Read Coven Page 20

  “Well, then, it was actually evil. Kenna could never be associated with something like that. We both know her well enough to know that. Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  Madame Palmeroy chose that moment to step out of the tent, smiling when she saw us. “Good afternoon, young people!” she called out cheerfully. “Would you like your fortune told today?”

  “Whaat?” I managed to spit out in disbelief. Was she serious?

  “It’s a beautiful day! Come see what’s in store for your future.” She beckoned us to follow her inside.

  “Shit. She doesn’t even remember us,” Jett said, clearly as puzzled as I was.

  “We’re good. Thanks,” Seth said, slipping his hand into mine and hauling me off in the opposite direction down the street.

  “What the heck is going on?” I muttered, mostly to myself, my mind scrambling to try and keep up.

  “I don’t know; but we are going to find out,” Seth said in a determined voice. “Let’s go somewhere that we can talk privately.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “What’s going on here?” my dad asked, clearly unhappy at finding not one, but two, guys sitting next to me on the couch. His eyes drifted suspiciously between them.

  “Hey, Dad.” I got up and went over to hug him. “The guys were just hanging out and watching some television with me until we needed to leave for the game. Care to join us?”

  In truth, I knew both of my parents were working, today, and weren’t supposed to be home until close to game time. This wasn’t the first Friday afternoon I’d brought them over, but my parents had been none the wiser. I was surprised to see dad here, early.

  “I came home to see if you were okay. I was at work when suddenly I felt this huge shift in power, a bad shift, like something awful was happening to you. I tried calling out to you, but you had your mental barriers up so tight, I couldn’t reach you. I couldn’t even get you by phone. That’s not like you. What’s going on?”

  Puzzled, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. There were several missed calls from him on it. “Sorry. I usually have it muted for class. I guess I didn’t ever feel it vibrate. I didn’t mean to ignore you.”

  “What are you hiding from me?” he asked point blank, not allowing me to lead him away from the situation at hand.

  I decided to go with the truth—mostly. “Nothing, really. Jett and Seth took me to see some of the Halloween festivities that are going on downtown. We had the silly idea to visit a psychic and see if she was legit. Jett encouraged me to keep everything about myself locked up tight so she couldn’t try to read clues from me. I guess I took that literally and shut everything down.”

  Dad visibly relaxed. “And was she legit?”

  “That’s debatable. Most of it seemed like TV drivel, though she seemed to have one moment of clarity. We ended up hightailing it out of there. She was kind of weird. Would you like me to fix you something to eat?” I hoped the question sounded casual enough. “We were just feeling kind of hungry.”

  Dad wasn’t so easily dissuaded. “Kenna, is that all that happened? You know you can tell me anything.” Again, his eyes roamed over the three of us and I felt like all my secrets were completely exposed.

  “It’s all right, Dad. Look. I’m totally fine. The lady was just a little strange and it made me nervous. Seth and Jett got me out of there as soon as they saw that.”

  “Hmm,” was all he said, still staring them both down.

  “Actually, I’ve been hoping to speak with you, sir,” Jett spoke up. “Kenna told me about your custom motorcycles and I’m interested in possibly buying one.”

  “They aren’t cheap,” Dad replied, clearly not sold on the idea of Jett being here. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know he was remembering their first encounter together.

  “That’s okay. I don’t mind paying for quality.”

  “Is that your Charger outside?” Dad asked, and I realized this was probably the first time he’d ever seen it. Seth was always the one to pick me up whenever the three of us did anything together.

  “Yes, it is. My dad got it for me for my sixteenth birthday.”

  “Somehow I think I have the two of you to blame for Kenna’s sudden love of sports cars, then, and the new Mustang sitting in my driveway.”

  “Actually, I advised her against the Mustang,” Jett replied. “They’re a bitch to drive in the snow.”

  I cleared my throat, wanting to derail this conversation as quickly as possible. It had taken me a couple of weeks of begging and pleading to finally talk my dad into buying that car. I wasn’t about to lose it after just barely getting it. “Dad, why don’t you let the guys go out to the garage and see the bikes you’re working on?”

  He stared at me for several long moments and I thought he was going to say no; but then he pulled a key ring from his pocket and tossed it to Seth. “Here you go. Go ahead and take a look. I’ll be out shortly. I need to have a minute with Kenna—alone.”

  Wisely, Seth and Jett didn’t argue; and instead got up and headed for the door.

  “Oh, and he doesn’t mean the detached, house garage; it’s the long shop building behind it,” I added, so they wouldn’t get lost trying to figure out where to go.

  As soon as the door shut behind them, Dad spoke. “Seriously, Kenna? You’re dating both of them?”

  Cringing, I moved back to the couch and plopped down. “Is that bad?” I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide it from him, forever—especially if he saw us all together. He was too observant.

  He shrugged. “It’s not exactly normal. I’m surprised they both agreed to it, to be honest.”

  “Me, too; but they both wanted a shot.”

  “And how long as this been going on?”

  “Pretty much the whole time we’ve been here.”

  Sighing, he sat down in one of the leather wingback chairs, rubbing his hand across his brow. “You aren’t sleeping with both of them, are you?”

