Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 5 Page 29



  It was now high time to acquaint my spouse, that Captain Tomlinson wascome. And the rather, as the maid told us, that the lady had asked herif such a gentleman [describing him] was not in the parlour?

  Mrs. Moore went up, and requested, in my name, that she would give usaudience.

  But she returned, reporting my beloved's desire, that Captain Tomlinsonwould excuse her for the present. She was very ill. Her spirits weretoo weak to enter into conversation with him; and she must lie down.

  I was vexed, and at first extremely disconcerted. The Captain was vexedtoo. And my concern, thou mayest believe, was the greater on hisaccount.

  She had been very much fatigued, I own. Her fits in the morning musthave disordered her: and she had carried her resentment so high, that itwas the less wonder she should find herself low, when her raised spiritshad subsided. Very low, I may say; if sinkings are proportioned torisings; for she had been lifted up above the standard of a commonmortal.

  The Captain, however, sent up his own name, that if he could be admittedto drink one dish of tea with her, he should take it for a favour: andwould go to town, and dispatch some necessary business, in order, ifpossible, to leave his morning free to attend her.

  But she pleaded a violent head-ache; and Mrs. Moore confirmed the plea tobe just.

  I would have had the Captain lodge there that night, as well incompliment to him, as introductory to my intention of entering myselfupon my new-taken apartment: but his hours were of too much importance tohim to stay the evening.

  It was indeed very inconvenient for him, he said, to return in themorning; but he is willing to do all in his power to heal this breach,and that as well for the sakes of me and my lady, as for that of his dearfriend Mr. John Harlowe; who must not know how far this misunderstandinghad gone. He would therefore only drink one dish of tea with the ladiesand me.

  And accordingly, after he had done so, and I had had a little privateconversation with him, he hurried away.

  His fellow had given him, in the interim, a high character to Mrs.Moore's servants: and this reported by the widow Bevis (who being noproud woman, is hail fellow well met, as the saying is, with all heraunt's servants) he was a fine gentleman, a discreet gentleman, a man ofsense and breeding, with them all: and it was pity, that, with such greatbusiness upon his hands, he should be obliged to come again.

  My life for your's, audibly whispered the widow Bevis, there is humour aswell as head-ache in somebody's declining to see this worthy gentleman.--Ah, Lord! how happy might some people be if they would!

  No perfect happiness in this world, said I, very gravely, and with asigh; for the widow must know that I heard her. If we have not realunhappiness, we can make it, even from the overflowings of our goodfortune.

  Very true, and very true, the two widows. A charming observation! Mrs.Bevis. Miss Rawlins smiled her assent to it; and I thought she called mein her heart charming man! for she professes to be a great admirer ofmoral observations.

  I had hardly taken leave of the Captain, and sat down again with thewomen, when Will. came; and calling me out, 'Sir, Sir,' said he, grinningwith a familiarity in his looks as if what he had to say entitled him totake liberties; 'I have got the fellow down!--I have got old Grimes--hah,hah, hah, hah!--He is at the Lower Flask--almost in the condition ofDavid's sow, and please your honour--[the dog himself not much better]here is his letter--from--from Miss Howe--ha, ha, ha, ha,' laughed thevarlet; holding it fast, as if to make conditions with me, and to excitemy praises, as well as my impatience.

  I could have knocked him down; but he would have his say out--'old Grimesknows not that I have the letter--I must get back to him before he missesit--I only make a pretence to go out for a few minutes--but--but'--andthen the dog laughed again--'he must stay--old Grimes must stay--till Igo back to pay the reckoning.'

  D--n the prater; grinning rascal! The letter! The letter!

  He gathered in his wide mothe, as he calls it, and gave me the letter;but with a strut, rather than a bow; and then sidled off like one ofwidow Sorlings's dunghill cocks, exulting after a great feat performed.And all the time that I was holding up the billet to the light, to try toget at its contents without breaking the seal, [for, dispatched in ahurry, it had no cover,] there stood he, laughing, shrugging, playing offhis legs; now stroking his shining chin, now turning his hat upon histhumb! then leering in my face, flourishing with his head--O Christ!now-and-then cried the rascal--

  What joy has this dog in mischief!--More than I can have in thecompletion of my most favourite purposes!--These fellows are ever happierthan their masters.

  I was once thinking to rumple up this billet till I had broken the seal.Young families [Miss Howe's is not an ancient one] love ostentatioussealings: and it might have been supposed to have been squeezed in piecesin old Grimes's breeches-pocket. But I was glad to be saved the guilt aswell as suspicion of having a hand in so dirty a trick; for thus much ofthe contents (enough for my purpose) I was enabled to scratch out incharacter without it; the folds depriving me only of a few connectingwords, which I have supplied between hooks.

