Read Citrine Page 33


  “I know Niall told us to dress in warrior mode, but don’t you think this is a little ridiculous?” Marcus growled. Kevan and Caleb joined the others in the hallway.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Kaitlyn piped up, “I could get used to seeing you dressed like this all the time. It certainly could prove to be quite inspirational,” she wiggled her eyebrows, making both Roderic and Caleb laugh. The look Marcus gave her was one that they weren’t sure how to interpret.

  “It would seem that Niall has a theme going. I just haven’t decided what it is exactly,” Eve stated.

  “I said biker chick,” Kevan told them.

  “No way, it’s totally Xena, Warrior Princess,” Kaitlyn exclaimed.

  “That’s it, totally!” Kevan shouted, giving Kaitlyn a high five. “I knew biker chick wasn’t right, but I never thought about Xena. Thank god, Kendra can’t see us now,” she exclaimed sending the girls into peals of laughter, as they recalled Kendra’s obsession with the TV show.

  “I don’t know Xena, but I certainly could get used to seeing you all dressed like that more often,” Kayne drawled, as he gave them the once over.

  “Not going to happen,” Kevan said with a shake of her head. “Leather pants and vest all the time, not my idea of comfortable, especially in the warm weather.”

  “Yes, that is one thing I appreciate about modern times, technology has a great many advantages,” Roderic stated.

  “Heat in the winter, air conditioning in the summer,” Caleb added.

  “Ladies, after you,” Roderic put on his chivalrous air, letting them move ahead, “We don’t want to keep Niall waiting.”

  “Smartass,” Caleb growled, watching Roderic play it up.

  The gasps were audible as they stepped into the transformed patio area. A small-bronzed fire pit stood in the middle of the clearing, and a fire blazed within. Around the base of the fire pit were branches of willow woven into what seemed to be a chain.

  Surrounding the outer edges of the patio were hundreds of candles flickering and dancing, competing with the moonlight. The beautiful glow of the area had a romantic feel to it, topped off by the sound of running water from the waterfall features on the edge of the patio. Caleb stared at the transformation of his patio before he looked to Niall.

  “Is this really necessary?” he questioned.

  “Yes,” was the abrupt answer they received. Niall motioned them over to where he was standing. He had changed into the same type of clothing, only his vest had an embroidered crest. Kevan couldn’t tell what it was from where she was standing. “We don’t have much time and I want to make sure this is all just right.”

  “You’re making this more complicated than need be,” Marcus stated.

  “It’s not complicated, but I haven’t performed a lot of spells, and I don’t want to screw up,” Niall explained, setting a bundle of sage on the flames. “Eve, come with me?” he asked, positioning her, followed by the other women, then the guys behind them by about a foot. Caleb noted that the compass points were covered. “Gentlemen, place your swords on the ground to your right.”

  Watching as they did as asked, staying quiet, he ran all the information through his head. He didn’t want the others to know that he was winging it, and the only experience he had with rituals came from his days at the royal court. Not having a lot of information regarding what was needed, he did what felt right.

  The wording of the spell was simple, and there wasn’t a sentient entity being called, so the risk seemed minimal, but a little reverence from participants was a focal point of concentration.

  Kevan watched Niall as he stormed around the patio. He was trying hard to project an image, but she could read his face and she could see his worry, and she touched his hand as he came close.

  “It’ll be okay,” she told him quietly.

  “What?” his surprise showing.

  “It’ll be okay,” she repeated, squeezing his hand. Niall nodded, carrying on, but Kevan could see the difference in him.

  A few minutes later, Niall picked up a small chest sitting on the table. His view of the eight imposing people standing around the fire settled him further. He opened the lid, reached in, and studied what he held, before approaching Kevan.

  “Ladies, I’m going to give each of you a stone. Please hold it in your right hand, and when I tell you to, I’d like you to join hands. Once you have joined hands, do not let go until I tell you, okay? This is very important for you to remember,” he warned all of them. “Gentlemen, stay behind the ladies, but do not touch them unless you’re told its okay. You’re their protectors, but touching them could cause a problem and we want to avoid problems.”

  “What kind of problems?” Caleb queried.

  “Gee, would you relax man, everything’s going to be fine,” Niall turned, not wanting them see his worry. “Just don’t interfere with the ceremony.”

