Read Coming Back To You Part 1 Page 2

  “Okay.” Mack smiled and walked away but not before throwing her a promise. “Maybe next time.”

  Releasing a sigh, she decided to let this incident go before overanalyzing creates insomnia.

  “Ooo!” Rurika gasped and turned around to find her friend’s head popped out at the side of the locker like she got decapitated.

  “Jocelyn Street!” Rurika admonished. “You scared me half to death!”

  “I knew Mack is into you!” Jocelyn bounced up to her with her big handbag. Jocelyn decided that backpacks were too elementary and tried to convince Rurika to convert but she was a stubborn soul as Jocelyn summarized.

  Rurika sighed in exasperation and made her way out of school grounds. “Why are you here today? I thought you have a date with Joe –”

  “Steven Lucas.” Jocelyn corrected, not at all offended by Rurika’s frequent inability to name her next date. “The date’s canceled because he didn’t have his car. I am not going to ‘hang out’ at the park so I told him I need to spend time with my best buddy anyway. We rescheduled to Friday night, sorry no movie that day.”

  Rurika rolled her brown eyes heavenward. “Oh lord, please save this soul –”

  “You know I love you!” Joyce hugged her friend tightly. “Ruri! You’re my soul! The prettiest, smartest girl with the purest heart.” Rurika snorted and patted her friend’s arm.

  “Alright, alright. No need to lay it on so thick. I don’t swing that way.”

  “Well, same here. Unless you decided to drop your weird wolf obsession, I know we can make it happen.”

  “OMG you did not just say that!” Rurika laughed and Jocelyn joined in.


  The town of Lawndale was a tight – knit community with a population of 6,570. Why Rurika’s parents decided to settle their only child here was a mystery to her. She would much rather live near the mountainous regions of Cape Loan with her grandmother than staying here. However, she finally had the freedom of not being dragged around by her parents so it was a small price to pay.

  Her elderly neighbour, a Mrs. Chow, would often invite her over for dinner. A retired citizen of Lawndale was convinced by her parents to look after their child. Not that she minded but she did not really approve her parents’ method of raising their child. It was like they suddenly decided to have a child one day but did not sign up for the ‘raising her properly part’ afterwards. Her grandmother had remarked more than once how her grandchild was more grounded then her elders.

  Jocelyn dropped her off in her red Kia after they had grocery shopped. It was not Jocelyn’s idea of fun but she found consolation in telling her how to flirt and dress to impress, including short skirts and skin tight tank tops.

  An elder couple blushed when Jocelyn palmed her breasts as they were getting cereal. This earned Jocelyn a couple of slap on her arms. Rurika was worried the old couple was going to have a heart attack or something.

  After placing her purchases in its respective places in the kitchen she finished her homework. As a girl not into the typical teenage pop culture, she had more than enough time to think, well, more like fantasizing. Perhaps she should get a dog? A wolf was definitely out of the question for obvious reasons but a Sheppard would be nice, especially one that resembled a wolf.

  A long bubble bath later, she was leaning out the balcony from her parent’s bedroom overlooking the woods. She loved the solitude and woodsy smell from the trees and wildlife. Perhaps she should take up Evolutionary biology? Zoology used to be her top choice but then seeing wolves in a closed confine would soon turn her criminal. She would release them for sure and end up in prison. Chuckling to herself, she was about to turn in when she heard a howl breaking the dead silent night. Her heart beat with trepidation and excitement.

  Without a second thought, she was running in her no–sleeve white gown into the woods. Dusk was approaching but there was still enough light to see. She ran in a linear fashion so she could make her way back later. Leaves rustled softly as she passed by. She had explored these woods before so she was not particularly afraid. After fifteen minutes or so of turning around in the dark, her rationality kicked in.

  “What in the world am I thinking?” Entering the woods alone to pursue a ‘wolf’ was nothing but suicidal. There might not even be one. Reality washed over her and she retraced her steps. Fireflies glowed by the time she reached the edge of the woods. Mrs. Chow must be sleeping by now. The only lights on were her living room’s. When she opened her backyard door, she heard it again, a howl. This proved it was definitely not her imagination.

