Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Ten Page 3

  'I swear by all that's holy, Kallo, that if you don't do as you agreed in this partnership, I will see that you are destroyed as soul.'

  'Ha, you are the same as me, Sionn; you only want to destroy things. When I come back I will personally see to it that Earth is blown apart and its souls scattered like dust throughout the lower regions. Now, if you will excuse me, I have been summoned by Shobdera. Do you think I have been earmarked for the overlord job? Never mind, Sionn, I may use you in some small capacity sometime in the distant future. Ha.'

  Automatic message from the Guardian network:

  Kallo arrives at the entrance of Shobdera, he approaches her throne.

  'Stand fast, Kallo. I never said you could approach me.'

  'I assumed you?'

  'You assume too much. Who do you think you are, Kallo?'

  'I am your servant, my lady.'

  'My servants do as they are bid. You, on the other hand, take it upon yourself to wreak havoc in all the worlds of God.'

  'I bring souls to their appointed place.'

  'You condescending little toad; you have brought the wrath of Mannus down on us. I have been brought out of silence to account for numerous worlds that you are destroying through your agent clones, and the Super-Robots that you, and others, brought into being. Explain yourself!'

  'I thought I was in line for the overlord job? I am ruthless enough, am I not?'

  'You are the most pathetic creature that ever came into being. Do you not recognize that balance is everything down here as well as the higher regions?'

  'Sionn said that, but I am not convinced, surely we have to try harder to secure our side of things. They, on the higher planes, are always building more and more, so we have to destroy more to keep in balance.'

  'Kallo, I tell you this, and listen to me with eagerness; Mannus says he will exert his power down here; if that happens me and my domain will be tainted by the light. Billions of souls will be lifted up. I cannot allow that to happen. You will release Dan Sherman and unite him with Debra. He is the only one who can stop the Super Robots. You will also release Deria and her sister plus Reeas. Fail me in this and I will bring down my hand and crush you like a fly. Now go.'

  Automatic message: Kallo arrives back in his domain.

  'Hello Sionn old chap, how are things?'

  'You are talking different now Kallo, what happened?'

  'Nothing, Shobdera said she was considering me for the overlord job but she wants me to supervise the destruction of one of the astral sub plane regions. She said the war with the Super Robots has to stop for the moment. We also have to release Dan Sherman and his associates.'

  'I knew it, Kallo, you have been ordered by Shobdera to come to terms.'

  'Not in the least. It is only a ploy to decimate the astral world.'

  'Did she say you are pathetic Kallo? Because in my eyes you are'

  'Don't provoke me, Sionn; I am deciding whether to keep Dan Sherman and Debra apart for the moment just till he begs me for mercy.'

  'From now on, Kallo, you are my enemy again. If you do anything to hinder the process of stopping this war I will personally find you and bring you before Shobdera.'

  Chapter 76-Searching for Dan

  Thought message from Sionn: (this was put on record later.)

  The situation with Dan Sherman is still critical; he has been partly exposed to radiation from the mind-transfer machine. I just hope that we are not too late. Kallo would have destroyed him and he would have brought down the wrath of Shobdera on himself! What kind of mad-man is Kallo?' I will let you students gain access to Dan in these recordings. I am now going to release Deria and her sister and Reeas. I will then bring them to Dan to see if they can help stabilize him.


  Dan's story: I feel I am somewhere very different from anywhere I have ever been; it is a dark room, the walls seem to be made up of living creatures! I can see snakes and all kinds of insects trying to get at me but when they show their faces through the wall they are driven back by something. I am only a teacher? Why should I be tortured like this? I have been in some hellish places in my dreams but this place is the worst. Why am I here? And why can't I find my wife Elaine, and my son John? My yoga training isn't helping, and why is this beast like creature here? I have never seen anything like it; it is a cross between a tiger and a werewolf. We are separated at the moment by a glass screen but the glass seems to be getting thinner! I only hope I can wake up before the creature can gain access to me.

