Read Coincidence. Right Place Wrong Time Page 22

  Chapter 22

  Dave Slater.

  9:37 am. Tuesday 4th August 2015.

  Mr Jones contacted Dave to inform him that one of his departments, had spent time going through all the facial recognition CCTV footage, for a second look.

  Spending several hours searching the Christian Street, Whitechapel area. As the park was very large, and there were dozens of angles to look at, and ten different gates of entry.

  The first place of interest was to look at the gate near where Susan's body was found. However, there did not seem to be anybody entering around the time it was believed she died. It looked like she had been walking from the opposite direction through the park. Although, they did pick her up once she was standing just inside the park, a few meters from the gate.

  Then a male also approached from the internal path and stopped just in front of her. A few seconds later it looked like he was pushing her backwards, into thick bushes. Then they are out of sight for a time, until the male leaves the area on his own. The footage lasted just a few minutes, and during all that time his face was only captured on a couple of frames, although the quality was poor. However, the boffins within MI5 managed to enhance it, so it could be used via a facial recognition software program.

  His facial details had been logged into several of the computers covering CCTV footage across all the counties in the East Anglian area and London.

  A few hours later other security companies got in touch, informing that he was also on their footage. It seemed like most of his latest spotting’s were all in the Norwich area. Dave wasted no time in asking Mr Jones to let him know where ever he crops up, as he wants to get to him first. That he would be staying in the area just in case he pops his head up and re-appears.

  Mr Jones later informed Dave that Michaels face was being recognised around the Norfolk Broads area of Horning, near the 'Swan Inn' alongside the river Bure.

  Taking the only photo of Michael that he had, Dave wasted no time in driving to the location, and to have a look around for himself. He had no other clues as to what he was wearing, or of his exact location. Although at first glance he could see that it was a small country village. To make it easy he pre-booked himself a couple of nights stay at the 'Swan Inn', explaining that he was on holiday as a bird watcher. This would give him an excuse to be wandering around the area. Lucky for him he had a small set of binoculars in the glove box. Although they were of a military design nobody would know the difference hanging around his neck.

  He spent several hours walking south east along the cannel bank. Only to retrace his footsteps back to the pub. To then follow the cannel west for a couple of miles, followed by a return walk back to the Pub. That deserved a drink before he retired to his room.

  After a couple of beers, he was about to call it a day. When he spotted, somebody enter and walked up to the bar, to ordered a pint. Something about his face was telling Dave that he could be the man he was looking for. Grabbing his wallet, he removed the photo and took a closer look,

  “Yes, got you.” He thought.

  Although he was dog tired after covering several miles along the cannel bank earlier. He had to keep awake to watch the new comers every move. Bad luck for Dave as he stayed until last orders and closing time.

  Dave had decided to try and follow his target, although by now it was dark and he did not know the area.

  Upon leaving the pub, the target made his way along the cannel heading in a South Easterly direction. The first route Dave had taken earlier in the day, passing many holiday cannel narrow boats.

  It was hard to keep him in sight because of the darkness, and the distance he had to stay back, in order that he was not spotted. Eventually the suspect stopped by a boat, and looked like he was trying to unlock the cabin door by the stern.

  Dave spent some time trying to work out his location, so he hoped he could find it the following morning. Lucky for him although all the boats looked the same in shape and style. They all had completely different paint jobs on the outside of the boat. For some reason, the colour red seemed to stand out. Although just to make sure he kicked around on the side of the path, feeling for small rocks. Luck was with him as he managed to place three of them together in line with the stern of the boat.

  Back at the Swan pub and the privacy of his bedroom, Dave contacted DCI Eden, passing on all the details of the evening.

  Dave was told to keep his distance, and that he would be contacting him at the pub, early the following morning.

  There was no plan, they would have to make it up as they went along. All Dave had in his mind was to get him because of what he had done to Susan his girlfriend. Plus, for what he had personally been through while in prison. The fact that she was his Mother did not seem to come into the equation. Now it was Dave who had bad feelings in his head.