  My Miss Harlowe, thou knowest, had before changed her name to MissLaetitia Beaumont. Another alias now, Jack, to it; for this billet wasdirected to her by the name of Mrs. Harriot Lucas. I have learned her tobe half a rogue, thou seest.

  'I congratulate you, my dear, with all my heart and soul, upon [yourescape] from the villain. [I long] for the particulars of all. [Mymother] is out; but, expecting her return every minute, I dispatched[your] messenger instantly. [I will endeavour to come at] Mrs. Townsendwithout loss of time; and will write at large in a day or two, if in thattime I can see her. [Mean time I] am excessively uneasy for a letter Isent you yesterday by Collins, [who must have left it at] Wilson's afteryou got away. [It is of very] great importance. [I hope the] villainhas it not. I would not for the world [that he should.] Immediatelysend for it, if, by doing so, the place you are at [will not be]discovered. If he has it, let me know it by some way [out of] hand. Ifnot, you need not send.

  'Ever, ever your's,'A.H.'June 9.'


  O Jack! what heart's-ease does this interception give me!--I sent therascal back with the letter to old Grimes, and charged him to drink nodeeper. He owned, that he was half-seas over, as he phrased it.

  Dog! said I, are you not to court one of Mrs. Moore's maids to-night?--

  Cry your mercy, Sir!--I will be sober.--I had forgot that--but old Grimesis plaguy tough, I thought I should never have got him down.

  Away, villain! Let old Grimes come, and on horseback too, to the door--

  He shall, and please your honour, if I can get him on the saddle, and ifhe can sit--

  And charge him not to have alighted, nor to have seen any body--

  Enough, Sir, familiarly nodding his head, to show he took me. And awaywent the villain--into the parlour, to the women, I.

  In a quarter of an hour came old Grimes on horseback, waving to hissaddle-bow, now on this side, now on that; his head, at others, joiningto that of his more sober beast.

  It looked very well to the women that I made no effort to speak to oldGrimes, (though I wished, before them, that I knew the contents of whathe brought;) but, on the contrary, desired that they would instantly letmy spouse know that her messenger was returned.

  Down she flew, violently as she had the head-ache!

  O how I prayed for an opportunity to be revenged of her for theungrateful trouble she had given to her uncle's friend!

  She took the letter from old Grimes with her own hands, and retired to aninner parlour to read it.

  She presently came out again to the fellow, who had much ado to sit hishorse--Here is your money, friend.--I thought you long: but what shall Ido to get somebody to go to town immediately for me? I see you cannot.

  Old Grimes took his money, let fall his hat in doffing it; had it givenhim, and rode away; his e
yes isinglass, and set in his head, as I sawthrough the window, and in a manner speechless--all his language hiccup.My dog needed not to have gone so deep with this tough old Grimes. Butthe rascal was in his kingdom with him.

  The lady applied to Mrs. Moore; she mattered not the price. Could a manand horse be engaged for her?--Only to go for a letter left for her, atone Mr. Wilson's, in Pall-mall.

  A poor neighbour was hired--a horse procured for him--he had hisdirections.

  In vain did I endeavour to engaged my beloved, when she was below. Herhead-ache, I suppose, returned.--She, like the rest of her sex, can beill or well when she pleases.

  I see her drift, thought I; it is to have all her lights from Miss Howebefore she resolves, and to take her measures accordingly.

  Up she went expressing great impatience about the letter she had sentfor; and desired Mrs. Moore to let her know if I offered to send any oneof my servants to town--to get at the letter, I suppose, was her fear;but she might have been quite easy on that head; and yet, perhaps, wouldnot, had she known that the worthy Captain Tomlinson, (who will be intown before her messenger,) will leave there the important letter, whichI hope will help to pacify her, and reconcile her to me.

  O Jack, Jack! thinkest thou that I will take all this roguish pains, andbe so often called villain for nothing?

  But yet, is it not taking pains to come at the finest creature in theworld, not for a transitory moment only, but for one of our lives! Thestruggle only, Whether I am to have her in my own way, or in her's?

  But now I know thou wilt be frightened out of thy wits for me--What,Lovelace! wouldest thou let her have a letter that will inevitably blowthee up; and blow up the mother, and all her nymphs!--yet not intend toreform, nor intend to marry?

  Patience, puppy!--Canst thou not trust thy master?