  My memory is also fading; I can't remember what I am supposed to do? I know I have to do something, or go somewhere to find some people who did something bad to me, but what? My God, please help me.


  Deria and Reeas story: (added later) Deria and I have been released from a place which I never thought could exist. The lower entities which trapped us were given special powers from the Higher-Mental realm. How could this be possible? I still can't understand how lower entities such as the one that trapped us were able to keep us under submission for any length of time, but they did. Sionn was able to release us under cloaking mode by simply switching off the transmitter which was fused into the door of the prison room. Once this was done he was easily able to overcome any resistance from these lower entities.

  We are now to the trying to decipher the code which Kallo himself put into the mental transfer machine which has stranded Dan in some inaccessible place. I hope to God we will be in time to save my Dan. Kallo is saying he can't remember the codes. I have told him that if we are too late to save Dan I will personally flay him alive in the physical world. He is submitting at the moment only because Shobdera has threatened him, but as we all know, once he sees an opportunity to escape, he will. I am going crazy waiting for the codes to work; we have found out that these codes are so enormously complicated that only Debra can successfully find the key code to access the final lock. Kallo is sitting here looking at me with the usual self-satisfied smirk on his face.

  Sionn has tried to access Kallo's mind by touching him behind the neck as usual, but Sionn had to stop this as Kallo was able to block him. The conversation went like this:

  'Do you want to be annihilated, Kallo?'

  'We all have to go sometime, Sionn.'

  'Do you really hate Dan Sherman so much that you would put your soul at risk?'

  'There is no one who I would rather go out of existence with more than Dan, the Trainee-Guardian.'

  'You joke about it, Kallo, but you will think twice when Shobdera summons you back to her realm.'

  'Why don't you get Debra to unlock my codes, Sionn? I'll tell you why. Because she is no longer of any use, am I right? You tampered with her so much that she couldn't even open an airlock.'

  Message from Reeas:

  'Sionn, can we speak in private please.'

  We went into the other room; of course Kallo would probably be able to access our conversation but I was so desperate that I didn't care about it.

  'Can you please try again to access Debra?'

  Reeas, I have tried till I am sick; she is unavailable.'

  Thought Message from Deria to Sionn: (Sionn was now gesturing Reeas to be silent) 'You are still in contact with Debra, Sionn, I can sense it, and my sister feels the same way (this message was given to Sionn by higher cloaking mode and, by Thought-Transfer) we will now try to bring Debra out your mind?'

  Sionn replied in the same way. 'Yes, Deria now is the time to bring Dan back.'

  'Please relax, Sionn, while we touch you behind the neck.

  Message from Reeas:

  After a few minutes of Deria and her sister touching Sionn, Debra suddenly appeared! She touched Sionn behind the neck and then all four of them disappeared! I was conscious that I had to keep myself in check and not let Kallo know about the recent events.

  Automatic message from the Guardian database: (Inserted later)

  Sionn, Deria and her sister and Debra materialized in Dan's astral prison cell to find th
at the only life form in the room was the Tourgen beast man.

  'My God, we are too late,' said Sionn.

  'I won't accept that,' said Deria. 'Let us see if we can access the Tourgen.'

  'Are you looking for me?' The Tourgen said.

  'Dan, is that you?'

  'Yes, Sionn, it is.'

  'How did you, I mean how come?'

  'I think I know,' said Deria. 'Yes,' said Deria's sister, I also know.'

  'You mean Debra?' Sionn said.

  'Yes, she immediately managed to get to Dan as he was being absorbed into the Tourgen.'

  Debra was now starting to materialize in the room. She said, 'Stand back everyone, I am going to bring Dan out of the Tourgen body.'

  'You don't need to, Debra; I can do it on my own.'

  'No, Dan, you don't realize. There is a mental-probe in your mind; it must have been placed there by Kallo. It will activate in three minutes just be calm and try to meditate. Will everyone else please transfer to the sub base? We will meet you there later. Please make sure you are separated from Kallo; don't tell him what has happened, he thinks Dan is destroyed. We may be able to turn the tables on him and gain information.'

