Read Coventina Page 10

  What did those you sold her to look like?

  Denise and Layla both saw mental images of the men Coventina was sold to.

  Try to forget these inner voices, try to forget thinking about the beautiful woman you sold, for now.

  Denise had a tough time convincing Layla to leave the men and the building in tact as she took her by the hand to a back door where they slipped out into the sweet night air. “Once we get out of this complex let’s drive back to Rome. I have to think about how I am going to break this news to Quintus.”

  “I need time to cool off as well.”

  Layla had them briefly traveling through the air before touching down on Via Veneto heading north. What they did not notice was the six legionnaires touching down not far from where the Mustang had been parked.


  Breaking News

  Layla put her ear to the door of each of the other rooms but could hear nothing.

  Come on baby, let’s try to get a good night’s rest. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long, intense day, Denise said.

  Layla nodded and followed her to their room where they settled into a deep sleep in each other’s arms.

  Denise had been up for the better part of an hour wondering what to do next, and craving a coffee when she heard a soft knock on the door.

  “Come in,” she said, seeing that it was Lucilla and Diana.

  “Here, I brought you a coffee,” Lucilla smiled.

  “You must have read my mind,” Denise giggled.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “No, actually, I’ve been up for a while.”

  “Have you heard from anyone since you left last night?” Lucilla asked.

  “From anyone?”

  “Marcus, or any of the others?”

  “They are not with you?”

  “No. Quintus collected them. They left just before ten last night.”

  “Did they say where they were going?”

  “They said not to worry,” Lucilla said, sounding stressed.

  “I have a feeling I know where they went,” Diana said.

  “Mmm, is that coffee I smell?” Layla moaned from under the covers.

  “There is one waiting for you,” Lucilla said.

  “Diana, you were saying,” Denise smiled.

  Layla slid out of bed and walked to the bathroom, returning wearing a robe. “Very considerate of you, thanks,” she said before taking a sip of the still hot coffee.

  “Please understand that I mean no offense by this, but when you are intimate with a man you can read them easier.”

  “No offense taken,” Denise said.

  “They went out on a mission, that much I know. I heard Quintus tell Venutius they had new information from Mys.”

  Denise’s gaze met Layla’s that was a look of concern. “Twelve hours, that was more than twelve hours ago.”

  “They left armed,” Diana said.

  “Yes, of course they would,” Layla said.

  “There is something else. Against her family’s insistence, Anna arrives back in Rome in a few hours,” Lucilla said.

  “Anna, back here, but why?” Denise asked.

  “She thinks she can be of help and can’t sit by doing nothing. She is very close to Coventina.”

  “I have a feeling we will need to switch hotels again. Let’s find a larger, busier one okay? Do you have her flight information?” Denise said.

  “Yes,” Lucilla said, handing a slip of paper to Denise.

  “Well, if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to tidy up and get breakfast before we head over to the airport.”

  “Of course,” Lucilla said.

  “Try not to worry Lucilla, I’m sure they are alright.”

  “Thanks Denise,” she smiled, leaving with Diana.

  “Well, our entourage keeps getting bigger doesn’t it,” Layla sighed.

  “Yes, but if she can offer anything I welcome it because I am at a loss for where to head from here. I’m going to hop in the shower.”

  Layla turned on the television before walking over to a dresser to decide what to wear.

  “Breaking News,” she heard. “Residents of Sezze awoke this morning to a grizzly scene,” the announcer said. “Beneath the town, the body of a man was found crucified to a tree. In and around the villa, the bodies of three other men were found badly mutilated. It appears they were killed with sharp weapons. Investigators are on the scene….”

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Denise said, shaking out her hair walking over to put on a thong.

  “Yeah, well, I believe we both did, but they weren’t ghosts just yet.”

  “Would you care to explain?”

  Layla pointed to the television where the distant view of a man hanging on a tree, crucified, looked back at her. As the camera zoomed in, the bloody face became recognizable. It was the face of Wassily Grencko.

  “Well, I think the mystery of where the boys have been has been solved,” Denise said.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Well, we know how they found him, but where are they now?” Denise asked.


  “Yeah, but where are they now?”

  Above the bloody head of Wassily, written in Latin, were the words SEX SLAVE PIMP.



  “I think I am going to get sick thinking about how many traveling women will never make it to their destination,” Denise said as they waited at the airport for the plane Anna was on to empty.

  Layla turned towards her with a grim look on her face. “We can’t save them all sadly, and things are only getting worse worldwide as this sickening plight continues to grow, continues to have law enforcement turn a blind eye towards it,” she said.

  “Turn a blind eye or willfully participate in it as is the case right here in Italy.”

  The first of the passengers began coming through customs. They almost did not recognize Anna walking towards them. She was covered in flowing robes that concealed the condition she was in, a deep red scarf covering her head and bruised neck. Even though they could not see her eyes under the large dark sunglasses, they recognized the smile.

  “Hello again,” she said.

