Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Eight Page 3

  Chapter 65-Kallo 2 and Reeas

  On my way to the conference hall I thought, surely the Guardians should have known about the events that happened on Altreena?

  In the hall Grenwer was sat on the central chair with three more Guardians who I knew to be Higher Coordinators. But there was one seat which was vacant to the right of Grenwer. This seat I knew was Sionn’s. When everyone was settled Grenwer said, ‘Please welcome our new Higher Coordinator Kallo 2.

  ‘What?’ I shouted. Everyone in the hall was now shouting no, no.

  ‘Please, please’ shouted Grenwer. ‘This is a grade one emergency meeting everyone must comply! The noise abated after some time. Kallo was now at the seat where Sionn used to sit! Grenwer nodded to him to start. Kallo started to speak. ‘This meeting has been especially called because the whole fabric of the Guardian-Network is now under threat!’

  Everyone in the hall was now staring in disbelief. One member of the audience on the front row shouted ‘Yes, and you are the cause!’

  Grenwer was now on his feet. He motioned Kallo to sit down. Grenwer then started to speak. ‘Members, we are now in a new danger! We could have held information from you about Kallo, but we wanted to be honest as the truth always makes itself known sooner or later. We could have changed Kallo’s appearance; we could have cloned him into any form, we want you to know that Kallo is now no danger to us. The real danger is the threat from Kallo’s apprentices.’

  ‘And who is to blame for that’ shouted several people in the audience.

  ‘Grenwer said, Please be quiet, this is a crisis, and we have to be orderly. Kallo has extensive knowledge about their network; it has taken a long time for us to get Kallo ready-for-action, this meeting is also for the benefit of any students who can access our network. As you know, Dan Sherman has been isolated into some sort of vacuum. Our agents are trying to locate him but up to now we have been unsuccessful. You also know Dan has access to Debra who has become more than just the ships computer; she is simply the whole Guardian-Network, so you see? Now that Dan is missing, our network has depleted itself to the extent that we are in real danger! We will now revert back to the old system of Thought-Transfer!’

  ‘What?’ Shouted someone from the second row? How can we do that? That system has been obsolete for centuries!’

  ‘It is simply a safeguard,’ shouted Grenwer. All of you have been trained in Thought-Transfer, even the student Guardians are familiar with it so please use it from now on. We can’t risk jeopardizing the Network.’

  For students: the difference between the Thought-Transfer and the Network is simply that the Network is the light book, and so the light book is under threat. In years gone by Thought-Transfer was the way to access the Guardian-Network.

  Grenwer said, ‘Please let Kallo 2 speak.’

  It took a few minutes for the hall to calm down. Kallo 2 was now standing and looking around the hall. I started to feel uneasy. Kallo then waved his hand, seconds later all the lights in the hall went out, people started to shout; also some people were now on their feet. Within seconds the lights came on again.

  ‘Please don’t be alarmed.’ Kallo 2 said. ‘I’m just trying to make you see that darkness is something that I have had a lot of experience with; only real darkness is something that most of you haven’t really experienced.

  ‘What are you trying to say?’ said one person in the audience, ‘That you are a very bad man?’

  ‘No!’ shouted Kallo. I am trying to say that I am a higher being with experience in the Dark- Regions; I have also been to Mannus. The Kallo you once knew is now gone. How can I justify the things I have done in my past, you say? I can’t. But I am willing to sacrifice myself; I will scour the lower regions to find Dan Sherman! I stood up and shouted.

  ‘Dan has been found to be in none of the lower regions or any world of existence!’

  ‘I have been to many ‘Worlds-of-Existence,’ young lady, and I can tell you there are many such places where higher beings cannot enter. That is why I am being asked to help. In fact, it is you, my dear Reeas, who I want to accompany me.’

  ‘I can’t,’ I said, ‘I am going on a special mission.’

  ‘OK, then, when you finish your ‘Special Mission,’ please contact me by Thought-Transfer; also I think you will find that your special-mission is connected with this mission.’

  Grenwer then asked everyone to help in any way before he closed the meeting. I then went to the restroom to prepare my thoughts for sleep.

