Read Crux Untamed Page 13

  “You are mine, bella. I will ruin you for all other men but me.” He ran the tip of his finger over my burned flesh. I screamed, my voice echoing off the walls of the large bedroom where he’d forced me to lie. My body convulsed in pain. I was freezing everywhere. Except my back. My back felt like it was on fire. Burning my skin.

  Juan moved from the bed to crouch at my face. My terrified eyes found his. He ran his hand over my hair. “Like spun gold,” he murmured and smiled his devastatingly handsome smile. “A doctor will be in later to help you with the pain.”

  “Please,” I whispered. I couldn’t stand the pain . . . I couldn’t keep smelling the scent of my burning flesh.

  “No, bella. I must leave you with this a while longer. Only then will you learn to never cross me again.” He leaned in and kissed my lips. His tongue pushed inside my mouth and wrapped itself seductively against mine. I whimpered, needing him to stop; he moaned, wanting to devour me. When he pulled away, he smiled at me. The smile that showed me how obsessed with me he had truly become. “I love you, mi rosa negra. But if you defy me again, this punishment will be repeated. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes,” I said quickly. He just smiled.

  “Good.” He laid a kiss on my forehead. “Now, get some rest. We want you to heal.” Juan stood and rounded the bed. I could feel his hand skirting around the covers. “Beautiful,” he said and kissed the center of my back . . . exactly where the most acid had been poured. I screamed, tears flooding the comforter beneath me. But those tears soon dried when I thought of what I had seen to make me run . . . what he had done to her . . . what he had done to all of them . . .

  I blinked back into the here and now. My throat was dry from telling them about what he had done. The room was thick with silence. Goosebumps swept over my exposed ruined skin. My legs shook, and just when I feared they would no longer hold me up, arms came around me and swept me off the floor. I looked up into Cowboy’s eyes. He cradled me against his chest and carried me to the couch. He kept me close, running his lips over my forehead. “We got you, cher,” he whispered. I almost cried when I threaded my arms around his neck, holding on tightly . . . and his rough fingers found the acid scars. I froze. No one but the doctor, Juan, and me had ever touched what I kept well hidden away.

  “They’re beautiful,” he whispered as I tucked my head into his neck. “Because you’re so fucking beautiful, cher.”

  I held him tighter, inhaling his fresh scent. I shed all the tears that had been trapped within me for years. My skin, which had been ice cold, thawed to a newer, warmer type of numbness. Stinging tears dried to leave behind a heady state of peace. Wrapped in Cowboy’s arms, I felt safe, for the first time in years.

  Taking a deep breath, I pulled back from Cowboy’s neck and met his blue eyes. He gave me one of his smiles and stroked back the hair stuck to my damp cheeks. My lips shook as I smiled back. “Thanks, darlin’,” I rasped.

  His hand moved up to cup my neck. I leaned into his touch, my eyes fluttering shut for a moment as a soft breath left my throat. When I opened my eyes again, it was to see Cowboy searching my face. Then, clearly seeing whatever it was he wanted to see, he brushed his lips against mine. The minute I tasted him, the tension, the hurt, and the years’ worth of pain that suffocated my chest broke free from my skin and ghosted away like a twirl of smoke from a campfire. My hands hung on to Cowboy as he caressed my lips with his own before pulling back and pressing his forehead against mine.

  His hand guided my head to lie on his chest. I sighed, and then glanced across the room. Hush was still on the couch. Hands still fisting the blanket . . . but in his ice-blue eyes I saw something else.

  He was looking at me differently.

  His chest was rising and falling.

  Then he was getting to his feet.

  I held my breath as Hush stood up from the couch. He paused for a second, but his gaze never left mine. Cowboy held me in place as Hush, uncurling his fists, walked across the room, me in his sights. He stopped before me and dropped to his knees. His nostrils flared, the veins in his neck were showing . . . then, on a sharp sigh, he leaned forward, cupped both of my cheeks, and pressed his lips to mine.

  Instant warmth burst inside my chest, my heart swelling so full that I was sure I wouldn’t be able to cope with its rapid beat. Hush’s hands were strong and controlled as he kept me in place, right where he wanted me. His lips parted, and his tongue slid into my mouth. I moaned when his tongue danced with my own.

