Read Closer- Part three Page 1

Closer- Part three

  Kam Carr

  Copyright © 2013 Kam Carr

  All rights reserved.

  Kam Carr has asserted her right under the Copyright Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

  This is a work of fiction. The names and characters are the products of the Author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 Cover Designer Kam Carr

  Copyright © 2013 Kam Carr

  Chapter One

  Tammy looked through the bride magazine she had quickly got from the newsagents on her break. The wedding was in less than a month and she still hadn't choose a dress. There just didn't seem anything she liked. Plus with a groom who looked like Dante she had to find something eye catching, she didn't want to look like the ugly duckling compared to the beautiful sculptured man Dante so effortlessly was.

  “Please don't tell me you still have no dress?” Mrs Waters said, looking over Tammy's shoulder.

  Tammy let out a tired sigh. “Nope! Me and Jenna are going into town tomorrow” Tammy crossed her fingers. “Lucky shop number 10!”

  Mrs Waters placed a hand on the her shoulder, she had seen this girl develop into a beautiful woman. She had come from nothing and now was marrying a wonderful man. She couldn't be more proud of Tammy if she wanted to be. “You'll find something” she reassured. “You will look beautiful in whatever you choose.”

  “I have to look more than beautiful” Tammy smiled. “You know whatever Dante wears he will look amazing. I can't look like ME on our wedding day. I want to be the one everyone in this dumb village have their eyes on.” Tammy let out a defeated breath, who was she trying to convince?

  Mrs Waters tutted. “And they will... I am sure of that.”

  The shop bell rang and Tammy looked over at the door, she quickly picked up her magazines and stuffed them into her bag – it was home time!

  Dante came strolling into the shop as if he owned the place dressed casual in jeans, t-shirt and a jacket. Smiling his amazing smile, his perfect eyes hidden behind his dark sunglasses. See! Tammy thought to herself. She hated the way he always looked better than her, even when he wasn't even trying. Although, her dress sense and wardrobe had seemed to of got a lot better since she had been with him. That was all down to Claudia who had a shopping addiction.

  “Good evening, Mrs Waters” Dante said, his voice crisp and neat. Tammy slid off the stool and took her place next to Dante and tried to imagine exactly what Mrs Waters was seeing; A tiny fragile pale girl standing next to a man that was obviously out of her league.

  Tammy placed her hand in Dante's, she was starting to get a headache from all this stressing over ONE dress. A dress she would probably never wear again. “Have a nice weekend, Mrs Waters” she called out as she led Dante out of the shop.

  They started walking towards his car, not one of them saying anything. Dante could tell by the way Tammy was biting down on her lip she was deep in thought. He was a little angry that she hadn't even thanked him for picking her up. Well, he did it every day now as he had nothing else to do. His mind went back to the life he had before his awakening. A job and a home of his own. Would he be able to have that all now and share it all with Tammy? He hoped so, right now his thirst was out of control and he wondered if Tammy would even make it down the aisle.

  “You not speaking?” Tammy said, finally brought back from her dress drama crisis.

  “Are you?”

  “Sorry” Tammy sighed. “I am just tired and the dress” her voice trailed off.

  Dante gave a little laugh and wrapped his arm around Tammy's shoulder. “You have three weeks to find a dress.”

  “I haven't found one in three months... Three weeks isn't enough time!”

  Tammy could feel herself about to get hysterical. She closed her eyes and took in deep breaths. Why was she making such a big deal out of this? She knew deep in her heart whatever she wore Dante would still love her. They were drawn to each other like magnets. He treated her with such kindness and tenderness, as if she was a tiny China doll. She loved him back. There was no point basing her whole marriage on looks. She would just have to forget about her lack of self confidence. Tomorrow she was going shopping with Jenna, she would worry about it again tomorrow.

  This was Tammy's favourite part of the day laying on her bed, ear-phones in, music blaring and shutting herself away from the rest of the world. She felt even more contented that Dante was laid beside her lost in a book she had encouraged him to read. She let herself get lost in the lyrics of thousand years. This had now become her favourite song as it always reminded her of herself and Dante. She felt one of her ear-phones be removed and slowly turned her head in Dante direction. He had obviously got bored of his book as it now sat on her night stand.

  “About this dress...” he began and watched Tammy roll her eyes. She reached out for her ear-phones but Dante stopped her mid-motion. “No, listen” he growled. “Maybe you haven't found it because it's not made yet.”

  Tammy sat up, now turning her whole body towards Dante. “I have already told you I can not afford a dress maker.”

  “And I told you...... you can!”

  “Dante,” Tammy sighed. “I want to buy my own dress. Your parents have already paid for the whole wedding. They don't let me pay anything towards my keep, your mother has this annoying habit of doing all my shopping” she finally took in a deep breath. “Please, let me do this.”

  “Well, how much have you got?” Tammy flinched, he noticed every time they mentioned money she would do that.

