Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Four Page 1

Dan Sherman Space Guardian

  All Worlds

  Book Four

  By Colin J Platt

  Copyright Colin J Platt 2014

  Chapter 31-A Wedding in the Tyrol

  Back on the sub base at Halffa, Reeas was looking at me with love. I gently stroked her shoulder. Zelda3 said, ‘Dan and Reeas, we are grateful, you have helped restore the balance on Halffa, and the other planets in the group. Please take a break and report back in two weeks for a mission.’

  ‘OK,’I said, I was now used to the ‘mission’ part of things, usually they were a little more than a mission; they were usually a full blown crisis. I didn’t even ask this time what sort of Job it was going to be. I could feel Zelda3 was waiting for me to ask but I just acted nonchalant.

  She smiled.

  ‘Where shall we go Reeas? I said.’

  ‘Let’s get married.’


  ‘Yes, I want to, why not?’

  ‘OK,’ I said!

  Zelda3 said, ‘Congratulations.’ Deria said she wanted to be a bridesmaid.

  I said ‘let’s go to Austria, its perfect.’

  ‘Yes, Dan, it is.’

  Now, you students say, how can we go somewhere like Earth when we are in a different Universe. I say, we are trainee Guardians and have access. Really, it is through dreams, imagination, and memory, and Reeas and I have amassed a lot of each. One thing I knew there was going to be a lot of dancing going on. I just thought about the classic Austrian dance by men who get kicked up the backside, Imagine Cloft and another Tourgen doing that, ha. (To cut out all the mundane stuff, I have not included all the usual things that the Guardians might consider wrong to put on these recordings.) I will just say the wedding was beautiful and nothing was spared as everything was free, yes, laid on by the Guardians, and of course we could also dream of the same place, and so, be there. We danced in the air all around the mountains to heavy metal music’.

  I was now feeling very confident in my role as a Guardian.

  My consciousness had improved beyond measure, also my understanding of life on a Multi-Universe footing.

  The next mission was now starting to come through from base.

  Reeas said, time to get back to work, Dan.’

  Chapter 32-Surprising Update

  Zelda3 was waiting in the briefing room, ‘This job should be a-piece-of-cake for you two, she said.’

  ‘What about Deria? I said.

  ‘She and her Sister will be on extended leave to visit their home planet.’

  ‘Now, Dan and Reeas, please come here.’

  We stood opposite Zelda3 which was unnerving as she was so attractive.’

  ‘Close your eyes,’ she said.

  ‘What do you see?

  ‘I can see your outline. Reeas said.’

  ‘Yes, I can also see you, but vaguely.’

  ‘Good,’ she said.

  ‘Now, please go to the twenty-third Level of meditation!’

  ‘What?’ I said, ‘That’s not possible, is it?’

  ‘Yes, it is, you are now able to access more deeper levels now that you are in this Universe, now again, close your eyes.’

  After two minutes, she said, ‘Now, what do you see?’

  Reeas said, ‘I can see a spaceship?’

  ‘Yes, I also can see it,’ I said ‘what is it?’

  ‘Please,’ Zelda3 said, ‘Just concentrate for a while.’

  After five minutes, she said, ‘Now, what can you access? What are you conscious of?’

  ‘I could now focus on the inside of the ship!’ I said.

  ‘And you Reeas? What are you aware of?’

  Reeas said, ‘Yes, I can also access the inside of the ship, and I am trying to access the records from the computer.’

  ‘Very good,’ Zelda3 said. Now, you can open your eyes again.’

  ‘What ship is it?’ I said.

  ‘That is your next mission.’

  ‘Really,’ Reeas said?

  ‘Yes, that ship has been travelling through space for three hundred and seventy-five years! It left its own planet to search out appropriate local star systems but got into difficulties.

  The ships computer did a maintenance job on itself and failed.

  That was one hundred and fifty-two years ago. Since then they have been simply hoping to find a Planet suitable to settle on.’

  ‘Wow,’ I said. ‘It’s the classic lost-in-space scenario.’

  ‘Yes,’ Zelda3 said, ‘and it is no joke.’

  ‘No,’ I said, ‘I didn’t mean it to be.’

  Maybe I’m being a bit too ‘Dan Sherman’ I thought?

  Their home Planet has long been technologically advanced beyond the ships abilities, I want you to go to the ship and update the computer and any other part of the ship which needs improvement. There is also one member of the crew who is a potential Trainee-Guardian, I want you to access her and report the data to me her name is Tyren. As you now know, their home planet is called Amiron, and yes, it is in the Humanoid Universe. Please access Amiron and make sure the ships abilities are on par with their home planet. You can then send the ship back. As you know, it will only take several years to return home.’

  ‘How far from the Veritalanian-Meridian is it?’ Reeas said.

  ‘That is the trouble; it will contact the meridian in less than five days.’

  Now I was starting to see the details of this little mission. If the ship contacts the Veritalanian-Meridian it will be catapulted at enormous speed into the Non-Humanoid Universe.

  Don’t ask me to give you the exact speed as no one knows, yes, my student friend’s, that’s right, not even the Guardians know as it changes all the time. The other troubling detail is the trajectory will put it online to contact the Groveelion border. The Groveelions, my student friends, are not very nice people, well, they are not people exactly, but cloud-like beings which don’t like to be disturbed, in fact they are something like the Llantrea, yes, you got, it they like to dominate space. ‘The Groveelions have already tried to warn the ship, but as you know, the ship cannot pick up any signal from the Groveelions as the ship isn’t in the same space, never mind the same radio frequency, not that the Groveelions have radio. So you see the difficulty.

  ‘Dan, Reeas, do you understand the implications of this mission?

  ‘Yes,’ said Reeas. ‘We have to get there before five days.’

  ‘Why was this situation allowed to get so near the critical point?’ I said, feeling I might have said the wrong thing. ‘Because, as you know, we wanted to assess the Groveelion technology and it is alarmingly like the Llantrea in respect of the telepathic, or rather, higher mental ability, it is known as ‘Ethereal-Blending.’

  ‘So you want us to leave it till the last minute, so you can assess the Groveelions.’

  ‘Yes.’ said Zelda3. ‘Don’t worry, we will be monitoring everything.’

  ‘Do the Groveelions know about the Guardians?’ I said.

  ‘We don’t think so, but we aren’t sure either way. The Groveelions are very hard to assess as you now know. Please update yourself from your ships computer, and take your friends the Tourgen Clones just for effect, so to speak.’

  ‘We can’t fight clouds can we?’ Reeas said.

  ‘No, but it is always best to be prepared.’

  As it turned out, we really needed them later.