Read Criminal Offence :X Page 12

my mouth. Not the the duct tape.

  “What's going on?”

  “My volume was on too loud. I was watching a movie,” He lied.

  “Oh okay.” His mother believed the lies, how sad. It makes me feel bad that kids lie to their parents, even though I'm also guilty of it as well. Eric’s lies are much deeper than the white lies I say though.

  Eric appeared back inside, careful to slide through the doors so his mom wouldn't see who was hiding in his room.

  “Please don't scream,” He said, low, as he pulled off the duct tape.

  “Then please don't touch me,” I said back.

  He frowned at this, but turned himself away from me and sat at his desk again. I could only sit and stare. I hated being tied up. But with the mood swings I'm having, he will never trust me. I have to stop trying to escape. When he really does trust me is the only time I can do it. Only if he trusts me.

  “I won't scream again.” I gulped while saying this. He obviously didn't believe me, brushing off the fact that I said anything really.

  “I gotta go somewhere tonight.”

  “Oh.” I said simply.

  “And I won't be back until nine.”

  I nodded my head gradually. “You're point?”

  “I don't trust you, I don't know if I should really go.” His eyes shifted over to my face and back out the window.

  “You can't trust me.” Maybe he heard me wrong; both ways could be right. “You're gonna lock me in the damn closet anyhow.” I fell back onto the wall, defeated either way.

  “That's the thing,” he said steadily, “I don't like locking you up in there.” He thought long after a moment. “Want Frankie?”

  I started to think about that. Frankie is nice. He’d be a great companion. But what good would that really be? “Sure,” I answered.

  He was pleasantly surprised by my response, holding up his index finger, indicating he needed a moment to retrieve Frankie. When he did, Frankie jumped from Eric to me, licking my face. I pet along the sides of his slim body. Eric closed and locked the door. Frankie calmed down enough to just sleep at my legs. I could make out the humming sound of the computer, still on the page I left it at. If I could untie myself again and somehow get out....

  I spent the next hour thinking of ways that I could get out. I can break out of the closet by kicking it endlessly, but that might get me nowhere. Maybe I could make a hole through the wall. That might work, but I'm on the second story, plus there might be a room next to where I am.

  I decided that all these ideas were pointless. That nothing on earth could get me out of here, that I was stuck forever in the closet. The only person I had contact with was Eric. I didn’t think he wass planning on letting me go anytime soon. And I still don’t even know his motives!

  I'm not scared of him; I know he's not going to do anything drastic. But I can’t help wondering why he’s keeping me here. Frankie snored quietly beneath me. I attempted to drift too, but it was too hard. It was only like eight o'clock now. I don’t sleep until ten.

  “Ugh,” I said softly. I pretty much have no life until Eric was around. And half the time, Eric doesn't even talk. So I'm bored like 24/7. Not even my choice either.

  “I need to stop complaining,” I said to Frankie. He didn't budge, just kept snoring. So I closed my eyes, and lay down on the pillow Eric provided me. My mind wandered aimlessly.

  The next morning, I woke up to the bright sunshine blinding my eyes. Frankie was gone and so was Eric. Inside the closet with me were a breakfast sandwich and a cup of orange juice. I guzzled them both down furiously. Then I stretched as much as I could in a contained closet, and started to look around again. That red notebook was gone, I noticed, and there wasn't really much in the closet besides notebook paper.

  So I came to a decision. If I were to stay in the closet everyday like this, I might as well make my own entertainment. I know I'm not much of a creator, but everyone has a story, right?

  I started my imagination off with a girl and a guy. The girl and guy mysteriously are paired up together and seriously like each other. Then the guy does something completely stupid—he kidnaps the girl! So the girl is forever locked in the cellar, waiting for her knight in shining armor to come along. But at the same time, she really doesn't want him to come at all. The guy was very interesting, and she just couldn't let him go. If she did, she may never see him again!

  I got out of my daydream trance, only to discover what really killed it. I am so not creative if I take an idea from my own life. Not that that scared me, but the fact that the girl falling for her kidnapper was me. I can't be falling for Eric. That's crazy, he's crazy! Why would I even want to?

  Time was on my side today, the clock struck three and Eric would soon be home. I shifted around nervously, anticipating my release. A car engine slowly stopped near the house, the door slammed close, and footsteps were approaching.

