Read Closer-Part Two Page 1


  Part Two

  Written by Kam Carr

  Table of Contents


  Chapter one

  Chapter two

  Chapter three

  Chapter four

  Chapter five

  Chapter six

  Chapter seven


  Kam Carr holds all copy rights to this book published 2013. closer part two 1st Edition Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Cover Art and Design by Kam carr This book is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locations are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity, and are used fictitiously. All other characters, and all incidents and dialogue, are drawn from the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, either by electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is for a reviewer who may quote brief passages in the review. This publication is presented to you for informational purposes only and is not a substitution for any professional advice. Kam Carr (2013-08-16). Closer Part two


  He hit the floor with a thud, the darkness was closing in and his arms hugged his stomach to try to ease the pain. For days now he had been feeling egdy and distracted. This was meant to be one of the happiest times of his life; now he was laid on the floor wiggling around in angonizing pain.

  He heard her run for the phone and start yelling. Her voice full of distress and concern, he could make out she was crying and suddenly felt guilty thinking he was able to combat this thing. He had been fooling himself all along, he couldn't change himself and he could never block anything out.

  He stopped moving and his eyes shut tight. The sound of his own heart giving him piece of mind that this thing hadn't killed him off yet. His lips felt warm and the sweet taste filled his mouth.

  “Suck!” She screamed.

  On command he did, the sweet nectar filling his mouth and slipping down the back of his throat. He managed to lift his hand and wrap it round her wrist. Gripping tightly, he couldn't let this go away. This was his lifeline, the pain in his stomach was easing and a charge flew through his body.

  His eyes flung open and there she was... Right by his side.….

  Chapter One

  “Dante?” Tammy looked at him, she was confused with what was going on. She watched as he gracefully walked over to her grandmother and leaned over kissing her on her forehead. “What is going on?”

  Dante raised back up and shook his head, he didn't reply just walked out of the room. Her Grandmother screamed after him, she was now crying. Tammy rushed to her Grandmother's side and tried to calm her down. What was all that about? Why would she think Dante was this Angus bloke? Watching her grandmother cry set her off.

  “Who is Angus, Gran?” she begged. “Tell me?” Tammy waited, but her Granmother just closed her eyes. She took in a deep breath and raced out of the room and downstairs.

  There Dante was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, he looked like he was posing for Vogue. Tammy stared at him, he looked calm and controlled. Tammy hated his attitude sometimes.

  “What was that about?” She asked, as she stepped off the last step.

  His head turned in her direction and he smiled, she could tell it was fake. “Nothing, I was doing what you asked me to do?” His voice low.

  “Really?” Now Tammy folded her arms. “Who is Angus?”

  Dante shrugged. “No idea!” His voice like ice and his eyes not once looking at her. After everything else from today, he really didn't need this on top of it all.

  “You called her Edwina?” Tammy clentched her jaw tight, he was lying, she knew that. She looked down at her left hand-- No ring! And she hadn't sighed his stupid contract. Right now she was free, free of him and his family.

  She looked back up to his beautiful face, he was lying to her. This honest man, who had confessed all his dark secrets and trusted her. He knew exactly who Angus was, why wasn't he telling her?

  “Dante...” she hushed. “Please, don't start lying to me now.”

  He stood up straight and shook his head. “Just don't!” He replied firmly. “I don't need the whole guilt trip rubbish. I'm leaving.. You coming?”

  “You really have to ask?”

  Dante rolled his eyes and headed outside to the car. Tammy stood for a moment weighing up the situation. Something had happened upstairs and she knew she hadn't day dreamed it. Dante knew who this Angus was.. Why wouldn't he tell?

  The more she thought about it the more it hurt that he was keeping something from her. She had to go with him, once in Ashville Manor he would surely tell her.

  Dante got into the back of the car and placed his head in his hands. Was this real? Had he just witnessed that? Everything felt surreal, he always knew something drew him to Tammy but he had never thought about this reason.

  “Something wrong, Dante?” His father asked, Dante hadn't even realized his father was sat in the car.

  “Believe me” Dante laughed. “If I told you, you wouldn't believe it yourself.” He rested his head on the back of the seat and let out a deep breath.

  “I think I know” his father replied, softly. “Tammy's Grandmother?”

  “You know?” Dante's eyes widened. “Why didn't you say anything?” His fist clentched, he really wanted to hit something. He had been lied to by his own father.

  “It wasn't anything important. There was no need for you to know... Have you told Tammy?”

  “No! She would freak out again... Like she did with the contract -- which by the way I am destroying.” The car door opened and Tammy got in, Dante gave a little breath of relief. She had decided to come home with him.

  He had a little idea why; her thirst for information was probably her drive behind it. She didn't speak, just looked down at her hands. Dante had a funny feeling the horrid day he was having wasn't over yet.

