Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book One Page 1

Dan Sherman Space Guardian

  All Worlds

  Book One

  By Colin J Platt

  Copyright Colin J Platt 2014


  ‘Dan, you must kill it.’ The voice said. ‘That is a Devil-Beast and could rip you in half, if you let it. Why are you holding back? You are a potential Guardian-Of-Space. You have to be ruthless sometimes.’ ‘Why can’t I just let it move on, I don’t want to hurt it?’

  ‘You are expected to bring back the Devil-Beast to the lower astral plane where it belongs, and the only way to do that is to kill it in this plane.’

  ‘But how did it get to this level in the first place?’

  ‘That doesn’t concern you; please do as you are bid.’ I was standing not more than ten yards from the monster who was by now eyeing me up suspiciously. It had the look of the proverbial devil but much larger, it had a tail, large hands with long claws, horns, and eyes which resembled a goats. In fact it was everything you would expect from the hell worlds. ‘You are standing in my way.’ It said. I was in fact standing before a hidden-portal, the kind that higher entities use to access the inner worlds. How the monster could see this door was baffling me.

  ‘How did you manage to get here?’ I said.

  ‘I am going to pull out your bowels first small man, and then I am going to eat them before your eyes and then I will eat your eyes ha.’ ‘You will not get any answers from this creature, Dan, please do as you are ordered.’

  I realized that I had no alternative but to fight this entity. I transformed myself into the menacing form of Cloft, the Tourgen clone. This is a thing that I have become so used to in my dreams, I feel like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Cloft is eight foot tall with tiger like skin and teeth and claws which could rip apart any creature on Earth, of course we weren’t on Earth, though. The Monster saw me transform into Cloft.

  ‘You better move out of my way beast man.’ It said. I am now being informed that these adventures of mine in the inner worlds are going to be recorded for potential Guardians to use while asleep. I have to refer to you in future as Students. I apologize if you are more than that; please be patient and log into the Guardian’s database. I moved towards the monster with confidence. I knew I could easily kill it.

  For student purposes: Cloft is one of the strongest creatures in the Universe. Guardians have access to a network of unlimited knowledge and time; by that, I mean we can travel anywhere on the inner planes and once you are accepted by the Guardians you can also travel anywhere in time and space on the physical-plane. That is exactly what I am being lined up for. Please be aware that you are unlimited and as such eternal. I grabbed the monster by the throat while he tried to claw into my stomach. I ripped its head off. I am now being informed that I will not remember any of my experiences when I wake up; this is for my protection. I am now going to be debriefed at the astral sub base. Students please prepare your selves for the start of Dan Sherman’s adventures in time and space, onwards my friends.


  I wake up in a sweat, my heart pounding. What is happening?

  Every night for a week the same dream! I am standing on a lonely road and looking across at a tall man who is beckoning. I can read the street sign it says Giants Seat lane. I can also make out the town sign; it is Kelsay. Now I think about it I couldn’t make that out before! What does it all mean? Maybe I should go there? Ha. Get real, Dan! Me, a School Teacher who had to take early retirement through bereavement after my wife and kid got killed in a car crash go to a place I don’t even know exists. Well, I will soon find out, where is my Road atlas?

  I don’t believe it! It does exist. Maybe I should go there?

  Then do what? Do I really think a tall man is going to beckon me? I must be going crazy. But it will be a day out and I do need a change of scenery. I have been moping about here long enough. I see it is up in Northumberland, that’s a three hour drive. In the car I feel excited and sad at the same time. Elaine and John, my son, were killed on this very same road.

  I will be nearing the memorial soon; it was put there by some people who think it is right to leave flowers at places on the road where people who they never met were killed! But who am I to say; I just like to remember them and not mourn them at some place where no one goes. What’s this? There is a group of people standing at the memorial? Maybe they are broke down somewhere on the road. But there is no emergency call box here!

