Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book One Page 2

  I felt disappointed, but knew he was right, as usual; had he ever been wrong, I thought.

  ‘Yes, even as a Guardian I made mistakes, one in particular.’

  I couldn’t believe it, not Sionn.

  ‘There was once a Guardian named Kallo, we were past life friends and born on the same planet numerous times. He got corrupted by the power of office and is now an outlaw.

  I trusted him and he stranded me on a deserted planet without my light suit. I had to leave my body there and transfer to the dream worlds. In other words I died! Kallo had disabled my suits power system, something that we thought was impossible at that time. Our technology was not as good as it is now; even now there are limits to our way of life, for instance, some black-holes are dangerous to us, but that is only in the physical world, as you know.’

  I asked Sionn a question that had troubled me all my life:

  ‘Could you tell me how big the Universe is?

  ‘People believe the Universe is only about 13.5 billion light-years in distance. But we know it is much more than that also the inner worlds are much bigger than the physical worlds but of course, they are not physical, we will leave it at that for the moment.’

  OK, time for another lesson for you Student-Guardians: You know the physical plane is the normal world where we all live whether it is Earth or some other planet.

  There are also other planes of existence; the next one up is the astral plane it is a very big place but not in the space that we know, also there are numerous sub planes, In fact thousands so please be aware when we are visiting these realms, which will be, very often. Of course, you are Trainee-Guardians so you won’t need to be lectured like this too much, right? OK, enough said.

  We arrived at our destination. It was a small decrepit house with a scruffy garden and a feeling of depression about it. Sionn knocked at the door and a voice said:

  ‘Get the hell away from here.’

  It took me by surprise; obviously this part of town has its share of problems.

  ‘Not really.’ Sionn said, ‘just this house.’

  Sionn walked in. Suddenly a man came running at him!

  ‘I`ll kill you’ he shouted.

  Sionn just stood there as the man lifted his arm! I didn`t notice the knife at first but I couldn’t help panicking as it came into contact with Sionn`s shoulder. I needn`t have worried as the knife just glanced off again and again. The man started to get tired, obviously thinking he was in the physical body.

  Sionn calmed him down before trying to explain to him that he was being transported to a hospital in another region.

  The man was escorted away by people from whoever was responsible for that sort of thing.

  I said, ‘Couldn`t they have done what you did?’

  ‘Yes they could, but we had nothing else to do, and it was a learning experience for you.

  ‘So in a way we are like spiritual guides.’ I said.


  I thought, Wow, can this be true? I was just an ordinary person from an ordinary town, in an ordinary country, on a small planet.

  “Please don’t think that way. You are a Guardian-of-Space and as such, you are unlimited.’

  We woke up back on the ship.

  Chapter 5-Andromeda

  Looking at the scene before me was totally mind boggling, even after all the knowledge prescribed to me. Coming up on the screen in my mind or whatever it was that I was seeing was the Andromeda Galaxy in all its awesome beauty, also on the screen were all the planets that were able to sustain life!

  ‘We have a job to do on Relmar 7 in sector 27.’

  ‘Do you ever get some time off from this job, or whatever you call it?’ I felt a little reckless for saying it.

  ‘You will learn more quickly the next time you look into the light book and then you will not ask such questions. But I will say this whenever I feel to be in need of a little rest and relaxation I go to my parent’s house on one of the astral sub planes.’

  ‘What about reincarnation? They must have been back many times since you were there in that lifetime.’

  ‘Yes, many times. But we can go to whatever incarnation we want to.’

  Wow, I thought. Imagine going to whatever place and whatever family you were born into!

  ‘There is much karma built up and burned up around families; this is because they have lived many lives together. Now prepare for Job experience. We have arrived.’

  Looking at the planet from orbit I thought it was something like looking at Earth, but as I studied it I could see the continents were different. Sionn said, ‘You will experience a soothing feeling as all the information is given to you by the ship.’

  I don’t know how long it took, I wasn`t bothered, as I felt incredibly calm and rested. I could also speak Relmic the language of the planet, and the other six planets that have been inhabited by them.

  Relmar 7 was several hundred years ahead of Earth so everyone spoke the same dialect which was handy and the population was peaceful mainly because there was only one ruling government. Sionn informed me of the mission we were about to undertake: We were to save the planet from total destruction! I felt shocked.

  ‘Do you mean we go from helping one poor soul from the astral plane to saving an entire planet?

  ‘Not just one planet, but all seven.’

  ‘I thought we weren`t supposed to interfere with other people or cultures?’

  ‘Normally we don`t but this is an exception. A scientist we take it upon himself to experiment with materials found on an uninhabited planet newly discovered by Relmic astronomers. If we don`t stop him in time one hundred and twenty-billion people will die, are you ready?’

  What a question! How could I be ready for something like that?

  For students: ‘The people on Relmar are very much like humans with some differences, their heads and eyes are larger and they are taller by several inches. ‘Just lean back on the wall and you will fall out into space.’ I already knew we would be OK with our suits on but I wasn`t ready for the feeling of being in space with just a suit and no oxygen tank or other usual things one associates with space travel!