  “Now we are talking about money?” she cringed, she hated money and she hated everyone keeping her. When she took her job back at the bookshop she was sure the Renaldo's were going to let her pay her way. Of course, they refused. She hated feeling as if she was living off them. Dante didn't seem to understand her point. Why did everything always boil down to money? Her whole life had seemed to evolved round it. At home with her parents money was an issue because they didn't have none. Now, it was the complete opposite! Was life always going to be like this or did she just dwell on things that no one else thought were important.

  Dante let out a little air from his mouth. “You know I am going to stop this right now” he grabbed something out of his pocket and placed it in Tammy's hand.

  “You're carrying them around now?” Tammy looked down at the lancet in her hand. Dante was giving that smile which made her heart race and made her tingle.

  “Not just them” he joked, pulling out an antiseptic wipe from his other pocket. Tammy narrowed her eyes at him. “What?” he gave an innocent look. “It makes sense!”

  “Really?” She laid back down. “Is this normal?” She asked, as she removed the wipe from the wrapper and began to clean the tip of her index finger.

  Dante turned to face her laying on his side. “Is this normal?” He mocked her voice. “It's normal for us” he hissed. “Why? You having second thoughts about marrying a vampire?”

  “I didn't mean it like that!” She quickly flipped over and straddled Dante, their eyes locking – her big green eyes and his dark brown eyes. She rested her head against his strong chest and let out a little sigh. “You know I want nothing more than to marry you. I was talking about your thirst.”

  His arms wrapped around Tammy's small frame and his lips pressed against her forehead. “I don't know” he slowly replied.

  His thirst was something he knew nothing about. His father did say it would calm down, but when? That he wasn't sure of. He took one of her hands and looked at her fingertips, each one had several pin prick marks. A wave of guilt swirled through him, he hated what he was. He hated the fact he was the one inflicting this
on her. She never complained or denied him her blood. He brought her hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on each fingertip.

  “Sorry” he breathed.

  “Never be sorry!” Her voice almost matching the way Dante would speak sometimes. She sat up, she twisted the top of lancet till she heard the click. She placed the lancet against the fingertip she had just cleaned and pressed down till she felt the pin cut into her skin. She gave a little jump as always... Surely by now it shouldn't surprise her, after all she didn't feel any pain now.

  Dante gently grabbed hold of her hand and pushed against the pin mark, blood oozed slowly from the wound. He closed his eyes as he took in the scent, nothing smelled or tasted as good as Tammy. He parted his lips and began to suck from Tammy's finger.

  Tammy gave a little smile. “I'm glad I come in handy for something.”

  Dante gave a wicked glint and removed his lips from Tammy's finger. “You wait till we are married.. I'll show you what your handy for” he winked and returned to what he was originally doing.

  “Seriously”, Tammy hissed. “You should really cut down on the blood. It does such strange things to you!” She rested her head back down on his chest and just enjoyed the feel of Dante's lips on her. She began to wonder what her blood tasted like? Dante had told her it was better than chocolate, she doubted that very much.

  She closed her eyes and took in Dante's intoxicating scent. Wow, how she was going to get through another three weeks without combusting from all her pent up sexual desires was beyond her. It didn't help that Dante kept giving her comments from before. He was so controlled about everything. Tammy wished she could be more like him.

  Dante strolled out of Tammy's bedroom and downstairs to the living room. He could still taste her sweet nectar in the back of his throat. He stood in the doorway and watched as his parents shared a dance. He rested his head against the door frame and watched. He'd never understood them before, it once made him sick their devoted behaviour towards each other. Now he knew.

  “Dante,” his mother smiled as his father swirled her around. “Why don't you get Tammy and dance with us.”

  “She is sleeping.” He slowly walked into room and sat down on a chair. “She is still stressing over her wedding dress.” He hated seeing Tammy like this. All he wanted to do was take some of the pressure off her, but she was such a stubborn girl. It was getting to the point where he would just go behind her back and arrange everything himself. He knew she would flip out and he couldn't risk a fall out this close to the wedding. He rubbed his brow in frustration, unless.. “Mum!” His eyes darting over to across the room.

  “Yes” she giggled as his father lowered her down and quickly brought her back up. Dante cringed in disgust, sometimes they acted like a couple of teenagers.

  “You could talk to Tammy. Persuade her to go and see a dress maker. Tell her that I will cover the rest of the cost.”

  His mother finally stopped dancing much to Dante's relief, watching them was starting to make him dizzy. “I don't know, Dante....”

  Dante tilted his head to the side. “Come on” he urged. “Your the only one she will listen too.”

  “Or I could help” his father finally spoke.

  “That could work” his mothers voice full of excitement. Dante knew she was just relieved that she had some how got out of it.

  Dante threw his hands in the air. “Fine! I will some how do it myself” he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.

  He couldn't get his father to do it, every time his father and Tammy ended up alone together he would some how bring that stupid contract up. His father would never give up until Tammy had sighed it. Dante didn't need any contract stating dumb rules and conditions.

