Read Closer-Part Two Page 2

  “You can not be serious” his father yelled back. “This is not only for you it protects everyone. Your mother sighed it, why should things be different for Tammy?”

  Tammy looked down at her feet, she really didn't want to be trouble and she had never refused to sigh it, Dante had come up with this all on his own.

  He really did love and trust her, he was willing to get rid of the contract for her. Tammy's stomach flipped over, what had she done to deserve a man like Dante? Even though he was a vampire nothing about it scared her. In fact, she was in awe of him.

  “Tammy?” Dante asked, walking out of the kitchen. She had been so lost in her thoughts she had forgotten to move. “Why you standing there?” His hand reached out and he moved a strand of hair away from her face. “Did you hear what me and my father were talking about?”

  “Yes” her voice small. “I'll sign the contract if that is what your father wants.”

  Dante let out a little sigh and grabbed hold of Tammy's hand leading her into the kitchen. Sir Renaldo looked at Tammy, she gave a little smile which he returned. Telling by his expression he knew Tammy had been stood outside listening. Dante pulled out a chair for Tammy and she sat down. He moved away and quickly returned with the breakfast special, bowl, box of cereal and milk.

  “Eat!” He demanded and took the chair next to her. “I was thinking,” he began, happy that Tammy was sorting out her breakfast. “Could me and Tammy borrow the penthouse in London?”

  Sir Renaldo looked over the top of his newspaper. “Why?”

  “Well,” Dante gave Tammy the smile and once again she thought she was going to choke on what was in her mouth. “I thought it would be nice to get away--- just us.”

  “I don't think your mother would approve, Dante” Sir Renaldo folded up his paper and Tammy was now wishing she was invisable. “Your mother almost had a heart attack when she found out where you slept last night.” Sir Renaldo's eyebrow rose and Tammy's cheeks flushed bright red.

  “We didn't have sex!” Dante snapped. “I want to take Tammy away and make a grand gestured of something.” He stared at his father, hoping the light would come on in his head. Finally, it must of clicked as his father gave the biggest smile he had seen in a while.

  Tammy sat looking from one to the other, completely confused about what was going on. She looked back down at her cereal and carried on eating. Must be vampire thing, she thought to herself.


  “Okay, I will clear it with your mother. If you will excuse me.” With that he left the room leaving Tammy and Dante alone.

  “What was that about?” Tammy asked.

  “Just a little something my mother will approve of” he laughed. “What do you want to do today?”

  Tammy looked up into his dark eyes and almost combusted from the look he was giving her. “I want you to show me the photos of my grandmother. Then I will sign the contract not for you but for your father.”

  “There is no need” Dante's expression fell and his tone hardened. “I trust you.”

  Tammy gripped hold of his hand. “I know you do, but please, me signing this contract will give your father peace of mind.” She gave the girly smile.

  He tilted his head to the side, how could she win him over with that smile. “Fine!” He scowled. “If this what you want.” He couldn't wait for the London trip, Tammy was going to be swept away.


  “She does look like me” Tammy smiled, as she laid on her belly flicking through a photo album Dante had brought to her. Dante laid next to her, his head resting on his eyebrows and his eyes not moving away from Tammy.

  Tammy eyes were fixated on the photo of her Granmother stood smiling, her arm linked with Dante's uncle. They both looked very much in love. Tammy ran her finger over her Gran's face.

  “You said Black Swan last night?”

  Dante gave a little laugh, it had been a while since Tammy had asked a question and it was very much welcomed. He had missed quenching her thirst. “Black Swan is what we call our donors.”

  Tammy's moved away from the photo and at Dante, she wanted to hear everything. Get lost in his mysterious world, which was soon becoming hers too.

  “We choose to treat our Black Swans with nothing but respect and care. They are our life line and we don't want anything to hurt them and scare them away.” His lips curled up in a amused manner. “You could say.. You would become my most precious possesion.”

  Dante was interrupted by a knock on the door, the pair of them turned to find Sir Renaldo standing in the doorway, for a second Tammy held her breath and her heart began to beat fast with fear. Gran?

  “Tammy, you have a visitor waiting for you in the hall?” Tammy felt her jaw drop open in shock. Who would be coming to visit her, she turned to look at Dante who was still smiling in his special way.

  “Go and see who it is” he urged her on. “I'll wait here for you.”

  Tammy climbed off the bed and followed Sir Renaldo down the stairs. Standing in the middle of the hall, gazing around taking in the beauty of the place was her friend Jenna.

  She hadn't spoken to Jenna in at least two weeks and that was only by phone. Jenna finally looked at Tammy and gave a big friendly smile. She had a slight tan, then Tammy remembered why they hadn't spoken. Jenna had just come back from her honeymoon.

  “Tammy,” her voice sounded excited and she gave a little clap. Tammy took the last step and Jenna was right next to her, hugging her hard that Tammy couldn't breathe.

  “Jenna,” she managed to pull away. “What are you doing here?”

