Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Eight Page 4

this terrible thing? They said I would be able to get back to my family. I just wish it was all over with.’

  ‘Don’t worry.’ I said, ‘I will walk back with you; I want to see this creature. I am with the government department here.’

  ‘Oh, no, I will be punished for this! Won’t I?’

  ‘No, you won’t. Please relax. How many people are at the building?’

  ‘I saw five, but there may be more.’

  How did you manage to get out? I said.

  There is a small door at the rear which opens out to an old type garden with a high wall around it, no one saw me leave.’

  I was now getting a thought-transfer from Kallo.

  ‘This is too easy, Reeas. It is as though they are expecting us. I’m going to move into high intensity invisibility, don’t worry, I will still be there. Change your form now to the shape of this girl, also your aura, and go into invisibility mode. When you get to the building just try to relax, don’t forget we are still in a neutral zone as far as the actual astral plane is concerned, that means you might not be able to use all your former powers.’

  ‘But you will, right?’ I said.

  ‘My dear girl, you are speaking to Lucifer himself, I am Master of these lower levels, so I surely hope so, and after all, I created the neutral zone!’

  ‘Why did they choose this girl to destroy Dan? I said.’

  ‘It is because she has the same consciousness as the little creature.’

  ‘What?’ I said.

  ‘They will merge Dan with the girl when it is time to kill the creature. There is no gas, or special tube in which to destroy it. They use a mental sound intensity weapon.’

  Anyone with the same identical consciousness, or I should say very near consciousness will be merged, then they are lost. They must have hunted high-and-low for this girl.’

  ‘What sort of people are these agents?’ I said, with an angry tone in my voice!

  ‘They were my people, I trained them.’ Kallo said. I forgot Kallo himself actually was the leader of the whole Dark Agent Network a relatively short time ago!

  ‘Don’t worry! We will save him!’

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘Just relax a moment... Can you not feel him? I will neutralize the girl and the woman, and they will have no trouble moving through to the next level.’

  You mean you will kill them!’

  ‘It is not really killing them; I’m just moving them on, most of the people here are as good as dead already, are they not?’

  ‘What if it is a trap? Surely they must know she has escaped!’

  ‘Yes, but they don’t need her now, they already have her mental pattern and consciousness linked into Dan’s. All they have to do is throw the switch. But the agents down here are not the brightest of beings. The neutral zone is a good place to hide out, I should know, but once you’re in it, it is easy to access, anyway, am I not Master of this place?’

  Now I had to smile. For once, I felt confident. Having dealt with the two females we made our way to the large building. It reminded me of a manor house from the Tudor period in England. It was sort of dark and spooky. As we got closer I noticed a graveyard at the rear! For you students: you will know already that on the astral plane people can live as though they are still alive, but some people will believe they are dead, also, this is a neutral zone, so things will get mixed up. Sorry, students, but I have to concentrate on the mission at hand, so please forgive me if I can’t give you the attention you deserve. We went around the back I noticed there were a few specters who were hanging about the graveyard. Kallo said he would sort them out later. We entered the building in invisibility mode, there was no one around. Kallo’s high intensity shield was very good, even I couldn’t detect him! I made my way to the other room, were two agents were seated.

  ‘It is about time!’ One said, ‘we expected you hours ago! You may as well show yourself, we can’t see you, but you tripped a detection beam on your way in. I’m afraid you are too late to save Dan Sherman. He is already destroyed!’

  I felt anger coming over me. Instead of changing into the girl, I changed into my Tourgen beast form. Kallo earlier informed me that I may not be able to change shape at will here, but I guess my anger brought it on. I could see the look of terror as they saw me materialize.

  ‘It is no good trying to scare us; we know we are on the astral plane, and we will simply transfer back to our base.’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but not before I rip the hell out of you, and you know you will be able to feel pain because you know you are on the astral plane and I am also made up of the same stuff, am I not?’ They tried to run but they didn’t get far. I ran upstairs after pulling their heads off. I killed another two at the top of the stairs. I then ran into the room where I knew Dan was.

  For students again: just a quick mention that killing someone on the inner planes is simply up to the consciousness of the individual. Some beings can feel pain, and some can override it. The last agent was holding the dead body of little Deeny in one hand. ‘Here is your precious little Dan Sherman,’ he said, as he threw him onto the floor and kicked him over to me. I looked at the agent with hatred! Something I rarely feel as a Guardian. I walked over to the agent, looked him straight in the eyes and said, ‘How does it make you feel to destroy a soul?’

  ‘I don’t care; I have been especially trained not to care.’

  ‘Oh?’ I said, and how do you feel about pain?’ He started to look nervous.

  ‘You won’t make me suffer! You are a Guardian, so you have to be caring!’

  ‘Really,’ I said, ‘but I am a Tourgen just now, and you know they are not very caring, I also don’t feel very caring at the moment! If you don’t believe me, go and look at your team mates over there.’

  ‘OK, just give me a few minutes to transform into a Devil-Beast from Ghalinda and it will be a fair fight.’ I grabbed him by the throat. ‘Was it a fair fight when you killed a defenseless Napie?’

  ‘It wasn’t a Napie, he spluttered, It was Dan Sherman! He was the archenemy of our entire network!’

  ‘And you are an archenemy of my network.’

  I started to squeeze I knew he was dead when his eyeballs popped out of his skull.

  ‘Bravo.’ shouted Kallo, who was now visible. ‘I’ll remember to ask for your help when I’m trouble in future.’

  ‘But, Dan is gone!' I shouted.

  ‘Are you so sure?’ said Kallo. I looked at the Napie on the floor. ‘Maybe you should look in the other room.’ Kallo said. I ran into the other room. I glanced over to the bench which was against the wall to see Dan materializing even as I looked!

  ‘Thank you, Kallo, I shouted, ‘Thank you.’

  ‘I thought it would be advisable to check the upstairs first.’ Kallo said.

  ‘But how did you manage to stop the triggering of the machine?’

  ‘I used my expertise, my dear Reeas. I simply touched the agent on the neck to make him believe he had triggered it. Then I switched off the machine!’

  ‘What about the Napie?’ I said.

  ‘Are yes, once Dan was safely in his own consciousness the Napie died. How did I do Reeas?’ Kallo said.

  ‘I have to admit.’ I said. ‘I am impressed.’

  ‘I’ll just go and sort out the specters in the graveyard; I think they have been here long enough. Several millennia are a long time, yes? Well, I thought they deserved it at the time, but now I’m in a better state of mind, I feel benevolent, so I will show mercy and put them out of their misery. You can reacquaint yourself with Dan. It will take a while for him to become stable, but don’t worry, he will be OK.’

  ‘Thank you again.’ I said. I was now back to my original form as Reeas while Dan was now starting to become conscious. I had to admit that Kallo is a very formidable and scary person. But he has that certain thing about him that I, as a female can appreciate. I call it Dark-Attraction. Female students will know what I mean.

‘What happened?’ Dan said?

  ‘Don’t speak.’ I said. ‘Just let me hold you.’

  It took several minutes for Dan to become stable.

  ‘Why does my head hurt so much?’ he said.

  Don’t worry, please rest, when you are ready we will transfer back to the sub base for debrief. Just be thankful to a special agent, that’s all.’