  He hadn't felt this happy in months, it was if finally he'd learnt to accept who and what he was. Although, he still hated it. With Tammy by his side his temper had somehow dissolved.

  He had to get her the dress, just to show her how much she meant to him and to thank her for being the one to show him true love.


  Tammy looked down at her breakfast, she was really getting bored with cornflakes but didn't have the heart to tell Dante. He sort of got excited about this tradition. Tammy pushed the bowl away and the dreaded dress came to mind. Maybe Dante did have a point yesterday, she wasn't going to tell him. She could see the smug smile on his face, he liked to be proven right.

  “You not eating this morning?” His voice light as he placed a single kiss on the top of her head. He pulled out a chair and sat down next to her. “Where are you going today?”

  Tammy exhaled as she reached out for his hand. She knew she would never tier from the way her small hand fitted perfectly his large manly hand. With her free hand she began to trace his knuckles, his skin was always soft. He had perfect porcelain skin, when she thought about it everything about him was perfect.

  “We are heading into Abingdon” she replied as she caught her breath. Once again her indiscreet thoughts about his body had taken over her mind. Her eyes slowly moved up the length of his body and up to his beautiful face. Her eyes immediately focusing on his pink lips and that faint smile she loved so much. “Why do we have to wait?” Her voice husky and full of need.

  Dante's lips twitched and he placed his hand around Tammy's shoulder. His mouth moving towards her ear. “Because we do” he whispered, he moved a strand of hair off her cheek. “It is only three weeks... And worth the wait, don't you think?”

  “Why wait when you can just take me upstairs and make me forget about this stupid dress!”

  Dante regained himself and sat up straight. “Why is this such a big deal for you?”

  Tammy raised an eyebrow and smiled sweetly. “Are we talking about sex or the dress?”

  “The dress” he firmly replied. “We could get a dress maker here today and you would have piece of mind. Then we could spend the whole day by the river or something.”

  Tammy removed her hand from Dante's and shook her head. The doorbell rang and Tammy quickly jumped up. “I would love to spend the day with you” she smiled walking round to his chair. She leaned over and placed her head on his shoulder. “I have promised Jenna.”

  Dante closed his eyes and took in her floral scent. Her lips pressed against his neck and something erupted in his body, sending his blood south. He too was starting to feel the affect of waiting. There was nothing more he wanted to do but explore Tammy's hidden body. He let out a deep breath and shifted in his seat. His eyes slowly turned to her tiny face, his hand moving up to the back of her head. “Love you” he hushed.

  Tammy skipped out of the house and into the fresh air. Jenna was leaning against her shiny red sports car. Tammy was actually glad to be out of the house, sometimes the sexual tension between her and Dante felt suffocating. If only time would speed up, she thought to herself.

  “Someone seems happy about going shopping” Jenna grinned, she moved round to the drivers door and got in. Tammy raced to the car and got in. “Or did someone have a good wake up call?”

  Tammy swallowed hard, she hadn't confessed to Jenna about Dante's old fashion ways. She already and frequently referred to them as freaks. Tammy didn't understand why Jenna had such a disliked to them. Everyone else in Ashville saw them as charitable people.

  “I have a surprise for you in Abingdon” Jenna said as she revved up the car and pulled off.

  Tammy looked around Jenna's new shiny toy, no doubt it was another present from her husband. Then she wondered what Jenna's really reason behind her marriage, was it money? Jenna obviously didn't seem to have a problem living off his wealth. In fact it was all she spoke about.

  Jenna hadn't come from a poor family like Tammy, that was probably why she didn't see the problem. Jenna had always got what she wanted and who she wanted. Then again Jenna was amazingly pretty. Classic natural blonde hair and blue eyes. Her skin was a peach colour and she had the perfect hour-glass figure. The complete opposite to Tammy's petite no shaped body.<
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  “What is this surprised” Tammy sighed, realizing the dress wasn't the problem.. it was her and they way she felt about the way she looked.

  “All in good time” Jenna chuckled.

  “Rose!” Tammy screamed with shock. “What are you doing here?” She wrapped her arms around her friends neck and then took a step back taking Rose in. It had been months since she had last laid eyes on her. She had changed dramatically, her once red hair was now jet black and cut into a cute little bob. She had definitely lost a lot of weight, she looked like a complete different person.

  “Jenna called me and said you were getting married” her voice soft, she took a little step back and her eyes fell to the ground. “Why didn't you call me?”

  The hurt filled Rose's face and Tammy felt really bad that she hadn't called her dearest friend. She had been too consumed in her stupid self. Worrying about a dress, how she would look next to Dante on their wedding day. She had been an awful friend and by looking at Rose before her, it looked like her own friend was going through a rougher time than her.

  “I'm sorry” Tammy begged. “I am really sorry... It's just..” Tammy stopped, there was no excuse, Tammy shrugged and watched a small smile appear on Rose's face. She could read Tammy too well. “Sorry” her voice small.