Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Four Page 3

  Chapter 34-Lightship Briefing

  Back at the sub base we decided to make the emergency landing base on the asteroid known as Aulous our physical base. It was within easy space flight of the Veritalanian-Meridian. We would leave it to the last day then act. All Reeas and I had to do was look again into the light book to re-equip ourselves with the language, and other such things we needed to function near the meridian. The gravity will be awesome, I hear you say. That is why we are taking light suits, although the ship will be able to cope quite easily, Debra reassured me in her sultry voice. If I didn’t know better I could swear she was coming on to me. Reeas said it was my own mind that made Debra act like this! I suppose in a way, we sort of want the other sex to like us, so maybe that is what is happening?

  Debra was now saying be careful when I just leave the ship! I will start to worry when she changes into a hologram to attract me, and then into a robot which she could also do easily. On a more serious note: we have to pass through the Ghost-Zone which it is a phenomenon. The Veritalanian-Civilization who is long dead has left their Guards to worry any Groveelions and any beings who stray too close to their space. It usually manifests itself as mental images and sounds that can drive people to do silly things such as jump out of the airlocks into space. I suppose it was mainly to trouble the Groveelions but it can affect other beings. That is why we have to make sure we don’t let anything happen to our friends from Amiron.

  Now, you say, how can anyone be affected by the other side of the border which is the Veritalanian-Meridian. Well, I can tell you we would be, but for the fact that we won’t be on that side of the border, but on the asteroid Aulous, which is a safe distance away from the meridian in the Humanoid Universe, and so we won’t get pulled into it.

  OK, now you students should be up to date with everything that has taken place so far, yes? Good. You can do a training exercise from the hologram room at the sub base on Earth. Don’t forget to upload your thought patterns.

  OK, the day is here, we enter the ship, Debra says, ‘Hello, Dan, how are you?’

  I feel she is again being a little too forward, as she has indeed made herself into a hologram! Yes, she is still on screen but now and again she steps out and walks up and down the console.

  I have to say she is very attractive, but as you know, she is just sensing my brain Pattern.

  ‘I am trying to concentrate, Debra.’ I said.

  ‘OK, Dan, but I am here if you want me.’

  We got underway. I asked Debra to get us all the info from the lost ship over the last few years, I noticed that Tyren had lost her father just ten months ago, also she had lost her mother some years back. She is good learner, very quick on the uptake with a high consciousness.

  The rest of the crew are on a sort of shift system with most of them in suspended animation, there are seven hundred and forty-three people on board, with many in long term storage; some of these were put into a permanent state of suspension because they were involved in a mutiny, yes, that’s right, they tried to take over the ship eighty two years ago. I suppose they got fed up when they realized they had an unknown time to spend on a lost ship.

  The records show that there may have been a habitable Planet quite near at that time, but the captain in charge at that time would not alter course. The ship itself was at the time of manufacture state-of–the-art, but as you can imagine, after three hundred and seventy five years, things need updating. For instance, the fabrication machines they have are very outdated.

  Zelda3 then came on the screen, then as a hologram.’

  ‘I thought I would check whether you were OK.’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, everything is alright.’

  ‘You know they can only make certain substances such as cloth, rubber, and certain plastics. If anything needs serious building such as tools, and engine parts then they struggle as engineering machines such as lathes were thought to take up too much space.’

  ‘Lathes?’ I said.

  ‘Yes,’ Zelda3 said, ‘don’t forget, fabrication machines were not the ultra-machines they are now.’

  I felt like I had put my foot in it again. I think Zelda 3 has that sort of effect on me; she is without doubt the most desirable woman I have ever encountered. Reeas knew I was having issues with Zelda3 but just let it go. Zelda3 also knew, and that made me feel even more like a fool.

  Why doesn’t she change her appearance to a sort of motherly school teacher instead of an ultra-gorgeous babe?’ I thought.

  ‘Is this what you want?’ Zelda3 said.

  ‘Standing there in place of Zelda3 was Mrs. Beverly from high school in my next to last life time on Earth, Yes, you got it, the one where I was killed at the Normandy landings. Mrs. Beverly was a kindly woman who liked to mollycoddle us boys, maybe because she hadn’t any children of her own. She was a short middle aged woman who looked stressed out, but I really liked her, she cared, and that is what counts.

  ‘No,’ I said, ‘not really, but it is nice to see my old school teacher again.’

  ‘And your great, great, great, great, great, grandmother.’

  ‘Really?’ I said, ‘Why didn’t I know that?’

  ‘You would have later but no-harm-done.’ said Zelda.

  No-harm-done seemed to be a regular saying of hers.

  I suppose that is Karma. People in Iowa at that time lived in small towns, people knew everybody, and generally reincarnated together many times. But at that time things were not good, the depression was on, and people sometimes starved for lack of food. Crops withered in the fields, People moved away. I was glad when Dad managed to find work out of town, but I missed him. I was nineteen when I joined the Marines. I couldn’t wait to give ‘Jerry’ some stick! Trouble was, I didn’t get off the landing craft, OK, enough!

  Zelda3 said, ‘Can you now concentrate,’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘that little episode sort of straightened things out.’

  ‘What do you mean? Said Reeas.

  ‘I mean, I need to visit my parents from that life time, right? Zelda3.’

  ‘Yes, they were asking about you, when you died in World-War Two they always wanted to visit your grave in France, but they couldn’t afford it.’

  ‘So I should visit them, right?’

  ‘Yes, now please go on to the lost ship and do your best, My-Guardians.’

  I was feeling pretty good at that moment, I can tell you. Zelda 3 calling us her Guardians, Wow!

  Zelda3 was now gone and in her place was Debra. Yes, you got it, in the guise of Zelda3!

  ‘What are you doing Debra?’ I said.

  ‘Nothing’ she said, ‘I just thought I would spruce myself up a bit.’

  ‘You don’t need to; you are very attractive as you are.’


  ‘Yes, now please get us to the ship.’

  Then with a wink she was gone.

  ‘What are we going to do with her?’ Reeas said.

  ‘Nothing, I kind of like all these ultra-attractive females here with me.’

  Reeas laughed, she was the most caring person I could wish for.