Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Five Page 7

  Chapter 48-Sub Plane Base2

  All we needed to do was simply walk through the gateway to the sub plane base.

  I said, ‘We were supposed to get all the way to level 42?’

  ‘No,’ said Sionn, ‘all we wanted was to trap the apprentice, or rather, the agents that were abusing the gateways, we were working down from level 42 while you were working up.’

  ‘Well, I didn't get very far, did I?’

  ‘Don't put yourself down; we have been working for many months to trap the Dark- Apprentice and his coworkers. We knew he wouldn't be on the higher levels as his intension was to trap you. You know Kallo has a debt he wants to settle; well his apprentices are trying to settle that debt for him. Our agents were able to infiltrate his domain before we started working down to level 13.

  ‘So the Manic-Monster really doesn't exist?’ I said.’

  Oh, yes, indeed, as you know, monsters such as the Manic-Monster exist on the Inner planes, Dragons, Unicorns, Giants, Trolls and all the other fabled entities really do exist but they can't exist on the Earth plane, or physical plane. Everything is soul, but beings such as Pixies, Fairies, Gremlins and the like have to work out their Karma on the inner planes. They sometimes show themselves to humans and other species when they won't move on to the next plane and simply get caught between levels. Some psychic people can see and hear them from time to time, especially in dreams.’

  For you students out there, Sionn has asked me to tell you to please meditate on the creatures that you know to be in existence on the Inner planes. You never know, you may be the one to find the whereabouts of some fantastic creature that has been newly created. When you dream please be conscious of the level you will be working on, and do not strain, it is simple if you just trust. Then upload your thoughts to central database. Thank you.’

  ‘Dan and Reeas, here is you’re next mission.’

  ‘Please, no, Sionn, can't we just relax for a while?’

  ‘I'm sorry, Dan, but this one can't wait. We know where Kallo’s apprentice is headed we were able to access his consciousness when he passed through the gateway. That is why we wanted him to snatch Tamia; she is especially trained in Deep-Conscious-Mental control. The apprentice is already at level 36, on the level above this.’

  ‘How did he manage to get by security so easily? I said.’

  ‘You know Kallo, he has experience on all major levels, well, now the apprentice has access also, even though he is trapped in the lower levels, we need to catch the agents on the level where he is now dwelling.’

  ‘OK, but we need help.’

  ‘Yes, Deria is to go with you, and of course Reeas.’

  ‘Hold it!’ Sionn said, ‘Change of plan, news has come in that a fleet of android space ships has been detected heading for Sector 21354.

  ‘That is the Milky-Way Galaxy!’ I said ‘This is too much of a coincidence to overlook. Kallo must have initiated this before he was neutralized.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Sionn, ‘also the apprentice must have extensive knowledge of robotics, Dan and Reeas go with Deria to intercept the lead ship, use your invisibility cloaks, and wear your light suits for protection. If there is anything else you need just send a message to base.’

  ‘What about using Tourgen-Clone bodies?’

  OK, but I doubt you will need them, this calls for brains rather than brawn.’

  ‘I know, but sometimes brawn can go a long way, you know, for persuasion.’

  ‘Yes, I’ve seen Cloft in action, Dan; the cloned bodies will be in the sub base on the physical when you arrive.’

  We transferred our consciousness into the physical plane simply by going to sleep, then waking up in the cloned bodies of the Tourgens; it is something that needs a little practice, my student friends.

  OK, time for another lesson: you know how you can lucid dream, well, when you do you are simply working on the astral or other inner worlds, you can go wherever you want for a short time, sometimes flying or swimming with the fishes, but as you are student Guardians you already know that, well, we are doing it the other way round, we are dreaming this time from the astral to the physical. OK, enough said, I don't want you to think I am trying to be some kind of nurse maid. I just want you to be fully aware, that’s all, after all, the future is yours, trainee, and that future is eternity.

  We boarded the lightship from the Earth base. Although there are numerous planets in the Milky-Way galaxy with Guardian bases, Earth base is as good as any to set off from.

  The usual, U.F.O.S, were at the base, also, one mother ship and five smaller craft. The underground base is 23 miles below Northumberland, but you already know that; you also know it is protected by a light shield which is totally invulnerable and inaccessible. The ship itself is powered by light itself and taken from the stars themselves. It can even travel through any object, even stars. The speed is much higher than light speed even though we usually travel at light speed to intercept messages from anyone who might be in trouble. OK, as students you have a lot to learn, but so have I, without the light book I wouldn't have had any chance of accessing any of the information. All you have to do is be conscious of what you want and what you can achieve, of course, you have to be contacted by a master or rather you have to contact the master usually in dreams, but mostly by meditation, but you already know that! Sorry again, but I get carried away sometimes.

  We didn't need to make any on board checks before setting off as the ship itself, or Debra, was consciously aware.

  Don't ask me to explain, I don't know that much about the mechanics of it, but I'm assured it is the most technological piece of engineering ever to be brought into use, so far, of course, technology is always changing and usually updated by machines or Super Computers in Super Robots.

  I am a little worried about this next job, as Kallo has extensive knowledge of robotics, so the android army which he has brought into existence is bound to be highly intelligent and ruthless. We will have to be very careful. The control panel was just very basic until the ship was underway then the walls became a screen with every detail anyone would want from power levels to food storage, but we didn't need to look as we usually left it all to Debra. All we had to do was touch the control lever and we became part of the ship, knowing what the ship knew regarding the job, or anything else we needed to know. I knew that it would take us just 36 hours to reach the lead Android ship. There are 362 ships in all, a real battle fleet. How are we supposed to stop them with just one small ship? I hear you say.

  I suppose you think that Kallo’s apprentice has the same technology that we have? The android ships will be just as good right? Wrong, my student friends, our records show that the ships are of inferior design, simply because Kallo didn't have access to higher world technology in other words, he had to manufacture his ships on the lower worlds. Why bother? You say. If he can't win! All I can say is Kallo will do anything to gain access to other worlds. He is also cruel. Yes, I know what you are thinking. How can a person who has gained so much knowledge and must have gained other things such as light and love fall so heavily through the physical and spiritual levels. All I can say is it happened, he was once Sionn’s equal, yes, they were friends, and students together some 3,500 years ago. Then how can you stop him? I hear you say. You are only a Trainee-Guardian. Yes, my trainee friends, I am, but Kallo has lost much of his higher powers, so I’m hoping the apprentice won’t be his equal. That is where I come in, I am also still in tune with the lower worlds. That is why Sionn wants me for these jobs, although I have help from higher beings such as Deria and Reeas and without whose help I would be struggling. OK, enough learning for today, let us rest and let Debra do her job.