Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Eight Page 1

Dan Sherman Space Guardian

  All Worlds

  Book 8

  By Colin J Platt

  Copyright Colin J Platt 2014

  Chapter 64-Altreena

  Back at base we rested; if you can call it resting. Really we didn’t need to rest. I suppose you could call it being at peace. As you students know, being on the astral-plane is really being at home as we are spiritual beings, and as such, we exist on the inner planes. We only take short-vacations on planets like Earth to learn; speaking of planets, the next job is going to be very interesting to you in a number of ways, one of which is that we will be going to an ultra-futuristic planet. For me, it is a chance to reacquaint myself with higher world technology which is simply the most advanced in the Phentrol-Galactic-System.

  The planet we will be visiting is called Altreena. The people are still in the human form, but use the body just for existing in the physical, most of the time they are in meditation, or in long- term sleep mode. So, you can see they are working on the astral-plane, or some other plane for most of their lives.

  What is the point of having a body if they don’t use it, you ask? They are simply burning up their last vestiges of karma before moving on to the inner planes.

  Our job is to find the agents or entities that are creating havoc destroying the sleep rooms. How can any agents get access to what must be some of the highest technology in the Universe you ask. All I can say is they must be highly intelligent also, maybe they are citizens of Altreena itself, corrupted by agents, yes, I know you are going to say that the people who are destroyed will come back again, but it is still murder.

  Please upload your thoughts to the data base as to who you think might be responsible for this, especially if you know you were once on Altreena as a resident or ‘Napie.’ For people who don’t know what Napies are, they are a pet like animal, or rather a small human like creature about twelve inches tall with large heads, hands, and feet with fur which is very soft, they have below human intelligence but are still way above monkey consciousness, some are clever enough to go to special schools, but most are content just to be looked after.

  I have to say here that I was a Napie a very long time ago, yes me! It was one hundred and twenty five thousand years before I incarnated as Dan Sherman. Of course, the people of Altreena didn’t look after us Napies; it was the Super Robots that did everything relating to everyday work, and more. That is why I mentioned at the beginning that it would be interesting to you as students in a number of ways, maybe you were a Napie? All I can say is I am fascinated to find out if my robot nanny is still in existence, Yes, even after all that time there is a real chance that she will still be around, how? You say. Because the brains of the robots were fashioned after real people, and linked to a supercomputer. That means the consciousness of that robot might still be in the computer.

  I was fascinated also to look through my past life as a Napie, I found that I did go to school and I also passed the exam to become a Napie-Helper; that is a Napie who has the ability to know that they were more than an animal. The downside is that Napies don’t live very long; they were manufactured by the Altreenan’s they only reach about 25 years of age.

  What is the point of Napies? You say. The people don’t want to know about them and they are brought up by robots! It is just something that got out of hand many years before.

  The people knew the Napies were of a higher consciousness than animals, so they decided to let them live.

  All animals however were put into deep freeze or sent to other planets. It was the law to have no other pets but Napies, also it was the law that no one could in any way try to prolong the life span of the Napies. I suppose the government at the time was a little threatened by the Napies because Napies were living day-by-day, and not in meditation or in sleep mode.

  Records show that many years ago Napies formed a secret group to live together in small clans; the Government at the time caught the leaders and expelled them to neighboring planets, or just got rid of them.

  As you know by now, Napies are bred in artificial life tubes and they don’t have any sex organs so they can’t breed normally; what a shame! I hear you say, the poor Napies can’t breed and have only robots for mothers, yes, but I remember my life as Napie was very good. I didn’t know any other way at the time.

  My past life before that was quite barbaric so you can imagine my consciousness was very low, so becoming a Napie helped me to learn. Of course, the Altreenan’s at that time didn’t know that soul as human consciousness could inhabit such a thing as a Napie. Altreena was a very long way away, so we had to dream travel as usual to the equivalent astral planet and then transfer our consciousness into whatever cloned bodies we would need to get the job done on the physical plane. In this case they were two Altreenan people. A man and his wife who were also directors of the Eastern sleep room Facility.

  The real directors themselves were asleep already, but the Guardians had cloned their bodies for us to use; of course, Reeas and I would be the couple, and Deria would be her normal self as she was unable to be seen or detected anyway. Debra would be part of me.

  Why don’t we just go there as ourselves with light suits, and invisibility-mode, you say? Yes, I wanted to do just that, but Sionn persuaded me to go with this option, as we would have enough knowledge and expertise. I must admit I was feeling pretty good, the information from Debra was everything I needed, plus more! Is it not invasive to encroach on another person’s life or take his identity you say? Yes, up to a point it is, but we have an important job to do. In the briefing room Sionn said the agents were probably very secure in their role as citizens or agents, and would be hard to find.

  There was no security as regards foreign people were concerned, as there were no foreign people on the planet! No one was allowed to access Altreenan space and super robot space ships were always on guard. We could get there by simply transferring to the cloned bodies, and we suspected that was how the agents were accessing the planet.

  No sooner had we gone to sleep when we were awake and in the cloned bodies of director Lan Trant and his wife Lyn. For students who are interested in medical stuff, the bodies of Altreenan people are without any ailment and are perfectly proportioned.

  As you can imagine on a super civilized planet the population has to be strictly controlled, and you guessed it, the Super Robots do the controlling. OK, we were now functioning as a couple, trying to get the voice coordination right. Our agent on Altreena was a fully qualified Guardian called Felina3. She had been on the planet for seven years her home planet is called Forteta and is a very advance planet indeed; in fact, it is nearly up to Altreena standards, although the people of Forteta aren’t into sleeping their lives away.

  The next few days were a mixture of visiting the various places that the director and his wife would visit while trying to keep a low profile. Let me say here that the partnership of a man and his wife are different here on Altreena. It is more of an agreement really, if one partner wants to end the relationship then all they have to do is wait till the agreement lapses which is every three months. If they want to carry on, they do.

  Reeas and I were quite enjoying our little role as ordinary people for a change, so I decided I would take a little break and access the database to see if I could find my old nanny. The database as you can imagine is highly protected, but I knew I could get in there quite easily by simply transferring my consciousness into my invisible self or Dan Sherman plus Debra. I thought I would be quite safe at the time, I didn’t even tell Reeas! Little did I know how such a small mistake could cost so much?

  Getting to the data room wa
s easy, also getting into the protected computer was easy, I found out that thousands of Altreenan’s had been killed while in the sleep rooms! I can’t understand why, I mean, the agents would know that they would simply go back to the astral sub base. Maybe the agents were just ordinary Altreenan’s who had gone insane! At this stage all I could think about was my old nanny. I soon found out she was still in existence! And yes! Doing the same job, although she had been through numerous changes and upgrades she was still the same personality!

  I wasted no time in getting to the level where she was living, yes, I know she is only a robot but to me she was a living being. My excitement was now growing into something I should have known was going to be my downfall! As you students know, Altreena is a planet which has no animals and the only pet like animals are the Napies. Now, you would think that there would be a lack of space, as Altreena is an advanced world, and as such would be overflowing with life, no; Altreena is a world where time has stood still for centuries.

  What a waste you say, well yes, I have to agree a little with that. There is ample space on the surface, but all the sleep rooms and living places are underground.

  OK, I was now at the door of my