  Chapter 3

  Beep! Beep! Beep! Rurika yawned and automatically pressed her alarm to snooze. She blinked away from the blinding morning light escaping through the sheer curtains. For the first time in four years, she saw Mr. Wolf again.

  It was only a dream though. She sighed, the memories floating back. He was slightly bigger than before but the way he nuzzled her neck and behind her ears, was all him. It made her blush and sent her lower parts pulsing. What was the matter with her?

  “Oh my goodness, I’m crushing on a wolf!” She groaned and made her way to the bathroom. She ran her fingers along the side of her neck, like the warm touch still lingered there. “Am I getting paranoid? Why else would I feel like it actually happened?”

  Twenty minutes later she was out the door and in Jocelyn’s Kia. “Whoa girl, what’s with the dark clouds over your head?” Her friend was right of course. She looked like she pulled an all nighter. That would be a first for her if that were actually true. A person with abundant time tended to sleep at ten. To say the least, the dream troubled her not in an uncomfortable way. Instead, it left her wanting – her heart aching for him.

  “I’m starting to feel like you’re right, my wolf obsession has reached its peak.”

  “Hang on, can you hold the wheel while I set my phone’s recording on? Ow!” Rurika flicked her friend’s arm. “Just joking! I never thought there’d be a day you’ll agree with me. It’s like a miracle! What happened?”

  “Nothing really, just this dream I have of him and hearing howls yesterday night.” She kept the part about venturing the woods to herself. Jocelyn would have a fit besides calling her stupid among other things. Running in the woods at the dead of night? Talk about a serial killer’s dream.

  “So you’re giving up on wolves for the time being?” Her friend deduced. After three years together, their friendship was really strong. Rurika nodded.

  “For now. I can’t imagine giving up forever but it’s time.”

  Her friend smiled. “Yes! Finally we can shop and scope out guys!”

  “I was thinking about getting a job.” Rurika smiled at her friend, who scowled. “Your mom owns a little boutique at the mall right? Is she hiring?”

  “Hmmmmmm…..alright, I’ll ask. As long as you’re working in the mall, it’s progress.”

  “How optimistic of you.” Rurika grinned.

  “Oh my little puppy, you have no idea.” Jocelyn turned the car towards the parking lot and squeaked with excitement. “Oh look! Mack!”

  Before Rurika could protest, Jocelyn parked the car beside Mack Jackson’s and hopped out hugging him.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure?” Mack teased making Jocelyn giggle.

  “Oh you tease. I’m just happy my best friend is finally freeing up her schedule for me instead of –”

  “Joyce.” Rurika finally rounded the car and reached them. “Good morning.” She smiled at Mack, who returned it in full blast.

  “Anyway, looks like you two are busy, I’m heading in first.” She turned and walked away with them somehow falling in line on either side of her.

  “Ruri, we still have time to chat.”

  “That’s right. And what’s the happy occasion this morning?” Mack smiled at her.

  “Oh, she’s looking for a job.” Joyce supplied, earning a glare from Rurika. She and Jocelyn were complete opposites in terms of personality. Her friend was outgoing and energe
tic while she was more of a private person.

  “Oh, anything in particular? My family owns a law office and they’re always looking for personal assistants.”

  Rurika could only interpret Mack’s look as hopeful. “Um…thank you but I think I’m more suited for sales clerk roles. Not a lot of skill involved.” She muttered. Jocelyn nudged her ribs a little too hard and she gasped.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yah, Jocelyn seemed to have trouble walking.”

  Mack smiled as Jocelyn snorted.

  “Hey Mack!” They turned to see Ivy waltzing down in an extremely short skirt. If she bent twenty degrees, everyone would be privy to her latest underwear. Unless she wore a thong, there would be nothing and everything to be seen.

  Jocelyn and Rurika muttered a “laters” and left. Even Jocelyn could not stand Ivy’s presence without threatening to scratch the pretty red head. Ivies are poisonous.


  Jocelyn’s mother, Kelyn, hired her on the spot. Rurika knew she should have bailed when her friend’s mother gave her a once over. Her friend and Kelyn decided on everything. She would have the whole weekend shift and night shifts on Monday and Thursday.