  Dave met up with Eden in the dining room of the pub, and explained everything he could remember that had happened the day before. Although there was no plan discussed as to what they were going to do. Other than somehow try and catch him, if he was the man they were after. Knowing that he had shot Clive Manning with a pistol pre-warned them that he could possibly be armed.

  Eden had brought along five other Police officer all in uniform, so they would have to stay hidden, until requited.

  After explaining to Eden that he had marked the boat, it was decided that just the two of them would lead the way, while the others kept well back and out of site.

  It was a twenty-minute walk until they finally came across Dave's three stones laying by the side of the path, and yes, he had been right in describing it as being mainly painted red.

  As planned they carried on walking past the boat, as if in deep conversation. Although both were looking at it closely memorising as much detail as possible. While trying to act like a couple of friends on holiday, and out for an early morning stroll and a breath of fresh air.

  A few hundred meters past the boat they stopped for a few moments describing to each other in a low voice what they had seen, just in case either of them had missed something.

  Along the side of the boat between its windows in big light green letters its name was displayed, 'Primrose Valley'. While the external paint job of deep red and dark blue stood out, as if making a bold statement.

  They carried on walking until they were out of view from the boat. Then Eden used his mobile phone to ring his office back in Norwich, asking if they could find out who owned the 'Primrose Valley'.

  Twenty minutes later, he was informed that it belonged to a Mr Clive Manning from Norwich. That was enough information and an excuse for them to board and carry out a search.

  By mobile Eden spoke to the other officers further back along the footpath. Explaining that he and Dave would board the boat as holiday makers finding themselves lost, and wanting to know a few directions. If something went wrong he would call for help. If not they were to stay hidden until they both walked back along the path.

  Walking back towards the boat, both agreed that there were no signs of life. A decision was made that they would knock on the door in the pretence that they wanted directions, the rest would be made up on the spur of the moment.

  Stopping by the boarding plank, they tried to gain entry as quiet as possible. However, they were out of luck as it creaked and groaned under their weight as each boarded.

  The door was in the middle of the stern area, and was leading forward via a central walkway up through the middle of the boat.

  Standing by the door Dave changed his mind about knocking and asking directions. Instead he quietly got hold of the door knob, and slowly turned it. To their amazement, the handle turned all the way around and the door moved, as it was unlocked.

  Once again quietly and slowly he opened the door inwards, until it was wide open. There was no sign of life, and so Dave called out,

  “Anybody home, hello?”

  After a couple of minutes, He once again called out,

  “Hello, Hello Anybody there??

  There was no response. Dave whispered to Eden,

  “Let’s look around.”

  Slowly he led the way as they quietly and very slowly made their way up the centre of the boat. They were in luck as daylight was coming through the very thin lace curtains. There were certainly signs that somebody was living there. A small table had not been cleared after a meal. There was still food on one of the plates, and a mug was half full of what looked like and smelt like coffee. Dave picked it up and was surprised that it was still warm.

  Before he could mention it to Eden, a shot rang out and Eden fell forward knocking Dave further forward, before he fell to the floor groaning.

  The shot had come from the door area they had just walked through. Suddenly Dave saw somebody going through the doorway onto the stern of the boat, only to disappear onto the boarding plank.

  Dave had to climb over Eden who was still laying on the floor, but at least he was moaning so he was alive. It took him a few seconds to make his way back to the boarding plank. Just enough time to see the gunman disappear into the bushes that bordered the footpath. He wasted no time in running all the way back to where the police officers were hopefully still hiding.

  Thankfully they were aware that something might have gone wrong, having heard the shot. Dave told them to follow him as he ran back to where the gunman had last been seen disappearing into the bushes. He then grabbed one of the officers to help him with Eden and told the others to get after the shooter.