  My god! It is Elaine and John and the tall man from my dreams. I put the brakes on as I Pass by at speed. I pull onto the hard shoulder, I look around, but they are gone! I carry on in a state of puzzlement, and disbelief. What the hell just happened! Am I still dreaming? I must stay calm like I used to be when I studied Yoga. It was the only thing that kept me sane after the accident. I was feeling pretty excited as I pulled into a pub car park In Kelsay. I ask a man who is smoking outside if he knows where giants seat lane is. He said, ‘There is nothing there, just a track which goes nowhere, also it is a place where ghosts have been seen and UFOs.’ Now my interest was caught, I thanked him and started off in the direction he gave me. After several minutes of driving and thinking I came to crossroads, I also stared in disbelief as the tall man from my dreams was beckoning me!

  Chapter 1-Meeting with a Guardian

  What in heaven’s name is happening? All I could do was look at him in a stupid way as he held out his hand, as I took it, the feeling I got was a palpable wave of love, I felt dizzy and he knew it, he helped me with a strong arm on my forearm. I knew I had never met this man before, apart from my dreams. He had a certain way about him which even now at this early stage suggested that I could trust him. He had grey hair and strong features. He reminded me of an old movie star called Jeff Chandler. ‘We can change our appearance to suit the situation. This is to make you feel comfortable. Please come with me, and I will explain everything.’ I could have been going to another planet and I would have gladly gone!

  We walked up the lane which was a single track road and very secluded, gradually we came to a pair of very large and I presume ancient oak trees. The track ended a few yards further up and the view was restricted in all directions. If someone wanted real privacy this was the place. With a wave of his hand a door appeared! It stood there as though it would fall down. I looked round the back of it; it was just a flat door standing there. He looked at me with mild amusement. ‘Trust me, this will be a shock to your mind, but we know you can take it, we have been monitoring you in your dreams, and in your everyday life.’

  I said, ‘Who is we, exactly?’

  ‘I will tell you later; please let us enter the transfer-room.’

  As we entered the door, I had an overwhelming feeling of security. I could tell we were dropping down very quickly, I asked him how deep we were going? He said, twenty-three miles!

  We came to a stop, the door opened, I couldn`t believe my eyes!

  A massive room or maybe I should call it a large space, the size

  of four football pitches and there are three U.F.O.s hovering in the middle, with several small humanoid creatures looking at us!

  ‘It’s nothing to get bothered about,’ he said, ‘they are old friends.’

  I said to myself, I’ll wake up in a minute. ‘You won’t,’ he said.

  I asked if he could read my mind, and he said ‘We can, but we don’t usually. You have a higher state of consciousness and that has earned you the right to join us, come, you need refreshment, a cup of tea perhaps?’

  Right again, I thought, but he already knew.

  ‘I`m only a teacher,’ I said.

  ‘Yes, but you have a subconscious k
nowledge which would be able to withstand the shock of being given all the information which you will receive, also you have had many past life experiences that will be useful to us.’

  ‘Oh,’ I said, ‘and what would they be?’

  ‘Mainly Yoga, please follow me into the data room.’

  We walked to a wall which then opened up! There were no doors or handles; it’s as if the place was in tune with the people or higher beings. I was beginning to realize the enormity of it all.

  ‘That’s the word,’ he said, ‘Realization. Prepare yourself for Reality.’

  There are a number of gadgets around but the one I was attracted to was a sort of book, like a laptop, the light was coming out of it, not from the screen, but all of it.

  ‘Dan, please look into the book.’

  ‘I don’t even know your name.’ I said.

  ‘Yes, you do.’

  I at once knew his name was Sionn.

  ‘We will be keeping a log of all your experiences from now on; try to be conscious of this and your thoughts will be uploaded to central databank. You can also relate to whoever will get access to your thoughts later as students; these recorded experiences will be a useful tool for us. I will also ask you again later if you still want to carry on with your training. You can still go back to your life as a retired school teacher.’