  I couldn`t get my old head around the knowledge that a suit which isn`t visible and doesn`t seem to have any life supporting properties would save me from dying! Now for you students out there: Time for another lesson. Yes, I know you want to know how the light suit works but I am also a trainee so I can’t tell you just yet, just know that it is an awesome piece of technology and I’m sure glad we have it, all I had to do was think my way down to the planet!

  The view was really something until we came into sight of the gigantic buildings which seemed to be everywhere, there didn`t seem to be any spare land. My first thought was, what a shame. These poor people have no greenery, but as I was now finding out rapidly by means of my now enlarged state of consciousness. Most of the greenery was under the oceans and in orbit under massive glass domes; I couldn`t help thinking this could be the future for Earth in several hundred years.’

  We guided our way down through the thousands of space shuttles which were streaming along in all directions.

  ‘We cannot be detected as you know, so we won`t be bothered.’

  We landed near a huge building with a sign which read:

  451st District Biochemical and Food Reprocessing Unit.

  I already knew we couldn`t be seen as the suits were so technologically advanced that even though Relmic science was much more superior to Earth’s, Guardian technology was light-years ahead of Relmar.

  I can`t help thinking that I will wake up sometime and be back in my old bed but I really don`t want that to happen anyway I could always go there in my dreams couldn`t I?

  Chapter 6-Relmar

  We hovered about fifty feet above the walkway. The first thing I noticed was most of the people were dressed the same, it was an off white sort of jump suit.

  For students: you already know we can`t just pass through the walls as we a
re in the physical realm. We have to enter by the door, so we must keep out of the way of anyone. No one can see us but they will be able to feel us so be very careful.

  ‘We will make our way to the science room where the man in question is. He is called Dyon17.’

  I already knew this info but I sure was glad he was reassuring me. We didn`t walk up the moving platform that was the stairway to the lab room, we simply floated by thought! I was in awe of this technology, I felt like a ghost!

  We got to the room in question. We had to wait till someone entered before we could go in otherwise the door would open and it would seem unusual and cause suspicion. We didn’t have to wait long for access but we would have to wait a while for the actual incident to take place.

  The room was nothing like a laboratory back on Earth; most of the equipment was different but along the walls were screens with sections that opened up underneath them.

  I already knew these were fabrication machines; whatever was put in them would be reproduced in a fairly short time. I now knew how the planet would be threatened. Dyon 17 would try to reproduce materials found by Relmic astronomers from an uninhabited planet. They thought this material would bring wealth beyond measure, as some of the material was mixed with a very rare mineral highly sought by neighboring planets but instead of getting permission for special test procedures, Dyon 17 would take it upon himself to show the government what he had achieved; the result would be an instant increase in the material but not in the quantities that he was expecting.

  The oxygen in the atmosphere would be depleted so much that people would have suffocated in their millions. Within six months ninety per cent of the population would be dead; of course in the meantime people would have fled to the outlying planets in panic in their private ships, and anything that would transport them off their world. Of course the damage would have been done as the spores would be carried on the people themselves. The time frame would be just three years for complete annihilation also the spores would still be around the planets for a long period of time. I couldn`t contemplate the picture that Sionn was painting of Relmar’s destruction. I just wanted to get it over with.

  Sionn was watching Dyon 17 with his usual unconcerned look!

  Dyon 17 was standing next to an access screen with a container. He was about to put the material in. There was another person standing next to him looking anxious, they both looked at each other, and then a quite unusual thing happened. Sionn touched them behind the neck, in the next second both Dyon 17 and his accomplice froze on the spot. Sionn then took the container from Dyon17, he then resealed the lid then he pulled a small sack from his suit covered the container making it invisible. He then handed me the sack while he touched both men behind the neck again. The men started to move again, but simply turned away and went about their business as if nothing had happened!

  Sionn took the sack off me and then we waited for someone to walk out of the lab before we could exit. We then made our way out of the building. My thoughts at this time were of how easy Sionn seemed to deal with these world changing decisions. We then flew up between the lines of shuttle-ships and back to our craft. I know all of this may sound like fiction of the highest kind. But as students you already know it to be true. I on the other hand am relatively new to all this so you can imagine I am still reeling from these extraordinary events.

  Once inside the ship I asked Sionn how he made the two people freeze and forget what they were doing.

  ‘It was just an overpowering mental ability.’

  I asked him if they would remember about it in the future.

  ‘No, but we will monitor them and the planet regularly.’

  ‘What are we going to do with the spores?’

  ‘The container will be neutralized.’

  I began to search the ships screen for information about other local planets; when I say local, I mean anything in the region of thousands of light-years. I noticed one called Sandera in a nearby sector, it was at the same stage as Earth and the wildlife was totally exciting with a huge difference in animal and plant life. I also thought I would practice some dance moves. I asked the ship’s computer to play some Disco. I realized the computer sounded like one of my old girlfriends from school called Debra, I asked if I could call it that.

  ‘You can call me anytime, Dan, and you can call me anything you want as long as it’s not ‘it’.

