Read Criminal Offence :X Page 13

Aaron closed his eyes trying to grasp a memory. “Are you that girl, who’s dating Kade Mann?”

  I nodded vigorously. He laughed out loud. “Aw, that kid was a freshman when I was Junior. He was new to the football team. The guys all picked on him and a few other new ones.” He chuckled some more becoming rather annoying. I turned my head the other way. But then I heard another laugh, accompanied by Aaron’s. Eric. What?

  “That’s not funny!” I said, leaving the silent treatment idea behind. No one makes fun of my boyfriend, ever!

  Aaron halted his uncontrollable laughter. “Okay, it’s not.” Then he asked me a question, “So, how did you guys get together? I remember he was dating that one brown-haired bitchy chick.”

  My eyes tightened and helped form my know-it-all face that I keep hidden unless I’m feeling sarcastic. “Well, a lot can happen in two years.”

  “What was her name again? Wasn’t it like Christina or something?” He waited for an answer.

  “Kristen.” I said, my tone like a knife slicing through hard butter. Aaron could sense easily my feelings for Kade’s ex and came to a conclusion.

  “Rivals. I just don’t get you girls.” He said, rolling his eyes. “I guess it’s different for us guys. We don’t give a shit who dated who last. We have her now is all that really matters.”

  “I’ve seen lots of guys get jealous,” I informed him.

  “But not like girls, never like girls.” He said. He glanced at Eric again. “Can we please untie something on her? I can’t look at her until you do so.”

  “Then go away,” Eric muttered, his attention preoccupied on the computer. “Back to your college girls and frat parties. I have things to do.”

  “College sucks. Everyone on the campus are like study maniacs. And my last girlfriend dumped me for some loser, who also happens to be a genius.”

  “Gee, I wonder why,” I said, too late to stop myself. I needed to learn to control my actions. Really now, ever since I was kidnapped I acted like an idiot saying things aloud I should have kept quiet.

  “Me too.” I met Aaron’s eyes. He smiled so delightfully at my sarcasm. “Girls just don’t get me, you know.” The smile lingered on his lips and Eric coughed, reminding us of his presence. Aaron made a grunt as he got on his feet. “So, other than Dorothy here,” He motioned, “how’s life going here in this little town?”

  “Boring as ever.” Eric answered. “Nothing to do.”

  “You never do anything.”

  “He went to Kristen’s party,” I said to Aaron.

  He gawked at Eric. “How’d you get invited? Kristen likes you?”

  “I invited him,” I said, then wanted to investigate a bit for myself, “How come you know nothing about your cousin’s life?”

  “Because my handsome cousin prefers to keep his affairs a secret, like you, for example. Don’t you remember Eric, my dad’s a cop?” He directed that question to Eric.

  “You. Owe. Me.” He said coldly. This took Aaron aback. I chose to ignore it. Obviously there’s some squabble going on between the cousins that didn’t concern me. Aaron was quiet though, absorbing Eric’s words.

  “So I do,” Aaron’s eyes shifted. “But just know this: Justice shall be served.” He finished but then added, “Eventually.”

  Something buzzed. Eric grabbed the phone from his desk. “Carter’s heading this way.” He said, not looking up from the screen.

  “Hmm…Carter. Cater. That name isn’t familiar.” Aaron mused.

  Eric eyes peered through his hair. “Remember Shannon?”

  Aaron’s face lit up. “The crazy one!” He pointed out. “Yeah. I’m telling you, that girl is nuts.” He said to me. I shrugged, not caring. “Let me guess,” he put his finger on his chin, “That is how this happened.” Indicating that the party is how I got here. Yes, in fact, he was right.

  Eric threw his phone on the bed, as Aaron was taking his out. Text messages, I missed those. That reminded me that I had to look for my phone. I’m not giving up on it. Aaron laughed loudly again, something funny on his phone. Eric shushed him to be quiet but he ignored him.

  We were all when a sudden rapid knocking was heard on the window. Eric pulled at his curtains to reveal a very tired looking guy. He breathed in and out like he’d been running 10k or something. He opened the window and a rush of air blew through, hitting my face. The guy ignored me, jumping on the desk to sit. His long legs hung out on the edge.

  This guy had jet-black hair (almost identical to Eric’s) covering his dark brown eyes. He was also wearing skater shoes and skinny jeans. His navy blue shirt ruined he outfit; it was loose.

  “Hey man.” He spoke to Eric, slapping their hands together, like all guy friends usually do. “What is up?”

