Read Crashing Down to Earth Page 11

  A great sense of relief washed over him when he found the room he was looking for. Seeing Hayley Foster’s last name in letters beside the door was the sweetest word he had ever seen - even though she was a stranger. He knocked once and let himself in.

  John lurched to his feet, casting an empty sandwich wrapper to the floor. He had been sitting in a chair by Miss Foster’s bedside. The teenager opened his mouth but another spoke first. “It is ok, John.”

  The constable turned to find the owner of the soft, gentle voice: a tall, blond haired man with a warm smile. He stood in the corner of the room, his hands clasped in front of his waist. “Can I help you?” he asked, with a voice as soft as summer silk.

  “I’m…I’m Constable Sloan. I’m from Springburn Police Station. I need to speak with John.”

  The blond-haired man glanced at the teenager, then again at the officer. “Perhaps such a conversation would be best left for another time. This is a hospital after all,” he said, though not unkindly.

  The corners of Sloan’s mouth tightened. “I’m afraid it’s urgent. Could you please give us a minute?”

  The request drew a wide-eyed look from John. But the friendly-faced stranger did not move. “I must apologise but the answer is no.”

  “It will only take a minute.”

  “What is it about?”

  “That’s none of…”

  “A talking body saying my brother’s name?”

  Constable Sloan’s eyes widened. Words failed him and it was all he could do to stare at the stranger in stunned silence.

  The blond haired man took a step toward the middle-aged policeman. Sloan in turn took one back. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said gently.

  “Then why are you coming closer?”

  He stopped his advance and gave the officer his most disarming smile. “All I wanted to do was return this to you.” It happened in a split second. With a deft flick of his fingers he had the policeman’s ID card in hand.

  Sloan blinked, stunned. “How’d you get that?” he demanded, his amazement replaced with anger just as quickly as the stranger had produced the card.

  The man held it out to him. “I’m sorry I took it from you, but you were upsetting my friend.”

  Snatching it from his grasp, Gordon Sloan looked his ID once over before pocketing it. “You do know that you can get into trouble for stealing this?”

  If the threat was meant to scare the stranger, it didn’t. Instead he smiled. “Well, it has now been returned. I hope there are no hard feelings?” he said, holding his hand out to the officer in an offer of reconciliation.

  John watched the exchange quietly from Hayley’s bedside. He knew that one touch was all that the angel needed to take away the policeman’s memories. He had seen Alex do it before, to people who had seen him spread his wings or fight demons. But it was an opportunity the younger angel would never get. His eyes suddenly narrowed and he spun away from the constable. “What is it?” John found himself asking, as the angel drew his sword.

  The constable did a double-take. He had not seen where the blade had come from. “What the…”

  “Shh!” Christopher chastised him. Turning back toward the window, he hurried over to it. Bang. He fell to the floor as the window exploded; a storm of brick and shards raining everywhere. John and the constable were knocked across the room, thrown to the floor like ragdolls. Hayley slept on in her hospital bed, oblivious to the dust and glass that now littered her covers and pillows.

  Heaving himself to his feet, Christopher spun. “John! Are you ok?”

  The teenager struggled to his feet, coughing. “Yeah…” he gasped, trembling. He looked half a ghost in the grey dust and filth that had covered his skin and clothes.

  “Get out of here!” Christopher shouted. His eyes darted to the fallen policeman. “Gordon!”

  The battered and beleaguered officer stared at him through wide, terror filled eyes. He stumbled onto his feet and the world spun about him. He reached out and grabbed the wall for support. “How…what’s…”

  Christopher spun the blade in his hand in a three hundred and sixty degree spin that defied belief. The angel did not even watch the sword while he did it. Catching the hilt, he shook his head at the police officer, whose eyes had gone as wide as boiled eggs. “You really do not want to know. Go with John. If you see anything that isn’t human, you run.” Sloan failed to move. “Run!”