  For student purposes: I will refer to God in the higher case letter from now on, please be aware of this. It is a mark of respect to the deity, or whatever you believe God to be.

  Chapter 2-Higher learning

  ‘Sit in the chair and relax.’

  As soon as I touched the chair I was energized! I have never seen or felt anything like it before; it felt as though it was part of me, gripping my body like a living thing. The voice I heard was not Sionn`s but something else, whatever, or whoever it was seemed like an old friend speaking to me.

  ‘Once you look into the light book you will be able to do things that you never dreamt of. Tell me now; do you want to join us?’

  ‘You already know that answer, don’t you?’ I replied.

  ‘I have to ask, you understand.’

  ‘What about my home and the life I have or used to have?’

  ‘After looking into the light book you won’t even think about it. Do not worry; it will be sorted out later.’

  ‘Can I see my wife and child?’

  ‘Later, they are, as you now know, still in existence.’

  ‘Then, yes, I want to be a Trainee-Guardian.’

  ‘Now, relax.’

  As soon as I looked into the light book my mind was like a computer of the highest sort, after what seemed to be only a short time I came out of the book. That’s the only way I can describe it. I knew stuff I never knew before, also I felt in balance with life. My body was pulsating from head to foot.

  ‘That is just the beginning; we can’t take a chance on overloading you.’

  To describe my feelings at that moment is impossible. An ordinary man transformed in one day into a sort of superman. I could do higher mathematics; that is something I never could get my head around, also Physics, Philosophy and any other subject. But the one thing I was good at besides history was astronomy, I always prided myself on that, but now I knew everything I would ever want to know about it. I also knew how to dance! Yes, I always wanted to take Elaine to the dance hall to do proper ballroom dancing, but I always had two left feet, I just love the disco films, now I could do all the moves!

  ‘Why isn`t my head exploding?’ I said.

  ‘You know it is not your physical brain that knows these things, but your higher consciousness. Whatever you need to know, wherever you need to go, to do, whatever the Guardians need you to do, you will receive.’

  I enquired if anyone else worked at the underground base.

  ‘It doesn`t need anyone to man it, it is self-regulating, no one can enter it, or find it without permission as the security is so technologically advanced. There are no entrances to the base. Before you ask how the UFOs managed to access it, I can tell you that our lightship helped them. The lightship can travel through any object. Earth, as you now know is not just a planet; it is a star base and had been so for thousands of years.’

  I knew it all along The U.F.O.S The M.I.B.S. (Men-in-black) and all the other stories, obviously some were bogus, but now I know. Sionn informed me we were to go to the 27th sector of the Andromeda Galaxy. Wow!

  This morning, I was on the verge of depression and now I’m going to the largest galaxy outside of our own. 2.4 million Light-years! I knew that in just five days after we leave Earth and travelling at faster than light speed we would enter a worm-hole and almost immediately we would be there! I can tell you that there are worm holes adjacent to every galaxy; this enables the Guardians to access all parts of the Universe. The power system on the ship we were about to board is taken from the stars themselves, we would get all the power we need transferred to the engine which I can`t really describe as I don`t have as yet enough knowledge. I guess next time I look into the light book, I will gain whatever I need but all I wanted to do was dance.

  Chapter 3-Lightship

  We walked through the wall again into another room.

  ‘You can rest awhile if you want but you don`t need rest, your body has been rejuvenated by the light chair you were sitting in but you already know that.’

  ‘Yes, I feel fine. There is some information I would like to know. How old are you?’

  ‘Yes, we can withhold information if we deem it necessary but we now don`t need to keep anything from each other, you now know I am 3,500 years old in this incarnation.’

  ‘That is one long life.’ I said.

  ‘Yes, but time has no meaning on the inner planes.’