  “Nothing much.” Eric said. “What’s up with you, Carter?”

  “Absolutely nothing.” Carter pulled out his phone and typed on the small keys. Eric shook his head and sighed.

  “So you’re still addicted to texting?”

  “Gloria keeps texting me back: I love you, I love you too. But I really love you, Honey you’re the best thing in the world for me. But you’re the greatest. If I stop texting her back, she’ll be sad. I know it.” Carter said this all while managing to text back his, what I assumed to be, lovely girlfriend.

  “Boy, Gloria sure has you on a tight lease.” Aaron whistled.

  Carter glared at him and hissed. “I’m the one with the girlfriend. So maybe it’s better if you actually listen to the girl. Words of advice.”

  Aaron furrowed his eyebrows, saying, “Touchy.”

  But Carter ignored him. “So Shannon’s pretty pissed at you.” He said, eyes staying glued to the phone. Then I wondered who Shannon was.

  “Why now?” Eric said in frustration. “What did I do this time?”

  Then Carter rose up his voice in a high pitch that I could only guess was close to Shannon’s: “‘Where’s Eric? I miss him! He needs to get his butt over here and hang out with us. I will kill him if he’s not here!’ Complain, complain, and complain.” A noise sounded from his phone when he pressed the send button, slipping it back inside his pocket. “Don’t mind her though. I think she’s PMS-ing at the moment anyhow.” Carter finally gave a glance in my direction and pointed. His jaw dropped.

  “Whoa!” He said, “You actually did it?”

  “I told you I would,” Eric said.

  “But you actually, actually did it. I mean, we knew that you said you were doing it, and we believed you, but we didn’t think you would actually do it.”

  “What is it with you and actually?” Aaron said.

  “I don’t know, actually. I think it was a birth defect. My mom likes to use the word ‘literally’ a lot. I guess it runs through the family.” It was clearly meant to be sarcastic. “Dorothy, right?” He directly made eye contact with me.

  “Yeah. How’d you know?”

  “Eric told us his creepy plan. Only the stealing away part, don’t start asking if the future for you is hazy or not!” He waved his hands in front of him, dodging any questions I would want answered.

  “Don’t tell her that,” Eric murmured.

  “Actually,” Carter started and I smiled a tiny bit, “she has every right to know. What’s your plan now, though? Are you going to keep her here forever in your closet and tied up? Because that’s a really stupid idea Eric. No offense.”

  The silence quieted us and I wanted to say something, but had nothing to add. All I did was watch. All I’m ever good for now. “So you should come to the park this afternoon. Shannon and Travis are going to be there, as am I.” His grin was reminiscent of a little kid’s.

  “I hate leaving Dorothy.” Eric said to my relief. I had it with the closet.

  “Then bring her,” He said, as if it were an obvious solution.

  “Great plan,” Eric said sarcastically. “Yeah, I won’t get caught when she’s by my side.” He rolled his eyes. “Plus, I don’t have a car, remember?”

/>   Carter took this into consideration then waved his left hand at him, disagreeing. “Nah, I know you’ll think of something. Anyway, I have to go. Shannon’s waiting.” He crouched back into a round position to get through the window. Then he jumped to the tree. Aaron and Eric started chatting about an afternoon plan now.

  “I can drive us in my car.” Aaron said to Eric.

  “What about Dorothy.”

  “Yeah, what about me? Of course you can never show me to the light of day. And of course you don’t trust me. I do not want tape on my mouth again, Eric.” I wagged my finger at him. He just gazed at me for a very long time. A sudden light bulb went off, at least I think it did with the look on his face. He walked over to me, bending down to untie the rope around my ankles.

  “Don’t run.” He said softly. Then he went to my wrists, “I want to trust you.”

  “But you can,” I said in a pleading tone. “I’ll give anything to be outside again.”

  “A nature girl,” Aaron sneered. “That’s nice.”

  I narrowed my eyes on him. After Eric finished untying me, he walked in the closet. He shuffled through some clothing before tossing a familiar black jacket at me. “Wear that, with the hood on.” He said.

  “You haven’t worn this since the party,” I recalled. That’s been in the closet with me the whole time. I grasped the material, pulling the sweater on through the arms and the head. As I did I smelled Eric, and me, that night. How close was I to him? Eric’s smell overpowered, with soap and hints of body spray. I yanked the hood on my head.

  “There,” I looked up at Aaron