Read Closer-Part Two Page 3

  Dante rolled his eyes, he could tell she was mocking him. “My mother has a personal shopper. I will explain and they can bring you some dresses.”

  Tammy shook her head, that was really not necessary. “Your flashing the cash again!”

  With a few long stands Dante was next to Tammy, he placed his finger against her lips to stop her from carrying on with her whinning. “You don't get a say” he smiled. “Hi” he walked back inside talking into the phone.

  Tammy turned back round to stare at the view a little longer. Even though she didn't want him to do that a little smile came to her lips.

  He really did love and care about her... But was she enough for him? She couldn't spoil him with fancy trips or fancy clothes.

  A pang of sadness flooded through her.. What exactly did he see in her?

  Tammy turned left and then she turned right, was that actually her reflection in the mirror?

  The personal shopper had turned up with a hairdresser and make-up artist. Dante has really gone to town with this. Her long brown hair had been piled up on her head with a few loose strains curling down the side of her face. Her make-up gave the illusion her skin was flawless and her big eyes covered in smokey eye-shadow and dark eye-liner. She had decided on a light blue halter neck dress, with a split going up the leg and heels which gave her height for the first time in her life.

  The butterflies started going crazy in the pit of her stomach, what if Dante didn't approve? What if he thought she looked an utter mess?

  Tammy closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. There was no point hanging round in the bedroom all night. She had to face him, otherwise he would be banging on that door at any moment.

  “You can do it” she said to herself, she picked up the blue clutch bag and heading into the living area.

  She stopped in her tracks the minute her eyes laid on Dante. “Wow,” she said out loud. Dante gave her that smug smile. “You scrub up well” she teased.

  He truly looked every inch of her perfect dark and dangerous stranger. He wore a black suit and white crisp suit, his thick dark hair all roughed up and his dark eyes burning into her.

  “You look amazing, Tammy” he sighed as he made his way towards her. He took her hand and brought it up to his lips. “I will be keeping a very close eye on you tonight” he placed a kiss on her hand. Tammy felt that electric current shot through her body. “Come!” He ordered pulling her along with him.

  Tammy gave a little laugh, she loved when he did that. His tone all authorizing and masculine. Him wearing that suit was doing things to her she didn't understand. All she wanted him to do was kiss her and never let his lips move from his.

  The grip of his hand tightened as they walked towards the evelvator. While waiting for it to come he couldn't help but look at her. She looked grown-up and unbelieveably sexy. He could feel the heat spreading over his body. She was staring into space lost in her day dream. Everything about this probably felt like a dream to her. Dante was just pleased to be away from his father and all the other rubbish he had to deal with.

  The evelvator doors opened and they stepped inside, the second the doors closed Dante could feel the static energy emerged between them. Tammy's floral scent took over the whole confide space and his mouth went dry. A pain ripped through his throat as if he hadn't drank anything in months.

  He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, unaware what was happening to him. How could she make his body react in this manner? This was a completely new feeling towards her and he couldn't make out what he meant.

  Okay, so when it came down to the ladies he wasn't a complete stranger or virgin. Never in his life had someone had this reaction on him.

  He slowly opened his eyes and Tammy was staring at him. He couldn't afford to tell her about what he'd just felt. This was all new to her, he didn't want to wreck their trip. Especially her first trip out of Ashville.

  The evelvator pinged and the doors opened, he stepped out his hand still gripping hold of Tammy's.

  “I hope you will enjoy yourself” he firmly said, still trying to regain himself.

  “I will enjoy anything if you are there with me” her voice slightly husky.

  Dante whipped his head round at her and a slight smile danced upon his lips. He had been so consumed with himself in elevator he hadn't regarded Tammy's. Had she had her own physical torture in that confide space? He hoped so, as it meant they were on the same page.

  He pushed what had happened to the back of his mind, nothing about tonight was about him. This was all for her....

  As they made their walk through the restaurant Tammy couldn't help but notice all the women stare at Dante as he walked by. Some would lean over and say something to their friends. A few gave Tammy the evil glare but they she decided to play smug. She had nothing to worry about, Dante only had eyes for her. They were escorted to a table and Dante pulled the chair out for her. She sat down and started looking around.

  He was right the place was fancy; chandeliers hanging everywhere, candles lit on the tables. She touched the table cloth-- was that silk? A small violin quartet playing quietly in the corner and all the waiters dressed in dinner suits. Then her eyes diverted to the place setting, how many knives, forks and spoons??? She was lost and way out of her depth, she didn't know a thing about fine dining.

  “Don't worry” Dante smiled, watching how for the last few minutes Tammy had done nothing but look at her place setting. “You just start from the outside and work your way in.”

  “You must be embrassed” Tammy sighed, “I must stick out like such a sore thumb. Did you notice how many people watched your grand entrance???” Tammy paused and looked back down at her hands. “They must think your doing some charity work-- Out reach program for peasants.”

