Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 5 Page 32



  I am come back from Mrs. Moore's, whither I went in order to attend mycharmer's commands. But no admittance--a very bad night.

  Doubtless she must be as much concerned that she has carried herresentments so very far, as I have reason to be that I made such poor useof the opportunity I had on Wednesday night.

  But now, Jack, for a brief review of my present situation; and a slighthint or two of my precautions.

  I have seen the women this morning, and find them half-right, half-doubting.

  Miss Rawlins's brother tells her, that she lives at Mrs. Moore's.

  Mrs. Moore can do nothing without Miss Rawlins.

  People who keep lodgings at public places expect to get by every one whocomes into their purlieus. Though not permitted to lodge there myself, Ihave engaged all the rooms she has to spare, to the very garrets; andthat, as I have told thee before, for a month certain, and at her ownprice, board included; my spouse's and all: but she must not at presentknow it. So I hope I have Mrs. Moore fast by the interest.

  This, devil-like, is suiting temptations to inclinations.

  I have always observed, and, I believe, I have hinted as much formerly,*that all dealers, though but for pins, may be taken in by customers forpins, sooner than by a direct bribe of ten times the value; especially ifpretenders to conscience: for the offer of a bribe would not only giveroom for suspicion, but would startle and alarm their scrupulousness;while a high price paid for what you buy, is but submitting to be cheatedin the method of the person makes a profession to get by. Have I notsaid that human nature is a rogue?**--And do not I know that it is?

  * See Vol. III. Letter XXXIV.** See Vol. III. Letter XXXV. and Vol. IV. Letter XXI.

  To give a higher instance, how many proud senators, in the year 1720,were induced, by presents or subscription of South-sea stock, tocontribute to a scheme big with national ruin; who yet would have spurnedthe man who should have presumed to offer them even twice the sum certainthat they had a chance to gain by the stock?--But to return to my reviewand to my precautions.

  Miss Rawlins fluctuates, as she hears the lady's story, or as she hearsmine. Somewhat of an infidel, I doubt, is this Miss Rawlins. I have notyet considered her foible. The next time I see her, I will takeparticular notice of all the moles and freckles in her mind; and theninfer and apply.

  The widow Bevis, as I have told thee, is all my own.

  My man Will. lies in the house. My other new fellow attends upon me; andcannot therefore be quite stupid.

  Already is Will. over head and ears in love with one of Mrs. Moore'smaids. He was struck with her the moment he set his eyes upon her. Araw country wench too. But all women, from the countess to the cook-maid, are put into high good humour with themselves when a man is takenwith them at first sight. Be they ever so plain [no woman can be ugly,Jack!] they'll find twenty good reasons, besides the great one (forsake's sake) by the help of the glass without (and perhaps in spite ofit) and conceit within, to justify the honest fellow's caption.

  'The rogue has saved 150L. in my service.'--More by 50 than I bid himsave. No doubt, he thinks he might have done so; though I believe notworth a groat. 'The best of masters I--passionate, indeed; but soonappeased.'

  The wench is extremely kind to him already. The other maid is also verycivil to him. He has a husband for her in his eye. She cannot but say,that Mr. Andrew, my other servant [the girl is for fixing the person] isa very well spoken civil young man.

  'We common folks have our joys, and please your honour, says honestJoseph Leman, like as our betters have.'* And true says honest Joseph--did I prefer ease to difficulty, I should envy these low-born sinnerssome of their joys.

  * See Vol. III. Letter XLVII.

  But if Will. had not made amorous pretensions to the wenches, we allknow, that servants, united in one common compare-note cause, areintimate the moment they see one another--great genealogists too; theyknow immediately the whole kin and kin's kin of each other, thoughdispersed over the three kingdoms, as well as the genealogies and kin'skin of those whom they serve.

  But my precautions end not here.

  O Jack, with such an invention, what occasion had I to carry my belovedto Mrs. Sinclair's?

  My spouse may have farther occasion for the messengers whom shedispatched, one to Miss Howe, the other to Wilson's. With one of theseWill. is already well-acquainted, as thou hast heard--to mingle liquoris to mingle souls with these fellows; with the other messenger he willsoon be acquainted, if he be not already.

  The Captain's servant has his uses and instructions assigned him. I havehinted at some of them already.* He also serves a most humane andconsiderate master. I love to make every body respected to my power.

  * See Letter XXIX. of this volume.

  The post, general and penny, will be strictly watched likewise.

  Miss Howe's Collins is remembered to be described. Miss Howe's andHickman's liveries also.

  James Harlowe and Singleton are warned against. I am to be acquaintedwith any inquiry that shall happen to be made after my spouse, whether byher married or maiden name, before she shall be told of it--and this thatI may have it in my power to prevent mischief.

  I have ordered Mowbray and Tourville (and Belton, if his health permit)to take their quarters at Hampstead for a week, with their fellows toattend them. I spare thee for the present, because of thy privateconcerns. But hold thyself in cheerful readiness, however, as a mark ofthy allegiance.

  As to my spouse herself, has she not reason to be pleased with me forhaving permitted her to receive Miss Howe's letter from Wilson's? Aplain case, either that I am no deep plotter, or that I have no fartherviews than to make my peace with her for an offence so slight and soaccidental.

  Miss Howe says, though prefaced with an alas! that her charming friendloves me: she must therefore yearn after this reconciliation--prospectsso fair--if she showed me any compassion; seemed inclinable to spareme, and to make the most favourable construction: I cannot but say, thatit would be impossible not to show her some. But, to be insulted anddefied by a rebel in one's power, what prince can bear that?

  But I must return to the scene of action. I must keep the women steady.I had no opportunity to talk to my worthy Mrs. Bevis in private.

  Tomlinson, a dog, not come yet!