  They both trailed behind Sir Renaldo as they entered the open hallway. Sir Renaldo put his keys down and turned to face them both. Neither of them looking at one another and both with their arms folded.

  “Okay,” he smiled, Tammy could Sir Renaldo could feel the tension between them. “I'll go, I have some work to do in my office.” He quickly disappeared, Tammy was glad. Maybe now they were alone Dante would stop being childish and tell her.

  “Hungry?” He didn't wait for Tammy to reply, he just strolled off into kitchen.

  Tammy pressed her lips tightly together, he was doing that thing again! Tammy took in a deep breath and followed behind. She stood in the doorway and watched as he gracefully moved around from checking the cupbroads to the fridge. “Well???”

  “We haven't got much in” he held a loaf of bread. “Sandwich do?”

  “Will you just stop!” She yelled, surprising herself with the tone of her voice. “I am not hungry.”

  Dante raised a perfect eyebrow and a slight smile hit his lips. “Looks like I am not the only one with a temper!”

  “Tell me!” She demanded. “Tell me why you said that to my Grandmother.”

  Dante slammed the bread down on the counter and glared at Tammy. “Fine!” He growled. “You want to know...Come!” He headed back in her direction, grabbed her wrist and dragged her along with him. “Your leave this time!” He snapped, quickly looking over his shoulder. He came to a door and opened it.. It was the banquet hall. “I won't blame you!”

  They stopped and he released her arm. “There!” He pointed to portrait of a man with shoulder length black hair, sculptured nose and cheeks. His eyes a striking green that caught your attention immediately, dressed in a ruby colou
red jacket and standing as if he owned the world.

  This was the same portrait that had caught Tammy's attention the last time she was here. Although, last time it reminded her of the perfect stranger that had walked in and out of the book shop. She just stared at him, fascinated once again.

  “The perfect stranger!” She didn't even realize she had said it out loud. She looked over at Dante, she had caught his attention. “That's what I called you when you walked into the book shop.” Dante's expression softened and Tammy's own eyes went back to the portrait.

  “The minute I walked in here.. It caught my attention, it was as if the portrait sucked me in.” She gave a little smile as she remembered and felt her cheeks blush. “He looks like you and it gave me a little hope that maybe you would be here.”

  “Perfect stranger?” Dante laughed, he was far from perfect. “He is my uncle” he swallowed hard. Telling her this was harder than anything else he had explained. “Look at me please, Tammy.” Tammy slowly looked at him, his eyes staring at the floor and his hands in his hair. “You remember the story my mother told you about my uncle who committed suicide?”

  Tammy nodded.

  Dante rubbed his brow, he couldn't make eye-contact while he told her. “Well...” He paused again and started shaking his head. Why couldn't he get the words out? “Fuck!” He yelled at the top of his voice. He should of never had gone to Tammy's parents tonight, after their argument today he was so sure she was going to leave him. This was worse than him being a vampire or that dumb contract.

  Tammy didn't like what she was seeing, this was something that bothered him. But what? She reached out for his hand. “What ever it is...” her voice light. “I promise I will not leave you, Dante.”

  “Promise?” She nodded and he let out a deep breath. His eyes slowly looking back up at the portrait. “This is my Uncle Angus...”

  “So, my grandmother knew your uncle” Tammy said with relief, why had that been such a big deal? “What is wrong with that?”

  “No, Tammy, you don't understand... Your Grandmother was his Black Swan, she was the one who gave birth to the still born baby.....”

  Chapter Two

  “What?” Tammy squealed, this couldn't be true, there was some misunderstanding. “Surely no.. Please tell me you are joking!”

  “I always knew there was something else that drew me to you. When I saw you in the book shop I knew you looked familiar and now I know why.” Her gave a heartily smile. “You look the same as your grandmother.”

  “How do you know what my grandmother looked like?” She snarled and folded her arms. This wasn't happening. Then it all clicked, she had known about Dante awakening.. She had tried to warn her but couldn't tell Tammy anymore... God, her Granmother was once where Tammy was today! She felt her legs go weak and fell on to the floor in a hemp.

  “I have seen photos” Dante had suddenly come down to her level. “Will you say something … Please.”

  “Huh!” Tammy couldn't talk, she couldn't move.. She was in the utter most state of shock. Her heart was beating fast and the palms of hands were sweating. She was having an out of body experience This couldn't be happening? Surely, it couldn't get anymore bizarre?? Her own grandmother once married to the man's she loved uncle...

  “Can't you see this is fate?” Deep in his heart he knew he was destining to be with Tammy and everything now made sense to him. He took a quick glance at her, she was distraught and he could understand why. He had felt exactly the same when he awoken, learning that your family wasn't actually who you thought they were.

  “Fate?” Tammy laughed. “Don't you think this is sick?” A lump stuck in her throat making her flinch.

  “How? Yeah, they had a baby... The baby died.. She went on to have your mother and then you... Are my feelings for you sick?”