  'Debra, I am eternally grateful to you. Thank you.'

  'Dan, you are part of me, we cannot be separated, so they said, but we very nearly were.'

  Automatic Message:

  Dan, Reeas, Sionn, and Deria transferred back to the sub base while Debra dealt with the probe. The messaging system is now back to normal. Dan Sherman will take charge of the recording sessions from now on.


  Message from Dan: I have to thank students for all their help during the recent crisis. Sorry for any inconvenience over logging on to the Guardian-Network. The Dan Sherman adventures will continue?

  Reeas had managed to keep things under cover as she and Kallo transferred back to the sub base. He was so convinced that I was unreachable and that only he could bring me back that he simply accompanied Reeas back to the sub base.

  Reeas was crying as I materialized back in our private room.

  After much hugging and kissing, Reeas was summoned into the briefing room. I knew from Debra that Kallo was about to be questioned about why he didn't help to get me back. His arrogance is overwhelming. He didn't seem too bothered about whether I was destroyed or not and he wasn't too bothered about Shobdera knowing about it. Debra was now with me, she managed to deactivate the mind probe and was about to attend the debriefing session under high intensity cloaking mode. I didn't need to join her as I could understand everything that happened through Debra while I was in the restroom.

  Students take note: I was now back to being my old self. Debra was fully functional. I was also aware that my consciousness had expanded! Don't ask me how. I just know that with Debra, I, or we, could do anything. That might seem a bit of an exaggeration, but it was true. I didn't need to be debriefed or told what to do. We will now take up the story in the briefing room:

  Kallo was stood in the center of the group; Reeas was facing him, and Sionn was on the right while Deria and her sister were over to the left.

  'Why don't you say something Reeas? Do you feel like tearing me limb from limb?' Reeas didn't react. Kallo turned to Sionn. 'What will you do now, Sionn? Now your precious Dan Sherman is gone?' Sionn didn't react. 'And you, Deria, and your sister. You would still be stuck in the prison cell but for the mighty Shobdera stepping in. Can anyone doubt that I am the most powerful being on this side of the multiverse?'

  'Sionn said, do you mean apart from Mannus, Shobdera, and numerous overlords and all the rest of the hierarchy such as archangels?

  'They are just watchers! Don't you remember when I was Lucifer Sionn? I wanted to do things, I wanted to be somebody. I was sick of watching. I made people notice me; I made them worship me, now I have millions of clones ready to do my bidding. I am the only one who can bring about the end of the Super Robot Wars, but it will cost the Guardian network big time.'

  'Oh,' said Sionn.

  'Yes, you and your entire petty little student helpers will have to accept my proposals for dream students.'

  'And what will they be?'

  'It is too long to go into now, but I have already started the process when I was the Higher-Coordinator, remember, Sionn?'

  'Do you mean the data that you secreted into the databank while you were allowed to be the Higher-Coordinator?'


  'Who do you think you are dealing with, Kallo? I have been watching you for a long time. We now have ninety-five per cent of your agent's names and D.N.A, also where they are. Your sleeping agents will also be dealt with.'

  'This can't be. My Empire is fool proof.'

  'Your 'Empire' will be dealt with over the next few days. You will be taken to a new state-of-the-art astral prison, which will be supervised by entities provided by no less a person than Shobdera herself! She asked me to tell you that she doesn't like being disobeyed.'

  'You are bluffing, Sionn. I will escape again, and I will destroy you, and all who oppose me. Without Debra and Sherman you are now vulnerable, so don't tell me you can deal with my Empire.'

  'Perhaps you will believe me when I show you proof. The messaging system will now be handed back over to Dan Sherman.'

  'Are you trying to be funny?'

  Sionn turned to the door as I walked in. Kallo looked at me with hatred.

  'This can't be true. It is obviously some kind of clone.'

