Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 5 Page 33



  Miss Rawlins at her brothers; Mrs. Moore engaged in household matters;widow Bevis dressing; I have nothing to do but write. This cursedTomlinson not yet arrived!--Nothing to be done without him.

  I think he shall complain in pretty high language of the treatment he metwith yesterday. 'What are our affairs to him? He can have no view butto serve us. Cruel to send back to town, un-audienced, unseen, a man ofhis business and importance. He never stirs a-foot, but something ofconsequence depends upon his movements. A confounded thing to triflethus humoursomely with such a gentleman's moments!--These women think,that all the business of the world must stand still for their figaries[a good female word, Jack!] the greatest triflers in the creation, tofancy themselves the most important beings in it--marry come up! as Ihave heard goody Sorlings say to her servants, when she has rated at themwith mingled anger and disdain.'

  After all, methinks I want those tostications [thou seest how women, andwomen's words, fill my mind] to be over, happily over, that I may sitdown quietly, and reflect upon the dangers I have passed through, and thetroubles I have undergone. I have a reflecting mind, as thou knowest;but the very word reflecting implies all got over.

  What briars and thorns does the wretch rush into (a scratched face andtattered garments the unavoidable consequence) who will needs be forstriking out a new path through overgrown underwood; quitting that beatenout for him by those who have travelled the same road before him!


  A visit from the widow Bevis, in my own apartment. She tells me, that myspouse had thoughts last night, after I was gone to my lodgings, ofremoving from Mrs. Moore's.

  I almost wish she had attempted to do so.

  Miss Rawlins, it seems, who was applied to upon it, dissuaded her fromit.

  Mrs. Moore also, though she did not own that Will. lay in the house, (orrather set up in it, courting,) set before her the difficulties, which,in her opinion, she would have to get clear off, without my knowledge;assuring her, that she could be no where more safe than with her, tillshe had fixed whither to go. And the lady herself recollected, that ifshe went, she might miss the expected letter from her dear friend MissHowe! which, as she owned, was to direct her future steps.

  She must also surely have some curiosity to know what her uncle's friendhad to say to her from her uncle, contemptuously as she yesterday treateda man of his importance. Nor could she, I should think, be absolutelydetermined to put herself out of the way of receiving the visits of twoof the principal ladies of my family, and to break entirely with me inthe face of them all.--Besides, whither could she have gone?--Moreover,Miss Howe's letter coming (after her elopement) so safely to her hands,must surely put her into a more confiding temper with me, and with everyone else, though she would not immediately own it.

  But these good folks have so little charity!--Are such severe censurers!--Yet who is absolutely perfect?--It were to be wished, however, thatthey would be so modest as to doubt themselves sometimes: then would theyallow for others, as others (excellent as they imagine themselves to be)must for them.


  Tomlinson at last is come. Forced to ride five miles about (though Ishall impute his delay to great and important business) to avoid thesight of two or three impertinent rascals, who, little thinking whoseaffairs he was employed in, wanted to obtrude themselves upon him. Ithink I will make this fellow easy, if he behave to my liking in thisaffair.

  I sent up the moment he came.

  She desired to be excused receiving his visit till four this afternoon.

  Intolerable!--No consideration!--None at all in this sex, when theircursed humours are in the way!--Pay-day, pay-hour, rather, will come!--Oh! that it were to be the next!

  The Captain is in a pet. Who can blame him? Even the women think a manof his consequence, and generously coming to serve us, hardly used.Would to heaven she had attempted to get off last night! The women notmy enemies, who knows but the husband's exerted authority might have metwith such connivance, as might have concluded either in carrying her backto her former lodgings, or in consummation at Mrs. Moore's, in spite ofexclamations, fits, and the rest of the female obsecrations?

  My beloved has not appeared to any body this day, except to Mrs. Moore.Is, it seems, extremely low: unfit for the interesting conversation thatis to be held in the afternoon. Longs to hear from her dear friend MissHowe--yet cannot expect a letter for a day or two. Has a bad opinion ofall mankind.--No wonder!--Excellent creature as she is! with such afather, such uncles, such a brother, as she has!

  How does she look?

  Better than could be expected from yesterday's fatigue, and last night'sill rest.

  These tender doves know not, till put to it, what they can bear;especially when engaged in love affairs; and their attention whollyengrossed. But the sex love busy scenes. Still life is their aversion.A woman will create a storm, rather than be without one. So that theycan preside in the whirlwind, and direct it, they are happy.--But mybeloved's misfortune is, that she must live in tumult; yet neither raisethem herself, nor be able to controul them.