Read Coventina Page 11

  Another woman came out of the office and joined them laughing. A date, good guess.

  They slipped through the front door unnoticed and walked to the Mustang parked around the corner. “Apparently he owns the entire block, perhaps even more,” Denise said as Layla followed her directions. “Turn right at the next corner.”

  They made their way towards the heart of the city. “It’s like all one huge ongoing arcade,” Denise said.

  “I bet it’s kinda creepy at night. Too many places for some scumbag to hide,” Layla laughed.

  “I bet it’s good for the prostitution business though.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  Layla parked around the corner from where they were going, leaving the Mustang looking like a white VW Beetle. Before exiting the vehicle, they activated their medallions so they appeared to be an Italian couple.

  “You’re really handsome,” Layla said.

  “Come on baby, let’s go try to buy an expensive woman.”

  There was a man in uniform outside the main entrance to the building. “This is a private residence. Can I help you?” the man asked.

  “Signor Mela,” Denise said.

  “See the attendant at the desk please,” the man said, holding the door open for them.

  A man with a woman sitting quietly in the chair next to him looked up from the computer screen in front of them after obviously having just had a good laugh at something. “Can I help you?” he asked.

  “Signor Mela,” Denise said.

  “Signor Melacci is not here right now.”

  “Well, that is disturbing. We had an appointment to meet him about a new acquisition,” Layla said.

  “And you are?”

  “Il signor e la signora Quilina,” Denise said. “When do you expect him back?”

  “I don’t.”

  Where is the tall blonde woman he purchased? Denise whispered.

  “May we have a look at his latest, tall, blonde acquisition?” Layla cooed.

  “Not without his being here, and besides, you are too late it seems?”

  “Too late?” Denise asked.

  “They both left little over an hour ago.”

  “Can you get in touch with him, let him know we made it to the appointment, and to wait until he speaks to us before he makes any deal with someone else?”

  “I told you, you are too late. He is on his way to deliver his package.”

  Control yourself sweetie, Denise said.

  If you insist.

  “Where did he take her?”

  “You sure ask a lot of questions. I told you, you are too late, now leave.”

  Where has he taken her? Denise asked.

  “Where has he taken her?” Layla asked.

  “Venice. He has taken her to the heart of Venice.”

  “Is there a name for the buyer?” Layla said.

  “If I knew I would not tell you.”

  “Please let him know we were here and to contact us if he has any questions,” Denise said.

  They turned and walked towards the door to leave the building.

  Can I at least give this asshole a headache? Layla asked.

  “Why not?” Denise said as they got to the door.

  The doorman heard his scream as they opened the door and left. “She must have squeezed it too hard,” Denise laughed as the doorman looked inside to see what the scream was for.

  “I see what you mean,” the doorman laughed.

  “Come on sweetie,” Layla said as they rounded the corner and switched back to their normal appearance. “We’ve got to get to Venice fast.”

  “I’ll call Lucilla,” Denise said, the Mustang that still looked like a Beetle disappearing from the street as it rounded the next corner.



  Denise held the Coventina bracelet in her hand, being bathed in sunlight as the Mustang sped towards Venice. Coventina. I am Denise. Anna is okay, we rescued her. She thought.

  “How shall we move about in Venice darling,” Layla asked.

  “Let’s evaluate it in stealth from above when we get there,” Denise said.

  Coventina. I am with Anna. She is safe. Denise continued to repeat the message like a mantra.

  “Well, thar she is, Venice,” Layla said, as the Mustang flew over the Venetian Lagoon towards the city.

  “Amazing. No roads. An incredible undertaking,” Denise said as they now moved slowly over the city. Why don’t you put us down, oh, right there and remain in stealth.”

  “Yes commander,” Layla giggled.

  “This is so frustrating. I have no idea how to reach her,” Denise sighed.

  The Mustang touched down on a small courtyard cobblestone surface.

  “We must come back here someday, when we are not chasing someone,” Layla said.

  “Yes. A romantic getaway would be nice.”

  Coventina. I am holding your bracelet. Anna is safe. Coven.

  Am I going insane or is it the drugs? The voice was clearly that of a female that whispered in Denise’s mind.

  Coventina. No, you are not going insane. I am Denise. Do you know where you are?


  “I know that look too. You’ve reached her?”

  “I think so. I can’t be certain, but I,” Denise started to say.

  I am sitting on a plane.

  Where Coventina. Do you know where? Did you see where they took you?

  “Get us in the air Supergirl,” Denise said.

  The Mustang rose straight up to a height above the tallest rooftops.

  Small white jet.

  Where. Do you know where you are?

  Aeroporto civile, aeroporti vicentini, aero club.

  “Honey do a search for Aeroporto civile, aeroporti vicentini, aero club, fast. She’s sitting on a plane.”

  Layla pulled up Google Maps on her iPad. “Vicenza. It must be the Vicenza Airport,” she said, showing it to Denise. “There is nothing else in the area.”

  “Get us there quick.”

  Coventina. Do you know where they are taking you?

  “How long before we get there?” Denise asked.

