Read Coming Back To You Part 1 Page 3

  “Judging how we’re here, you’re positive that she’s the one?” Austin spoke calmly. Roman kept his conversational part.

  “Yah, I was with her yesterday. Her smell and response was…” Euphoric, mind – boggling, ecstasy…it was hell for him to touch and not have a taste. She was definitely destined to be his mate.

  “What did I miss?” Wilson slumped down on the seat, making Austin scowl and cough. He sniffed and focussed on his food instead. Wilson smirked. “No need to be jealous, there are definitely a lot of pastures here.” The blonde wobbled out with a face that said she was well – fucked.

  “I blame father for this.” Roman sighed.

  “Relax, Rome.” Wilson smirked and dug in his meal with gusto. “Just get this mission over with and you’ll be rid of me.” Roman chuckled, he could not wait.

  Chapter 5

  Rurika took out her laundry and placed it on the hamper to dry. One piece was missing from her bag. Her cheeks could melt a marshmallow with all the heat they were giving off. The only possible place would be at the diner. Heck, would Mr. Green Eyes think she was coming on to him? She groaned. This was absolutely the worst.

  She chewed her lips. What was wrong with her? First she was obsessed with wolves, now she was thinking of some random stranger. It must be because he was the dangerous type. Jocelyn mentioned how the tall, dark and handsome ones were the heartbreakers and that all women tended to flock to them.

  “Well, it’s not like I’ll ever meet him again.” She sighed and flumped down on the couch. Her pale yellow gown rode up her thighs but since long ago, she ignored it. Her parents were not here to censor her behaviour and tonight she was too tired to do it herself so she let sleep claim her.

  “Hey! Wake up, Rurika Hart! Are you in there? Don’t scare me!” Rurika sat up and rubbed her eyes.

  “Crap!” Judging by the clock on the mantel, she slept all the way to next day. She flew across the room to the door and opened it to let Jocelyn in before she called the police. “I’m sorry, Joyce! I fell asleep –” She gasped and practically slammed the door.

  Jocelyn’s laughter sounded behind the closed door. “Alright, we’ll wait in the car. Lucky you, lover boy. I usually got the sweater and jeans welcome.” Rurika groaned in embarrassment. What was Mack Jackson doing here?

  Rurika was coerced to sit shot gun in Mack’s car. ‘My car went to the shop until the afternoon and Mack offered to drive me when he saw me walking.’ Jocelyn had said. Rurika’s insides were boiling with humiliation and anger, anticipating giving her best friend a noggin when they arrived at school.

  “Umm...” Mack coughed trying to make conversation. “So, are you working tonight?”

  “Oh…tonight is Thursday, so yes.”

  “Oh! Oh! Make sure you take a picture when you wear the uniform.” Jocelyn popped her head up between them. Rurika pushed her friend’s forehead back before her boobs spilled out of her tight tank top.

  “Why?” Mack laughed, anticipating a good joke.

  “You wouldn’t laugh when you see the uniform. It’s one of those tight blouses, short skirt and leggings with garter belts. Lacy ones.” Jocelyn lowered her voice an octave. Rurika muttered an “Oh God” and turned her attention to the passing scenery instead.

  Mack cleared his throat many times but did not say anything more. Rurika was too mortified to contemplate what Mack must be feeling or worst, imagining. It might be a godsend humans was not equipped with telepathy. She opened the door in relief and hopped down.

  Jocelyn stretched and smiled at hoots from the boys. How her friend could subject herself to the guys’ lecherous gaze was beyond her comprehension. Correction, she would not even contemplate the reason.

  “So, um…maybe you want to get something to eat after work? My parents’ office is near the mall and today I was asked to help out so –”

  “Mack!” Ivy launched herself behind Mack, running her hands on his wide chest. Rurika felt her eyes widen, as did Mack, who firmly detached himself from the poisonous plant.

  “Um, later.” Rurika turned and walked away with Jocelyn.

  “Did you see that poison Ivy? It’s like she’s claiming the man hers with such blatant display. When will she get a clue?”