  I thought this is funny, is she coming on to me?

  I swirled around in my dance move to ask Sionn if we could check out Sandera when he disappeared! Seconds later, I was wandering what to do when a person appeared. A man of about 50 years old, He was a tall man; about six foot three, and was sneering at me. It took me a few seconds to realize, but I now knew it was Kallo, the outlaw Guardian. I started to move, when I was suddenly frozen to the spot and unable to talk.

  Kallo said, ‘Don’t worry, you will get another light body someday, but for now you have to die. By the way, nice dance move, ha, stupid fool!’

  I could see he had the container with the spores in his hands, but poor me the trainee-Guardian could do nothing.

  With a flick of his finger I dropped to the floor unconscious.

  (I didn’t yet realize it, but I was dead.)

  Chapter 7-Astral Hospital

  I knew at once where I was. A nurse was standing at my bed.

  ‘Mr. Sherman?’


  ‘Thank goodness you are all right, we had trouble stabilizing you.’

  ‘OK, nurse, I will take over now.’

  I knew this person talking must be a Guardian, but I couldn`t be sure.

  ‘What’s happened to me?’ I said.

  ‘I am Grenwer, a colleague of Sionn’s. You were neutralized by something or someone! Tell me what you know.’

  I told him what I saw on the ship. He looked shaken, even for a Guardian.

  ‘Where is Sionn?’ I said.

  ‘We don’t know!’

  Now I was shaken!

  ‘The one thing we do know is Sionn must have suspected some sort of trouble; normally you would have been fully accepted by the Guardians but for some reason Sionn thought it best to keep you partially a Guardian and partially Dan Sherman. You have been mentally scanned and we know you could have some info which might be useful to us. Please come with me.’

  ‘There is one thing I want to know.’ I said, ‘am I dead?’


  Just Great! I thought, I’ve only been in this job for two minutes, I’ve witnessed the saving of billions of people but now I’m dead and the whole Universe could be at risk.’

  We walked into another room. He then asked me to sit down at a sort of computer.

  ‘Just look into the screen, we know you have stabilized so we can now look at what actually happened on the ship. The fact that you were at a short distance from Kallo means we might be able to retrieve some info from him through you. Please relax and concentrate.’

  The screen came to life Kallo was looking at me as though I were there again! I started to feel strange.

  ‘Don’t be afraid.’

  He then touched me behind the neck as Sionn did to the two men at the lab.

  ‘Yes, I can remember now, he`s going to Junction 43 at Far-Station.’

  Grenwer looked shaken again.

  ‘Far-Station is an inaccessible place.’


  ‘Our ships are unable to penetrate its space. There is just one way and I suspect you know what it is?’

  ‘You mean you want someone to go there in the dream worlds and then transfer to a light suit.

  ‘Yes.’ But who would go?’

  ‘He already knew what I was going to say.

  ‘Well, I`m already dead so what’s the difference?’

  ‘You could get trapped there and we know it is a terrible place to be.’

  ‘What exactly is Far-Station?’

  ‘It is a series of planets which were once highly civilized; they
were taken over by numerous warring alien races. These planets are now known as Far-Station. They are within a relatively short light speed distance; most of the evil characters from history are incarcerated there before returning to their respective worlds.’

  Oh Great! I thought, I`m about to go to hell in the physical world.

  ‘Can I ask you something, Grenwer?’

  ‘Sure,’ he said.

  ‘Why me? Surely you have people more experienced!’

  ‘Yes, but that is why Kallo will not suspect, he thinks you’re neutralized, also you now have knowledge which you at the moment can`t see but after looking again into the light book you will know better.’

  ‘What about Kallo? Why didn`t he just prevent us from stopping Dyon 17 from destroying Relmar, he must have had the technology.’

  ‘It is conceivable he already had knowledge about Relmar but we think he has other plans for the deadly material.’

  ‘You mean more deadly than the destruction of one

  hundred and twenty-billion people?’

  ‘If he has access to a place where we cannot as yet go he could do catastrophic damage.’

  ‘Why can’t you travel there in the dream worlds and find out.’

  ‘Although we can travel up and down the time scales on all levels, we can’t as yet access Junction 43 at Far-Station.’

  ‘Why don`t you get together with the local people from the different planets that were invaded and take back the planets?’

  ‘We are not allowed to meddle in other planetary problems.’

  ‘Is that not what we are doing at Far-Station?’

  ‘The difference is that now Galactic systems are at stake, we must retrieve the container without Kallo suspecting.’

  ‘One more thing,’ I said, ‘how could Kallo kill me while I had the light suit on?’

  ‘That is another thing we don`t as yet know,’

  Reality was starting to sink in now. They want me to dream travel to the border of Far-Station then to an astral planet nearby known as Terick 3; then on the equivalent physical planet wake up in a light suit.

  ‘No.’ Grenwer said, ‘we have already cloned your old body but we don’t have use for it on this particular mission. Please, we have little time left.’ I wondered what he meant, but I soon realized I was in for a pretty big shock.