  On Cowboy’s chest, with his hand running so delicately down my back, and Hush holding me so fiercely against his mouth, I was home. Peace swept through my body, and I welcomed it like the kiss of rain after a drought. I stayed in the moment, soaking in every breath and touch and sigh as Hush kissed me and kissed me again. When I felt Cowboy shift underneath me and brush my hair out of the way only to press his lips against the back of my neck, I melted. I gave myself to them, letting them take the reins after so many years of fighting this fucked-up world alone.

  Their hard chests pressed against me, Hush’s against my breasts and Cowboy’s against my back. Hush’s palms were hot, his thumbs dusting across my cheeks. Cowboy’s warm breath caused shivers to break out along my spine.

  It was too much, yet not enough. I needed to breathe, yet refused to let anything pull me away from finally having Hush with me like this. Kissing me so thoroughly, so beautifully . . . so lovingly. I realized that I’d wanted this. Wanted Hush as much as I wanted Cowboy since the first time I met them. It didn’t make sense. Nothing about this made sense, about how we three meshed and melded into one organic whole. But I didn’t care. In this moment, I cared about nothing else but feeling these two men against me, chasing away the demons that had possessed me for too many years.

  Hush broke away from my mouth. He was out of breath, deeply inhaling gasps of air. His hands stayed on my cheeks as he made himself look into my eyes. I lifted my trembling hand and placed it on his cheek. He leaned into my touch, his eyes closing. I could see the war he fought inside his head written on his troubled face. But then he sighed, shoulders dropping, and opened his eyes to crash his determined gaze against mine.

  I swallowed hard, feeling Cowboy’s breath on my neck, and whispered, “Make love to me.”

  Hush’s lips parted and his pupils dilated. Cowboy exhaled behind me. I took my free hand and angled my body until I could see Cowboy too. I laid my other palm on his cheek, the three of us now connected through me. Cowboy blinked, but then kissed me. Electricity surged from him, to me, and finally to Hush. When Cowboy broke away, Hush’s hand slipped from my face and moved under my arms. He lifted me off the couch. My feet landed on the floor, only for Cowboy to swing me into his arms. I held Hush’s hand as we slowly, and absolutely silently, made our way up to my bedroom.

  Cowboy placed me in the center of the bed. He stood next to Hush, and my breath stilled looking at them both. Two beautiful, honest, and pure souls looking down at me.

  I sucked in a shaky breath, nervous at what was about to happen. Nervous at giving myself to anyone after being so bruised by Juan. The fact that there were two of them didn’t matter. All that mattered was the trust I’d built up for them both . . . that, and knowing the way I felt about them was reflected back at me twofold. Four hands to touch me, four arms to hold me . . . two hearts to make love to me and chase away the dark.

  Reaching for the towel still bunched at my waist, I untied the knot and slowly pulled the material away from me. Hush and Cowboy froze as I dragged it from the bed and dropped it to the floor. Hot air stuck to my skin just as sure as their gazes.

  Cowboy moved first, my naked, imperfect body on full display. He kneeled on the bed at my feet. Catching my eye, he smiled, the sight making me relax. He lifted his shirt over his head to reveal his tattooed muscled body. My breathing came fast as he moved his hand to his belt and loosened his jeans. Belt undone, he snapped the buttons and let them hang open on his cut waist.

” I murmured, casting my eyes up to his. He smiled wider and crawled over to me. His mouth found mine, his heavy chest guiding me to the mattress. My heart beat so fast I was sure it would break free from my chest, but I calmed when I felt Cowboy’s beating just as fast, syncing into a rhythmic melody that brought with it peace, not fear.

  “Sia.” Cowboy trailed his mouth to my neck, rolling his body to the side. His hand moved to my stomach. I jumped at his touch, but relaxed when I glanced up to see Hush removing his shirt. My eyes were transfixed as his tattoo-covered caramel chest was revealed. His jeans were already unfastened, the open zipper exposing the toned V on either side of his hips and the beginning of dark hair that trailed further down.

