Read Crashing Down to Earth Page 12

  Alex’s lips curled into a smile. “Then we’re set.”

  “Madam Kiki,” Hayley said, approaching the wide-eyed proprietor. “I apologise again for misleading you about who I was and I apologise for having to take your most valuable treasure.”

  A smile touched her face. “It was never really mine in the first place. I always expected someone would come to claim it one day. I know how fond you angels are of your swords.”

  “Thank you,” Hayley said, giving a slight bow.

  “You are most welcome. You will always be welcome here.” She looked between the two of them. “I will not pretend to know the evils you face. I also learnt a long time ago that I am better off not knowing such things when it comes to the game of angels and demons. But I will say this. I wish you both the best of luck.” She looked fearful. “Truly, it must be something terrible if the Lord feels the need to hide an angel amongst men.”

  “Terrible is an understatement, I fear.” The three of them turned to see Jo standing in the door.

  Alex’s big smile returned. “There you are. Where have you been hiding?” he laughed as he hurried over to greet her.

  The little old woman’s face lit up, the brightest Hayley had ever seen. “I could ask you the same thing. It’s been too long since we last met.”

  “You know each other?” Madam Kiki asked, raising an eyebrow at Jo.

  The old woman smiled her crooked, yellow teeth. “I thought that much was obvious, Kiki, even for you.”

  The matriarch bristled but did not say a word. Hayley had seen enough exchanges between the two to know that it was Jo who really ruled the roost, despite only claiming to be a cleaner.

  Jo turned her attention back to Alex. “You haven’t changed a bit, you old bugger, you!”

  Alex laughed and Hayley found herself stifling a giggle as she caught the reflection of her partner’s feelings. “And you are still as beautiful as the last time I laid eyes upon you,” he said.

  Jo barked a hoarse, hearty laugh that shook her tiny frame. “Then you must be going blind if you think so.”

  “I’m sorry but how do you two know each other? I have never seen this angel before.” Madam Kiki cut in.

  “That’s because you were not here when he last visited. I was madam at the time when he stayed with his then partner,” Jo replied. A curious look crossed her wrinkled face and she turned to Alex. “I take it that has long since finished, then?”

  “Yes. Hayley is my true partner. She is my soul mate.”

  “Good, that other one was no good for you. I did say that it would end in tears, didn’t I? Yet you angels never listen,” she said, shaking her head and waving a hand in dismissal. “You know full well that all your relationships will end in disaster unless it is with your soul mate, but you all still insist on courting the first ones that show you the slightest hint of interest…”

  Hayley smirked as Alex turned red. He tried to pull his mind from her but she held on tight.

  He glanced at his partner. Hayley smiled and her eyes sparkled with amusement. Alex looked back at Jo who was still ranting. Raising a hand, he cut in. “Jo. Jo! I’ve learnt my lesson, ok? It will never happen again but listen, we have to go. Marli is actually causing a lot of trouble and we have to be getting back before she causes anymore damage.”

  The old woman’s eyes bulged from their sockets. “Damage? Oh my, what has she done?”

  Alex shook his head. “She attacked Hayley’s home and killed dozens. Listen, I’m sorry but we really must be going.”

  “Of course, do what you must. Stop Marli, save the world, whatever it is you need to do.”

  “Thank you. It was good seeing you again, old friend.”

  “Godspeed my angel, come visit us again soon.” The little old lady smiled.

  Alex nodded, smiled, and then held his hand out to Hayley.

  “Goodbye, Jo. Thanks for everything. Say goodbye to Lori for me,” she said as her fingers slipped into Alex’s.

  “I will. Goodbye, Hayley, take care, sweetheart,” the little old lady said as she waddled up to Kiki’s side as the angels headed for the door.

  “Kiki,” Hayley said, waving her new sword in acknowledgment. Alex shot her a warm smile and with that the two of them vanished into thin air. A soft, warm breeze rustled the orchids on the stand by the door in their wake.

