Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Four Page 2

  Chapter 33-Dancing With Fairies

  Now for you students: where did the Veritalanian-Meridian get its name, you ask? Well, my friends, it all started a long time ago, sixteen million years actually. The Veritalanian were a race of beings not unlike the Groveelions, they conquered all space bordering the Non-Human, and the Human Universes, and this lasted for whole small-yuga. A Yuga, as you know, is a stage or cycle. Eventually the Veritalanian were defeated mostly because they were by now too much into peace and harmony, also they were complacent in thinking they were all Powerful, anyway the Veritalanian-Meridian is still very much part of the Guardian’s library, and as such, will be on the star charts for a very long time. The Star Records are in the base at Citadel which is the central library on the planet Equeene. The star base is inaccessible; only Guardians and anyone who has special permission are allowed to go there.

  OK, time for R & R (Rest and Relaxation.) Reeas and I are going into the dream worlds for some sweet rhythm. Imagine being able to dance to whatever music you happen to like but in the air, or anywhere you happen to like whether it is mountains, which happen to be my favorite, or maybe you would like to dance underwater with dolphins, or Mermaids? Yes, they exist, as you know. On the astral plane you can do, or be anything you want, I say anything, but as you know we have to do things in the name of God, or whatever you believe God to be.

  We decided to go to Deria’s Home Planet Sandora to say our goodbyes for now. As you know, Reeas and I already visited the Fairy Kingdom some time ago, but this world was different; it was a very spiritual place and Deria is a higher spiritual being.

  We arrived to a lovely reception, Deria and her sister were the hosts and we got the V.I.P tour. Music seemed to be coming out of everything, any plant, or any animal and beautiful music, not the kind of music we know on Earth, but which is only heard on the higher inner planes, can you imagine reading your best loved poetry and with every word the sound current lifts you up one notch. Now multiply that by a million! Yes, I know it is hard to imagine, but that is the only way you will be able to understand it, you could also look on it like this--lose any thought of the physical body, now imagine you are a fairy, lighter than air; now lose that animal mind, yes, that part of you which we can’t keep under control, go higher, don’t be afraid; now enter into that one consciousness state and you are in heaven, so to speak. If you can understand that my friends you are doing well. What would the music to this experience be? You can pick as I can’t really relate it to the earthly mind at this time.

  How long Reeas and I were on cloud-nine was any ones guess, I just hope we don’t have a confrontation with the clouds on Groveelion. We said our goodbyes to Deria, and Friends then simply rested.