Read Contagium The Way We Were Page 9

  Chapter 9 Worship Me

  All this time Jeth and his men began building huge monuments and stone buildings throughout the eastern continents showing the multitudes of their great abilities and skills. Jeth ordered a monument to be built 270 miles southwest of their original landing place. The monument was Jeth's head on the body of a lion. He wanted the people of this area to associate him with the great fear and respect they had for the lion. He ordered his men to kill off a majority of crops, and animals to increase their dependence on him. The inhabitants worshiped Jeth and his crew for providing food, and safety. Jeth's kingdom spread over multiple continents. He decided to make his headquarters on the edge of the continent 2,000 miles southeast of their original landing place. This city and continent held his many palaces built from gold, and gems. With all the awe and power Jeth's army displayed, the inhabitants started to grow weary of Jeth's oppression.

  One day Jeth was in his sky palace. Looking down over his kingdom he noticed the inhabitants building their own tower. Jeth was amused at the very modest structure. Happy they were building a monument in his honor he instructed his men to fly closer for a better look. As his sky palace got within distance he could see a great number of inhabitants racing to the top to praise him. Once his sky palace was within a hundred yards of the tower he saw a swarm of arrows flying toward him.

  Jeth yelled in anger "Those ungrateful mutts!" Enraged Jeth grabbed his shoulder cannon. The shoulder cannon had a centrifuge at the end of the staff that built a nuclear charge from two outward spinning forks. Jeth pointed his cannon at the top of the tower, his eyes pierced as he stared down the sights of the cannon "I'll show these dogs who their master is." Just then lightening shot from Jeth's cannon with a loud thundering crack hitting the top of the tower. Hundreds of inhabitants screamed as they fell to their death with the top of the tower falling to the ground. The remaining screamed as they fled down the tower steps. Jeth began laughing uncontrollably at the horrific show unfolding in front of him. As an extra measure of cruelty Jeth shot the tower again with a lower voltage intentionally damaging the prefrontal cortex of their brains. Panic began to set in as the inhabitants no longer understood each other as they raced to the ground.

  After this incident Jeth became increasingly cruel to the people of the planet asserting his authority. Jeth would message Shoab from time to time but Shoab would never answer. He sent his experiences showing off his many cities and the inhabitants worshiping him as a god.

  Jeth "Shoab, you could've had a palace of your own." Jeth paused for a moment waiting for a response. "I know you can hear me Shoab...How's Julie and the kids?" Silence from the other end...Jeth became increasingly agitated he couldn't get a response from Shoab. Shoab always stayed silent. He couldn't give Jeth any knowledge of his whereabouts in an effort to maintain the slightest chance of overthrowing him and his army. Jeth began to smile as a thought entered his mind "I know how to make him answer me."

  Jeth took a squadron of his men and flew 350 miles north to the inhabitants who built the tower. As the sky palace came into sight the men, women, and children began to run in terror remembering what happened a few months earlier. Jeth turned on his recorder "Shoab I have a show just for you." As the sky palace centered over the city a large centrifuge under the palace began spinning with a bright glow.

  The enormous centrifuge began swirling dust and debris into the air causing dark clouds to circle above the city. By the hundreds, inhabitants were sucked into the glow of the spinning centrifuge popping like the bristles of a burning bush sending a Sulphur like smell through the air. "Answer me Shoab or all 30,000 will die."

  Shoab "Alright you sick bastard stop!"

  Jeth laughing "There he is. I knew you could hear me. How have you been bud?" Multitudes of screaming bodies continued to lift into the sky as the centrifuge spun it's massive cauldron of death.

  "Dammit Jeth stop!"

  Jeth in a condescending tone "Does Shoab know what a lie is?" As Shoab watched in horror the centrifuge gave way to it's apocalyptic charge. A tower of energy poured down over the entire city eviscerating 30,000 inhabitants. A large mushroom cloud of radiation billowed high into the atmosphere leaving behind nothing but a flattened pile of glass. Jeth laughing "I can't wait to do this on our home planet." Shoab went silent again. Seething with anger for Jeth's total disregard of life. Jeth waiting for a brief moment "Where are you Shoab? You think you can hide from me. I let you leave the ship because I thought you would finally change your mind. I gave you a second chance Shoab." Silence again, Jeth spoke up "I see how it is. When I take over our home planet I might let Julie into my harem."

  Shoab went numb as he was overcome with rage "I'm going to kill you Jeth."