Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Five Page 6

  Chapter 47-Hidden Gateway

  Now for you student Guardians out there who think they can get this far, I have a message for you. Please keep your thoughts to yourself. That is one of the first lessons in yoga, talking or even thinking too much can get you in an awful lot of trouble. Control your mind, and you can achieve all things, I should know, my inability to keep my mouth shut, has, over time, got me into a lot of trouble, also when you do speak make sure it is always polite, and true, only bend the truth when absolutely necessary, don't brag, as it always comes back to bite you in the you-know-where. Now, as you have access to the records at Earth base, and you know my circumstances, let me at this point upload my conscious actions so you can keep track of the way, so to speak, as a future Student-Guardian these records will be a sort of training manual for you and any who follow you, although they will be few and far between, always remember you are eternal and cannot be hurt either physically or spiritually if you are conscious of the Master. And even if you get hurt or killed in the service of God you will reincarnate. Of course, you already know that. I get a little carried away from time to time so I’m sorry if I come across as a teacher. But I am a teacher, or was?

  ‘OK, we are coming up to the hidden gateway.’

  ‘How do you know? Dan.’ Said Tamia.’

  ‘I can feel it, or I know it.’

  I see a person standing in the exact place where we had to go. I also knew this person was friendly, but I was a little wary as he was looking at me with a very ‘knowing’ stare.

  My instinct was to just ask him what he wanted, but I felt I had to wait for a time (ten minutes actually) it was as if he was trying to access some part of my consciousness. I also knew he was a master, but not the same one who touched me when I was meditating. With a casual movement he stepped aside and just held out his arm as if to usher me into the gateway, Tamia had been quiet all this time which I thought was odd.

  ‘OK, let us proceed.’ I said.

  ‘What did he want? Dan’

  ‘I don't know, Tamia, but he was friendly. I believe he is the gatekeeper.’

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘I could feel it. Let us get on.’

  For you students again: I can only say that hidden gateways are really hard to find, you will only be able to access them once you have been able to come into contact with a master, and look into the light book. OK, best of luck, although, by now you know there is no such thing as luck as was said in a famous science fiction set of films, we make our own luck by earning good or bad karma. It is as simple as that. Do well and you will be rewarded, do bad and again you will be rewarded by being setback, so to speak, but (again) you already know that as a student Guardian.

  I set foot over the threshold of the gateway and straight away I was in an altogether lighter and happier place. Wow, I thought, level 13 is not an unlucky place after all. Tamia seemed unusually distant.

  ‘Are you OK? Tamia’

  ‘I feel we should have gone to the West, Dan, I know you think you know better, but I feel we should go back.’

  I felt an unusual presence for a short time as we made our way along but I didn't say anything to Tamia, I also thought she should know we couldn't go back through a hidden gateway! What is she trying to do? I was trying to be conscious of her mental and spiritual wavelength when I felt a sudden pain in the neck where Kallo had put the implant. I knew the implant was safe now, but why should it flare up like that? OK, there is something going on, but I don't know what it is. I knew I would have to be unusually quiet without trying to hide it from Tamia. She may not be aware that something or someone is trying to access her. If I knew this then Sionn would also know.

  ‘OK, Tamia, what next? Where do you feel we should go?’

  I feel we should go to the Northwest.’

  ‘Why?’ I said.

  Because that is where the signal light is.’

  ‘Yes, but now Kallo also knows this.’

  ‘What else can we do? Dan’

  ‘Well, as you know, we don't need food or water or anything else as we are on the astral plane, and we can conjure up anything we need, right?’


  ‘OK, then Kallo can also do the same, but what he can't do is interfere with the structure of the plane itself as he tried to do back at level eleven, right?’

  ‘What are you getting at?’

  ‘I'm saying we have him trapped, he can't go back so he must be on this plane, or fourteen. My guess is he is here waiting for us.’

  ‘So what do we do?’

  ‘I want to lure him out.’


  ‘I want you to manifest yourself and appear here now in the shape of your physical self!’

  ‘What? You know I can't do that until we are at level forty-two.’

  ‘No, as you should know, the situation has changed; we are now facing a real menace. Kallo has shown himself and wants to destroy us. You can help by becoming more real.’

  ‘Yes, but what can I do?’

  ‘You can go back to the hidden gateway and use the signal button which is always at the lower-right-hand corner.’

  ‘Why didn’t you do that when we came through?’

  ‘Because this time I will be waiting for him to show himself, and I don't want anyone to know where I will be hiding, not even you, Tamia.’

  ‘Do you think this is a good plan, Dan, you know Kallo is very strong.’

  ‘Tamia, I have fought him before and won; I know I can take him, please do as I ask.’

  ‘OK, I will try.’

