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Coming Back To You Part 1

  By Alison Charm


  Copyright © 2015 Alison Charm


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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, places or events is purely coincidental and the product of the author’s imagination.

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  Coming Back To You Part 1

  Paranormal Romance

  Description: Having relocated more than an average 17 years old should have, Rurika Hart finally settled in a quaint town. There she met her very first friend and finally experienced a normal high school life. Her friend, Jocelyn Moore, would say otherwise though. Besides fashion sense, Jocelyn believed Rurika’s one true fault was her love for wolves. After four years, Rurika still had not forgotten her three days meeting with a wolf. Chances of them meeting were absolute zero but then strange things were happening. A hot quarterback and a wolf?


  Praises for Alison Charm’s Books

  “Could not stop the smile from forming on my face and its continuous presence after the ending.” – Minnie

  “Well written, unusual plot, interesting characters. Recommend.” – B. Shumway


  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Overwhelming Eyes (Excerpt)

  Double Love (Excerpt)

  Stringing a Doctor (Excerpt)

  If It’s You (Excerpt)



  “Here you go…” Rurika rolled the end of the white bandage around his leg and inserted the pin gently, being extra careful to not stab the injury. She soothingly ran her hand down his soft furry back cooing him like a mother to her child.

  The wolf swished his bushy tail up and down, relief and delight bloomed inside of her. It was as if the wolf understood her and she relished in the connection this opportunity fostered. She had always wanted a pet but having parents that uprooted her with their extremely busy travels make rearing animals difficult. The family flew at least thirty times a year and all around the world! This must be the feeling of having a pet she thought as she petted him. No. It was more like having something dear.

  Luckily this summer her parents got a university gig, teaching archeological ruins and as a result, she got to stay with her ailing grandmother who was living close by. Her parents decided to live in the university dorms instead of renting a place as they would never go anywhere anyway. Enough thinking about my self-obsessed parents.

  A few days ago during her morning walks, she stumbled upon an injured wolf. She should have called for help but she was afraid of what would happen. She could not imagine this magnificent looking animal caged up in a facility being probed by scientists. Her imagination sometimes got the better of her.

  Her decision to care for it herself was naturally a quick and easy one. However, in her thirteen years living, she never felt so much fear – the helplessness and lack of knowledge she possessed. With the help of the internet and YouTube, she watched how ‘doctors’ bandaged the sick and what symptoms to look for. Amidst her inexperience, she was able to rise up to the challenge.

  “Alright, clean the cut with alcohol and put this gel…check.” She blushed, the name was too long for her to pronounce. It was still embarrassing even if she was alone with Mr. Wolf. She held the ice bag on top of its head and it purred.

  Mr. Wolf’s fever continued for a couple of days now because he refused to eat. Who wouldn’t eat bread? Apparently a wolf wouldn’t. Nor yams or carrots…well, grandma was a vegetarian! How could one find meat in a house of a vegetarian?

  “I made some broth. Try it please?” She murmured near the wolf’s ears. She lied on her stomach and stared at Mr. Wolf. His yellowish eyes met hers, their nose nearly touching. In surprise, a rough tongue licked her from chin to her forehead. She squealed with laughter and rolled away.

  “What are you doing? Are you saying you want to eat me?” She giggled and hesitated. It was highly possible but the wolf made no angry sounds. She had seen dogs angry and growling before, but Mr. Wolf did not give off any threatening noises. Instead, she felt utterly safe and at ease beside him, like he understood what she was doing. She rolled back to her original spot and held the ice bag upright on his forehead.

  “You’re teasing me.” Impulsively, she kissed him on the nose and he whined. She did it again, loving the effect she had on him. Mr. Wolf rubbed his snot on her cheek and neck making another bout of uncontainable giggles.

  “Alright, you’re eating today even if I have to feed you. I brought a spoon!” She rumbled out the containers. If she did not know any better, she could have sworn he scoffed at her optimism. Well, she made a decision and the only thing to do was to carry on with her head held high.