  “Hush,” I whispered and held out my hand. He rocked on his feet for one second, before kneeling on the bed. Like Cowboy had done only moments before, he brought his body over me, bringing his lips to mine. I moaned, tasting him again. If Cowboy was sweetness, Hush was spice. Cowboy a fresh scent, Hush a deep musk. Hush’s naked chest pressed against my breasts, bringing a sigh from my mouth. Seamlessly, showing this was a well-practiced dance for them, Hush leaned to my left. Cowboy’s body smothered my right. Hands searched my skin, fingers traveling over the valleys and dips of my flesh. Mouths and tongues leaving goosebumps in their wake. Fire burned me up from within as I tilted my head to witness Cowboy trailing his tongue up my ribs and across until it flicked over my right nipple. My back arched as he sucked my nipple into his mouth, shivers ricocheting down my spine. My right hand gripped his hair as his hands ran down my stomach. I panted, eyes rolling back in my head as his fingers walked between my legs.

  “Cowboy . . .” I called out as they slipped between my legs, running up and down, causing sweat to bead on my forehead. I didn’t think I could endure any more, but when I felt another mouth taking my left nipple with its tongue, I thought I would break apart. I looked down to find Hush there, too. Pressure built at the bottom of my spine. Fingers and mouths and just the sight of these two men on my body, worshipping me so beautifully, was overwhelming.

  Cowboy released my breast, his fingers slipping from between my legs. I only had a moment’s reprieve before Hush’s fingers appeared in their place. “Hush . . .” I sighed as he moved his mouth from my breast and brought his kiss-swollen lips to mine. His kiss was brief, occupying me only long enough so that when I lifted my gaze again, I saw Cowboy . . . freed from his jeans and stroking his long dick. My breathing hitched when he climbed back on the bed and ran his free hand down my leg. He guided my legs apart before situating himself between them. Cowboy’s cheeks were flushed and his eyes dilated as he stared down at me.

  He sat back on his haunches, then stopped touching himself long enough to lean forward and kiss my mouth. “Gonna taste you, cher.” I moaned, my tongue licking along my lips as Cowboy left kiss after kiss, tattooing my body with his mark as he crawled lower and lower. I had only just felt his breath at the apex of my thighs, his tongue meeting my flesh, when I looked to my left, crying out at both the feel of Cowboy’s tongue and the sight that greeted me.

  Hush was now naked, crawling back on the bed toward me. Cowboy groaned as he licked me, the sound vibrating and sending heat to my cheeks. Hush stroked his dick, his gaze dropping down to watch Cowboy. I followed his gaze, biting my lip, sighing as Cowboy’s eyes met mine. Hush’s hand landed on my stomach, before tracing lower until his fingers stopped right where Cowboy took me with his mouth. Hush’s fingers found my clit. “Hush,” I said, and jerked, unable to take what they were both giving me. His mouth took mine, his tongue sliding in to duel. He was breathless, I was breathless, as I felt a wave of pleasure travel through my body. I shuddered, mouth breaking from Hush’s, as pressure built between my legs. Cowboy’s tongue lashed faster and faster. My hands fisted the comforter as Hush laid kiss after kiss on my neck, my face, my breasts. I reached out with my left hand, needing something to anchor me as I rose higher and higher. My fingers met Hush’s thigh, his blue eyes snapping to me and his mouth parting to release a breath. My back arched, legs trembling as I continued to climb. Then, moving his hand away, I gently wrapped my hand around his cock.

  “Cher,” Hush groaned, his eyes tightly closing and teeth gritting under my touch. I moved my hand, slowly at first, up and down, fascinated as his cheeks twitched and his leg muscles jumped.

  Then I stilled. Stilled, as Cowboy pushed a finger inside me. So gently that tears welled in my eyes at the consideration his careful touch showed. “Want inside you, cher,” Cowboy said, ducking his head to lick me some more. I groaned, moving my hand along Hush’s dick.

  “Please,” I said, and Cowboy lifted his head. He licked his lips, his dimples popping out on his cheeks. “Take me,” I demanded and ran my finger down his face. “I want you too.” I looked over to Hush. “Before tonight ends . . . I want you both.” My cheeks blazed like hell as the words passed my lips. But they were true. I had a momentary pause, knowing that once I ventured down this road, there was no turning back.

  Hush slipped out of my hand, and his face was suddenly before mine. He pushed back my hair. “If you ain’t sure—”

  “I’m sure.” I took his hand and kissed his palm. “I’m sure.” I nodded and smiled, and felt the truth behind my confession. I did want this. I glanced down Hush’s toned and beautiful body, then looked at Cowboy, who was kneeling between my legs. In his hand were a couple of condoms. He threw one Hush’s way.