  I also knew I could move into other states of existence such as dreaming. We all move about in our dreams but most of us don’t remember when we wake up. I used to have lots of lucid dreams when asleep at home; they were like out-of-the-body experiences but were a disappointment when I woke up as I wanted to stay there. Now I would be able to learn and travel wherever I was needed on whatever plane of existence I was on!

  Sionn said, ‘You are now receiving sustenance from the very walls and everything connected with this base. You do not need to eat or drink while in your body. Later if you feel the time is right you will be able to leave the physical body altogether, and transfer to an artificial body suit, such as the one you are now going to use for the journey.’

  If anyone had told me yesterday I would be going to Andromeda with a 3,500-year old man of higher consciousness I would have laughed at him, even if it had been Sionn, but now I am a different person, being, or consciousness!

  The ship was hanging in mid-air as we walked through the wall again; it was the size of a small motor cruiser; the kind people use at the harbor for showing off but this ship I knew would do much more than just move.

  Sionn said, ‘We will let the ship fit you up with the suit.’

  I knew it wasn`t going to be just a suit but even I couldn’t believe what it was capable of!

  I stood with my back to the wall of the ship when it then wrapped itself around me! I felt invulnerable and totally safe.

  I knew that this suit, like the ship itself could withstand any attack; or even a nuclear bomb! I let my fingers run up and down the surface of it, it was very shiny and slippery, I just couldn`t grip it. It was also transparent. Sionn said, ‘You can also change your shape and appearance. If we were to go to another planet we would take on the appearance of the locals also we would be given any info or data to speak with them or any animal life.’

  My God, I thought, I could talk to the animals.

  ‘What about sex?’ I said, ‘it is one of few things on earth that shows love for someone,’

  Sionn replied. ‘It is natural that you think about such things, so that is why you have the option of keeping your body for as long as you want; in time you will see it as a burden.’

Sionn made the thought-transfer to get the ship underway and before I could think we were out in space. The ship could move at light speed almost immediately. We were already past the solar system and on route to Andromeda. I could see the screen in my vision but it wasn`t a physical screen; I could see it as the ship saw it a blur of tiny lights melting into one giant overpowering glow. It took me awhile to adjust but I was now getting the hang of it. The technology was way ahead of me even with the light book, but with time I could get used to this awesome way of life. The thought struck me; I could live forever like this.

  Sionn replied, ‘We do live forever; all things pass on to higher realities.’

  Chapter 4-Dream Worlds

  Sionn informed me that the next phase would be to learn and serve in the dream worlds while the ship was on its way to Andromeda, we would sleep then we would wake up in the other worlds; in this case the astral plane.

  Ok, now I have to make my thoughts accessible to any students who may be able to access to deep-mental-logic program on the Guardians computer banks. So from now on I will every so often upload my thoughts. Forgive me if I get a little carried away as I am new to this. I have been told to refer to you out there who can access these recordings as students, please forgive me if you are more than that.

  I found it very easy to sleep but Sionn was helping me, the next thing I knew we were standing in a place that was so unbelievably beautiful. The feeling I experienced was something I have never felt before in my whole life, or my old life.

  ‘This is one of the higher astral worlds, a place people call heaven. There were children and wild animals playing together! A young girl stroking a tiger! A lion was carrying a boy on its back while a baby lamb was sitting nearby! People were waving and having fun together such as I’ve never seen before; the feeling was of joy and delight. I was speechless. I asked Sionn if this was prearranged for my benefit. Sionn said partly. But we have a job to do in the next town. I tried to keep my emotions under control, but it was very hard, as the experience played havoc with my senses. We walked along the lovely roads where everything seemed perfect, when a thought struck me.

  ‘Could we…’

  ‘I`m sorry, Dan, we can’t go to see your wife and son just yet, they are on a different plane at the moment but later you will meet them. You have to learn to keep your emotions in check, this is very important as you will be tempted and tested in many ways later. Your yoga training will help you also; never forget that you are a higher being and eternal.’