  Be that as it may, the task was difficult as predicted. By the end, she was covered with half the broth. Mr. Wolf rested on his side, panting from the exertion and staring at her with puppy eyes like she was wrong to force him to eat. It would be if he was full but she knew for a fact that Mr. Wolf ate nothing for days. Still, the look melted her heart and she crawled over and pillowed his head on her knees. Her hands gently ran through the fur on his neck trying to sooth him like a mother would to her crying child. His short dark fur was surprisingly silky to the touch and her small hands gripped all those firm legs and back. She blushed seeing his big round eyes staring at her.

  “Don’t you give me that look, Mr. Wolf. You made me smell like chicken soup. It was hard to find meat in a vegetarian’s house. We only eat vegetables…and fruits…and fish.” Her train of thought returned to the present when she felt Mr. Wolf licking her thighs.

  “Stop!” She giggled and fell on her back laughing. She was exhausted when Mr. Wolf finished cleaning her and laid out on his stomach, his paws holding his chin up beside her. “Are you feeling better?” She scratched behind his ears gently. He grumbled lowly like a kitty would be purring, making her smile in relief. Feeling satisfied she closed her eyes to the sound of nature. The past few days made her immensely worried. Unable to find help from anyone, she had to rely on herself and luck. Thankfully everything worked out and so she rewarded herself a little shut-eye.

  “Rurika!” Rurika stretched and blinked at the familiarity of the voice. Was someone calling her?

  “Rurika!” She bolted up quickly, recognizing her grandmother’s voice calling her. Judging by the darkness, she fell asleep for hours on the forest ground. She felt around and found her backpack but no Mr. Wolf.

  “Mr. Wolf?” Her voice rose in concern. He never left this place. For the past three days, he was resting right here in this exact spot. Where could he have gone? She was starting to panic now, “Mr. Wolf? Where are you?”

  “Rurika?!” The emotion in her grandmother’s voice mirrored her desperation for Mr. Wolf. She could not keep silent knowing the distress she must be causing her grandmother. Besides, what could she do in the darkness? It pained her to leave but she vowed she would search for him bright and early.

  “Grandma!” She called and stumbled her way out of the forest, towards her grandmother’s voice.
br />   Chapter 1

  “Rurika!” Jocelyn jogged down the hall towards her, her blonde curls bouncing along with her exuberant movement. Jocelyn was a marvel to behold. She was beautiful and quirky, a complete mystery to the population of Lawndale High.

  Girls envied her beauty and confidence, while the boys seemed to admire her and steer away. Rurika wished she had half of her best friend’s blessing, but alas, it was not meant to be. She inherited her parents’ historical brain, making social relationships more difficult than chores.

  “How was your weekend? You should have come shopping with me! There was this huge sale at the mall and I bought like these cute shorts…” Jocelyn gushed out her shopping adventure to her friend.

  Initially, Rurika would force herself to hang on to her friend’s every word out of politeness but with time it proved to be a little too difficult. After few months of meeting Jocelyn, she knew Jocelyn would not mind anyway as long as she gave the occasionally ‘uh huh’ or ‘oh wow’ as appropriate.

  “I so wanted to buy this prom dress you know. It was so cute and all but then it’s a little too early in the game right? I don’t want to regret it later, besides the dress is a little too classic for my taste. Makes me look old.”

  Rurika sent her friend a quizzical look. “I didn’t know we have a prom for year 11?”

  Jocelyn laughed good – naturedly at her question. “Of course not, silly! But they should have an end of year party for us…that might be a good idea. Anyway, I’m preparing to be asked out by the seniors of course! A couple already approached me but a girl got to wait a bit right?”

  Ah, of course, Rurika bit her lower lip to stop from smiling. Jocelyn was sometimes like an organizer. She would debate with herself, second guessing and plan out her wardrobe in advance. If only she would apply these skills to studying, she would be on the honour roll.

