right decision,” Marcus growled at his protégé. “Brody, we appreciate the attempt to lighten things up, but now’s not the time.”

  “It’s most definitely the time. Hey man, you’re way too serious. They’re the ones, there is no doubt in my mind, but if you’re having doubts,” Brody’s voice took on a more serious grown up tone, “maybe you shouldn’t do it.”

  “Brody that’s enough,” Marcus snarled at him.

  “You tried Brody,” Caleb told him.

  “Whatever man, you’re bumming me out. I think I’m going to see if Alexander will relent and let me back into Sanctuary, now that I helped save it.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, Brody. You and Catherine are going to help me set up for the ceremony. The rest of you, go get ready,” Niall instructed them as he got to his feet.

  “Ah, we’re as ready as we’re going to get,” Kevan told him.

  “No you’re not; I had Martha deliver some items to your rooms earlier. Now go, I’ll see you at 11:45 pm.”

  “Niall, what have you done?” Caleb growled at his friend.

  “Nothing,” he ignored them, not wanting to get into an argument.

  “We can help,” Kevan offered.

  “No,” Niall stated, shooing them off the patio before turning to Catherine and Brody.

  “He’s kidding, right?” Kevan questioned, stopping dead in her tracks, lust pulsing through her body at the sight of Caleb. There was nothing between him and his leather pants, perfectly formed to his body. Kevan’s mouth went dry. From the pants, her eyes traveled to the vest that clung to chest muscles that would make even Mr. Olympic drool. Gold torques encircled his upper arms, showing off his biceps; it was all she could do not to beg him to strip.

  Caleb looked up from where he stood, cleaning his sword. “You were saying?” he asked.

  “My gods,” Kevan raised her hand to her mouth, sure she was drooling. “You should be illegal.” She laid her hand on the middle of his chest left exposed.

  Smiling, he gave her the once over. “You look good enough to eat, Ms. Cameron.” His eyes did what his hands really wanted to do.

  “I don’t know about that,” Kevan stepped back, throwing her hands out to give him a better look. “I don’t know if biker chick chic is really my style or not.” Caleb growled and reached out, pulling her into his arms.

  “I think that too many people are going to see you dressed like that, and it’ll inspire fantasies. I know what it’s doing for my libido.” Kevan smiled, her hands resting on his shoulders; she liked his possessiveness.

  “You’re a little prejudiced,” Kevan teased, giving him a quick kiss.

  “I’m more than a little prejudiced,” he declared, “but I still haven’t figured out why Niall is insisting we wear these get ups. We’ll indulge him for now. Fair warning, when we have more time, I’m so going to enjoy stripping those from you, you’ll see how prejudiced I really am,” he promised. “As much I would prefer that to what we are about to embark upon, we need to get moving, it’s almost time.”

  “Already?” Glancing at the clock beside the bed, it flashed 11:40 pm. “Wow, time really flies!” she announced, not wanting to admit to the worries plaguing her.

  Caleb took her hand, raised it to his lips, kissed the back of it before turning it over to kiss her palm, and then he brought it to rest over his heart. “Don’t be scared, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you or your sisters. Please trust that.”

  “I do,” she told him with complete conviction. “I know you’ll protect us, even when I don’t want or need you to. Our family history has made us very cautious, but I do trust you, not only with my life, but with the lives of my family.”

  “Hey, there is a risk taker in you, I like that. I promise to protect you and your family with my life.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, letting him pull her into his arms, giving in to what he really wanted, even if only for a moment, before the knock on the door interrupted them.

  “Hey lovebirds, get your rears in gear!” Kaitlyn yelled.

  “And reality comes knocking,” Caleb sighed. “Just so you know your sister’s timing really sucks.”

  Kevan smiled.