  Jocelyn argued Friday off the list claiming that it was date night. Not that Rurika had ever been on a date or had a boyfriend to go on a date with. Her friend had confidence like always that she would have one very soon. The little spark in her eyes made Rurika squirm.

  “You have to wear our products dear, just take the tag off. You have a great body to showcase my newest lingerie. Come.” Kelyn grabbed her wrists in a surprisingly tight grip and pulled her to the change room where she was shoved in along with various shades of bras. How the woman could tell her size from her roomy sweatshirt was a mystery.

  “Oh how I envy you!”

  “Gahh! Joyce! I’m still changing!” Rurika pulled at the curtains and never felt more relieved for the darkness.

  Jocelyn rolled her eyes. “That’s kind of obvious. Anyway, what do you eat to get so big? B36. That’s almost like a C and you’re what, grade 11?”

  “Oh shush.” She fanned herself with her hand. No way was she going to tell her friend that the bra was a little tight.

  The curtain was pushed back so suddenly that caused both of them to squeal. Kelyn assessed her from top to bottom like an art critic and announced. “You need a size bigger I see, and lace looks good on you. Let me get you another set.”

  Again, before she could utter a single word, the curtain was closed. Jocelyn pushed up her small B cup breasts. “Guys all go for the breasts, mind you. She slid an envied glance at Rurika’s and she could feel her face heat up. “From now on, I’m eating what you’re eating.” She nodded to herself. “I want Myles Connor to ask me out before December.”

  “Myles Connor?” Rurika stuttered. “What about Steven?”

  “He’s a date, not boyfriend material.” She clapped her hands on Rurika’s shoulder and sighed. “I have so much to teach you my little pup.”

  “Oh please.”

  “Here you go!” Kelyn flung the curtains open again, this time there were female customers staring.

  Chapter 4

  Jocelyn and Rurika went to Catnips, the restaurant down the road for dinner. Catnips had been here for years and recently remodeled to appeal to the younger generation. With large windows and roomy booths, it was the ideal place to be seen making out, providing fodder materials for the rumour mill. Even though Rurika was never one to enjoy voyeurism, she came to appreciate the beautiful wood surfaces and plants used to separate the booths. It gave an appearance of the wilderness. The ceiling was definitely something to adore. It was painted to represent the clear blue sky and it spanned the whole restaurant. On Christmas Eve, she was surprised that the ceiling turned to night time. The lights appeared like twinkling stars. It was absolutely romantic. However, she loved the blue sky more, reminding her of the days she spent with Mr. Wolf staring up from the forest floor.

  Another reason for its popularity among the American population was their classical menu which consisted of the special lasagna and homemade pies. Perhaps she should consider waitressing instead? The waitress uniform would take some getting used to but selling underwear was definitely much more discomfiting. She had forgotten Jocelyn’s mother changed her shop to include underwear.

  “I’ll have the lasagna with pomegranate juice.” Rurika closed her menu.

  “Same.” Jocelyn replied. Rurika spoke after their waitress was gone.

  “Are you seriously going through with this? I think it has more to do with genes than food. You know your mom is quite…endowed so you’ll be alright.”

  “No, I can’t take any risks if I want to nail a successful hunk. That’s how my mom nailed my father you know. It made their sex enjoyable. You know how they –”

  “Too much information, thank you very much.” There was many things wrong with that sentence alone but for the life of her she would leave that topic territory unexplored. She grabbed the glass the waitress deposited and took a long furious sip.

  “But seriously. You know my perspective on appearances. You don’t need it to be popular. You have a lot going for you already.”

  “I can say the same right back at you.” Her eyebrows rose, slumping back in the booth with a sly grin. “I can’t wait to see you in those tight fitting clothes that show off your curves.”

  “You sound like a pervert.” Rurika chewed her lips.

  “And you, are asking for a kiss by doing that.”

  Shaking her head, Rurika laughed. “What am I ever going to do with you?”

  “Oh I can think of –”

  “Will your mind ever be out of the gutter? I swear you’re like those pubescent boys.”