  “Oh, how’d we end up in the library?” The librarian shushed them and Jocelyn lowered her voice. “You tricked me again, Ruri! You know me and the library don’t mix! It smells like something is rotting!” Mrs. Hazel’s eyebrow twitched, but otherwise did not look up.

  “Joyce, that’s rude, Mrs. Hazel was about to send you the evil eye.” She whispered as she let her feet carry her to the all familiar shelf. There was not one book that she did not peruse over the years.

  Jocelyn scoffed and rolled her pretty brown eyes. “Let her try. How that old bat got married in the first place is a mystery.”

  Thankfully, the both of them were out of Mrs. Hazel’s earshot. There was something brewing between Mrs. Hazel and Jocelyn since their junior year but Jocelyn was dismissive about it and so Rurika was too polite to pry.

  “Wolves? Again?” Jocelyn groaned as if she received a twenty page report assignment. “You’re bordering to obsession over them. Seriously, it’s unhealthy!”

  “They’re cute.” Rurika smiled at the picture of a cute pup on the cover. “Until 500, 000 years ago, Canis Lupus colonized in North America and replaced the dire wolf as the main species, I know that.”

  “Oh, who doesn’t?” Joyce rolled her eyes accompanying her sarcastic comment, mumbling under her breath.

  “There are two categories of wolf subspecies, Northern and Southern wolves. DNA evidence dates Southern wolves to be about 800, 000 years old. Hmm…the information is still talking about a gray wolf though. Of course their fur coat changes depending on the latitude they’re living in.” Rurika continued to herself.

  Based on her memory though, something did not add up. “However, in my mind, Mr. Wolf seemed to be a baby but he’s way bigger than me, almost the average size of an adult wolf. Don’t you think it’s strange?”

  “I think you’re insane.”

  Rurika’s eyebrows furrowed at her friend. “That’s rude, Joyce. I did listen to your weekend recount.”

  “Oh pfft. Alright, tell me why it’s weird.”

  Smiling at her friend’s defeat, she explained her reflection. “Well, an adult wolf is like 105 to 160 cm in length and 80 to 85 cm in height. However, Mr. Wolf appeared bigger than that and his bone structure –”

  “Oh heck! What did you eat yesterday?” Jocelyn glared at her, fist on her hips.

  The abrupt change in topic startled her. “What?”

  “Just answer me.” Her friend snapped. Rurika gulped hard. It was rare for her friend to get angry with her upbeat personality. Add to that, her eyes were serious and menacing.

  “The answer is you don’t know, right? And before you ask me what my point is,” Jocelyn held up her hand to stop Rurika from interrupting, “I’m telling you, you were like what 13 years old? How can you be sure you remember those, whatever details are real?”

  “Well…it has been only four years.” She countered.

  “You don’t even remember what you ate yesterday.” She replied with triumph. Rurika pouted, knowing that her friend was making a good point. Perhaps she was wrong?

  “And you always look for such boring information.” Jocelyn flipped the book and smiled gleefully. The look in her eyes glinted with mischievousness, making Rurika’s stomach churn. Nothing good ever came from that glint and smirk. Never.

  “Here we go! Wolf’s copulation!” Jocelyn ignored her friend’s groan of protest and held the book away from Rurika’s outreaching hands. Jocelyn in defense could only read the book above her head. “It says here that during mating, the pairs can lock in a sexual position for at least 5 minutes and can last till 36 minutes! Oh my goodness, the poor female wolfy! And it says that the male wolf’s penis will swell up inside the female’s vulva? I suppose that means vagina…oh! Before ejaculating multiple times! Oh my! Lucky dogs! And this result in an average litter of 5 to 6 pups – hey! Where are you going?”

  Rurika walked briskly towards the exit with her head down. Her face was probably as ripe as a tomato about now. She must be crazy imagining Mr. Wolf doing those things. Well, he would have done those by now. Wolves mate as early as two years old! The thought made her blush harder and her heart ache unexpectedly.