  “Here, let me help you with those,” Layla said, taking the larger suitcase from her.

  “I know, you think I’m crazy,” Anna said.

  “No, I don’t, not at all,” Denise smiled.

  “Come on, let’s get out of this place fast,” Layla said.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Anna said. “My fear has turned to anger.”

  “Now that is really good to hear,” Layla smiled.

  They walked through and out of the terminal to the Mustang parked in a lot across from it.

  “I have brought some things of Coventina’s along. Perhaps they will help. I cannot imagine why I believe this, but I brought them anyway,” Anna said.

  Denise hopped in the back seat, to ‘think’ as she put it.

  “The wretch responsible for your abduction and suffering is dead Anna, as are quite a few who worked for him,” Layla said.

  “No word of Coventina?” Anna said, speaking through a smile.

  “Just that she was sold, to someone up north, but considering the source that gives us next to nothing,” Layla said.

  “Lucilla told me about some of your abilities, which is why I brought a few of Coventina’s things along. Often psychics can get distinct impressions about someone simply by touching their possessions.”

  “We met some people about a year ago who could do that,” Denise said.

  “Anna, how much do you know about Odumnus and the others?” Layla asked.

  The Mustang sped towards the hotel.

  “I know they are Romans who disappeared a long time ago and have returned. I know that one of them, Quintus, believes that Coventina is in fact the reincarnation of the same woman he was in love with before they disappeared.”

  “And do you know how long ago that was?” Denise as

  “Approximately 1,936 years ago.”

  “And yet?”

  “I cannot explain the details of the effect space travel has on time. If you are wondering about whether I know how they disappeared, yes, I do now.”


  “And Odumnus.”

  “Well that is great, less for us to explain if we need to hitch a ride again,” Layla laughed.

  “What do you think our chances are of finding her?” Anna asked.

  “Well, the odds of us finding you were totally stacked against you, and yet, here you are,” Denise said.

  “Yes, I am here,” Anna said.

  Denise could see the tears run down her cheeks and around her smiling lips.



  Denise and Layla watched Quintus enter the room, having dropped Anna off with Lucilla. He looked troubled.

  “Have a seat, please,” Denise said.

  “Water?” Layla asked.

  “Yes, please, and thank you.”

  “You’ve been busy, is everyone back safely?” Denise asked.

  “Lucius is still with Mys. They said he needed a little more time to heal.”


  “There was, a fight. There is no honor in the weapons used on our world now. He was struck by a projectile.”

  “A bullet. They are called bullets, shot out of firearms, and yes, there is no honor in their use in the hands of the vast majority of criminal humans who own them,” Layla said.

  “He will make a full recovery.”

  “I know that feeling,” Denise smiled. “It is a good thing we did not need to take him to a hospital to be healed.”

  “There is something we must discuss,” Quintus said.

  “Indeed there is. We are going to change hotels, again, just in case,” Layla said.

  “You already know, that the man you crucified sold her to another,” Denise said.

  “I do. He confessed in time.”

  “She is gone, somewhere to the north, and now the search begins over a trail that has vanished. North. That is not much to go on,” Denise sighed.

  “But there is more Inquilina, apologies, Denise.”


  “Marcus and Odumnus were able to obtain more from one of the men. He had information about the man she was sold to that the leader did not know.”

  “Did they all have to die, now, before we could try to get more information from them?” Denise asked.

  Quintus took a long drink of water and placed the glass on a table. “I wonder how much humanity has changed since we were warriors here so long ago? The men who paid the ultimate price for their actions are no better, no better at all, than criminals from our time. It is our custom, it is what we know, what we are capable of, it is part of how we survived as long as we did as part of the Roman Empire.”

  “Oh, I do not mourn them Quintus, or the means used to obtain information and dish out punishment, it is the timing,” Denise said.

  “It can be easier to move about undetected when there is not a spotlight shining on you,” Layla smiled.

  “As it was it still is today,” Quintus said. “Crucifixion is a form of punishment, cruel, horrible, and degrading. It also sends a clear message to those that commit the same crimes. Perhaps those who have Coventina will think twice about harming her, or refusing to return her if found.”

  “I see your point,” Denise said.

  “What other information were you able to get out of them?” Layla asked.

  “She was taken to Bononia.”

  Layla took out her iPhone and tried to find it on Google Earth. “Bologna. When I key Bononia in it defaults to Bologna.”

  “Yes but that is not all. The name of the man who purchased her is Mela.”

  “Mela? That’s it? Is that a first name or last name, middle or nickname?” Layla said.

  “It is all we have, but he paid a large sum for her.”

  “Rich, at least one of his names, the town he took her to, that is more than we had when we arrived in Rome,” Denise smiled.

  “Quintus, did any of the men mention that she may have been purchased to be resold?” Layla quietly asked.


  “We’ve got to move,” Denise said. “It’s been more than a day.”

  “I better tell Lucilla to cancel plans for another hotel here in Rome,” Layla said, walking out the door.


  Yes my dear?