  Dante's jaw locked tight and he smacked his hand down on the table, trying to avoid others from looking over. Tammy immediately looked up at him, his face full of anger. At least she hadn't softened him up too much, she sort of liked the man she had originally met.

  “Now,” he raised an eyebrow, his voice low and growling. “No future wife of mine is going to refer to herself as a peasant. After all, I bet you didn't see how the men reacted to your entrance??”

  Tammy rolled her eyes. “Don't be stupid, no one ever looks at me except you.”

  “Then you are blind.. Do you know how beautiful and sexy you look right now? If I didn't have morals and a promise to my mother, well...” His voice trailed off, he had to stop his thoughts in their tracks.

  Tammy's eyes widened. “A promise to your mother?” Now she really was intrigued.. Then it hit her, was he referring to sex?

  Surely not, like he even saw her like that. Although he did say she looked sexy, but he was probably just being kind, trying to make her feel more confident with herself.

  Shit! Tammy could feel herself breathing hard and her heart thumping in her chest. What if he did want to sleep with her? She had never slept with anyone before. She would be such a big disappointment. The fear began to fill her body-- Was this why he had brought her away? Try the goods before you buy, if that was the case Tammy knew he would be looking for a refund.

  “Champagne?” the waiter said, placing two glasses down on the table.

  Tammy looked at the glass, this would be the second time in her life she drank alcohol, but she did remember Jenna and Rose saying wine had helped them over come their nerves the first time they did the dirty with their now husbands.

  Tammy picked the glass up and downed the lot without even taking a breath. She placed the empty glass back down, the waiter looking at her stunned. “Another?” She just nodded and he poured another glass. “I will be back shortly to get your orders.”

  “Hey,” Dante smiled, a little worried about her reaction to what he had just said. “You know I promised my mother we wouldn't do anything till we are married.”

  A swirl of disappointment circled in the pit of her stomach. Now he didn't want her? Maybe he secretly kne
w she wouldn't be able to fulfill his needs. Once with a ring on her finger he wouldn't be able to change his mind. Why was she getting all worried about sex?

  Because she was a virgin and she wanted to please him. Also, in the elevator she had felt this deep dark pain below and the electric coming off him had her head spinning. She had to stop this, this was going to get her into some serious trouble.

  Dante handed her a menu. “Order... And stay with me please” he joked. “I would love to know what you day dream about, however, I am not a mind reader.” He looked down at his menu and Tammy followed.

  Wow! The prices were out of this world. Somethings costed more than she earned in a month. Once again she felt poor, she had to get past all the hatered she felt about money.

  “What you having?” Dante asked, his head now in his hands and his dark eyes focused on Tammy. She was beginning to behave slightly odd, he hoped he hadn't offended her in any way.

  Maybe it was the restaurant, all this was new to her and he had sort of dropped her into the deep end. He just wanted to treat her to the best and treat her like a princess. She was his princess, his dainty precious princess who deserved to see and taste the world.

  At least he owed her this much for everything she was giving up for him. Or what she was willing to give up before he decided against plan A.

  Tammy looked up from her menu, it wasn't just the prices she had a problem with she couldn't read french either! It was no good, she was going have to confess, he was sure to laugh at her.

  “I can't read it” she cringed, Dante tilted his head to the side and his eyes widened. “What?” she huffed, knowing full well she wanted to burst out laughing.

  “Have you decided?” The waiter had reappeared.

  “Yes,” Dante's eyes moved off Tammy. “We will have two Steak Tartares and two Roast Seabass.” The waiter quickly wrote it down and went off again. Dante could feel Tammy's eyes burning into him. She had an amused look on her face which intrigued him.

  “You ordered two?” She quietly said, in case any one was listening into their conversation. A few women still had their eyes firmly fixated on Dante.

  “Yes and your point?”

  “So, you do eat then?”

  Dante threw back his head and laughed like Tammy had never seen him do before. Was she really that funny? “Oh Tammy,” he was now taking in deep breaths to try and control his laughter. “What.. Did you think I only survived on blood? I am human as well.”

  Tammy felt her cheeks turn bright red, she hadn't assumed that.. She thought he lived off her energy. Which she was clearly wrong about, she suddenly felt very stupid. “Sorry,” she muttered, feeling shameful, she wanted a hole to appear and swallow her up.

  “It's okay” he had finally stopped laughing. “I just don't like breakfast or lunch. I prefer to eat at night.”

  Now it was Tammy's turn to laugh, when Dante realized what he said he joined in with the laughter too. Dante couldn't remember the last time he laughed so much, since after awakening there didn't seem much to laugh about. Now with Tammy life was looking up-- he didn't want this new found happiness to end.


  Tammy had lost count of how many glasses of champagne she had drank after glass number two. Dante had helped her get back to the penthouse, but her legs felt as if they were independent from the rest of her body. Dante proped her up against the door frame as he opened the door. Once the door was open, in one swift movement he scooped her up in his arms and carried her inside.