  “Quit looking back.” Rurika murmured to her friend whose neck was about to be permanently stationed sideways. “Anyway, I forgot I have work today. Can you drive me back tonight?” Rurika hated driving at night and the car must be all dried up with the lack of disuse.

  “Why not let –”

  “Are you leaving me with some guy I don’t know?” She interrupted her friend.

  “You know him! He’s Mack! We go to school together and –”

  “And that’s all. I don’t understand why he’s suddenly talking to me and all. I mean, we never talked more than five minutes for the past two years.”

  “That’s true. Not that I’m saying you’re not attractive because you are but…why aren’t boys flocking to you. Beyond the obvious lack of fashion sense, you have a pretty face.”

  “Thanks.” Rurika retorted sarcastically. “Now I realized my academic achievements meant so little.”

  “Oh, stop being so overdramatic.” Jocelyn rewarded her with an eye roll. “I’m intrigued. Let me do a little research.”

  Rurika sighed and let the topic drop. Experience told her it was too late to talk some sense into her friend’s pretty little head.


  Rurika donned her own clothes and returned her work ‘uniform’ to the drawer. The clothes hugged all her insecure places like the chest and hip area. She felt eyes leering at her butt today and it utterly scared her. How would an employee subtlety tell her boss that she hated the uniform without getting fired?

  Kelyn would be happy to know that she sold almost all the bra she was wearing. No wonder Kelyn wanted her to wear them. Customers were more inclined to buy something when there was a live model walking around. She drew the line when customers asked her to show them the lingerie.

  “Did I miss the uniform?” Rurika stifled down a groan and turned to face Mack.

  “Hi.” She smiled stiffly then remembering her manners, quickly added. “Finished work?”

  “Yah, and I got a call from Joyce saying her car has to go back to the shop.” Mack grinned shyly. He was adorable, all insecure like this. If only her heart would beat faster in his presence instead of the initial shock over his beauty. Girls at school flocked to him for obvious reasons but that did not compel her to do the same. Instead, she had a feeling that she should keep her distance. A feeling she could never explain.

  “So, would you like to go eat?”

  “Um…if you don’t mind, I want to call it a day.” She hurriedly added, seeing his smile disappear. “Maybe next time.” He recovered nicely, gracing her with a smile.

  Mack was very solicitous all the way, opening the doors for her and chatting about safe topics. She held onto her bag and had her hand on the armrest. A little overkill but it was her first time alone with a guy at night. A guy who knew her parents were out of town. Chastising herself for her paranoid behaviour, she promised herself to be nicer to him tomorrow.

  She sighed and opened her door when Mack parked on her driveway. “Thank you.” She waved goodbye and made her way to the porch. Mack followed and gripped her arm, keeping her immobile. The touch made her gasp and heart to beat rapidly. Clearing her throat she braced herself to what Mack wanted to say. His eyes seemed to be glowing under the pale porch lights but that was all she saw because the next second his lips were on hers.

  Chapter 6

  After a few seconds of initial shock, she dug her palm to his chest and pushed. She might as well have kissed sand for there was none of this sweet sensations books ever written about in this kiss. Despite how hard she tried, the distance between her and Mack remained the same. Mack certainly lived up to being the football leader. He was like a sturdy statue, crushing her in his arms. She gasped in protest and was thankfully relieved
as she collapsed on the porch.

  Growling noises made her turn her head. In the dark, she could make out Mack and someone bigger. Her saviour was definitely a man with his towering height and broad back. Rurika ignored the tug in her heart and shivered involuntarily. What should she do? There was a strange man fighting someone she knew from school. Even if he did suddenly kiss her, she could not just leave things were.

  “What in the name is going on? Dogs fighting? Yesh!”

  “Mrs. Chow!” Rurika got up and ran to the old lady. Mrs. Chow had a scarf wrapped around her bony shoulders but even so, Rurika was thankful to find company. She turned around to tell Mrs. Chow about the strange fighting scene but it was gone, making her question whether she imagined the whole thing?

  “See you at school, Rurika!” Mack called before driving away.