  Madam Kiki stared out into the lobby for a long moment. “So why didn’t you tell me she was an angel?” she finally asked, looking down to the old woman by her side.

  “If you knew everyone would have, and she would not have been safe. Also I owed Alexander a debt that I feel has now been repaid.”

  This drew a curious look from the younger woman. “A debt? What favour did he do you?”

  The old woman turned to face her. Looking up, she smiled that friendly, crooked grin of hers. “He gave me you, my dear.”

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Loud, hurried footsteps rang off the black veined marble floor. The hallways were deserted at dawn and St Peter’s Square beyond was empty of men. But the angels were restless. Mark led the way, flanked by two of his kin. His weaker brother, Adam, trailed not far behind. Each was clad in cream coloured robes save the meek one who wore black as befit his rank as a fallen angel. Their blades gleamed at their hips. The humans within The Vatican slumbered easy at such an hour, unaware of the small army that marched through their holy halls. Mark came to a sudden halt, his entourage stopping behind him. “Alexander,” he said, closing his eyes. When he opened them again Alex and Hayley stood a few feet before him. His eyes flitted between the two wingless angels before coming to rest on Alex. “What have you done? She is not meant to be awake now. You know…”

  “Don’t start Mark, there isn’t time,” Hayley cut in.

  Mark gave her a long, searching look. “You do not even have your true name yet. Do you have any idea the severity of what you’ve done?” He directed the question at Alex.

  The old angel held his gaze. “She woke herself up. I had no say in it.”

  “You could have put her back into her slumber.”

  “Not until we’ve dealt with Marli,” Hayley insisted, stepping up to Alex’s side.

  One look was enough to tell Mark that the subject was not open to debate. So he directed himself to Alex instead. “We will deal with Marli. You do what you are charged to do, Alexander. Return her to her body and guard her.” His gaze flitted to the newborn angel for an instant and Hayley saw the flicker of arrogance in his eyes. “If you have any sense left you will also erase yourself from her life and her memories and protect her from a distance like you are supposed to do.”

  It was Hayley who answered. “We’re not doing that,” she said, crossing her arms and meeting Mark’s gaze.

  He was taken aback. Blinking, his eyes narrowed. “Do not tempt me child, I will do it myself if I…”

  “Oh shut up, will you!” she shouted, rolling her eyes. “Christ! You lot take a fucking long time to do anything, don’t you? I know all about you, Mark, and you don’t have the strength to do that, so drop the bullshit. Second of all,” she said, pointing a finger at him, “if you’re going after Marli you need as much help as possible.” It was all Mark could do but stare at her. Hayley looked about the silent party. “Are we done then?”


  Syringes clattered to the floor as Marli swung John above a medical trolley and pinned him to the wall. His flailing foot caught the trolley’s edge, sending it falling with a bang. Trays and bandages skittered across the floor. “Where are they?” Marli demanded, gripping him by the throat. John’s only answer was a winded croak. His scrabbling hands suddenly went limp and his eyelids began to flutter. Growling, Marli flung the boy across the deserted room. He landed in a tumble, rolling arse over head before coming to rest face first against the cold, hard ground. A strong stench of bleach filled his nostrils as he came round.

  John wished he hadn’t opened his eyes: Marli was coming for him, scalpel in hand
with a twisted smile on her face. Fortunately for John, Marli never reached him. Something invisible grabbed her from behind and dragged her through the wall, leaving a terrible, gaping hole in her wake. Coughing, John struggled to his feet. Christopher appeared in the corner of his vision and helped the young man to his feet with a welcome hand.

  “Are you ok?” John’s only answer was a loud cough and a nod. Christopher looked through the succession of destroyed walls he had just thrown Marli through. She would be back soon. “Listen to me,” he said, turning back to John. “Take my sword. Go to Hayley’s room, I’ll need you there.”

  John doubled over from a fit of coughing. Once it subsided, he shook his head at the angel. “Why? She’ll just take it off me.”