  And he did.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Strong hands pulled her from the darkness. Cold air stabbed at Hayley’s lungs as she ripped through the surface. She thrashed in a panic to get away from whatever it was that had grabbed a hold of her.

  “Hayley! Hayley!”

  She stopped struggling at the sound of his voice. “Alex?” she cried desperately, twisting around in his arms to see his face.

  The angel slumped amongst the reeds, his water sodden wings flapping heavily from the weight. “It’s me,” he smiled, pulling her up out of the water. He laughed when she threw her drenched arms around him, knocking him flat into the mud. Hayley clung to him like a limpet. Alex shut his eyes and cuddled her just as fiercely. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you,” he whispered.

  “I never thought I’d see you again…” she cried into his soggy t-shirt.

  “It’s all right, Hayley, everything’s going to be all right,” he said, peering down at her. He brushed a strand of her muddy, wet hair back behind an ear. “I’m sorry it took me so long to get here.”

  Hayley laughed, overwhelmed with relief, tears spilling from her eyes. “It’s good you turned up when you did.” Alex squeezed her tightly and she cuddled into him again, despite being cold and soaked to the bone. “How did you find me?” she asked, looking up at him through the darkness.

  “Your soul was screaming loud enough. It was on fire.” He looked at her curiously. “I’ve never felt you burn so brightly.”

  Hayley cringed as her head thumped. The whole experience of drowning seemed dull to her, like a half forgotten dream despite having only happened moments before.

  “What’s wrong?” Alex asked, drawing her onto his lap as he sat up.

  Hayley shook her head and shut her eyes. “Nothing…it’s just a headache, like I always get when I do that.” She peered up at Alex again, despite the pain behind her eyes. “I know it’s stupid before you say it. How can I have a headache when I have no body, right?”

  “You know what this place is?”

  “Yeah, of course I do. I’ve been waiting for you long enough.”

  “How long has it been?”

  “Seven weeks.”

  He looked crestfallen. “I’m sorry…I didn’t realise that I had taken so long. You’ve only been gone a day back home.”

  Hayley’s eyes widened. “Am I…”

  “No! God no! You’re unconscious in Southern General.”

  She shook her head again. “What happened? How did I end up here?” He looked away. “Alex? What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “You…you were injured when the building collapsed.” He looked back at her with tears in his eyes. “I…I thought you were ok…but then you fainted and I couldn’t wake you…” Warm tears rolled down his cheeks, sparkling in the moonlight. “I’m sorry…I am so, so sorry…I failed you…”

  “Alex, no, no you…” she gasped as a powerful spasm ripped through her body.

  “Hayley? Hayley!” Alex shouted as she collapsed against him, her fit growing more violent. She dug her nails into his flesh, gasping desperately for air that would not come. Pain exploded through her mind in terrible, blinding shocks. Her vision began to dim and it felt like she was at the bottom of the river again. Between the shocks that jolted through her and the pain inside her splitting skull, she heard Alex whispering, “Don’t fight it…” Then the lights of her world went out once more.


  She woke again, struggling for air and flailing, only to find herself being restrained. “Hayley! Hayley! St
op!” Alex shouted, as his face was battered by thrashing wings. And just like that, she did. He loosened his grip on her.

  Hayley looked this way and that in confusion. They were still in the forest beside the river, though out of the water and further up the riverbank now. “Why am I awake? What’s going on?” she demanded, turning on her guardian with eyes that blazed like sapphire stars.

  Her questions were met by Alex’s wide grin. The angel’s soaked wings flexed up behind him. The moonlight caught on the wet feathers, causing them to gleam in a ghostly, yet strangely beautiful pale white.

  “And you can wipe that smile off your face!” she shouted, standing.

  Alex frowned in surprise. “What’s your problem?” he demanded, staggering to his feet.

  “You woke me up.”

  “Excuse me? You were the one who woke yourself up.”

  “Whatever, Alexander…” she scoffed, stalking off through the trees. She was cut off when he appeared in front of her.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” he asked with a wide smile, folding his arms.