  Within a short time I was in the Room-of-Doors, of course, it was my own past life records room, just as Dan has his own. Students: please be aware that you can also access the Room-of-Doors if you know you were once in a past life with either me or Dan, then you can help, these records are ongoing, that means they are continually being upgraded, so you can access them anytime. I stood facing what I knew was the first door. Sionn said, let love guide me. I thought about Dan, and the place he would most want to go to while on Altreena. I knew he was excited about visiting his old nanny, of course, we tried to check up on the robot nanny but all records and everything else was destroyed in the blast. All I could think of was to go to the past life of Dan when he was a Napie. Again, the records were tampered with. Without Debra, everything was in a shambles.

  I sat down, as Dan would do before he meditated and closed my eyes. I found myself on a hilltop. I looked around to find my past life spiritual masters sitting in meditation. After some time, one Master said, ‘Dan Sherman is nowhere on the higher planes, search for his past lives on Altreena. Then go to the lower regions. You will have to be aware that he may have been isolated into some kind of vessel, or mental vacuum.’

  Oh, no, I thought, Kallo is right. But I don’t care as long as I find my Dan. I opened my eyes. I was back in the Room-of-Doors. I had to walk through several levels to get to the right one. As students, you’re probably wondering how I managed to find the right one. I simply remembered! I love to talk with Dan as we related each other’s past life records. I stood in front of the right door and meditated. I could now feel Dan was close by, but he was also low in consciousness! I opened the door.

  Now for students: you know I am in astral mode, and as such, I cannot be seen or touched, of course, this was my past life and not Dan’s, so you see, it is the right time, but the wrong place. At the time in question Dan was being cosseted by his robot nanny; I was trying to learn plant propagation on the planet Elphon, a planet similar to Earth in the Quadrel Galaxy; although Elphon is millions of light-years away from Altreena, it only took me minutes to get there by astral travel. Now for students again: please concentrate on Dan, I know that together we can bring him home. I was now at the astral planet of Altreena. What a striking difference from Elphon! Altreena was a planet where everything was made easy physically, but on Elphon everything was hard. Now, all I have to do is access the computer databank; how you ask, if I can’t touch anything, it is because I can transfer my consciousness into it; it is something only Guardians and higher entities can do. It was easy to access the records; I had also made a friend in a Guardian who was sent to Altreena on a training mission! Imagine meeting someone who was a Guardian 125,000 years ago! God surely works in mysterious ways. The Guardian’s name is Gallo, he said, ‘We were informed that you were coming to Altreena. I made preparations for a security upgrade just in case any dark agents are around.’

  Is the Guardian-Network not marvelous, my student friends!

  We found Dan’s Nannies apartment. I had to make sure I didn’t interfere in any way. I found it fascinating to watch Dan as Deeny, playing and being loved by a Robot! What use will it be to watch Dan as a Napie, you ask? I just want to observe the consciousness of Dan. I know it sounds silly but it may help us find Dan. I wanted to hug little Deeny and take him home, but I knew I couldn’t. All I could do was love him and leave him. I made sure I uploaded any info that maybe helpful to us, also I didn’t meet any student Guardians while I was accessing t
he records. Don’t worry, students, you are young and will learn, when I say young I mean it in the broader sense of past lives, and not just years, you understand. After all, it is not easy to find one lifetime in millions!

  You may also be thinking why I can’t give information to the Altreenan Government about the bomb that will destroy the sleep rooms in 125,000 years’ time, well, as much as I would like to I can’t. It is the law that we do not interfere with any world. The only exception is when something threatens multiple worlds, as Kallo did at Far-Station also I am only a Guardian and not a coordinator. I transferred back to Elphon, I wanted to spend some time looking up old friends, but I knew I had to hurry back to the Room-of-Doors. If you are wondering how I will find the door back through to the room, I just know, call it intuition. I started to walk through door after door.

  I was now using thought-transfer to try and find my way to Kallo, or Kallo 2 I should say. I was also trying to be conscious of Dan. I was getting thought-transfer messages from Grenwer and Deria they said there was still no trace of Dan and that just as the Master said, Dan could be trapped in some sort of vessel or vacuum. I can assume that Dan is somewhere in the lower regions because that is where Kallo’s apprentices are most active.

