Read Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 9 Page 8



  I have no opportunity to write at length, having necessary orders to giveon the melancholy occasion. Joel, who got to me by six in the morning,and whom I dispatched instantly back with the letter I had ready fromlast night, gives me but an indifferent account of the state of yourmind. I wonder not at it; but time (and nothing else can) will make iteasier to you: if (that is to say) you have compounded with yourconscience; else it may be heavier every day than other.


  Tourville tells us what a way you are in. I hope you will not think ofcoming hither. The lady in her will desires you may not see her. Fourcopies are making of it. It is a long one; for she gives her reasons forall she wills. I will write to you more particularly as soon as possiblyI can.


  Three letters are just brought by a servant in livery, directed To MissClarissa Harlowe. I will send copies of them to you. The contents areenough to make one mad. How would this poor lady have rejoiced toreceive them!--And yet, if she had, she would not have been enabled tosay, as she nobly did,* That God would not let her depend for comfortupon any but Himself.--And indeed for some days past she had seemed tohave got above all worldly considerations.--Her fervent love, even forher Miss Howe, as she acknowledged, having given way to supremerfervours.**

  * See Letter I. of this volume.** See Vol. VIII. Letter LXII.