  I watched, nervous butterflies swooping in my stomach, as Cowboy rolled the condom on then moved between my legs. Hush lay down beside me. I turned my head to face him. “Hush, do you want me to—”

  His lips pressed against mine, just as Cowboy began pushing inside. “It’s about you, cher. Right now, it’s all about you.” Hush threaded his hand though mine, and my head tipped back. I held my breath as Cowboy filled me. I squeezed Hush’s hand so tightly I was scared I’d break his fingers.

  “Sia,” Cowboy groaned as he pushed all the way inside and caged his body over me.

  “I’m good,” I assured them, searching for breath. I shifted my hips, both me and Cowboy moaning at the feel. Cowboy leaned down and kissed me. As his tongue pushed into my mouth, he moved his hips. My free hand fell onto his wide back, keeping him close. Hush went to pull back his hand from mine, but I kept tight hold.

  “No.” I brought Hush’s hand to my lips, dusting a kiss on one of his hidden scars. “I want you in this too.”

  My heart stuttered when Hush dropped his head, then looked up at me and smiled. It was the most honest, beautiful, and sincere smile he’d ever given me.

  Cowboy kissed my neck, and I closed my eyes, just feeling him. He thrust faster and faster. Hush moved his body until his chest was flush against my side. He was so close to Cowboy that they touched arms. But neither seemed to care. Instead, Hush ran his fingers between Cowboy’s chest and mine, trailing down until he stopped between my legs, finding my clit. His fingers circled, ripping a cry from my throat as Cowboy reached that spot inside me that made me lose my mind.

  “Yes . . .” I murmured, completely handing myself over to the sensations of having two men pleasure me.

  Cowboy’s breath came faster, his groans melding into rhythmic grunts. “Fuck,” he hissed, neck straining. “Gonna come, cher.” Cowboy buried his face in my neck, his hips thrusting so fast into me that my back arched, catching me off guard as I splintered apart, lights dancing in front of my eyes. Cowboy rocked within me, until he stilled, then rolled to the side. My chest rose and fell as I tried to catch my breath. Cowboy took my mouth, sweetly, softly, and just as his tongue found mine, I felt Hush lift my leg and push inside me.

  I wasn’t sure I could take any more. They were both big, but Hush was slightly longer than Cowboy. I choked on a breath as he pushed inside. Cowboy moved his mouth to my ear and said, “Watch.” I did as instructed and looked at Hush.

  His lips were parted, his abs tensing and flexing as he filled me inch by inch. “Hush!” I shouted,
rolling my hips as I tried to take him. Keeping to his side, Cowboy bowed his head and sucked my nipple into his mouth. My head rolled to face Hush, his cheeks flushed with color. He ran his nose down my cheek. “Can you take more, cher?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. Hush crashed his mouth to mine, and as our lips began to move, he pushed all the way inside. I ripped my head away and threw my arm around him, clutching his shoulder.

  Hush growled low then said, “I need to move.”

  “Then move,” I commanded and held on tightly as his back flexed, his hips rolled, and he withdrew and filled me again. My skin was set on fire, still trying to calm down from the high Cowboy had given me. Unwilling to give my body a break, Hush, inside me, began building me back high. “I’m close,” I said, my eyes closing as Cowboy licked and caressed my nipple and breast.

  “Cher,” Hush whispered, and just like Hush had done before, I felt Cowboy’s hand travel between my legs to rub my clit. His cock was hard again against my thigh. He took hold of it, working his hand up and down as he groaned.

  I cried out, head rolling from side to side, holding on to two men, keeping them with me as I began the climb that would tear me apart into a million tiny pieces. “Feel him,” Cowboy whispered into my ear. “Feel him, cher. Feel us both.” His voice was stuttered, and I knew he was close again too.

  “Cowboy,” I said just as Hush’s mouth moved to my other ear.

  “Want you, cher.”

  “Hush . . .” I said, tears building at hearing him confess something I never thought he would ever say.

  “I’ve wanted you so damn much.”

  Tears tumbled from my eyes and onto my cheeks as the desperate words sailed into my ears. Cowboy kissed down my neck, and Hush took control of my mouth. Too many sensations assaulted me at once, and I splintered apart, unsure where I started and Hush and Cowboy ended. Two sets of groans surrounded me, joining me in my pleasure. Hush stilled, his head bent back and neck corded, just as Cowboy groaned, spilling against my leg.