  “Away from you! You woke me up before my time! I’m not supposed to be here before my body dies!” she snapped, before side-stepping him.

  But Alex turned after her and in a swift, fluid motion had wrapped his arm around her waist and turned Hayley about so she was facing him. He stared at her longingly but did not make a move. “I did not wake you…” he whispered, holding her gaze. His bright blue eyes seemed to smoulder. “And I don’t know why you’re fighting me…” He connected his mind to her mind at that moment, unifying them completely. Their souls had already joined, linked together the moment Hayley had transcended. Hayley leaned forward and kissed him, her fury suddenly extinguished. Alex felt his loins stir and he pulled her to him, his wings wrapping behind her. After a minute of passionate kissing, Hayley’s hands found their way to the guardian’s waist. The subtle invitation was enough to trigger his deepest want and in a heartbeat he had his lover on the ground.


  Hayley lay curled up against Alex’s chest, wrapped in his large ivory wings like a snug cocoon. The moon had started to fall from the sky, so long had their lovemaking been. Yet neither of them had the inclination of moving from the cold, sodden riverbank. Hayley rubbed her head against Alex’s chin as she lifted her head up. He smiled at her lovingly before they shared another long kiss.

  When at last they separated Hayley whispered, “I’ve been waiting for that for a very long time.”

  “Twenty odd years, Hayley?” he laughed, “You try more than ninety million.”

  “It was worth the wait though and please stop calling me that; you know it’s not my real name.”

  Alex shrugged as he rose to his feet. “Sorry, it’s a force of habit. Also, you’ll be going back to your body soon. So you’ll be using your human name again anyway.”

  Hayley smiled. “You know we really have been naughty doing this? I was not supposed to be awoken until my human body had died.”

  “Considering all we’ve done, I feel like we deserve a night to ourselves,” he said with a cheeky smile. But it disappeared when he saw the sadness in her eyes. “What?”

  “You know…”

  And he did. She feared going back to sleep and how long she would slumber: but most of all she feared not remembering this night. “I could show you, if you don’t remember,” he offered.

  “It’s not the same,” she sighed. “I don’t want to go back to sleep.” She turned away from him, wings slumping behind her back.


  “Don’t call me that, Alexander; it is not my real name. You know it isn’t!” she shouted, turning back to him.

  “It is, for now, until you are named properly. You know this. He will only give you your real name when it is the time of your true awakening,” he said gently.

  “Which is when, Alexander?” she demanded. Her wings twitched behind her in frustration.

  “I don’t know but you are just going to have to trust him.”

  Hayley’s expression softened and she gave a slow, understanding nod. “Ok.” Glancing to the sky, her wings spread to their full length.

  “Where are you going?” Alex asked in surprise. She had severed the link to his mind.

  “I’m going to go get my sword.”

  “What sword? You will not be given one until you are named by our creator.”

  “I might not know my name but I know my blade. Come.” Without waiting for any further questions she took flight.

  Alex watched her ascend through the dark tree line on ivory feathers that glittered iridescently in the pale moonlight. His heart soared at the sight of her flying on maiden wings. He watched her until she had dwindled to the size of a star in the distance. Then, spreading his own wings wide, he took flight in pursuit of his lover.


  The heavy oaken doors to Madam Kiki’s flew open with a bang. Such was the noise that it drew workers and guests alike from their rooms. The warm, summer night air flooded into the lobby, amid nervous mutterings. The sickly scent of honeysuckle filled their noses while their unanswered questions filled the air.

  “Everyone, go back to your rooms, it was only the wind!” Mino shouted nervously, as he ran for the doors: although secretly he feared what lay beyond them. “That wasn’t the wind!” someone shouted at him, but he could not say who from the growing number of faces that huddled onto the balconies. “Yes it was!” he lied, as he reached the doors. “See? There’s nothing out there, I must have not locked them properly.” He shouted with a nervous smile.

  “It was a demon!” someone else shouted and a wave of gasps swept through the ranks of onlookers.

