Read Criminal Offence :X Page 11

said. “Hope you don't mind. Though, I don't care.” I glared at him. A perfect time to escape—maybe even slap him. I didn’t really know how strong he was. I'm willing to take a risk.

  Before I even got a chance to get up, he stopped me, holding both my hands, quick like a fox. “Crap,” I muttered under my breath.

  “Better luck next time,” He muttered back. I sighed, furious. He tied the rope around my hand again, no trust anymore.

  He flipped the TV on from the drawer, letting it play the news channel. He would always do that once he got home, never actually paying any attention to it. Just random noise in the background. I didn't either, until now. They were talking about a disappearance of a girl.

  One of the news lady, dressed in a blue suit, introduced the headline, “Our top story this afternoon, a high school student has been missing since an underage drinking and illegal drug party that occurred Saturday night. The girl's name is Dorothy Fane. Her parents went to the police station on Sunday afternoon, after confronting many of Dorothy's friends of her whereabouts. Only to have no answer, the search still continues on…” Then the television cut off to a screen of one of my photos from the yearbook. “If you have seen or heard from this girl, please call the police immediately.”

  The news went into a random commercial, and all I could hear was the soft breathing that belonged to Eric.

  “They're looking for me, Eric.” I broke the silence, reminding him of the news just seconds ago.

  “I know.” he breathed out.

  “Let me go,” I said quietly, but my voice was on edge, harsh.

  He shook his head, not responding with a good reason. Frankie went to him, paws on Eric's legs. “Are you hungry, Dorothy?” He quickly changed the subject.

  Although I was still angry with him, I could do without. My stomach is yearning to be the priority. “Yeah,” I said softly.

  He went to get some food and Frankie followed him all the way to the door, but then spun back to look at me. It was like he was waiting for me to get up and follow too. After moments, Frankie understood that I wasn't getting up and sat down by the door.

  We both waited when Eric came back in carrying a box of Cheez-it and sodas.

  “Don't you have anything healthier?”

  “Do you want the Cheez-it?” He asked, his eyes narrowing.

  I glared. “Yes.” He sat on the floor and put the bowl down, Frankie sniffing the food. Eric took some crackers and handed it to him. He was being so affectionate to his dog. It amazed me. He pat Frankie’s head, smiling at him.

  I couldn't help smiling too, seeing those two interact was adorable. I didn't notice his eyes on me when he said, “You like Frankie?”

  “Mhm, he's so cute.” My eyes glued to the dog's face, licking Eric's face now. “What's the story behind him?”

  “Well,” Eric began, reaching for a pen and a piece of paper lying on his desk. He took the cap off the pen with his mouth. The action hypnotized me. “Got him from an animal shelter. Only a year old then. So my mom jumped on that offer. We couldn't help it. He was cute.”

  “How old is he now?”

  “Nine,” Eric grinned.

  I knew why, though. “What? But he looks like a puppy!”

  “Yeah.” Eric nodded slightly. “Holding onto his youth,” he looked down at the dog, “Aren't ya?”

  Frankie just sniffed like a celebrity would at paparazzi. I know I'm great, you can go away now, I could practically see him saying. Eric stared at me—only for a second—then he went back to doing whatever he was on the paper. I scratched my head in confusion, but didn't bother asking because I knew he would be like: “You just wouldn't understand.” Yeah, I probably wouldn't.

  He finished writing and folded the piece of paper to put in his back pocket. I ran my fingers through my hair, both tired of sitting here and awkward conversations I had with Eric. I want to go outside for a bit. It seems like it’s been forever.

  “Will I ever go outside?” I moaned, to my surprise. I guess it's really bothering me that much.

  “Maybe,” He said, in a serious tone. His voice lost, my wants were not on his mind. I moaned again, his head turned back my direction. “What?” He said harshly.

  “Listen, I know this hostage thing is suppose to be me locked in the dark closet for a very long time.” I pointed at the closet just a few inches away from me. “But you shone me the light.”

  Eric waited a second for me to say more, but grew impatient. “Your point?”

  “I'm like a spoiled rich kid. I get bored.”

  “You are a spoiled rich kid,” he corrected. My eyes lit up to his response. If I warm up to him, he'll probably let me go sometime soon.

  “Oh, yeah. I'm the one with the laptop and TV in my room.” I shook my head and scoffed.

