Read Coincidence. Right Place Wrong Time Page 23

  Chapter 23

  St. James Street Norwich.

  9:36 am. Saturday 8th August 2015.

  Peter Davidson had discovered that Michael was not actually living within the University campus. However, he was sharing accommodation with a few students in a nearby rental. Probably using the students as a means of cover.

  Peter was also under the impression that he was a person of habit, and he believed he could predict some of his movements.

  Eden, Peter and Dave hatched a plan to try and follow him while he was not on the University grounds. Hoping they might be able to corner and arrest him while on his own. To arrest him at home there was a worry that he might be able to destroy certain information that later might be of help to the Police while in court. It was also believed that others staying at the accommodation could innocently become involved, if things were to go wrong.

  Eden would be running the operation from the Police Station, and listening to the spy-chip. While Peter and Dave would follow him on foot. A day was chosen when they believed he would take a route heading for a local shopping area. They would both follow him at a distance, but on opposite sides of the road. Each would be independent of the other, although keeping in touch with each other and headquarters via mobiles that were permanently open.

  Came the day and everything seemed to be working to plan, as Michael was correctly believed to be heading for the shops. Peter was about one hundred meters directly behind him, while Dave was on the opposite side of the road, weaving his way through what seemed like a larger than normal crowd of shoppers. Something they had not been taken in account during the planning stage. The news was to get worse, as they came upon a few market stalls set up on the side of the pathway. Once again, the congestion had not been foreseen. Anyway, the plan was in action, and not much was mentioned over the mobiles other than stick to the plan.

  With the large crowd of shoppers Dave found himself dropping back from Michael. Then just as a small narrow park appeared in the middle of the road his vision of Michael was restricted to almost nil. The park could best be described as a green area with seating. About forty meters wide and laced with trees producing shade to those that chose to sit amongst them. Some were reading, while others were talking to each other or just feeding the birds. Dave could see through most of the trees, but occasionally they were closely grouped and blocked his view. Which meant that he lost sight of the target for a few moments.

  Lady luck was with Peter, although a hundred meters behind he still had Michael in view, but he was also having a problem over taking the pedestrians around him. Realising that the density of shoppers around him was starting to become a bit of a problem. Believing it not to be a good area to try and make an arrest.

  Suddenly Dave had to ask Eden were the target was, having watched him disappear behind a small group of trees, but had not appeared out the other side. After listening to the spy-chip Eden reported to Dave that he could hear a car revving its engine around his position. Dave crossed the road and entered the park, hastily making his way over towards an area where he hoped he might be able to see Michael.

  He wasted no time in locking in on the revving car. Lady luck was with him as he looked through the park railings and saw the car almost doing a wheelie away from the kerb, and there was Michael just in front of it.

  Not wanting to lose him again Dave climbed over the fence and jogged across the road trying to get closer and keep him in view. Although he was now in front of Peter it was still hard to keep him in view.

  After listening to the spy-chip Eden asked both if they could see an ice cream van ahead, as he was picking up the jingles they used to attract customers. Both responded that they could not see or hear one from their location. The alarm bells started ringing in all departments, something was not quite right, and for now nobody could come up with an answer.

  Having got in front of Peter, Dave was first to spot Michael turn left into an alleyway. By the time, Dave arrived at the junction, he was confronted with a long narrow empty alley that looked like it was the back entrances to an array of warehouses. What stood out even more was that nobody was in view.

  Before progressing further something in the back of his mind was telling him that he should wait for back up. Another bad sign was that the alley looked like it had a dead end.

  Dave was determined to arrest Michael so he could be brought to trial, if only to clear his own name.

  Not wanting to waste time and possibly loose Michael, Dave had to quickly rethink his strategy. Deciding to process up the alley, while looking for clues as to where he might have gone. For some reason, it never dawned on him that, he might be waiting for him behind one of the doors that lay ahead.

  Unbeknown to Dave he was walking into an on the spot thought up trap. Michael had found the spy-chip in his pocket the night before. Although at first, he thought it was a normal flat battery. Although finding it in his pocket made no sense, he could not remember purchasing one or of placing one in his pocket.

  After spending the evening trying to think of reason why it would be in his jacket pocket, he was about to give up, but decided to undertake a few Goole searches on line. It did not take him long to realise that it was a tracking device.

  However, by the morning he had made up his mind that he would get rid of it. Although, not sure how or when, but he would use the exercise to try and see who might be following him.

  While walking down the road heading towards the shops, Michael had his right hand in his pocket touching the spy-chip. Occasionally he looked behind him, but was not able to pick anybody out as following him. That left him wondering where and how he was going to dump it.

  Approaching a car that was revving its engine by the kerb side. He noticed its side window turned down a few millimetres, as if to let fresh air inside. Although at the last minute he changed his mind thinking the driver might hear or see it drop into the car.

  Next minute a lady approached him, carrying a large open top shopping bag.

  Without thinking he took the chip out of his pocket, and dropped it into her bag as brushed past him. Without stopping or even slowing down, he continued walking. Turing up the next alley-way was his way of checking if anybody might still be following him.