  As if on cue, something swept through the doors at that very moment. A louder wave of gasps went up from workers and visitors alike.

  Hayley landed on light toes, her long white feathers folding down behind her. She surveyed the rows of wide-eyed faces. If her presence had sent awe through the masses, her partner’s arrival brought reverence. Alexander soared in with a thunderclap at his back. Some of the occupants recoiled at the deafening noise. Hayley turned to him as he landed and shot a disapproving look. Alex met her gaze back but his stern expression offered no apology. Her soul mate had not experienced his full strength for many years - save briefly two before - and she could feel the tension in him for a release. His eyes had that hunger in them again, the same lust that consumed him earlier. Her lip curled into a devious smile and so did his.

  “Evelyn?” Hayley turned to look at Mino. The thin man was staring at her with eyes as round as the moon. “Is that you?”

  “Yes,” she said softly, her wings shifting behind her.

  The would-be-guard continued to stare, dumbstruck. He began to slowly shake his head. “How?” he muttered.

  “What is going on here?” A voice demanded from on high. All eyes turned to the highest balcony in the building. Madam Kiki stood with her long, pale fingers curled around the wooden railings in front of her rooms; her black gown flowed snugly around her elegant frame.

  Hayley stepped forward. “Madam Kiki, I am sorry to wake you at this hour but…”

  “What happened to you?” Madam Kiki shouted once she realised who it was. Clutching fistfuls of her nightgown she hurried down the stairs and through the press. It was a few minutes before she reached the ground floor. When she did she stood in awe at the sight before her. She stared at Hayley for the longest time before shifting her gaze to Alex. “Evelyn, what is going on?” she asked, her voice falling to a whisper.

  Hayley smiled softly. “That isn’t my name. I’m sorry that I lied to you but it was the only way to keep myself safe before my partner returned for me. Our enemies were looking for me.” Alex inclined his chin and Hayley could feel the fire within his heart flare for her.

  “You’re a…angel?”

  “Yes.” Hayley’s smile widened.

  Madam Kiki crossed to her and took her hands into her own
. “Why did you not say that someone was trying to hurt you? We take care of our own here, you would have been safe.”

  “No, she wouldn’t have been, not from these people,” Alex put in, finally breaking his silence.

  Madam Kiki stared at the tall, mysterious, dark haired angel. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Alexander and this is Hayley.”

  Kiki shook her head, mesmerized by it all. “I had never thought it possible…a human becoming an angel…I have so many questions,” she said, looking at Hayley, eyes wide with wonder.

  “We don’t have the time though, I’m afraid,” Hayley said softly, gently squeezing her hands. “I need the sword you have.”

  The madam blinked. “The one in my office?”


  With a nod, Madam Kiki showed them through and directed them to the case. “Would you like me to send for gloves?” she asked, as Hayley moved toward the glass box that held her most treasured possession.

  “Why would she need gloves?” Alex asked, puzzled.

  “Because it will burn your hands without them.”

  “It won’t,” Hayley said as she moved closer to the case, eyes fixed on the blade within. She unlatched the glass lid and reached for the pommel. Even before her fingers touched it, she could feel the static dance between the blade and her skin; a thousand tiny sparks pulling her in. She had heard it calling from the woods. Now she felt it. A jolt of electricity shot up her arm and through her as her fingers closed around the hilt. Alex flinched at the same moment, causing his wings to stretch to their full brilliance. Madam Kiki gave the angel a curious look but said nothing. Sword in hand, Hayley turned to face them. She spun it in a full three sixty spin and the light danced across the blade’s length, shining brilliantly in the dull light of the orange lanterns. Catching the hilt again in a deft play of the fingers, Hayley began to hack and slash at the air, delivering blows to invisible foes that were so fast that it was almost impossible to see. Such was her speed and ferocity, Madam Kiki found herself stepping back. Then, just as quickly as the show of skill had started, it ended. Hayley let the sword point fall to the floor. “I don’t know who left it in the woods but this is definitely my sword.”