  “Wha –” She bounced back from a hard heated wall. No, the body of Mack Jackson. She gulped as she stared up at Mack’s warm chocolate eyes and handsome profile. No wonder he was the captain of the football team with such a hard solid body. Her head and shoulder were still in pain.

  Hell, her mind was still on sex. Jocelyn had been obsessed with sex since last year when she lost it to her long time crush, Rex Lawrence, who moved away at the end of the year, thus ended the love affair.

  Jocelyn was depressed for like a week before she bounced back, proclaiming that there are greener pastures to mow over. The point was, Jocelyn shared everything with Rurika including educating her the size of the opposite sex’s important male anatomy.

  She shivered and stepped away from Mack.

  “That’s not the typical reaction I get.” He chuckled with good humour. Mack was out-going and seriously nice. There were not any bad rumours about him and the teachers all sing him praises. He did not deserve her rude gesture.

  “Sorry, it’s not you, it’s me.” The words blurted out of her mouth before her rationality kicked in. All she could do was wince at the cliché line. Mack grinned, heating up her humiliation.

  “Oh Mack! Good morning! Fancy seeing you here.” Jocelyn smiled and twirled her curls. Rurika stifled a cough at Jocelyn’s clear body language. She could not imagine pulling off the same ‘swaying of the hips and head tilt’ move.

  “Yah, you missed Rurika and my collision. It was epic.” His eyes gleamed with amusement at Jocelyn but otherwise returned back to her. Rurika shrugged.

  “Well, I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t put a dent on you or anything. Anyway, we got to go.” Rurika pulled her friend with her before the girl started salivating at the man’s shoes. Jocelyn did that once in front of J.B. Yes, the singer and wet dream of girls below 15. Mack was more adult looking but he was on Jocelyn’s hot list.

  “Ow…ow! Hold your horses!” Rurika let go when they reached
their first class, Biology. She flumped down on her seat and got her things out.

  “You know, you should talk with the boy. You have a crush on him anyway.”

  Rurika opened her mouth in shock. “I do not!”

  “Then why are you all red then?”

  “I am blushing because you embarrassed me in the library talking about sex –” She clamped her mouth shut but her little loud declaration was clear as day. A couple of boys from the soccer team chuckled and stared openly at her from the chest down. She grinded her teeth together, it took all her will power to not chuck her 2 kg Biology textbook at them.

  “Hmm…”Jocelyn tapped her chin with a manicured nail like she was Sherlock Holmes solving a mystery case. Thankfully, the biology teacher, Mr. O’Neil came to save the day.

  Chapter 2

  “Hey, going home?” Rurika turned around at Mack’s question. He leaned like a GQ model by the lockers in his football uniform. Her heart fluttered. Yes, she was attracted, who wouldn’t? She glanced behind him, waiting for the head cheerleader Ivy to pop out with her iron pompoms.

  Mack cleared his throat, reminding her that he was waiting for her response.

  “Yes.” She was not really lying here. Technically she was going home but she would stop by the community library along the way. It was not any of Mack’s business where she went. Her schedule was private.

  “Hmm…” Mack grinned, unnerving her. Rurika decided to take the bait, what harm was there?

  “What?” Rurika dumped her books in her bag and swung it behind her. His eyes glittered with amusement as he watched. Sometimes, this man, really he was no longer a boy judging from his 6 feet height, was intimidating in a strange way. She felt like a dwarf with her 5 feet 4 inches.

  “I bet you’re stopping by the library again.”

  “Why Mack are you stalking me?” She teased uncomfortably.

  “Nope, just been watching.” She froze in mid act of closing her locker. Mack chuckled. “Sorry, I’m just joking. Don’t panic. I saw you a couple of times on my way home. Do you want a ride? I heard you’re living alone right?”

  Panic set in immediately but Rurika managed to take in a deep breath to calm her nerves. “No, that’s okay. I’m not staying late. My parents are coming home frequently so you don’t need to worry. Anyway, you have practice right? If you don’t go now, the coach will make you run laps.”