  Jenna folded her arms. Tammy suddenly became aware that Sir Renaldo was still standing on the stairway. She quickly linked arms with Jenna and escorted her outside.

  Jenna removed her arms from Tammy's grip and flicked her long blonde hair. Tammy could tell Jenna was on the prowl for some gossip.

  “What am I doing here?” She scowled. “Explain what you are doing here?” Once again Jenna crossed her arms. “I went to go and see you at the book shop and Mrs Waters told me you had moved in with the freaks.”

  “They are not freaks!” Tammy protested.

  Jenna raised an eyebrow and her bright blue eyes widened. “Really? Diana Lewis said she got invited some party here. She saw you here and said she hasn't seen you since.”

  Tammy shrugged. “I have been busy.”

  “Not working as Mrs Waters said she hasn't seen you in a week.” She squared her shoulders and stood up straight. “Spill, what is going on?”

  “It's my fault,” Dante stepped outside, he had been listening and decided Tammy needed some help. He looked at Jenna, every inch of her screamed spoilt brat. Obviously, she thought she was above Tammy.

  Dante's arms reached Tammy's waist and he pulled her into him. “Your right we did have a party and I had the pleasure of being introduce to Tammy.” he placed a kiss on Tammy's cheek.

  Jenna's jaw dropped open. “You mean you have a boyfriend, Tammy?”

  Tammy narrowed her eyes, was it unbeliveable that she could actually meet someone.

  Jenna rubbed her forehead, trying to get to grips with what she was seeing. “It's just you said you didn't want to settle down. What's with the suddenly change?”

  Tammy let out a little sigh, of course Jenna would be concerned. How many times had she drummed it into Jenna's head that she wasn't interested in men. Then Jenna goes away for two weeks and comes home to discover Tammy with someone. Even in Jenna's defence, Tammy would be asking questions too. Probably more than Jenna was asking. Tammy thought about her response without giving anything away.

  “I met Dante” Tammy smiled, looking up to him. “Surely you understand.” She gave Jenna the sad face and Jenna's expression soften.

  Jenna looked at Tammy and Dante and could instantly see how happy her friend was. She had never seen Tammy like this. She understood what Tammy was saying. She had felt the same when she had met her husband, finally meeting the one was a life changing mom
ent and she didn't have no right laying down the law to Tammy.

  “I'm sorry” she mumbled. “I didn't mean to behave like that. It's just well...” She placed her hand on her chest and smiled. “I am soo happy for you.” Dante moved out of the way as Jenna hugged her best friend.

  “I'll leave you two alone” Dante said, as he walked back into the house.

  Jenna pulled away. “Wow, he is good looking!”

  Tammy felt her cheeks blush a little. “Not everything is about looks.” She sat down on the steps that led to the front door. “Are people really talking about me?” Suddenly feeling very conscience that she might of brought some unwanted attention to Renaldo's. Sir Renaldo was probably going out of his mind right now, she had to sign that contract quick, just to show him she was taking all of this seriously.

  Jenna sat down next to her friend. “Yes... Some think they have kidnapped you!”

  Tammy looked shocked. “What?” She spat, “That is ridiculous! You can go back and put them straight.”

  “You have to admit, Tams. This is a little strange.” Jenna began to swirl her wedding ring round her finger. “You made this whole sing and dance about not wanting anyone. Then two weeks later you've moved in with someone-- and his parents!”

  Tammy bite down on her lip as she processed Jenna's words. Then she remembered how she felt the night she had come to live with them. She had thought it was odd and not normal. That didn't really matter now and it didn't really matter what others thought either. She knew why she was here.. Dante. Her stomach flipped just by thinking of him. She loved him.. too much... way too soon, but she didn't care.

  Like he had said it was fate, they were drawn to each other and she couldn't think of living without him.

  “Please, Jenna” Tammy sighed, turning to her best friend. “Just be happy for me. I have met and fallen in love with a beautiful wonderful man. I guess things change when you meet the right person.”

  “So, they didn't kidnap you?”

  “No!” Tammy laughed, she started to play with a strand of her hair that had fallen from her ponytail. “I love him” she blushed again, feeling her eyes go dreamy and her heart beating fast. “Really love him.”

  Jenna shrugged. “Fine! I will go back and tell the raging villagers there is no drama and to put the pitch-forks away.”

  Tammy rolled her eyes at her friend's sarcastic joke, which she didn't even remotely find funny. Maybe she should have a word with Dante, maybe she should go back to work and try and gain some normality to her life, just to stop people from talking. After all, it was very unlike Tammy to just walk away from things. She didn't want to bring any bother to their families. Yes, she would talk to Dante. Plus, she loved her job and at least she wouldn't feel such like a parasite living off them, which she had done for the last week.


  “This isn't good” Sir Renaldo snarled. “People are beginning to ask questions and we don't need this attention.”

  “What attention?” Dante said, watching as his father paced up and down the living room. Really, sometimes he could get paranoid. “Her friend was obviously worried about her. After all she did have a life before us!”