  To get to the lower regions all I have to do is be aware. Why can’t I just be aware when I access the past lives then? You say. As students you will know that Sionn and Grenwer can access their past lives just by being aware, but ordinary Guardians are still learning, especially now that Debra has become depleted.

  I have to tell you students that I am worried. If the dark agents can get access to Debra then we are in big trouble! I was now on the first major lower level. As students, you will remember the journey into the lower levels that Dan and I made in our last adventure there. Kallo was also asked to accompany Dan by higher Guardians and actually part of me, and yes, Kallo did help, although Kallo had only just been neutralized by Mannus, so we were a little worried.

  Sorry, if I’m going on a bit, students, but as you know, going into the lower regions is no picnic. I was now getting a thought-transfer from Kallo 2. He was on the third level from the bottom, so to speak, actually, there is no bottom, but we usually refer to it as base. You know there are numerous sub planes on each level also. I was nearing the third level, I wasn’t walking, as you know, but floating, and I could fly if I wanted to, but I wanted to check out the landscape. You remember the portals from the last time we came down here? Well, that is how I managed to access the levels. Normally people or entities who want to pass through the levels have to go by way of the gate, and be checked by the gatekeeper, but we as Guardians have access to the portals which are special hidden gateways, you students know this anyway, and you also know that there are Guardians or special agents on every gate. I made enquiries from them about Dan, but no one had any information.

  Kallo 2 was waiting at the third level gateway. He said, ‘I have been contemplating while waiting for you. I want you to come on a little journey with me.’

  ‘Where?’ I said.

  ‘Somewhere that no other Guardian has been but me, and there won’t be any gatekeepers where we are going.’ I felt a strange compulsion to be somewhere else but I said ‘OK.’ Never forget students, Kallo is a Master when it comes to the dark regions, even though he has been neutralized; he has still got his old consciousness. So he is still the same, you say? No, he is different as the mental side of him has been altered.

  Please don’t ask me how it works, I don’t know or care, I only want to get my Dan back. Kallo said for any students who have managed to get here at this exact time you may be able to help, please sit down and close your eyes.

  We are going to meet some friends of mine. I no sooner closed my eyes when I felt a strange urge to run! I opened my eyes to find we were in a sort of cave system. I looked around to see all sorts of entities one would associate with hell! I knew most of the creatures here, but there were some even I didn’t know. ‘What level is this?’ I said.

  ‘This is a level that only I know about.’

  ‘Never,’ I said.

  ‘Why do you doubt me?’

  ‘Surely the Guardian-Network would know about it.’

  ‘Really, He said, looking very sure of himself. ‘Try to send a message by Thought-Transfer.’

  I was now getting pretty nervous, I can tell you. I could see some of the creatures surrounding us.

  ‘Where are we?’ I said.

  ‘We are in a neutral realm. Don’t be alarmed. Just trust me.’

  We are now totally surrounded! You students will know most of the creatures from the hell worlds. There are Gremlins, Trolls, and Demons of all kinds. But the one that most scared me was now stood before us!

  ‘What the hell do you want?’ It said.

  ‘Hello old-chap.’ Kallo said. ‘We want some information.’

  ‘Are you trying to be funny?’ The creature said.

  ‘Not at all, oh, sorry about my manners, this is Mr.’s Sherman, Mr.’s Sherman; this is Belial, one of the Crown-Princes from Hell.’

  ‘I don’t give a flying bat from hell who she is. You were once a good friend of ours, Kallo, but now you are working for the other side. What have you got to say before we roast you?’

  ‘Just three sentences actually.’ Kallo said. I knew some the words that Kallo started to speak were from the Black-Arts-Scriptures, which Kallo had taken from various planets. Now all the creatures including Belial were just standing around looking at us with blank expressions!

  ‘Now, Reeas, can you detect any sign of Dan?’

  I was speechless for a few seconds as my senses were reeling.

  ‘No, it is just a confusing mess!’ I said.

  ‘Don’t worry, my dear, it will take you a little time to acclimatize. I also can’t detect any sign of him, so we will move on to the next level. We won’t have any more trouble from the inmates.’

  ‘Why? How come you can control them so easily?’ I said.