  Dave and the officer boarded the boat, and made their way to where Eden had fallen. He was still laying on the floor although he was moaning in pain. As Dave had suspected he had been hit, and told the officer to ring for an ambulance as quick as possible. Upon inspecting Eden, he found that he had a bullet hole through the upper muscle of his left arm, and was losing a lot of blood. Grabbing a tea towel from the table he wrapped it tight around the wound, and decided to try and get him off the boat.

  Eden could stand up and assisted them trying to guide him back to the doorway, and then the gangway. Although walking back to the pathway was not so easy. He was then sat down on the path, to get his breath. Plus, Dave wanted to see if the tea towel was still in place.

  Knowing that the nearest the ambulance could get to them was at the Swan Inn. Dave decided to try and get Eden as far back as possible. But not before the officer had rang in again informing someone that the ambulance might have to send somebody with a stretcher on foot, South East along the foot path.

  Lady luck was with them, as Eden at least could move his legs. Coupled to them standing either side of him for support. Gradually they made their way back towards the Swan. Although they had to stop on several occasions, as they all got their breath back. By this time all three of them were becoming covered with blood. Informing Dave that Eden was losing a lot. Hoping that in moving him, they had not made matters worse, although deep inside he believed he had.

  They arrived at the Swan around the same time as the ambulance, and Eden was treated on the spot, before being loaded up and taken to one of the Norwich Hospitals.

  Time for Dave to kick himself, realising that Eden and himself had broken a cardinal rule. That of, when you enter an un-secure room, you should always check behind the door before proceeding. After all this was the second time he had been caught out, failing to stick to house searching rules. Promising himself that there would not be a third.

  Dave was convinced that the gunman had been behind it. There was nowhere else he could have hidden, as the interior was all open plan.

  The other big mistake he had made was in ordering the Police officers to chase after the gunman through the bushes. If they had found him, there was no way they could have identified him. As Dave was the only person with a photo of him, and that was neatly tucked away in his wallet. He found himself uttering one of his favourite sayings of the time, 'A promising opportunity usually leads to a big disappointment'.

  Upon reflection, it also a cured to him that maybe the gunman was not a very good shot, or was not used to handling a gun. In a hit and run incident, a gunman would usually fire at least two sometimes three shots at the target, and then run. Just to make sure that he had killed him. Dave was also surprised that at close range, the single shot had passed through Eden's upper arm. Where-as most people, who use firearms, are trained that the largest area to shoot at is the chest. Which accounts for most of the kills as the major organs are hidden behind the chest rib cage.

  Eden spent a few un-welcomed days in hospital, although he had been very lucky. As the bullet had past right through his upper left arm muscle. Lucky in the fact that it was a clean hole right through the muscle. Usually some bullets slightly tumble as they pass though the flesh, leaving a much larger exit hole. While also taking a lot of flesh and sometimes small pieces of bone out with it. It was described by a doctor as a clean exit, as it had not damaged other parts of the muscle. Although he was going to have to accept that it would be heavily bandaged, and in a tight sling for about three weeks.

  Once he was fit to talk and accept visitors Dave visited Eden on a couple of occasions. In the meantime, he had directed his right-hand man Peter Davidson to work closely with Dave. Which was welcome, as they had both got on well with each other, since he was taken into custardy for questioning, connected with the death of Clive Manning.

  The first job he got Peter to do was to make copies of Michael Darcy's photo and to circulate them. Then it was all systems go to check as much CCTV footage as possible to try and track him down. At least they had a starting point, it being the Swan Inn.

  Within hours Peter had been informed that Darcy had made his way across Norwich, although the trail had gone cold as he approached the Castle area. This was unusual as the castle and museum were one of the main areas in the city that attracted holiday makers, and large gatherings. A few years earlier the council had installed several more cameras, to help if problems were ever to develop. For some reason, they did not seem to be picking him up. Although Peter had concluded that he may be ahead of them. Having decided to go to ground for a few days. Therefore, he had given orders that special attention should be taken during the evenings.