  “Niall, get on with it,” Marcus ordered. “We will not interfere, they’re my men and they know how to do their jobs.”

  Niall approached Kevan and held out his hand. Kevan opened her palm. She looked down at the stone that Niall had handed her, her eyes widened with surprise.

  “Niall?” she gasped.

  “Brown for earth,” he explained, moving to Kaitlyn, Rhiannon and finally Eve, “orange for fire, blue for water and clear for air, the four elements of the earth surrounding the heart stone.”

  Niall withdrew the last stone. It was twice the size of the others, glistening red and reflecting the flames of the fire. He placed it on the ground under the fire pit.

  “One minute, Niall.”

  “Thank you, Catherine.”

  A hushed stillness settled over the patio as the women waited on his instructions.

  “Join hands.” With only the briefest hesitation, they linked their hands together. The pull of power surging within them caused Kevan to draw a sharp breath.

  She could feel the other three women, their heartbeats, and something else that was stirring. The stones had linked them together. Kaitlyn’s heartbeat was a half beat off her own, while Eve’s and Rhiannon’s were both strong and steady.

  A shiver of panic threatened to divide the women, each afraid for their own sense of control over something as intimate as their heartbeat.

  “Don’t break the link,” Niall reminded them, drawing a deep breath, affected by the panic the women released.

  Standing quietly, hands clasped together, power flowed freely through their bodies. Kevan sensed her fear draining away, and let go of the concept of sight and taste, focusing on the link between them, allowing her very center to become intoxicated with the power.

  Startled as Niall called out in a language they didn’t recognize, but as he spoke, they began to understand the words.

  “Guardians of the Earth, we call upon you;

  Elements of Life, we request your assistance;

  Fire, Water, Earth, Air,

  The corner stones of all magic,”

  Niall threw another bundle of sage on the flames.

  “Keepers of the Past, heed our call.

  “The time has come for the descendants of the past to be empowered, joined together, fulfilling prophecy. Descendants of the One wish to reclaim the knowledge of those who came before.” Niall paused as the night sky darkened, and thunder crashed around them as the air filled with the crackle of lightning flashing across the sky.

  “Guardians of earth, we command you, open a passage, allow knowledge between past and present,” Niall shouted.

  “We demand fulfillment of prophecy!”

  Niall’s voice crested to a climax, as the rumbling of thunder grew louder, rolling closer and finishing with a crash, shaking the ground as a flash of lightning struck the fire pit.

  The bolt split into four, as it danced through the earth, slamming into the women’s trembling bodies, forcing their heads back.

  Caleb reacted instinctively, reaching for K
evan, terrified.

  “No!” Niall shouted, “They’re fine.” He stepped closer. “Guardians of the Earth,” he shouted over the crash of thunder as the flashes of light zapped across the expanse of sky, surging without end. “Welcome your new daughters!” he finished.

  Another blinding flash of lightning slammed into the fire pit, splintering it in half, embedding into the ground, then rising up and capturing the women within in its power, making them glow. Swelling within them, it exploded from their hands and engulfed not only them, but all on the patio.

  Observing in amazement as more energy flowed through the ground and into the women, the men instinctively took a step back, feeling the static, but not the power so brilliantly displayed.

  “Niall!” Caleb shouted terrified Kevan was being hurt.

  “They’re fine!” Niall shouted, trying to sound assured.

  The energy surrounded them, crackling off the house and flagstone of the patio. Sharp smells of ozone and molten brass filled the air, mixing with the electricity washing over and through everything. The lightning didn’t let up, and continued to pour into the ground, and then up through the stones, surrounding the women in a weave of colours.

  “Niall, I don’t like this!” Caleb yelled, stepping towards Kevan.

  “No!” Niall shouted, but Caleb refused to listen. Kevan was in trouble and he had to help her.

  Ignoring Niall’s shout, he touched her shoulder, and in an instant the energy burst out, penetrating and surrounding everything. It was bathing them in a light so bright they closed their eyes, as it continued in its outward journey encompassing all that it encountered.

  The hum of raw power was deafening, and the pulsing vibrations that echoed through the atmosphere made every living thing surrounding them tingle, as if every nerve in the universe was on pins and needles. A surge of exploding power within a thunderous bang sent them flying, knocking them off their feet.