  “John, listen to me. If I should fall you will be the last one stopping her from reaching Hayley. Do you understand? I need you to do this for me.” He pressed the blade into the boy's hand.

  John gave him one last reluctant look, the corner of his mouth twitching. He then turned and ran.

  Once he saw the teenager safely away, Christopher turned and ran the other direction in search of Marli. But she found him first. Hot white and pitch black sparks exploded across his vision as something hit him: what, he did not know. But it had been numbingly painful, and had sent him flying.

  It wasn’t until he landed in the bushes in the car park below that his sight returned. The stars twinkling in the heavens high above were a relief to behold. Christopher released a bated breath as he lay there, grateful that he’d not lost his vision. Head reeling, the blond-haired angel stumbled to his feet. Sensing something behind him, he spun, just in time to catch a lightning blast in his palm. The white jolt died down and he dropped his hand. Marli stood across the deserted car park from him, black wings folding behind her. The wind whipped at her hair, blowing it across her face. But Christopher could still see the cold, hard hate in her eyes. Reaching for her waist, she made a show of drawing her sword. It sang as she tore it from the scabbard at her hip.

  “I don’t want to fight you, Marli, this is not the way.”

  Blade drawn, the fallen angel charged him. She moved impossibly fast across the distance. Knowing he would never get away, Christopher slammed his palm to the ground, sending shockwaves through the asphalt. It shattered and flew skyward, sending Marli off balance. But it had not been enough to stop her. He ducked as the blade circled overhead. Spinning, he planted a fist squarely in her stomach, launching her back the way she had came. Christopher ran after her through the dust and the debris, as she was swallowed by the cloud of destruction that he had created. But when he emerged from the other side he found no trace of her. Looking this way and that for any sign of the fallen angel, he found unexpected friends instead.

  Mark walked toward him, clapping him on the shoulder. “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Yeah…where’s Alexander?”

  Chapter Twenty Six

  She did not use the door. The fallen angel had waited long enough and was beyond desperate to finish the deed that consumed her. Marli appeared inside the room where they kept the comatose husk of Hayley Foster. She materialised just short of the door, sword in hand. But a feral terror filled her eyes when she glimpsed those before her. She had expected her former lover but not her rival.

  Alexander stood no more than six feet away, carefully positioned between Marli and the hospital bed. He kept the point of his sword lowered, but his tense demeanour revealed that the guardian was poised to swing at any moment if provoked. But it was his companion’s presence that drew Marli’s eye. Hayley was perched on the edge of the broken wall, where Marli had ripped the window from its frame minutes earlier. She sat there, her new sword held out before her. She twisted the blade lazily this way and that, watching the light run up and down its flawless length.

  Marli smirked when she spied Hayley’s wings, poking over her shoulders. “Finally here, I see.”

  “We’ve been waiting for you for ages,” Hayley said, lowering her blade. Her eyes flashed darkly at the newcomer.

  Marli’s dark smile crept wider. She nodded toward the bed. “You are not even supposed to be here. You were not meant to be born for many years, not until your body had died.” She sighed loudly in a patronising manner and smiled. “That is what I was told, anyway.”

  Hayley rose to her feet. “You forced my hand. These events were never meant to happen and the powers that be are pissed.”

  “So what?” the fallen angel laughed. “They woke you early to stop me, is that it? After all the people I have killed today and that is all they are willing to do?”

  “Yes, because that is all that is needed,” Alex said, meeting her gaze. His usually bright blue eyes had taken on a darker cast and almost appeared black in the dim light. It gave the tall angel an intimidating appearance. “My soul is complete again and you know full damn well that you are not strong enough to win against us,” he said, fingers tightening around the sword hilt.

  Marli stood her ground, unfazed by his action. “It was never about fighting you, Alexander, it is about her,” she said, nodding at Hayley. “It has always been about her.”

  “No, it’s about your jealously,” Alexander countered, pointing an accusing finger at her. “You’ve killed dozens of people just because you are jealous, like a fucking child. If you can’t have me, then no-one can, right?” he shook his head. “You really are sick in the head if you can’t let me go.”