  For some reason, Dave decided to try the first door on the left-hand side of the alley. To then move about four meters across the alley, and try the door on the right. He was worried that while crossing sides he was out in the open, a good position to be fired upon. Assuming that Michael was more than likely to be armed.

  He was surprised to find the first couple of doors were locked. Catching him out as he expected one of them to at least be open. However, he did note that the doors were all set back from the alley, by about a meter of brick work. At least giving him a little cover, as he slowly made his way up the alley. The second door was also locked, as was the third and fourth.

  Suddenly as he stepped back into the alley to make his way up to the fifth, he was caught out in the open as a figure suddenly stepped out of the tenth door way, pointing a pistol at him and asking,

  “I think you might be looking for me, although I have no idea why.”

  Before Dave could answer, the sound of a shot rang out from behind him. To which Michael started to double up in pain, but not before he returned fire and hit Dave in the upper left leg, knocking him of balance and dropping him to the ground.

  As Dave had stepped out of the doorway, Peter had entered the ally-way behind him, and upon seeing the gun being pointed at Dave, his basic instinct took control informing him that Dave’s life was in danger. Knowing that Dave was not armed he responded appropriately. To which Michael was wounded, and rushed off to hospital, in an ambulance along with Peter as an escort. While Dave followed in a second ambulance.

  It turned out that Michael was mortally wounded in the chest. By the time, he arrived at the hospital he had fallen into a coma, and was never to regain consciousness.

  The Police hierarchy were
not pleased, hoping they might have been able to question him, to clear up a few un-answered questions. Using that well-known tried and tested tool known as 'Hindsight', Peter was severely criticised by his superiors for shooting first, and an inquiry was launched. Although Dave had always believed that anybody who is seen carrying a weapon, it must be assumed that they will use it. Time lost in making a quick decision, can sometimes mean the wrong life is lost.

  However, Dave's record of never having fired a shot in anger and of killing somebody was still intact. A record he was very proud to own and intended keeping.

  While MI5 was also happy in the fact that it had been proven that Clive Manning had been selling information to a foreign terrorist group. They had not caught them, but at least they had been exposed by the Dutch Police and Interpol. After which they were chased out of Europe. Which in turn shut down the selling and passing on of security information that could have placed the United Kingdom in great danger.

  However, Dave was sad and upset having wanted to talk to Michael. To try and find out what had gone so badly wrong in his life, that had driven so much hate within his brain, to murder both his parents.

  Dave had seen a lot of good and love in his Mother Susan, who he had been in love with for couple of years.

  Dave ended up in hospital, after the bullet passed through his leg. Although it was later discovered that the bullet had also broken his femur bone.

  It became a busy round of everybody who ever knew him, dropping in for a visit, and that included his employers Mr Jones and Mr Smith. As one can imagine it soon became a boring stay in hospital.

  One morning while Dave was sitting in a chair looking out of a window by his bed. Sadly, the only view he had was that of a local churchyard across the road, and of a few people leaving flowers by some of the graves.

  However, it was better than just lying in bed looking up at the ceiling. Letting his imagination run away with him. His inward thoughts were positive, believing that at least he was laying on the right side of the road. At least people were not laying flowers around his bed.

  The silence was eventually broken when a nurse came to see him, and asked if he was up for just one more visitor. Dave just nodded his head hoping it would be the last, as he had been informed earlier that he might be released later in the day.

  When he looked up he found himself looking at the first female who had wanted to visit him. Starting with her feet he slowly looked up her body heading towards her head.

  Upon reaching her face he got the shock of his life, as he recognised it to be Lorraine, and she was on her own. Wow was she a pleasant sight for sore eyes he thought.

  She learned over and kissed him on the side of his cheek, and whispered,

  “I've come to pick you up.” that left him speechless for a few seconds.

  “Never been picked up in my life.”

  “How about another kiss, first?” He asked.

  To which she leaned over to once again try and kiss him on the side of his cheek, but just as her lips were about to touch his cheek, he moved his head slightly so that her lips eventually met his. A long drawn out kiss then took place.

  With that he needed no more visitors. Calling for the nurse,

  “Bring my cloths, I'm going home to enjoy a long private convalescence with an old school friend.”

  The End

  Other books by this Author

  'Almost Total Recall' an Autobiography by Terry Aspinall. Who grew up in Stowmarket and the Teddy Boy gangs of Ipswich? Later to serve in the Royal Marines Commandos and saw active service in Borneo. Was involved in Hang Gliding during its early days of development in the UK. Played in several Rock N Roll bands around the world, before immigrating to New Zealand and a few years later to Australia.

  'Correcting History' the invention of the Modern Hang Glider seems to have been shrouded in mystery and incorrect information for many years. It is only now with the luxury of hindsight, very fast computers, IT media and our constant quest for more and more information, that the story has been slowly unravelled. I'm not sure if it would have been possible fifteen or twenty years ago, as earlier hang gliding historians found out at their cost. As they had published articles and although read by many, nobody seemed to have picked up on what they were saying, or did not care.