  ‘I have control of these lower regions.’

  ‘Again, I ask you, how?’

  ‘Do you know the story of the fallen angel?’

  ‘Yes, I said, he was called Lucifer.’

  ‘Well, that was me!’

  ‘What?’ I said.

  ‘Yes, me, of course the story got mixed up quite a lot in the old days of Earth.’

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! But the more I thought about it the more it made sense.

  ‘You were a Guardian with Sionn about 3,500 years ago? I said.

  ‘Actually it was more like 4,500 years. Don’t forget, I was into dark side of things many years before Sionn found out. I thought I could even cheat Mannus, but I was wrong, come, all we have to do now is simply walk through the main-portal; it saves having to skulk in hidden gateways, eh?’

  I don’t know why, but I am starting to actually like Kallo 2! We walked through to the next level without any trouble. I was starting to get used to the light, or darkness! Most of the beings on this level could not see us. But once, or twice we got funny looks from some entities.

  ‘Is this level also neutral?’ I said.

  ‘Yes, it is.’

  ‘Are there places that the people can go to worship around here?’ I said.

  ‘What?’ said Kallo.

  ‘I mean, are there any sort of shrines.’

  ‘I suppose so, but it might be to worship the Devil, why?’

  ‘Just let us find one.’ I said.

  ‘Alright, Reeas, but you might be disappointed. Kallo started to look at the people walking by.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I said.

  ‘I am looking at their auras; we need to find one with sufficient light to help us.’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘what about that woman there?’ The woman was already looking at us with a curious stare. She was dressed in a sack like garment that looked like it was ready for the dump, but she had washed her face and hair. I could tell she was re
ady to move on; we walked over to her and I said, ‘Do you want to move nearer to the light?’

  She looked at us with nervousness and said yes, I do, desperately.’

  I then said, ‘Take us to the place where you pray, and we will help you.’

  She said, ‘We can only pray in private, if we are found to be praying we are taken away.’

  I said, ‘Is there anywhere that people go to pray together?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, but it is forbidden!’

  ‘Just show us where it is. We will take care of you.’

  We finally got to the shrine after much walking in circles. I could tell that the woman was wrestling with her inner demons, not knowing whether to go or stay. We finally arrived at the site. It was a sort of large mound of earth which I recognized as a barrow; an ancient earth mound that people used for spiritual use, and burial. In fact, there were several of them dotted about the place. The area reminded me of the bronze-age back on Earth. I was fascinated to see people carrying things like shopping bags and umbrellas. Kallo could see I was intrigued.

  ‘What a difference from the last place.’ I said.

  ‘Yes, it is surprising how much change there is in a whole level. Don’t forget, we have by-passed many sub levels.’

  ‘Why?’ I said.

  Let us just say I feel my old apprentices wouldn’t feel comfortable there. Kallo was smiling. He knew he was the only one who could actually stand up to Belial himself! I looked around at the people there, most were ordinary people who lived there, not really caring about what the actual site was. I could see one girl who looked much brighter than the others. I said to Kallo, ‘Can you see the light from that girl?’

  ‘Yes, she is a searcher, and the one we have been looking for!’

  ‘What? I said’

  ‘Yes, I can tell she is something to do with my ex-team-mates. Reeas, I’m going to make myself invisible. I feel that girl might recognize me from my past, and it may hinder you.’

  ‘Where has he gone,’ said the woman who came with us.

  ‘Never mind, I said, just be calm.’ I walked up to the girl and said, ‘Have you just arrived here?

  ‘Yes, three days ago, but I don’t know where I am?’

  ‘Where did you come from?’

  ‘I don’t know, but it was much brighter than this place.’

  ‘Where do you live?’ I said.

  I am staying at that old ruin over there by the river. She pointed to a dilapidated building on a hill, about half a mile away, with a large wall around it.

  ‘Why are you here in his spiritual place?’ I asked.

  ‘I wanted to pray to see if I could go back home.’

  ‘What do you do in the building?’ I said.’

  ‘I have to look after this little creature, but in a few hours’ time I have to put it in a container and gas it!’

  ‘Why?’ I said.

  ‘They told me it would destroy us all! But I don’t see how? I don’t know why they choose me to do