  Marli smiled again, madness dancing in her eyes. “Is that what you think this is about, Alexander? You think I still want you? Your soul?” She threw her head back and laughed manically. “I couldn’t care less about you.” Her eyes found Hayley again and there was no love there. “She is the one who must die, body and soul, human or angel.”

  “Why?” Alex asked, watching her warily.

  Another, more dangerous smile peeled across her milk white face. “You really don’t know, do you?” She laughed, louder and crazier than before. “If you knew the things she was going to do, you would not stop me. She is going to kill thousands more than I ever will.”

  Alex had heard enough. He raised his sword, his wings arcing high as he swung. Marli caught the blow on the flat of her blade and flicked him away. “You’re fighting the wrong person, Alexander…” she shouted as she circled away from him. Alex swung again and she parried, stepping further back. “She is the destroyer, not me!” His blade came sailing around again, this time sweeping from the left, forcing her back towards the door - he had no intention of letting her get around the foot of the bed. Some quick side steps and another parry saw her deflect yet another blow but Hayley could see the growing fear on the fallen angel’s face. Then she fled. Alex growled, stabbing the point of his blade into the floor.

  What are you doing? We have to go after her! Hayley shouted inside his mind.

  He turned to face the newly ascended angel. No. I will not abandon my post again and you will return to your body, he thought, glancing between the angel of Hayley that stood before him and her human body that still lay abed.

  She’ll get away again! The newborn protested.

  It’s up to Mark and the others now.

  Hayley wrenched her mind away from him.

  “Don’t you dare…don’t you dare!” Alex shouted as her wings snapped open. He teleported to the window and tried to grab her. But he missed. “Hayley!” he screamed as he watched her fly away.

  The fire of his soul roared through her like a volcano. Hayley nearly fell; the ferocity and anger burning in his soul had overwhelmed her for a moment. She recovered and tried to ignore it, flapping desperately to get away. But her chest grew heavy, as did her wings. With every stroke of her ivory feathers it got worse, as if every flap caused them to turn more and more into lead. Finally, she could bear it no more.

  Hayley teleported and reappeared in the hospital room. She landed on Alex, pinning him to the floor. She stared him in the eye but the older angel held her gaze. “We need to kill her!”
she shouted at him, her wings spreading wide.

  “And you need to live, Hayley, because we still have so much to do before we can go home. It’s not your time yet! You know that!” he shouted at her with pleading eyes.

  And it was true. The truth cut through her like a knife. She sat up, letting him go. Alex had not resisted her, she knew, because the older angel knew she would not hurt him. She would never hurt him. She was just angry. Feeling foolish, she buried her head against his chest and cuddled him. Alex wrapped his arms and wings about her. “I’m sorry…” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

  “It’s all right. We’ll get her.”

  “I thought you would have got her now.” The two of them looked up to see Mark, Christopher and the rest of them standing at the door.

  Alex jumped to his feet. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you chasing Marli!?”

  Mark inclined his head but there was no urgency about him.

  Alex drew back a step. “You were never after her.”

  “Well, that’s not entirely true,” he said, sauntering forward. Alex retreated further, making a point to position himself between Mark and his lover. “Marli is an enemy and has been a thorn in our side for a long time,” Mark continued. His eyes moved to Hayley. “But so is the girl. So I figured it would be pointless hunting the pair of them separately when I knew love-struck Marli would cross paths with you two eventually.” He smiled darkly. “Then we would have had them both.”

  “You’ve failed. She’s escaped,” Alex said, clutching his sword tightly.

  The traitor gave a lazy shrug and a smirk. “She won’t get far. She’s much easier to track than I led you to believe.”

  His gaze returned to Hayley and Alex put a protective arm in front of her. “And why do you want Hayley dead? What did she ever do to you?” He asked, raising the point of his sword.

  Mark continued to smile, unfazed by the sharp tip aimed at his throat. “It’s like Marli said: it’s the things she will do if she is allowed to live.”