  “A couple’s fight?” Mrs. Chow asked giving Rurika a smirk. “Oh, my little Ruri is all grown up! Make sure you practise safe sex, alright? Back in my day there was no such thing, my Howard would always hound –” Rurika’s mind phased out. She resigned herself to listening politely to old Mrs. Chow’s soliloquy – obvious the woman had forgotten about her. Why were those around her always so embarrassing?


  Roman Haines slammed the motel door so loud that there were series of bangs and curses erupting from neighbours. Austin and Wilson flew out of their room at the sound of their brother’s entrance. Austin slipped past and went to do damage control while Wilson got Roman a beer. Judging by his brother’s solemn face and stiff posture, he seriously needed it.

  Roman chucked his shirt off. The garment was suddenly restrictive, suffocating him. Austin returned and stared at his brother with concern. The twins watched as Roman paced and chugged the beer in two seconds, then opened another one.

  “Rome.” Austin began, Wilson hissed in warning but he continued on. “There’s another wolf’s smell on you.”

  Roman sat down heavily on the couch and rubbed his brows. “He was kissing her.”

  Wilson strung a series of curses together. “I thought she was innocent.” Roman shot him a glare. His younger brother wisely shut up and looked contrite.

  “She is. It’s not consensual. She was pushing him away but the mutt was too strong for her, naturally.” He scoffed and cracked his knuckles. If only he could get another shot at him.

  “Why is she with a wolf?” Austin sat down and spoke calmly. Roman reigned in his anger.

  “He’s pursuing her. He’s in heat. I can sense his blood changing. He must be turning eighteen soon.”

  “His first transformation, is it? So he already found his mate?”

  Roman growled low in his throat.

  “Whoa! Hold on, bro. We’re in another pack’s territory here.” Wilson soothed. “Three against a pack is suicidal, not brave.”

  “Wild is right.” Austin continued, using his brother’s nickname. “Judging by her smell, she’s still young and not yet eighteen. There’s still another year until anyone can claim her. A bite this early would drive her psyche to insanity. So we have time until then.”

  “For how long?”

  “At least eight months.” Roman and Wilson stared at Austin who raised a brow and answered his brothers’ unspoken question. “Father may have just told us to chaperone but I like to do my own research. We can’t just enter another pack’s territory and do nothing.”

  “So you already know the area?” Wilson smirked and high – fived his brother. “I knew you’re my other half.”

  Roman blew a raspberry while Austin scoffed before continuing, “Anyway, we’re at the Red Moon’s territory. There are about 25 members. 15 fit males at the moment, excluding the children.”

  Wilson whistled. “That’s quite a lot, but not as much as ours.” Silver Pines has at least double that.

  “Should I remind you where we are at the moment?” Austin arched his brow. Wilson returned one just like it. It was like watching a mirror act or something, comical but not at the moment.

  “So what’s the plan?” They both turned to their brother.

  “I have to make contact with her before it’s too late.”


  Rurika finally returned to the privacy of her own home. Mrs. Chow’s conversation was a little too graphic in her opinion. She would never walk in Mrs. Chow’s home the same again. Their conversation unsettled her and fascinated her at the same time. It was animalistic and well, free.

  The old couple loved each other to distraction, valuing and respecting their other partner’s opinion. Just like her parents. Her parents loved each other and archeology to the point that they nearly forgot about her existence. In truth, that was often the feeling she got. Tonight made her realize how much she longed for love and company. Someone to cuddle, kiss, or talk with.

  For the past two years, she lived alone. No one to share her day with or ask ‘did you do anything fun today?’ or ‘how was your day?’ There was no one to share her feelings with even though she did not generally talk a lot. But the reason for that was obvious; she never received the opportunity to talk with other people. She found contentment researching about wolves in libraries or reading nothing in particular.

  Scratching noises interrupted her pitiful musings. The sound came from the backyard door. A whine made her heart race and she opened it, once again ignoring the wisdom behind her action. She looked down at a very large wolf.

  Black as night except for his yellowish eyes that glittered because of the kitchen’s lights, he barked and wagged his tail. He padded in and sat down nicely. Her body was like on automatic mode, shutting down the door and slumping down on the floor staring at him. Mr. Wolf.