  “Well I saw your room,” He leaned back on the side of the bed, stretching his arms, “You also have a laptop. Blue.” He lips formed a grin, recalling it. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was really thinking. I barely remember what I left my room in. It was somewhat organized, with clothes tossed on the ground, books under bed. Eric pointed his finger toward me. “You comfortable in there?”

  “No,” I said, glaring. Who likes sleeping in a closet?

  “How can I make your stay more...pleasant?”

  “Hmm,” I brought my finger up to my chin, tapping. “You can start by letting me sleep on your bed.”

  He breathed a chuckle. “Really?” Through Eric’s playful gray eyes I could sense his amusement. I rolled mine. I know exactly what he was thinking.

  “You said ‘pleasant’. Nothing else is going on.”

  “I know,” he said more definite. “So, what am I suppose to sleep on the ground now?”

  “None of this would be going on if you'd let me go.” I locked my eyes into his. “I'm serious. I won't tell anyone.”

  I watched Eric, thinking he was taking this idea into consideration. But he didn't.

  “That wouldn't matter,” He said. “You’re lying.”

  I couldn't help it, in fact I was. How am I suppose to explain what happened to me over these past few days. I needed to clear my head? No, I'm not that type of person. I have no good excuse. I put my head down to my knees, sighing softly.

  “You can sleep on my bed.” My head snapped up at this statement. “But, you still have to be tied up.”

  “I can sneak out while you're sleeping.” I said. What? I'm stupid! Why would I say that aloud.

  He shook his head, “Nope. I'm a very light sleeper.”

  “Must have insomnia,” I muttered.

  He heard me. “Yeah. I do. I don't think it’s bad. More positive than anything.”

  My eyes grew wide to his answer. Negative is a good thing in his world. Makes sense…sort of. We sat in the quiet and then a sharp buzz sounded. It was a phone—on vibrate.

  Eric fished in his pocket and pulled out a square black phone, clicking the buttons to light up the screen.

  “Where’s my phone?” I interrupted.

  He's still typing something. “I hid it.” He said, without glancing up.

  “M-hm.” I hummed gently. What a surprise. Well, if he hid it, then it has to be somewhere in this house. Eric finished doing whatever and said, “You going to try and look for it.”

  “Of course,” I said harshly. “I mean, what else do I have left?” I hinted the sarcasm. Frankie’s ears went up. The front door of Eric’s house opened, and Frankie barked up a storm, running past me through the door.

  I heard Eric mummer, “My mom’s home,” under his breath. He got up as well, in one swift motion out the door. A greeting and small exchange of dialogue: ‘How was your day? It was fine, and you? Great.’ I glanced at Eric's computer, only a few feet away. I put my feet out, and scooted my butt across the carpet. I was close to it now. I used my arms to push the laptop against me. Both my hands clicked the mouse on his name. Good, he doesn't use a password. The screen went to a website he was on at the time. I
clicked for a new tab, an awkward click.

  I typed in a website, and lucky for me, it was visited so I clicked on the link. It took me there. I turned my head around to check if Eric crept up the stairs, glad he wasn't here yet. I typed in my user name and password. It took me longer than it should have, but I don't know anyone personally who could type fast with their hands tied up. The screen loaded quickly to my email account. I checked it. A bunch of junk mail. I scroll down, not having any time to delete anything, and found a message from Janaki. It read:


  Dottie, im worried. Where r u? Ur not even answering ur fone, ur parents r FREAKING OUT! Come home! It's been 2 days. Everyone's lookin. God, u need to come home, pronto! If ur reading this, talk to me! Send a reply or somethin; TELL ME WHERE U R! I'll look for u myself. Come on!

  (I know im a hypocrite. I hate text talk, but I dun care now) I LUV U!!! -Jana.

  I moved the arrow to the reply button, and started typing as quickly as I could.



  Two arms yanked around my stomach and dropped me by the closet door.

  “STOP!” I yelled, again he put his hand over my mouth.

  “Why don't you stop it? This is exactly why I can't trust you alone.” I glared up at him. He was ruining everything. He let his hand fall from my face and I said fiercely, “People are worried.”

  “I know that.”

  “Eric?” A woman’s voice called in the distance.

  “Now you have my mother worried.” He put a piece of duct tape hanging off his desk and placed it on