  “A few minutes,” Layla said. Their friends from the Tyrine had designed the navigation system in the Mustang so that coordinates could be entered direct from an iPad or iPhone using Google Maps.

  Coventina. Have you any idea where they are taking you?

  No, but we are heading east, of that I am certain. They are coming, again.

  Are you hurt?

  Not hurt, but in much pain.

  Coventina. Try to stay focused on me no matter what happens.

  Nothing more.

  “There it is,” Layla said.

  They could see nothing in the air that might have just taken off.

  “Get us on the ground Supergirl. I have some questions I’d like answered.


  A Few Questions

  “It’s too late for Coventina, she’s in the air heading east but I have a few questions for the occupants of THAT Mercedes,” Denise said.

  “Shall I touch down here?”

  “No. Get outside the gate and come right back in, and don’t take any shit from the guard at the gate.”

  “You got it.”

  “We need to change our appearance now, females are fine.”

  They activated their medallions, Layla becoming a tall redhead, and Denise a shorter brunette.

  The Mustang touched down just outside the entrance to the airfield and blasted through the gate, Layla leaving the guard unconscious behind them.

  “That hangar door is opening. They are getting ready to leave,” Denise said.

  The open door revealed nine men and two women who had to practically be carried. The white Mercedes pulled into the hangar and parked.

  “They are going to load those women into the car,” Layla said. She changed the Mustang to be a replica of the white Mercedes they had moved into the hangar.

  “Fuck stealth, pull right
up to the open hangar entrance,” Denise said.

  The men who were not busy loading the women into the Mercedes looked at them wondering what was going on. A few of them removed handguns from pockets and holsters and trained them on Denise and Layla.

  “All I ask is that you keep them alive,” Denise said.

  WHO IS MELACCI? POINT TO HIM NOW, Denise screamed in their minds.

  All whose hands were not busy getting the women into the car pointed to a tall slender man with grey hair.

  Layla erected a force field between them and the men.

  Put those weapons away and sit on the floor, Denise said.

  Those who had guns in their hands put them away and they all sat on the floor.

  Now count backwards from 100 out loud.

  They all started counting backwards.

  Not you Signore Melacci. Where are they taking the woman you just sold?


  You made a huge profit selling her did you not?

  “Yes. She is a beautiful creature. I was paid well.”

  You two, Denise said, load those two women into the back of the other Mercedes.

  Two of the men followed her instructions.

  What is the name of the person you sold her to?


  What is her full name?

  “Ines Pena I believe. Yes, I am fairly certain her full name is Ines Pena, but no one knows for sure.”

  We’ve got company, Layla said.

  Denise turned to see a black car speeding across the airfield towards the hangar. Before the car stopped two of the men inside opened fire with automatic weapons. The bullets ricocheted harmlessly off the force field Layla had put in place. The car came to a screeching halt just outside the hangar. Four men exited the vehicle hunkering down behind it to provide cover if fired at.

  Do you know where in Madrid Ines can be found?



  “I know it is a large and rich building in the heart of the city,” one of the men said.

  “I think it is red,” another spoke.

  A few more rounds careened off the force field that now surrounded the Mustang as well.

  The men behind the black car started shouting to those in the hangar. Most seemed to be coming out of the trance Denise held over them as they walked back to the Mustang.

  “You fools. Get up off your ass’s and stop those two bitches,” one of the men screamed.

  A few bullets from inside the hangar as well as from behind the black vehicle flew around the hangar after bouncing off the force field.

  Layla sent four men flying across the hangar as they tried to stand up and fire.

  Directly behind the men outside the hangar, five legionnaires appeared and advanced towards them, each carrying a large shield. The men turned to fire their automatic weapons at Quintus and his men, the bullets bouncing off the shields they carried.

  “Damn they made good shields back then,” Layla said, waiting until Denise was safely in the car before getting in, starting it up and speeding out of the hanger, coming to a stop behind the black car to find the four men already dead or dying.

  “Quintus. I have the information I need,” Denise shouted. “Get out of here before the authorities arrive.”

  “What about them?” Quintus asked, referring to those in the hangar.

  “I’ll take care of them,” Layla said.

  She slipped out of the car and brought the hangar down on top of those inside with a loud, crushing crash.

  Quintus and the others looked at her in awe.

  “Where is Lucilla?” Denise asked.

  “On the ship with everyone else,” Quintus replied.

  “We have two women in the back seat who need medical attention,” Denise said.

  Before he could speak, they were bathed in bright light and carried up into the craft that had brought them to the airfield.

  Once inside they carried the two women to a part of the ship Denise and Layla had not been to for medical attention.

  Lucilla walked towards them. “Are you okay? Are any of you injured?”

  “No. We’re fine,” Denise said.

  “Not a scratch on any of you,” Layla said to Marcus. “Those are some shields you made back then when bullets bounce off harmlessly.”

  “They were modified by our hosts,” Marcus smiled.

  “Sweet,” Layla laughed.

  “Where to now?” Lucilla asked.

  “Madrid. First order of business will be a hotel before we head out again.”