  Tell her to rent a large SUV, large enough for eight plus the driver. I’ll take care of the hotel.




  “Your roads are much smoother that those we built,” Petilius said.

  “Yes, but they don’t last as long,” Lucilla laughed. “Many that you built are still usable.”

  “How long is this journey?” Quintus asked.

  “Well, if we don’t run into much traffic, about three to four hours,” Lucilla said. She drove the Honda Pilot north on the Autostrada Del Sole heading for Bologna. Denise and Layla did not wait for morning, having left hours earlier.

  “I am still impressed,” Petilius said.

  Anna sat directly behind Lucilla with Odumnus at her side.

  “What is that?” Odumnus asked.

  “Actually, it is something belonging to Coventina,” Anna smiled, reaching into her bag for a bottle of water. “I forgot to give it to Denise.”

  “What is it?”

  “A bracelet I gave to her. It is a symbolic bracelet for none other than, Coventina, the Water Goddess.”

  “It is beautiful,” Odumnus said, gazing into Anna’s eyes.

  “She asked me if she should take it with on the trip that led to all of this. I told her to leave it at home, that we’d go shopping for all kinds of stuff in Rome.”

  “You can feel her closer when you hold it, yes?”

  “Yes actually, I can. That is why I brought some of her items with.”

  “It is a form of clairvoyance,” Lucilla said.

  “I can see her clearly when touching anything she loved, which is a lot. I simply cannot see her now, in the present.”

  Lucilla felt the need to lighten the mood. “So gentlemen, did you really have to march everywhere you went?”

  “Yes. Officers rode on horseback. On the march we would average twenty-five miles per day, sometimes more,” Marcus said.

  “Fascinating,” Anna said.

  “It must have been a hard life. What did you do for entertainment?” Lucilla asked.

  “I am not sure we should discuss that topic in present company,” Venutius said.

  “We cooked,” Petilius laughed.

  “Yes, and we gambled,” Venutius laughed.

  “And we whored,” Marcus said. “We cannot change who we are, who we were. Men have needs and for a marching army, there will always be women willing to satisfy those needs. However we never treated them as the women were treated that we freed. Those who did that to them deserved their fate.”

  “May I see the bracelet?” Quintus asked.

  “Of course,” Anna said, handing it to him.

  Quintus examined the blue bracelet, made brighter by the sunlight pouring in the window. “She is a water goddess who travels with whales and dolphins,” he said. Anna turned to look at him. “She has the ability to clean your mind, body and spirit. She is a loving goddess that will always answer your prayer.”

  “That is very beautiful,” Anna smiled.

  “Her words that I could never forget. It’s not every day you get to meet or fall in love with a goddess,” he smiled.

  “Then we must find her while she can still strive to remain a goddess,” Diana said. “Obviously, she is being treated like one compared to the treatment we received, but her future is one of horror regardless if we do not find her.”

  I wonder how Denise and Layla are doing? Lucilla thought.



; After Lucilla checked in to the Excelsior Hotel, Denise asked her to accompany them to their room so they could speak in private.

  “Here, Anna thought you should hold onto this,” Lucilla said, handing Denise the Coventina bracelet. “It helps her FEEL her, but not in the present. Perhaps you will have better luck with it.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Denise said.

  “It was a gift from Anna to her. Now, obviously something is quite important, that’s why we are here, alone?”

  Just as she placed the bracelet on the bed next to her purse, Denise saw a vision of Coventina dressed in white, getting into the back of a white Mercedes.

  Layla knew that look all too well. You’ve seen her haven’t you?

  Yes. She may be moving again, or it may be the past. It may also be what is to happen, as you well know.

  We’d better get moving.

  “Yes, I brought you here because we have a very good idea where the person is who she was sold to,” Denise said.

  “And you do not want me to let Quintus or the others know yes?”

  “Yes. Although I do not object to their method of punishment, or justice, or custom, it is important we be given some distance on this. I don’t want to keep leaving a high body count where we have been. Eventually someone will piece it together and I want to avoid that at all costs. I am sure you can imagine the problems we will have if any of them winds up in the hands of the authorities.”

  “It has crossed my mind Denise.”

  “It’s a beautiful city, keep them occupied. Drag them out to explore it. Do anything but dwell on all the madness that has brought us this far.”

  “It really is a beautiful city,” Layla smiled.

  “You have not even brought your things up to your room yet,” Lucilla said.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Quintus will want to know what is going on.”

  “Tell him we are running down some leads and will keep him informed.”

  “He doesn’t need to know more for now,” Layla said.

  “We’re going to slip out. I will keep you informed,” Denise said.

  Lucilla left them in the hall and returned to her room.

  Before getting on the elevator, Denise and Layla activated their medallions to stealth, dashing out of the elevator when the door opened to avoid bumping into anyone. On the way through the lobby they saw Petilius and Venutius speaking to the concierge.

  I wonder what that is about?” Denise said.

  They all look pretty friendly. Maybe one of them wants a date. Layla said.