  After a week, Eden was allowed back on the case although it was stressed that it was light duties only. For once he would have to delegate tasks to others.

  Dave had been given permission to work closely with the team. While all at the station had been informed that Dave was representing MI5. Having been personally involved in two earlier murders, it was hoped that he might be able to shed a little light on Michael Darcy's location. However, Dave had never met or even heard his name until just a few months earlier.

  Dave asked Mr Jones to send him a few spy chips. Just in case it was possible to attach one to Michael or something he was carrying. Then they would be able to track him via a mobile phone. Being very small in size, and at a quit glance they could be easy mistaken for a coin or a battery. It made them ideal to drop into somebody’s pocket or bag.

  Came the big breakthrough they all needed when Mr Jones got in touch. After pulling a few strings higher up the chain of command, he was notified that Michael had been found using his mobile phone. Not only were they informed where he had used it, and what he had said, but now they had the phone details to help track him. Providing he did not remove its battery.

  Apparently, that's what he looked like he was doing. As he was only on line for a few minutes at a time, and he was never in the same place. Although there was a pattern developing, as he seemed to be around the same area. That of the University of East Anglia Campus. Dave believed that he was trying to use the cover of hundreds of students who would be in and around the area. Although he even wondered if he was a student.

  A quick check on the student list showed that there was no Michael Darcy. The race was on looking for names that might be Michael, but sadly there were no clues to assist them.

  Peter Davidson decided to get in touch with the Social Services Foster Chil
dren Department, thinking along the lines that Michael might have changed his name to that of one of the families he stayed with. It turned out to be a long laborious task that took almost three days to compile. Even then he wasn't sure that he had a complete list of all the families involved. It was certainly harder than he had first thought, when he came up with the idea, and it was long.

  Peter then spent the next couple of days going through the countless list of surnames of people who had looked after Michael. To make matters worse they were not in just one county, but all over the country. Even Peter started to feel a little sorry that he had been farmed out to so many different families.

  He was hoping that his theory, that he still might be using Michael as his Christian name, along with any of the surnames he had listed.

  Slowly as he worked his way down the list he started to lose interest, as he could see the bottom getting closer and closer. Eventually he reached the W's and was demoralised, to such an extent that he nearly called it a day. However, it was a good job he carried on to the end, as the last on the list was Mr and Mrs Wright. When matched up with the University of East Anglia student list, there was a Michael Wright.

  It was still not the time to start jumping for joy, as he now had to prove it was the Michael they were looking for. Although it did go through his mind that maybe the Wright's were the only family who he liked. Maybe they had treated him well.

  So as there was not a mix up, he got the Social Service to send him a photo, even though it might be out of date.

  Peter decided to visit the University taking a copy of Dave's photo with him. A brief visit to the main office and he knew he had the right man. The office directed him to his classroom and looking through the glass door, there he was sitting at the back of the class.

  Peter was hatching a plan, and waited in the corridor for the class to be dismissed. Upon which as the students left the classroom he joined in and walked along side Michael, and secretly dropped a spy chip into his jacket pocket. He then dropped back allowing all the other students to pass him, and for him to make his way back to his car. Where he checked the application on his phone to see if it was picking up a signal. Feeling pleased with himself he set off back to the Police station, and a meet up with Dave.

  Unknown to Dave the latest version of the spy-chip, as well as sending out a signal that could be detected and followed. This new version also allowed for conversations to be heard and recorded. For law and order, it was a giant leap forward in its fight against crime. Even its appearance had been made to look even closer to that of an ordinary flat battery.

  Peter’s idea was to follow Michael and to try and arrest him when there were not too many people around. They knew or believed he was armed, and were not sure how he might respond when challenged. Having already shot Clive Manning, they did not want anybody else ending up in the morgue.