  I could now feel tension, also a bad feeling. What was Tamia up to? Could it be that she is something other than a Student-Guardian? Surely not! If so, I would have to be very careful; she now has access to records, and has information that would be valuable to Kallo or anyone who wanted to access the Guardian files. I was also keeping my thoughts and consciousness under strict control.

  I'm having trouble getting into the astral body Dan.’

  ‘OK, just keep trying, and I will make my way to the gateway.’

  ‘Please wait, I don't want to be alone when I make it into the astral body.’

  ‘You will be OK; I will see that you reach the gateway although I will be Invisible.’

  ‘You know I can't use the invisibility shied, as yet, Dan.’

  ‘I know, Tamia, but it is the best way to lure Kallo out, I know he's not near as yet so we are safe, Just head back the way we came and I will direct you when we are near the gate.’

  I saw Tamia manifest herself a few minutes later. She was a young slender woman about twenty five with long brown hair, she also looked scared, she hadn't got the ability to see me as yet, but I knew if she is a dark agent she would be able to cover it up easily. I directed her to the gateway where she pressed the signal button. This usually brings a coworker or sometimes a Guardian if we have any to spare. As you can imagine, Guardians are incredibly rare, that is why I want you as students to learn all you can and access the records, but you already know that, sorry, all I want to say is if Tamia is an agent then her consciousness will be erased to the time when she enlisted, Oh, and that goes for you, or any student who thinks he, or she, can beat the system.

  OK, enough said. You realize that being a Guardian is the highest thing you can be, well, so did Kallo, but he literally fell from grace all through planes to this level. Although with having been a Guardian he knows and has access to certain records. He also has the ability to travel to higher levels, well, if I get my way he won't be hurting anyone for a very long time.

  Tamia looked worried, she was also looking around as though she we’re looking for me instead of a Guardian, or was it my imagination? Yes, I still have imagination. I knew Kallo also had the ability to be invisible on the astral plane, or indeed any plane.

  I knew I had to find a good hiding place. Tamia would know that she could go through the portal, but only with the permission of a Guardian. I knew Kallo woul
d be wary with coming so close to a gateway, I also knew he was the sort of being that would take a chance of being caught just to get even with me; that is all he wants. Well, his confidence will be his downfall.

  I sat down in the lotus position from the yoga exercises and just waited. I put myself in deep meditation mode, that, plus the invisibility shield should conceal me from danger.

  I was in the middle of a small area of bushes where Tamia, or anyone else, would not accidentally walk.

  I was straight away conscious and surprised find a master from a past life in India waiting for me. We were in a lovely little courtyard in a small village near the Ganges River. My God, they were peaceful years we spent together; now we were together again, but as I mentioned before, we are never apart if we truly believe it. After having some food and refreshment we sat and talked for a short time. He said, ‘Beware of the Dark-Master he will try to capture you, the only thing I can tell you is beware the traitors, there are two, and very near.’

  We meditated for a short while and then we said our goodbyes.

  OK, I said to myself as I came out of meditation, I was trying to keep my feelings under control. Now I know Tamia must be one of the agents, but why? She is only young or is it my stupid way of thinking that young women can't do any wrong. I thought to myself, dark agents can come in any disguise. But surely she must have been securely checked.

  What is Sionn up to? I watched as Tamia waited for the coworker to appear. No sooner had I focused my attention on her when the gate opened. I could straight away see Kallo and the so called coworker gatekeeper; he then pulled Tamia into the gateway and vanished! I rushed over but the gateway itself was now gone. I felt stupid and sick at the same time.

  How could I not know that Kallo would be waiting inside the actual gate! He didn't even disguise himself. I felt like turning into Cloft, and smashing everything in sight! OK, Kallo has Tamia and access to the records. Nice going Dan. All I could do was sit on the floor and sulk. I also knew Kallo could get access to me through Tamia. This calls for some serious meditating, but no sooner had I thought that when the gateway opened up. All I could do was look on stupidly as Sionn himself and my darling Reeas stepped out!

  ‘What happened?’ I shouted.

  ‘Don't worry, Tamia is OK.’

  ‘Thank God.’ I said, ‘What about Kallo?’

  Sionn said, ‘You now know it wasn’t Kallo but an apprentice, we had him trapped but as usual he made precautions and escaped which is something they are very good at, but we have the coworker, we also have several others from the levels you passed through. Good work Dan.’

  ‘But I messed up?’

  ‘No, you did your best, and that best is good, you are learning all the time.’ Reeas gave me a big hug. ‘Tamia says don't be disappointed; she is a fully-trained Guardian and more than capable of taking care of herself.’

  ‘So this was all a setup as usual?’

  ‘Yes, I'm afraid so.’

  When will I be fully-trained?’ I said.

  ‘Not just yet, Dan.’

  ‘And I will be there to help you,’ said Reeas, ‘I'm also in training, don't forget.’

  Sionn said, ‘OK team, back to the sub base to assess the situation.’