  Chapter 7

  Roman had doubted whether he should present himself at her place. His brothers accompanied him and were still waiting a few houses down. It would be bad if the other wolves caught the scent of them at her place. Austin told them that the wolves lived further uptown where the woods were much denser. He was glad that his mate lived away from other weres. Werewolves were aggressive by nature and if one ever go rogue, many would die. The first casualties would always be humans.

  Judging by her reaction, she remembered him. He used all his willpower to wait for her to make the first move. Rurika only sat on the cold tiles and stared at him in shock, her heart pumping frantically. His ears listened while he took in her whole person. She wore a tee this time but that only made her even more adorable. Her long thin legs showing and the v – neck displayed a healthy amount of her cleavage. He felt himself hardening. Rurika’s eyes widened when he licked his mouth.

  “Mr. Wolf?” She stammered. Unable to wait any longer, Roman allowed his wolf to move forward to their trembling mate. She squeaked and closed her eyes as he sniffed her. His wet nose moved from between her breasts, up her neck and to her sensitive spot behind the ears. She sighed, finally relaxing and wrapped her arms around his neck. His growl startled her and she let go.

  “Oh my god! What am I doing?” She hugged herself and hid her head. Since he was a wolf at the moment, he could either wait or lick her. He chose the latter, licking any skin he could reach. She smelled delicious and tasted divine. When he reached her inner thighs, she squealed and tucked her legs under her. “You always do embarrassing things to me.” She giggled kissing his nose. His wolf yipped happily, knowing that she did not change.

  Four years ago, she saved them from near death. He was young then, thinking he could survive a trap. His dad was furious that he would jeopardize his own life, causing their family immense worry.

  If the thirteen year old girl did not save him, he would not be alive and well. It was love at first sight for his wolf but it took a lot in convincing his mind. The girl was just thirteen. A young girl while he was a decade older. She could not possibly be his mate. However, as years passed, she was getting older and he became wiser.

  When his father wanted to retire and for him to succeed but the rule was that if the alpha did not take a wife, the rest
of the pack would not be able to mate. After many marriage introductions failed, his mother and father cornered him, forcing him to admit the truth. Convincing his father that the love of his life was a seventeen year old human girl took many days.

  “Oh Mr. Wolf, did you follow me here?” She hugged him tightly, running her hands along his back. He nodded in response. Rurika did not seem surprised at all.

  “I was so worried about you. And I’m sorry for leaving so abruptly. My parents came and dragged me to the opposite side of the world, again.” She added ruefully. “But that’s no excuse. Are you hungry?” She scratched the spot behind his ears, the spot that made him weak in the knees. She chuckled as he deposited his head on her shoulder and whined.

  “If you’re not hungry, let’s go give you a bath.” His ears perked up. He must have died and gone to heaven or was it hell tempting him?


  Rurika laughed as Mr. Wolf shook himself again, sending water spraying at her. It was the fifth time and Mr. Wolf was doing this for her. She would like to think so. It has been a while since she had so much fun. Her body was all for it, her nipples tightening under the now wet shirt. She had shampooed and washed him down, all the while ignoring his growing appendage. There was no denying she was attracted to him. A little troubled by her new found revelation but she would not push these feelings away. These feelings were a part of her and no way would she reject them.

  “Sit down, so I can blow dry you.” She nudged him. He complied and sat while she combed and dried him. So human. Wolves were said to be intelligent and capable of living with humans. Books indicated that after a pup was 10 months old it would be difficult for it to live with humans so Mr. Wolf must have had an owner early on. “There! Done!”

  After completing her task, she felt conscious of the wet attire plastered on her body. It felt silly to be overly self – conscious in front of a wolf but she could not help it. “Don’t look, I need to change.” She turned to make sure he complied but Mr. Wolf chose this moment to not understand. “Oh you, out!” When he did not move, she pushed him. His whine made her giggle.

  “Even if you roll over I wouldn’t change in front of – ” She laughed when he did roll over. “Mr. Wolf!” She shook her head and grabbed her clothes. “I’m changing inside the bathroom.”