Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 8 Page 36




  The generosity of your purpose would have commanded not only my notice,but my thanks, although you had not given me the alternative you arepleased to call artful. And I do therefore give you my thanks for yourkind letter.

  At the time you distinguished me by your favourable opinion, I told you,Sir, that my choice was the single life. And most truly did I tell youso.

  When that was not permitted me, and I looked round upon the severalgentlemen who had been proposed to me, and had reason to believe thatthere was not one of them against whose morals or principles there laynot some exception, it would not have been much to be wondered at, ifFANCY had been allowed to give a preference, where JUDGMENT was at a lossto determine.

  Far be it from me to say this with a design to upbraid you, Sir, or toreflect upon you. I always wished you well. You had reason to think Idid. You had the generosity to be pleased with the frankness of mybehaviour to you; as I had with that of your's to me; and I am sorry,very sorry, to be now told, that the acquaintance you obliged me withgave you so much pain.

  Had the option I have mentioned been allowed me afterwards, (as I notonly wished, but proposed,) things had not happened that did happen. Butthere was a kind of fatality by which our whole family was impelled, as Imay say; and which none of us were permitted to avoid. But this is asubject that cannot be dwelt upon.

  As matters are, I have only to wish, for your own sake, that you willencourage and cultivate those good motions in your mind, to which manypassages in your kind and generous letter now before me must be owing.Depend upon it, Sir, that such motions, wrought into habit, will yieldyou pleasure at a time when nothing else can; and at present, shining outin your actions and conversation, will commend you to the worthiest ofour sex. For, Sir, the man who is so good upon choice, as well as byeducation, has that quality in himself, which ennobles the human race,and without which the most dignified by birth or rank or ignoble.

  As to the resolution you solemnly make not to marry while I live, Ishould be concerned at it, were I not morally sure that you may keep it,and yet not be detrimented by it: since a few, a very few days, willconvince you, that I am got above all human dependence; and that there isno need of that protection and favour, which you so generously offer to,Sir,

  Your obliged well-wisher, and humble servant,CL. HARLOWE.