  “Oh? Whatever are you talking about?” She fluttered her eyelashes at Rurika, acting all cute and innocent. Jocelyn was never that. “I was only going to suggest a daily walk.” They giggled and ate their food. The evening was ending up to be relatively relaxing.

  “Hubba Hubba.” Jocelyn whispered in awe.

  “What?” Rurika stopped in mid – chew.

  “Hunky men. Door.” Rurika stared curiously at her friend before turning. Whoever this newcomer was must be absolutely gorgeous to render her friend uttering words instead of sentences. And the men definitely did not disappoint.

  Three giants at least over 6 feet three blocked the doorway. The man in the middle with jet black hair and green eyes was the tallest. The other two were slightly shorter with dark chestnut hair and blue eyes. Twins. The left one was softer looking whereas the other was harder with a devil–may–care attitude going. He winked at every woman as he walked past the booths. Irrespective of age and appearance, they all swooned.

  It was utterly ridiculous but her eyes were trained on the man with black hair. He glanced at her for a moment but otherwise sat down in another booth diagonally from theirs. She turned her head back and swallowed.

  The men must work out seeing how their shirts strained against their chest. Dark jeans hung low and tight to their thick thighs. Her body was lighting on fire at her attraction to him.

  “The bill, please.” Rurika pulled a fifty from her wallet and gave it to the waiter. Their waitress was apparently busy servicing the hunky men. There were giggles and laughter behind her but she willed herself not to look.

  “Aw, so soon?” Jocelyn gave her a pouty look and whispered. “Just let me memorize their physique for my wet dream tonight.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that.” Rurika murmured in shock. She stuffed her change away and grabbed her bags. Jocelyn refused to cooperate so she had to push her from behind.

  “Oh!” She bent down to pick up her bag of lingerie spilling on the floor. Of all the times to drop something it has to be this and in front of someone so hot. A bra floated beside her and she turned.

  Her cheeks heated as her eyes ran from the bra in his thick fingers all the way up the arm to Mr. Green eyes. His smouldering gaze made
her chest heave and nipples harden. She snatched the bra quickly and stuffed it in her bag, stood and pushed Jocelyn out. She was squirming while looking at one of the twins in navy blue, the hard twin. Somehow things never change.


  “I see you’re keeping that as a souvenir?” Wilson grinned, eyes darting from the purple panty in his hand. Austin ignored them, eyes scanning the menu with a look of determination. Once his little brother set a goal, he was on it. And right now, the topic was food.

  Austin was definitely the calmer twin and much more serious than his brother. It seemed that all the wild genes went to Wilson where the logical side went to Austin. Roman fingered the panty before stuffing it in his pocket despite his body’s protests.

  “Can we order, please?” Austin rolled his eyes. Wilson grinned at his brother.

  “Whatever you’re ordering, make it double. I’m famished.” He winked at the brunette across from their table and she purred. “Man, there’re a lot of pretty young things in this godforsaken town.”

  Roman shook his head. Why did father order these two to come along with him? “Behave Wild-son.” The nickname brought a smile to Wilson’s lips.

  “Aw, is my elder brother jealous?”

  Roman snorted, fingering the panty in his pocket. The lacy fabric was silky to his touch. Imagination was beginning to run amuck in his mind.

  “Whoa, don’t go into heat here.” Wilson licked his lips.

  Austin ordered for them all, a meal that could feed six humans. The female did not mind though and Roman seriously doubted whether she wrote down their order correctly with all that panting. She even seemed hesitant to leave.

  “Don’t think you can just leave us again.” Austin turned his gaze and stared hard at his brother. Although he was younger by a decade, Austin had the aptitude of strategic planning for beta. Wilson inherited the power side of a beta and trained younger wolves on various martial arts he gleamed over at dojos.

  “Heck, I’m all fired up. Be right back.” Wilson left the table, immediately followed by a blonde. Roman shook his head at his brother’s dirty antics. A restroom inside a family restaurant was definitely not the place for this. Austin also grimaced but did not criticize his twin’s behaviour. They tended to keep their arguments telepathic for privacy sakes.