  Tammy rested her head against his chest and took in his intoxicating scent. She wished she could bottle it up and keep it as her special perfume. She looked up at his sculpted face which was now looking down at her; his black hair clinging around the sides of his eyes. Tammy felt her heart beat fast, she looked at the shirt button open exposing a glisp of his porcelain skin. She wondered what his skin would feel like against her fingertips or maybe beneath her lips.

  She flinched at her own thoughts, she wondered what it would be like him making love to her? Tonight had been wonderful, surely tonight would be a wonderful time to lose her virginity . Then she remembered about the promise he had made to his mother. Like she would know if he had broken it.

  Never more than now did she feel more sure of her decision. Everything was perfect, romantic dinner, a beautiful place and on her first trip out of Ashville. Now had to be the time.

  Dante pushed open the bedroom door, carried her over to the bed and gently laid her down. Her big green eyes were still staring at him, her pink lip gripped between her teeth. Her cheeks were slightly red and she was breathing very deeply.

  He perched down beside and moved a strand of hair off her forehead. “You really did look beautiful tonight, Tammy.” She didn't reponsed, without warning she pushed him down on to the bed her lips colliding with his, as she straddled him and her fingers locking in his hair.

  He fell into her kiss, his tongue dancing in out of her mouth with hers tantalizing in his mouth. His fingertips gently rubbed the exposed skin on her shoulders. He let out a little groan in the back of his throat and his body filled with desire.

  Tammy broke away and looked down at him. One of her hands slowly undoing his shirt buttons. “Tonight, please” she begged, her lips trailing down the bare skin of his chest.

  Dante brought his hands up to his head. Her kisses felt too good, his blood was rushing around his body. His arousal building to great heights, but he couldn't do this, not now anyway. He wanted it to be right, he wanted her as his wife before they took this giant step of affection.

  He pushed Tammy off him and pinned her to the bed. “No” he said softly, her eyes sadden and tears welled up. He started to trail kisses all over her face. “It's not that I don't want” he raised an eyebrow. “There is nothing more I would like to do than make love to you.”

  “So.. What is it?” She cried, now feeling stupid, embrassed and unwanted.

  “I want you to be Mrs Renaldo before I ...” For the first time ever Dante felt his own cheek flush. “Make love to you” a smile hitting his lips which made Tammy gasped. He laid back on his side and pulled Tammy in to him and hugged her tight. “I love you” he gently whispered. “And I just want everything to be perfect.”

  “Everything is perfect, Dante” she rolled her eyes, she knew he wasn't going to change his mind and she wasn't going to force him. “Fine!” She kissed his cheek. “We will do it your way.”-- Like she had a choice!


  Tammy's head was banging, every time she moved she felt she was going to be sick. Never again was she drinking alcohol, not only did it make you ill, it also led to embarrassing moments.

  Dante sat opposite her at the breakfast table, he of course looked nothing but freash and fabulous. Tammy hated how nothing affected him the way they did her. He hadn't even mention her pouncing on him last night. Tammy cringed as she remembered, he was probably now thinking she was a total slut who randomly slept with anyone. If he only knew the truth of how pathetic she really was.

  Tammy reckoned she was the only 21 year old virgin in actual existence. She reached out and grabbed her coffee cup. She never drank coffee but decided she would need it today, just to get through everything Dante had planned.

  “You not speaking this morning?” Dante asked, as he flipped through his newspaper.

  “My head hurts” Tammy complained as she swallowed a gulp of coffee.

  “Maybe next time you decide to drink that much champagne” his voice almost sounding like his father's. “You'll eat more and drink more water!”

  “Please, don't start” she huffed, placing her coffee cup down on the table. “Also, I want to say sorry for last night. The way I behaved was out of order and just to make things clear,” Tammy cringed at the thought of her confession. “I have never done that before..EVER!”

  “I know” he sighed. “I have already worked out your a virgin.” Tammy's eyes widened, the way he said virgin—like it was good thing. “Ta
mmy, don't hate yourself for remaining pure and innocent.”

  Pure and innocent? The words mortified her... She wanted nothing more than to shred the idea of her being that. She wanted to discover her sexual devil that lived deep within her.

  Tammy rolled her eyes, she had to stop over thinking that her virginity was her on curse. She would have to wait a while before she discovered the magic of having a physical realtionship, as it didn't look like Dante was going to change his mind any time soon.

  “What are we doing today?” She groaned, picking up her coffee cup.

  “Well!” Dante smiled, quickly folding his paper away. The grin on his face instantly put Tammy in a good mood. “Madame Tussands” his voice full of excitement.

  “Sounds wonderful” her own voice matching Dante's.


  Dante walked along side Tammy as she chatted away about everything she had seen in Madame Tussands. He had tried really hard to enjoy himself but the pain in his throat and stomach was beginning to get unbearable. This morning when he woke up it started and as the day went on he was really beginning to feel sick.

  Tammy stopped in her tracks and looked at Dante. “Are you okay?” He looked off colour and had been quiet during their whole visit. She reached out for his hand. “Wow, your really hot.”