  “What feelings?” Tammy looked over at Dante, his mouth turned down at the sides, his eyes full of sadness. She knew she had feelings for him, but she hadn't thought for one second he would be the first one to confess. Was this fate? Maybe an hour ago she would of believed so, but now? Her head was in a mess and nothing she could do would clear it.

  “I love you” Dante mumbled, Tammy froze again. He loved her?

  “You... Love … Me?” She said it out loud, her brian couldn't register what he had just told her.

  Dante looked away, he had never felt so exposed. “Guess I do,” a smile hint his lips. He did, he truly did. “I do... Tammy, I love you.” Tammy remained still and quiet. Had he just done the wrong thing? Was this not the right time? When was the right time?

  “She warned me” Tammy sighed. Dante looked at her confused, was she now blatantly ignoring what he had told her. “What are we going to do?” Tammy's eyes filled with tears, she loved him back. In fact, probably more so now.

  “It's history, Tammy” he whispered. “Me and you are good together. I enjoy spending all my time with you. You get me like no one else does. We have a connection and I will do everything in my power to keep you.”

  Tammy gasped, she knew he meant every word. Tammy moved closer to him, he was right it was history-- history only they would ever know! If he wanted her then he would have her forever. Tammy wrapped her arms around Dante's strong neck and fell onto his chest. His scent and his fingers playing in her hair. How could she give him up?

  She looked up at him through her eyelashes, his dark eyes looking down at her. “I love you too.”


  Dante tucked Tammy into bed and laid down beside, it had been a long emotional day. Twice he thought he had lost her, but yet she was still here. They laid facing each other, he took in her beautiful face and finally felt relief. He never thought he would love her like this, everything about her dragged him in.

  He looked down at her left hand, she wasn't exactly his yet. He hadn't fully processed her quite yet. That was the next thing to do, he didn't care what others thought. She was going to be his, maybe next week, next month, he wasn't sure but it would happen soon.

  “What are you thinking about?” Tammy smiled, her hands locking with his.

  “When I am going to get down on one knee and propose” he smiled back bringing her hand up to his lips. He watched her cheeks blush, how he loved that. “After all that is what you wanted” he placed a kiss on her hand.

  Tammy loved the way his soft lips felt against her skin. “The whole going down on one knee thing?” She teased. “I didn't think that was your style.”

  “Oh my dear Tammy, you have no idea what my style is” he raised an eyebrow in a suggestive manner. “You look really tired” he let go of her hand. “You should sleep.”

  “No!” Tammy cried, grabbing hold of Dante as he attempted to move off the bed. “Stay with me tonight.. please!”

  Dante tilted his head to the side. “If I stay, you won't sleep and we will end up talking all night.”

  “Not if you...” Her eyes locked with his, that feeling began just like before. She felt something being taken away from her and her eyes became heavy. “Hold me all night, please” she yawned and suddenly everything went black.


  The sun flooded through the bedroom window and Tammy began to wake up. Dante had practically watched her sleep all night, he was afraid to let her go or sleep himself in case he woke up and she was gone.

  Her tiny body laying in his arms was the best feeling in the world, every now and then during the night he had given into the urge to kiss her soft lips.

  “Morning,” she smiled as her eyes fell on Dante. He surely was a mesmerizing sight to wake up too. Even with bed head he was unbelieveably handsome and he loved her. He wanted her to be his wife. Tammy could feel herself go giddy. On the other hand, she had so much more to learn about his lifestyle.

  “Morning,” his eyes brightly staring down at her. “I'm going to head downstairs.. you better wait a few seconds” he gave a wink. “Don't want my parents getting the wrong idea.” Tammy watched as he walked out of the room.
  She stretched out, last night was the best night's sleep she'd had since coming here. Then that contract filled her mind. She didn't want to sign, but if she was going to stick this out she didn't think she had much of a choice. She pulled back the covers and her feet hit the soft cream carpet. How life had changed in such a short amount of time.

  The life she had once lived seemed like a distant memory. She still missed the bookshop, she wondered if there was a chance she could go back to work, like she would even tell anyone about Dante, after all she would be exposing her Grandmother's secret too if she was to tell anyone.

  Tammy shook her head, she wouldn't tell anyone anyway. She was devoted to Dante and would never think of hurting him or his family.

  Tammy walked into the bathroom and began to run the bath. It had been a while since she'd had the time to relax, from now on she wasn't going to let anything about Dante's life freak her out. She was going to be strong and not allow anything to make him think she was about to leave him.

  She couldn't leave him anyway, her feelings for him had seemed to of grown over night. She wanted to be the perfect wife to him, she probably couldn't live up to his mother, she would give it a good try.

  Tammy felt refreshed after her bath and headed towards the kitchen as she grew closer she could hear voices.

  “Tammy is not signing anything” Dante's voice boomed with a hint of annoyance. “So, just stop going on about it.”