  Eric’s mom was home already?

  The dog was barking mindlessly though. He doesn't bark that bad whenever it’s Eric or his mom. Someone new? When the door opened, I heard Frankie running up to whomever it was and the new voice answered him. “Calm down, Frankie. Geez, you're always so hyper.”

  My eyes widened, astonished. There was someone new downstairs. Someone who could help me escape. Acting on my impulse, I banged on the door like a crazy person, well, I already was one a little while ago.

  “HELP ME! PLEASE!” I shouted as loud as I could. I could hear the stomps up the stairs, Frankie's collar jingled closely behind.

  The door to Eric's room snapped open. I could see the figure, big and tall. Frankie went directly to the closet and the person unlocked it.

  On the other side, there stood a guy. From the light I could see his hair was lightly brown cut short, his eyes gray, like Eric's. He was a bit on the heavy side, but he wasn't bad looking at all.

  He stared down at me, his eyes wild and muddled. “What the—” He was pushed to the side, falling completely. Eric was there now.

  “What the hell, Eric?” The other guy yelled when he sat up. Eric just glared at me, knowing I've done something. I've always done something to trigger him. “Who is this? Why is she in your closet?”

  Eric sighed, losing his secret, unless he knew the art of hypnosis. But a small smile crept on my lips.

  Yes Eric, why don't you care to explain?


  Eric slid down against the wall next to me and that other guy. Never caught his name but I probably will in a moment. Eric opened his mouth a little, then closed it. I could see in his face that he had trouble putting this explanation together. Hell, he still hasn’t explained to me, really.

  “It’s…complicated.” He said, causing me and the guy to sigh in annoyance. The guy looked at me again. His brows furrowed.

  Then he did something completely weird. He smiled and held out his hand. “Hi. My name is Aaron, Eric’s amazing cousin.” I stared, looking down at my hands and back at his hand that still stuck out. I tried indicating that I couldn’t shake his hand. He got the message. “Oh, well.” He pulled his hand back. “You’re name?”

  “Dorothy.” I said.

  He nodded. “Nice name.” Aaron looked at Eric now. “Complicated just won’t cut it.” He shrugged. I was blown away, now why couldn’t I think of that? Aaron waited for a response. I knew that Eric’s always delayed in saying anything.

  “I kidnapped her.” He said.

  “And why?” Aaron pressed on.

  Eric took a deep inhale and coughed out. “Impulsive actions.”

  “And you give him an answer!” I said, even though the answer was still a bit vague, it was still a valid one. He looked at me with a confused gaze.


  “Real reason Eric?” Aaron asked again. I sat there quietly now. They talked as if I wasn’t in the room.

  “I already told you.” Eric said. “Impulsive actions. And I just planned on it.”

  My eyes widened. “You planned
this?” I exclaimed. Eric didn’t say anything. He just shook his head and stared down on his hands. He had something up his sleeve and he wouldn’t say a word. Yet I can’t understand what he would do with me. Everything was still unclear.

  “What’s going on with you man? Can’t find someone who really wants to hang out with you? Gotta go and steal a person with a life, I assume.” Aaron said, while his eyes peered down at me. I nodded, agreeing with his last statement. But he said this all in a playful manner. So I was pissed at him, why was he laughing when this was serious?

  “No, it’s not that.” Eric said, his voice bored. “I have to figure things out.” And he stood up, leaving us hanging like that. He walked over to his desk and sat on the chair. Logging back onto his laptop, he said to Aaron, “What are you doing here so early anyway? I thought you said you were coming at nine?”

  “I said I was coming at nine in the morning. So technically, I’m late.” He looked over at me again, a little uneasy. “Hey, could you untie her or something. Just looking at her makes me feel like I’m a terrorist keeping hostages.”

  Eric said nothing for a minute. But then replied, “Last time she roamed free, she was going to run off.” True. But Aaron was still staring at me and I felt small. When people stare, I find that rude. And now I had no say in this.

  “Aaron stop looking at her.” Eric’s voice interrupted my thoughts. Thank you, Eric.

  Aaron glanced at Eric then back at me. “I’m…trying to take a mental picture. I think I’ve seen you before.”