  “Do you know who you’re looking for?”

  “I hope so.” Denise grinned.



  “Swords, again, or machetes,” Inspector Santini said. “Vigilantes?”

  Luigi Geraci looked down at the bloody mess. “What about those in the rubble?” he asked.

  “One of them is conscious, but he is out of it, terrified.”

  “Come on,” Luigi said.

  The two men walked towards the twisted hangar where rescue teams were carefully going through the rubble.

  “It is not safe to go further inside until heavy equipment arrives to move some of this mess,” one of the firemen said.

  “Is that a car under all of that?” Luigi asked.

  “Yes. A Mercedes.”

  “Has anyone been able to get a plate number yet?”

  “Yes. We ran it, and it is one of many plates belonging to Signore Melacci from Bologna.”

  “The investment banker?” Luigi said.

  “More like sex trafficker,” Santini huffed. “This is another sex slave trade mess, with the same pattern of carnage that took place around Rome a few days ago. Those four that were butchered were part of the sex trade.”

  The conscious man pulled out of the rubble was being wheeled to an ambulance when Luigi ordered it stopped for a moment. “I have a few questions,” he said.

  “He is pretty battered, please be brief,” one of the paramedics said.

  “What happened here?” Luigi asked.

  “They came from nowhere. Two women and men carrying shields.”

  “Two women did this?” Santini asked.

  “Yes. They were beautiful but viscous. I watched as one of them brought this hangar down on our heads.”

  “And how exactly did she do that?”

  “With her hands. Bullets bounced off her. Bullets bounced off the shields of the men who appeared out of nowhere.

  “Why were you shooting at them in the first place?”

  “I don’t know. I cannot remember.”

  Santini looked at Luigi and shook his head. “This story is so outrageous it just might be true,” he said.

  “Did you see where they went?” Luigi asked.

  “Yes. They went up.”

  “Up? What do you mean up?”

  “They all went up, straight up and disappeared, bathed in a bright light.”

  “He’s fucking out of it,” Santini said.

  “Do you know where they were going?”


  “Your best guess,” Santini said.

  “Madrid, I think. I vaguely remember Madrid for some reason.”

  Luigi motioned for the paramedic to load him into the ambulance.

  “I want to know immediately if you find any more survivors,” Santini said.

  “Madrid. Santini, keep me posted on all happening here,” Luigi said.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I am thinking I will start by contacting Inspector Santiago in Madrid. Somehow I have a feeling this mess and those in Rome are connected, and those who are responsible are on their way there.”


  Legio IX Hispana

  “They are both expected to make a full recovery,” Lucilla said, entering the room where Denise and Layla were enjoying something that tasted like an unknown fruit drink and was delicious.

Well, that’s good news,” Denise smiled.

  “After all they’ve been through, waking up on a spaceship in orbit shouldn’t come as much of a shock to them,” Layla said.

  “They had both been infected with the HIV virus,” Lucilla said.

  “Had been?” Layla said.

  “Yes. Mys treated them and apparently they have been cured.”

  “Fabulous. Do you think they’d share that cure with the rest of humanity?”

  “We can ask,” Lucilla smiled.

  “We are going to want to be getting back downstairs soon,” Denise said.

  “Aya has offered this ship as a base of operations for us rather than moving in and out of hotels if interested,” Lucilla said.

  Quintus and Marcus entered the room carrying drinks of their own and sat at the table with the others.

  “Have you made a decision on whether you will stay up here or in a hotel in Madrid?” Denise asked.

  “Myself and the men relish breathing the air on our world if it is not too much trouble,” Quintus said.

  “Okay, it’s settled then. Layla and I shall return as soon as possible and make all the necessary preparations for our housing.”

  “Quintus, wasn’t your Legion named for Hispania?” Layla asked.

  “Yes. The Legion was sent to Hispania during the reign of Augustus and the name stuck with it until its end. Legio IX Hispana.”

  “Such history. Perhaps the single most famous Roman Legion,” Lucilla smiled.

  “Fame? We were just soldiers doing our duty, or what we thought was our duty at the time,” Marcus said.

  “Let’s see. It was Julius Caesar’s personal legion, retired by him, reformed by the great Augustus Caesar. You fought against the Gauls and so many others. You fought against Pompeii. Perhaps one of the most celebrated moments in Roman history, you fought at the battle of Actium against Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. The list of amazing accomplishments for far more than a fighting force continues to the invasion of Britannia and the initial construction of Eboracum. I’d say you were far more than a fighting force and were indeed famous,” Lucilla grinned.

  “We had our moments,” Marcus laughed.

  “I would trade them all to get Coventina back,” Quintus said.

  We are on our way to the coordinates you gave us, Aya said.

  Thank you, and thank you for all your help today with everyone. Denise said.

  We will help where we can. You can move to your craft and make ready to depart.

  “We are going to depart,” Denise said.

  “Give us a few hours to get situated,” Layla smiled.

  The two left for the area of the ship where the Mustang was docked.

  “What do you think really happened to our Legion?” Quintus asked.