Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Eight Page 2

nannies rooms. I felt strangely excited; although I was invisible, untouchable and undetectable. I felt like a little boy again! I walked through the door. When I say walked through, I mean, I actually passed through the door without opening it. The scene was of everything I remember from my past-life!

  Nanny was seated with a Napie in her lap, they were playing together, she was tickling the Napie and the Napie was giggling away. I just couldn’t control myself; I had to show myself to Nanny! The only thing I could think of was to transfer myself into the Napie, how will she recognize me, you ask. I didn’t care. I had to get to her!

  Where is Debra in all this, you say? That is the question my student friends. All I can say is she is inside me; I am so locked up with my Nanny that Debra is now second place. Sionn said my consciousness would move up and down, did he not? All I wanted was to be my Napie past life self. Nanny looked at me and started to cry! She knew me! The next thing I know is we we’re playing and laughing, just like all those years before. ‘Do you know me, Nanny?’ I said.

  ‘Of course, Deeny, now sit still while these nice men take care of you! You should know that now you are twenty-five years old, you have to move on.’

  Oh, no, I thought. I tried to get back to my invisible self, but too late, my powers were gone! I couldn’t contact Debra, Reeas or Deria!

  ‘Yes, this is the time to move on Deeny!’ They said. I couldn’t see much, as I was now being held like a cat by the scruff of the neck.

  ‘I’m sorry, little Deeny.’ Nanny said, ‘But these men said you had exceeded your time, you have to move on now. Don’t worry; they will take care of you. Bye darling.’

  ‘Oh, we will take care of him, Nanny.’ they said.

  I now knew these were Dark-Agents!

  You Students will now be saying what happened? I am trapped in a feeble little body with no powers. I can’t contact my fellow team mates. How am I able to get this message to you and the database? You ask. Well, it was added later. That is all I know. Please be patient, and also upload your thoughts as usual.

  I need all the help I can get. I was now unconscious as a Napie. I was also struggling to find any relevant sub plane bases to transfer to! Where the hell am I? I was sort of floating in a sea of dark matter. I couldn’t sit down and I couldn’t stand up, I also couldn’t concentrate my mind; was this going to be the future for me as Dan Sherman? God, I hope my friends find me; who are they? I know I have many friends but I can’t remember their names! I am supposed to do an important job, but I don’t know what it is?

  For you students: this message has been added by Sionn. Please be aware that Dan is now imprisoned in some sort of isolation vessel we are trying to locate him but up to now we are failing to even find out where he was last seen. The records on Altreena have been tampered with by Dark Agents. We can only assume they set up some sort of trap for Dan as he was accessing the database. Please be patient and help us by uploading your thoughts to central database. The story will now be continued by Reeas and Deria as they try to locate Dan.

  In the briefing room Felina3 was trying to access the records shortly before Dan went missing, but all she could find was a very complicated uploaded virus which had deleted most of the names on the database!

  Reeas/ Deria/ recording… For you students: this recording is being made by Reeas, please be aware that we will try every means to find Dan. We are not Dan, however, so we don’t have access to Debra.

  The job now has become more than just finding the Agents. We are desperate to find any trace of Dan! It has been more than three days since he went missing and there has been no message from Debra. Deria has also had no luck in finding any trace of Dan’s consciousness on any plane of existence! As you can imagine, I am worried sick, I can’t function as I should. I know I am a Guardian but nothing like this has happened before!

  Dan has been in a lot of scrapes in his time as a Guardian, also he has had a lot of past life experiences. That is one reason Sionn chose Dan to be a Guardian. I have to get myself together. Deria said Dan must be in existence somewhere, so all we have to do is find him! Sionn was now in the briefing room as a hologram. No sooner had Sionn started to talk when one of the Super Robots that was standing guard around the room started to speak.

  ‘I have to inform you that Dan Sherman will be terminated in one weeks’ time if you do not conform to our wishes.’

  ‘What are the terms?’ Sionn said.

  ‘We want Kallo to be pre-neutralized, and we want access to Debra.’

  ‘Impossible.’ said Sionn.

  'Then you won’t see your precious Dan Sherman again.’

  The robot then shut itself down.

  ‘Try to access that Robot, although I seriously doubt you will find anything of use.’ Sionn said.

  I was now starting to really worry. Yes me, Reeas! I was in training to be a higher Guardian with Deria’s people. How would I be able to function if I can’t save my Dan? He could be anywhere in the Multiverse. Deria said she would report back to her people. I wanted to go with her but she said, ‘Go to the Room-of-Doors. Dan would try to get there if it was at all possible.’

  Sionn said, ‘Try to access the Past lives that Dan and you were together in.

  I said what about me going to Mannus for help? He said as a last resort we would, but he felt this was a Guardian issue. Sionn said, ‘Please don’t worry, Reeas, we will find him.’

  ‘How come the agents got into the Altreenan computer network?’ I said.

  ‘That is something we have to find out, the whole network has been sabotaged, we can’t even find out where Dan was shortly before he disappeared.

  The entire mission to Altreena was a set up to get Dan. when you get to the Room-of-Doors let the love that you have for Dan Guide You. Also … The next moment, all I can remember was standing in the briefing room on the astral sub plane base!

  Sionn was there together with all the team, except Dan.

  What happened?’ I said.

  Sionn was sat down and holding his head in both hands! Deria said, ‘There was a massive bomb. Everyone in the Eastern sleep room facility is now dead, plus many more in the Northern, Southern, and Western sectors. I was stunned! How did this happen? How could...

  Deria motioned me to be quiet. Grenwer was now entering the room. He held Sionn by the shoulders and ushered him out of the room. Grenwer then came back to tell us that there would be a special meeting in the conference hall. In all the time I have been with the Guardians I have never been to a special meeting. I feel more stressed now than at any time in my past lives. Students please send your love and any thoughts to our database.