  'Royal Marines 350 Years' is a brief history of the Royal Marines that were formed way back at 11.58 am on Tuesday 28th October 1664 by King Charles II. It describes some of its history up to the present day. Along with its traditions that have moulded Royal Marines into what has always been one of the finest fighting military forces in the world. Those that they fought in battle were so impressed with their courage and skill that their countries formed their own version of the Marines. To copy is the best form of flattery, a way to acknowledge just how great the Royal Marines were respected. Once A Marine Always a Marine.

  'Landguard Fort' Royal Marines Museum’. Royal Marine museum is within the Landguard Fort complex situated at the southern end of Felixstowe (Suffolk). It is the last place a foreign invading force landed and was defeated on the British main land. It was also the very first battle that the Royal Marines fought on land, having been formed only three years earlier during 1664.

  'The British Hang Gliding History' is an updated history of how the Hang Glider was invented in Australia during 1963, and of how it arrived in the UK to be manufactured and flown for the first time during 1972. This book is a shortened version of the successful website of the same name there are working hyperlinks to the BHGA early Hang Gliding magazine 'Wings' and the BMAA early Microlight magazine 'Front Line'.

  'Transfer Music from iPod to Computer' This is just a short easy to follow free article that I’m sure will help many people to move their music collections from their iPod and iPads to their computers. I do not use legal or illegal software that usually bring loads of other rubbish into your computers. It will only take you a few minutes to learn and a couple of hours to move folders and files around on your computer.

  'Aldeburgh' Photo Memories 2014 is a collection of photo's that were taken during a short holiday stay in the town during September 2014. It's my way of being able to remember the trip and to also allow my friends and family to enjoy what Aldeburgh offers. My wife grew up in Aldeburgh and could not believe the changes that had taken place over the past thirty years. People who keep this E-book record will be able to use it in the future as further changes take place as the town changes and grow.

  'Birkdale Road' A photo album capturing the different colours that are annually displayed, and enhance the Birkdale Road just east of Brisbane Australia. As with most countries one can usually tell the time of year by the vegetation that nature displays all around us. I get a great sense of pleasure looking at the different colours that enhanced the Birkdale road, and of their constant changes that take place during the different seasons.

  'The Fabulous Spawlszoff Brothers' a fictitious story, that is based on actual funny events that the author has experienced during his 50 years in the music industry.

  'Johnny Morris and the Convertibles' is a fictitious story that is based on actual events that the author has experienced during his 50 years in the music industry.

  'Chasing Shadows' this novel is about Englishman Michael J. Thompson. Who joined the Australian Army so he could serve in Vietnam during 1968. There were only a very few British who got to fight in this theatre of war and Michael was one of them. Michael had his own ideas of jungle training and fighting that he had learnt in other theatres of war. Where they had worked well and saved many lives. He always wanted to help others survive in a hostile environment. Where your next step could kill you if you walked into a bobby trap or ambush. His ideas on cross border patrols where later to be adopted by other western countries. However, his special teams were at their best on information gathering patrols. His golden rule was 'To see but not be seen, and eat nothing red'.

  'The Kansas Rascal' Ten y
ears after his wife died, Australian Bradley Newman is living a lonely life. Never being able to accept her death has made it hard for him to find another partner. His love of music and magic has been his saving grace. Accepting that he will never find that special person that could replace her. After his son sets him up with a computer he becomes excited at the prospect of learning a new technology. Then by chance during 1998 while on line he meets a girl from America, and falls in love with her. However, he has not the courage to tell her of his feeling. He secretly flies to America to meet up with her, but walks into a lot of trouble that he did not see coming. Feelings of love can sometimes blind the beholder.

  'The Autumn Reunion' A fictitious story of a school reunion that tempted James through the painful journey of having to choose one girlfriend above another.

  'The Adventures of Henri and Charlie' is a very young children's short story about the authors pet Peach Face Parrot and Canary that escape from their cages and are taken on a wild ride, with no hope of returning to the security of their own cages back home. In this story, the birds talk to each other.

  'Matthew Returns' Matthew has been discharged from the British Army after serving 22 years. He returns to Suffolk and the small countryside town of Stowmarket, in which he grew up. At first, he finds it hard to settle back into the life he once knew. Finding it hard to obtain employment with skills he had picked up while serving in the Army. However, a shock awaits him when it comes to finding himself a girlfriend.

  'Unexpected' John is in a great relationship with his partner until the day she disappears. His friends and the locals turn against him, thinking that he has done something wrong. Luckily, he befriends somebody who takes him for who he is. However, he is in for a shock and an ending that he did not expect.

  'One of A Kind' Chris Lawler was born into a military orientated house hold and his Officer Father forces him to join the Army that leads to the SAS. He goes on to Join the French Foreign Legion. To later find himself in Vietnam and later Angola. Eventually joining the Royal Marines and serving in Northern Ireland.

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