  “Dad!” I practically shouted. “You can’t ask me things like that!”

  “I can and I just did. Now answer me.” His voice had that no-nonsense tone to it.

  “I haven’t crossed that line with anybody,” I answered, truthfully, and a giant whoosh of air escaped him.

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard in ages.”

  “It may not seem like it, but I’m trying to be responsible about this relationship. I like them both; and as of right now, I’m not sure who I like better. Instead of being with one and sneaking around to cheat with the other, I just decided to date them both. They agreed, and so far it seems to be working out just fine for us.”

  “Until you fall in love with both of them, or they both fall in love with you—which has probably already happened. You’re just delaying the inevitable and someone—maybe even you—is going to end up really hurt in the end.”

  I knew he was right, but I didn’t want to think about that. If I didn’t cross any big lines, then we could simply keep existing in this perfect bubble we were in. At least that was what I hoped.

  “It’s not right for you to lead them both on.”

  “I’m not leading them on!” I snapped, feeling frustrated. I didn’t know how to make him understand. “I honestly have feelings for both of them. You know I would never willingly hurt anyone. Besides, I’m new to all this stuff. I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m muddling along the best I can.”

  Sighing heavily, Dad shook his head. “Maybe I was wrong to keep you so heavily secluded as you grew up. You certainly didn’t get very much opportunity for social interaction, did you? I guess if you’re bombing it, it’s most likely my fault.”

  “Dad, I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I don’t feel like I’m bombing things. I feel like I’m having fun getting to know two awesome guys.”

  “When did that Jett guy become so awesome? I’m pretty sure I told you to steer clear of that one.”

  “You did, but Seth and he are best friends. It was kind of hard
to stay away from him when he was always around.”

  “I’m still not sure he can be trusted. Something about him just feels . . . off . . . to me.”

  “He’s just been raised differently. His family isn’t as close and tight-knit as ours is. Trust me when I tell you, he’s a good guy. I like him a lot. You might, too, if you get to know him better.”

  Standing, his only answer was a grunt as he headed toward the door. I quickly jumped up and followed after him, anxious to see what he’d say to the guys and hoping it wouldn’t be anything embarrassing.

  Upon entering the workshop, we found them both leaning over one bike in particular, mine.

  “This is incredible!” Jett exclaimed, glancing up at us. “Why’d you even get a car? I’d be riding this baby everywhere.”

  “Would you, now?” I replied with a giggle as I stared at the pink and black motorcycle. “I never pictured you as a pink guy.”

  “I meant you,” he replied with an eye roll.

  “It gets cold in Salem, I hear. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be driving that thing around through piles of snow. Besides, it’s not finished yet; we are still waiting on some parts for the engine.”

  “Well, it looks amazing!” Seth said, running his hand over the seat.

  “Thank you.” I glanced at Dad. “I enjoy working with my dad. He’s all kinds of awesome.”

  Dad winked at me. “Glad I got you fooled, Firecracker.”

  “Fooled. Whatever.” Slipping my arm around his waist, I leaned my head against him. “I have the best dad in the whole world.”

  “Now you’re just being a kiss up,” he replied with a laugh, squeezing my shoulders and then placing a light peck against the top of my head.

  “You like it when I kiss up, remember?” I glanced up at him and he chuckled. I loved the sound of my dad’s laughter. It was one of my favorite sounds ever. He’d suffered through so many hardships in his life that it made me feel good when he was happy.

  “I kind of do,” he agreed, squeezing me, again. Glancing at Jett, he released me and moved next to the bike. “What kind of bike are you interested in?”

  My thoughts drifted away from their conversation and back to Madame Palmeroy and her wild freak-out session. Unease settled in the pit of my stomach as I thought of her warnings. Were they true? Was danger really coming? Was I that danger, somehow?

  I couldn’t even fathom what she might mean, I only knew I didn’t want to be responsible for doing anything that would disrupt the current peace of my parents’ lives. They’d been through enough. I needed to figure out what this prophecy meant on my own, without including them. And no matter what happened, I was making a vow right in this instance to do everything in my power to see that nothing evil would harm them again.


  “I have a present for you,” I said with a smile as my mom walked into the house looking tired, but beautiful, in a pair of pink scrubs. The color was amazing on her, making her black hair glisten like a raven and giving her pale skin a pretty blush.

  “A present for me?” She laughed as she set her things down on the counter. “And to what do I owe this surprise?”

  “Nothing. You’re just an amazing mom and I wanted to get something for you.” I handed her the bag with the wrapped item inside.

  “Oh, sweetie. You don’t have to get me presents. You’re the only gift I need.”

  “Too bad. You’re getting something anyway.” I smiled as she took the bag and glanced inside. “What’s this?” Pulling out the wrapped paper, she slowly unrolled it, revealing the beautiful pendant with its glowing purple stone and tarnished silver filigree. Her face paled and her gaze shot to mine. “Oh my gosh!”

  “What is it?” I asked, a feeling a trepidation passing through me at her odd reaction.

  “Oh my gosh!” she said louder, flipping the necklace over and running her hand over the letter “P” that was stamped in the back.

