Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 Page 16



  Just as I had sealed up the enclosed, comes a letter to my beloved, in acover to me, directed to Lord M.'s. From whom, thinkest thou?--From Mrs.Howe!

  And what the contents?

  How should I know, unless the dear creature had communicated them to me?But a very cruel letter I believe it is, by the effect it had upon her.The tears ran down her cheeks as she read it; and her colour changedseveral times. No end of her persecutions, I think!

  'What a cruelty in my fate!' said the sweet lamenter.--'Now the onlycomfort of my life must be given up!'

  Miss Howe's correspondence, no doubt.

  But should she be so much grieved at this? This correspondence wasprohibited before, and that, to the daughter, in the strongest terms:but yet carried on by both; although a brace of impeccables, an't pleaseye. Could they expect, that a mother would not vindicate her authority?--and finding her prohibition ineffectual with her perverse daughter, wasit not reasonable to suppose she would try what effect it would have uponher daughter's friend?--And now I believe the end will be effectuallyanswered: for my beloved, I dare say, will make a point of conscience ofit.

  I hate cruelty, especially in women; and should have been more concernedfor this instance of it in Mrs. Howe, had I not had a stronger instance ofthe same in my beloved to Miss Partington: For how did she know, sinceshe was so much afraid for herself, whom Dorcas might let in to thatinnocent and less watchful young lady? But nevertheless I must needsown, that I am not very sorry for this prohibition, let it originallycome from the Harlowes, or from whom it will; because I make no doubt,that it is owing to Miss Howe, in a great measure, that my beloved is somuch upon her guard, and thinks so hardly of me. And who can tell, ascharacters here are so tender, and some disguises so flimsy, whatconsequences might follow this undutiful correspondence?--I say,therefore, I am not sorry for it: now will she not have any body tocompare notes with: any body to alarm her: and I may be saved the guiltand disobligation of inspecting into a correspondence that has long mademe uneasy.

  How every thing works for me!--Why will this charming creature make suchcontrivances necessary, as will increase my trouble, and my guilt too, assome will account it? But why, rather I should ask, will she fightagainst her stars?