  “That is exactly what I said” his mother added from the corner, looking up from her book. “Leave the poor girl alone, Howard!”

  Dante watched as his father finally stopped moving, thank god! He thought his father was going to wear out the carpet. He knew what was coming next, the same argument from breakfast. He had been waiting for it.

  “But she hasn't signed the contract!”

  Dante rolled his eyes, there it was! Dante stood up from the chair and shook his head. “I told you I am not making her sign it. I want a different sort of realtionship.”

  “Meaning?” His mother looked curious.

  “Meaning... I want a normal engagement, a normal wedding and a normal life.”

  “There is no such thing as normal to us!” His father huffed. “Things are happening to you that I can't even explain.” His father sat down and rubbed his brow. “This tradition has worked for hundreds of years, why change something if it isn't broken.”

  Dante felt his fist clench. “Because I don't want this” he yelled, his temper finally winning through. “I don't want Tammy to be seen as my donor or a baby carrier. I want more from my life.” Dante swallowed hard, he knew his father was really going to kick off with what he was about to say next. “I am going to avoid my thirst if it kicks in.”

  His father's head whipped round to him. “What?” He growled. “Why can't you just accept it, Dante?”

  “Because I don't want too! That's it, enough!” With that he left the room fuming. Why did he have to go along with this stupid tradition just to break some stupid curse. Why couldn't he choose his own path without any of this superstitious stuff following him around. He went in search for Tammy.

  He couldn't wait to get away for a couple of days without the mention of blood, vampires or contracts! While they were away he was going to make sure Tammy got to know the really him. She needed too, because he wasn't sure what was going to happen once he started to ignore his thirst.

  “Your mother actually said yes?” Tammy started jumping on the spot in excitement. She was finally going to leave Ashville, something she had never believed would happen in her life. She ran over and flung her arms around Dante's neck. “Really?” She asked again, feeling this was too good to be true.

  “We leave tomorrow” he pressed his lips on Tammy's forehead.

  “Wow” she really couldn't believe it. “You know” Tammy laughed, stepping back a little. “I have never been out of Ashville before!”

  “Really?” Dante looked astonished, then it clicked, she probably had never been able to afford it. Dante felt a little sorry for her, he had been brought up with holidays, big house and anything he wanted. Tammy was new to everything. “Then we are going to do everything” he winked. “Tower of London, The London eye, Madame Tussands and a good old shop in Harrods!”

  The smile dropped from Tammy's face and her thoughts were back to her being a parasite again. Maybe now would be a good time to have that chat she wanted. “I was thinking” she started to arkwardly move from foot to foot. “Maybe I should go back to work.”

  Dante tilted his head to the side. “Why?” Was she getting bored with spending so much time with him. He hoped not, a wave of disappointment washed over him. Or maybe she was changing her mind about everything

  “I just don't want to live off you and your parents” she gave a slight embrassed smile.

  “Oh” he nodded. “I see...” he tilted his head one side and then another. It was normal for the men of the family to provide and give everything. She was obviously feeling weird with the set up. What would his father think? Dante shook his head, like his father had any say in this. “Fine” he agreed.

  Tammy gave an shocked look, she was sure he was going to protest a little. Wow, how he had changed in just a few days. Was he no longer the over bearing control freak. “Really? You would be fine with that?”

  Still stunned by his reaction.

  Dante grabbed both of Tammy's hands tight, he loved the way her tiny doll hands got lost in his. If they were going to have a 'normal' realtionship then they had to do things right. She wanted to work and he didn't want to stop her. As from now on they were making up their own rules and no one had a say in anything.


  Tammy couldn't believe her eyes the penthouse was amazing, open plan living area that connected to a modern kitchen. All black marble surfaces and silver electrical appliances and accessories. Two bedrooms; the main, with a kind size leather bed with black silk quilt and cushions. The second was obviously designed for Dante, a single pine bed, blue quilt, blue walls and carpet. It was the views that took Tammy's breath away when you stood on the baclony you got bird's eyes view of the whole City of London.

  She had to keep pinching herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. It felt unreal to
be out and away from Ashville. She was so overwhelm she even thought she may cry. God, life is good!

  “I'm taking you out tonight” Dante's voice finally took her eyes of the view. He was stood leaning against door leading back into the penthouse. His hair all smoothed back, blue jeans and that light blue shirt that made every feature of his beautiful sculptured face come alive. Tammy made a mental note that his favourite colour was most probably blue.

  “Where?” Tammy smiled at him.

  “Some where fancy” he smiled back at her. She looked so happy, so in love with life. She was such an easy person to please.. He felt bad for thinking she was ungrateful—she wasn't. He watched as her face fell and his lips twitched. “Ummm, if you need something to wear my mother has a few things in her closet.”

  “I am a midget compared to her” Tammy tutted, it was a nice thought but not an offer she could accept. Well, at least she brought her blue dress, the only half decent thing she owned.

  “Look, I'll make a call” Dante quickly added, he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

  “You'll.. Make... A.. Call?” Tammy laughed, now he was standing like a middle aged business man.