  I transformed myself into Cloft and then into Debra. She had decided to wear full combat gear again which I thought was a little funny especially when she made an eighty-four millimeter anti-tank weapon appear and slung it over her shoulder just for effect. Kallo tried to escape by dematerializing but as he started to fade he came back within a few seconds. Sionn had already made preparations for that by earlier inserting a micro needle into Kallo's neck while Kallo was blissfully unaware and enjoying his role as the Higher-Coordinator at the Guardian headquarters on the higher astral plane. A short time later two of Shobdera's special agents turned up to escort Kallo away.


  'Well done team. This job went as we expected. I'm sorry that Dan and Reeas had to be excluded in our plans (yet again) but as you can now see we had no choice. Only Mannus, Shobdera and Deria's one and two were allowed to know anything about it. Incidentally, the special team consisting of Darian and Tamia who were sent in to search for Dan has now been recalled from the lower astral. They were successful in creating a diversion for us and also in finding other Dark-Agents. Dan now united with Debra will already realize that Debra had agreed to be used by me to infiltrate Kallo's realm. Of course I realized myself that I couldn't exert my full power. All I had to do was keep Debra in check till we reached Dan.

  Now for Reeas's benefit: the Super-Robot threat is not as great as you fear. We had to make it seem as though they were creating mayhem, but in fact they have only done little damage; no worlds have been destroyed.

  Our fleet has been able to keep the robot ships at bay, but I want you, Dan, Deria, and of course Debra to travel to the vicinity and assess the situation. A team of Guardian special agents consisting of Deria's brethren have infiltrated the lead robot ships and have been able to dismantle certain parts, but have not been able to access the computer banks. I want you to access them and bring back information which will be valuable to us, particularly where the robot ships came from and where they were secreted prior to the invasion.

  Robots, as you know, don't give out any conscious wavelength, so we were in the dark about them for a substantial amount of time. Before anyone asks what about the people who built the robots. They were conscious. Yes? Why didn't we pick up their thoughts? The answer is robots built the Super-Robots.

  Kallo in his scheming managed to keep this entire plan secret. Fortunately we have Guardian ships stationed throughout the Quintos-Galaxy. I don't know whether Dan can feel the same higher mental realm vibrations that I can feel, but I sens
e there is a third party in operation somewhere.

  Message to students from Dan Sherman:

  I am totally in awe of Sionn. The events of the last few days have made my head spin. One moment I was preparing to go to another galaxy to put an end to a war with Super-Robots; and the next moment I am imprisoned and mindless. Then suddenly I am with Debra again! Sionn is without doubt the most amazing, complex, frustrating, puzzling man. But he is the most highly spiritual and loving person I know. Of course he is not a man or person but a highly spiritual being.

  Chapter 77-The Brain

  Reeas and I plus Deria and not forgetting Debra were now preparing to dream travel to Axvious. Of course Debra was part of me and as such didn't need to dream. I, on the other hand, needed to dream very much. Reeas also wants to dance on the inner planes. And so we are going on a little vacation. Student- Guardians will know from experience that we can travel up and down the timeline in our dreams and also we can access our Room-of-Doors. We don't need to worry about the situation on Axvious because our dream travels will not register in physical time. Reeas and I are taking a few weeks holiday so please excuse us for one second. Ha, just joking, but you can see how it is in reality and I mean reality. Students will already know much about dream traveling and so all I need to say is onwards, and bon voyage.

  For students: we, or our bodies, as you know, are sleeping in the restroom at the sub base. We expected to wake up in the cloned bodies of ourselves on Axvious; imagine my surprise when I became aware of not being with Reeas on her home planet, but of being alone and without Debra in a very large cage with an assortment of creatures which are chained up around the walls!

  Where the hell am I? I thought.

  'You are in my domain, Earthman.'

  Oh, no, I said to myself.

  'No, Earthman, before you ask, I am not Kallo. He is small fry compared to me. I used him for the preparation of my Robot Empire.'

  'Who are you? I said.

  'I am known as the Brain.'

  I now realized that this was the third party that Sionn referred to.

  'What do you want?'

  'I have been watching you for a considerable time. Although you yourself are small fry, I want you to show me how you can control the power that is known as Debra.'