  Darkness and silence fell over the entire house, then the neighborhood, followed by the city. It was as if the world stood still for a moment, before returning to normal.

  Caleb came to first, quickly surging to his feet, checking for enemies with instincts born into his being from centuries of warring, but it was only for a moment. His concern turned to the woman lying so still on the ground only a few feet from him. Forgetting everything else, he was at her side, dropping to his knees.

  “Kevan?” he cried, taking her into his arms, terror racing through his body as he checked her pulse, releasing his breath when a strong steady beat came through his fingers, and intense relief swept over him. “Kevan?” he called out gently, stroking her cheek. “Kevan, wake up.” His heart leapt at the sound of her moan. “That’s it baby, come on, open your eyes, I want to see those beautiful hazel eyes.” His heart sang with a joyous beat when she opened her eyes and a weak smile touched her lips. Pulling her into his arms, holding her tight, closing his eyes, he thanked all the powers of the universe and beyond.

  “Can’t breathe!” she rasped. Caleb released her, looking into her face. “Eve, Kaitlyn?” she whispered. He looked over and saw that they were all coming around.

  “They’re fine,” he stated.

  Niall hurried over, concern on his face. “Kevan?” Niall questioned.

  Caleb reacted, punching his Prince. His anger and fear ripped through him, making him lash out at Niall. Only the bark of “halt!” From Marcus stopped his attack.

  “Stay away from us!” he shouted at Niall. “You could have killed us,” he accused him.

  “Caleb,” Niall tried to reason with him.

  “No,” Caleb raged on, “What the hell was that?”

  “Caleb,” Kevan’s voice grabbed his attention. “Stop,” she told him.

  “He could have killed you.”

  “You need to stop, Niall’s our friend. Think about what you’re saying. You know he’d never do anything to put us in harm’s way. Stop thinking with your emotions, use your head.”

  “Caleb!” Niall pleaded, “I would never …” Caleb waved him away.

  “I know, I know. Just give us a few minutes,” he told him. Niall nodded and backed away.

  “Be nice,” Kevan whispered to Caleb, “he’s worried too.”

  “He’s a grown man, he’ll deal,” Caleb growled. “I’m taking you upstairs.”

  “No you’re not; I need to see my sisters! He’s not the only one that has to deal with it,” she told him.

  “The guys are taking care of your sisters, they’re fine and I’m dealing,” he argued.

  “This would go a lot smoother if you wouldn’t argue with me every time I tell you I want to do something you don’t agree with. I’m just as stubborn as you, so let me check on everyone, and then we’ll go upstairs.”

  He muttered under his breath about stubborn women never listening.

  “Don’t pout, it doesn’t suit you,” Kevan informed him, getting to her feet with his help. “Kait?” she called, “Eve, Rhiannon?”

  “We’re all here, we’re okay. What about you?” Eve asked.

  “No broken bones, but one hell of headache,” Kevan sighed with relief. “You guys?”

  “The same,” they told her.

  “My gods, this is the worst hangover I’ve ever had,” Rhiannon moaned. “I shouldn’t be complaining, but I didn’t even get the fun of the drinking that would justify this,” she made them all laugh.

  “I think you all need some sleep,” Niall spoke up. “You’ll feel better with some rest.”

  Reluctantly they all agreed, and moved off slowly, leaving Niall alone on the patio. He collapsed into the nearest chair, rubbing his head, running the ritual in his head again.

  “Niall!” He looked at Kevan, as she stood in the doorway watching him.

  “Yes?” he asked her.

  “The sleep thing applies to you, too,” she pushed.

  “I will shortly.” Kevan walked over to him. Niall could see Caleb waiting for her just inside the doorway; Kevan took his hand pulling him to his feet.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Niall. I don’t know what happened, but I don’t think you did anything wrong, so stop beating yourself up. We’re all fine, let’s be thankful for that. We’ll figure out what happened tomorrow.” she informed him.

  “Let’s get some sleep and we’ll deal with the rest tomorrow,” Niall promised.

  “If you say so, but I’m not leaving until you head for bed.”

  “Okay, you win Kevan,” he admitted defeat and followed her into the house, “I’ll head for bed.”