  “That was already there,” I explained, wondering if she thought I had it made for her.

  “Vance! Come look at this!” she shouted, her eyes starting to tear up. “Where did you get this, Kenna?”

  “I found it downtown at one of the vendor tables when Jett and Seth took me out to see all the Halloween stuff going on. I thought it was pretty and that you might like it.”

  “What’s going on?” my dad asked, coming into the kitchen.

  “Kenna found my amulet!” She held it out for him to see and his eyes widened in amazement.

  “Your amulet?” I asked, totally confused.

  “This is mine. Your Grandma Milly gave it to me on my sixteenth birthday—on the day I found out I was a witch. Someone later stole it from me—someone who wanted to kill me and didn’t want the magic wards protecting me. I haven’t seen it since.” She clutched the stone to her chest, the tears falling in earnest. “This amulet saved my life in the explosion that killed all my classmates. I can’t believe you found it!”

  My dad was immediately at her side, wrapping her up in his embrace. “This is a good sign, baby. A really good sign.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, completely surprised by this turn of events.

  “Well, to quote your great-grandma, you don’t choose the jewelry, the jewelry chooses you—at least in the case of a magical amulet. The fact that this has made its way back to your mom after all these years, and just when we are getting ready to try reintroducing her powers back to her, I think this means we are on the right track.”

  “I still can’t believe you found this.” My mom was clearly overwhelmed.

  “I can show you where I bought it if you’d like to go try and find out more about it.”

  She nodded. “I’d like that.”

  “Why don’t we go into the ritual room?” Dad suggested. “We can do a purification ritual and clear the stone for you to wear again. Would you like that?”

  Mom nodded, tears still streaming down her face. “I’d like that. I’d like it a lot.” Moving away from him, she hugged me tightly. “Thank you, Kenna. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  “I didn’t know what I was doing. I just saw it and knew you had to have it.”

  “It shows you’re sensitive to your mother and her needs,” Dad said. “I couldn’t be more proud of you right now.”

  I didn’t feel deserving of their praise, but I was thrilled they were happy. “I’m glad I could help.”

  “Come on,” Dad said, slipping an arm around each of us. “Let’s go do this.”

  Meet me in the gazebo?

  I stared at the text from Seth before glancing at the clock. It was after one in the morning, but I was still wide-awake—the randomness of finding my mom’s pendant still puzzling me, plus the excitement of winning our first playoff game. And then there was the constant bewilderment over what had happened with the psychic, although I was doing my best to avoid thinking about it because it made me feel uncomfortable. Instead, I let my thoughts drift over the game and the events afterward.

  I loved cheering and dancing at the games; and even though I didn’t spend a lot of extra time with the girls on the squad, except for lunch at Nicolazzo’s, we all seemed to get along well—with the exception of Megan, of course. I was pretty sure she outright hated me, but she’d kept her mouth shut for the most part. I was a good cheerleader and she couldn’t deny that I was an asset to the team. It didn’t stop her from sending me glaring looks, though. If looks could kill, I’d be dead, dead, dead.

  Is everything okay? I texted back, wondering why he wanted to meet when we’d just spent the evening together with Jett celebrating with late night pizza at the restaurant and listening to the jukebox.

  Yeah. Just want 2 talk. That sounded ominous.

  All right. Let me go deactivate the back fence 4 u, I replied. Sitting up, I threw the covers back, only to jump in surprise when there was a flash of light in the darkness and Dee Dee appeared.

  I clutched my chest and smothered my scream. I couldn’
t afford to wake my parents. “Dee Dee. As far as ghost go, I have to say you’re pretty likable; but you’ve got to stop popping out at me like that. I swear you’ve taken years off my life in the last few weeks.”

  Smiling, she sat on the end of my bed. “Sorry. I am simply watching out for you. I did not know you were awake.”

  “It’s okay,” I whispered, not wanting her to feel badly. I liked this mournful ghost and her sad countenance. Something about her story captured my heart and I wanted to help her find peace and happiness—even if all I could offer her was my friendship.

  “Are you going somewhere?” she asked as I slipped on a pair of shoes.

  “Just out back. Seth needs to talk to me about something.”

  “I like him. He is a very handsome young man.”

  Smiling, I nodded. “I would have to agree.”

  “Why do you waste your time with the other one?”

  Glancing at her, my brow creased. “You don’t approve of Jett?” This surprised me. She’d never spoken derogatory of him in our past conversations.

  She shrugged one shoulder casually. “He’s fine, but I do not believe he is the right one for you, my friend.”

  “Why?” I was truly curious, but suddenly her attention was averted.

  “Your young man is here.”

  “That was fast. He must’ve already been on his way when he texted.”

  “We will speak later,” she replied, resting her hand on my shoulder and then disappearing, as was often her fashion.

  Using my magic, I quietly snuck out of the house, making my way to the fence and deactivating the barrier. “It’s safe,” I whispered in the darkness and immediately Seth scaled the fence and dropped to his feet in front of me.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he said softly, smiling with that million dollar smile of his.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, still worried about what might be wrong.

  Instead of answering, he simply grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the gazebo. Once we were safely inside, he turned to face me.