Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Ten Page 4

  Dear God, please help me. I thought.

  'God has nothing to do with this, nor does Mannus, or Sionn, or any other higher entity. I have waited a long time for a being like you to evolve.'

  'I have not evolved! I am a space Guardian who happened to get attached to the computer in the lightship.'

  'You are what I say you are! With this Debra you could be the greatest power in the Multiverse. I want that power. I am known to be the greatest power in Universe 214657; with Debra, I can increase that to infinity; can you, in your tiny mind begin to understand that?'

  'I understand that you are a tyrant, and you will have to be stopped.'

  'I thought that you would be like this, so I will have to monitor you as you are put through a series of tests to estimate your power. Let the trials begin.'


  For students: these recordings were put in later, so you won't be able to message me. My consciousness has been depleted again. Don't ask me how. I don't know whether Sionn knows about this situation, or where Reeas is! I know one thing, and that is, I am fed up with these types of events where I am used as a sort of puppet. Debra may not be with me, but I know I can transform into Cloft. I also know that I have been temporarily given part of my power back. I can at least rip the hell out of anything that comes up against me while I try to keep myself in check. They might think that they can monitor me while this is happening, but I know that my Yoga training through countless ages has stood me in good stead. The Brain or whoever it is will not get me without a fight.

  The first creature was released for the chains. I didn't know any of these creatures. The Brain must have brought them here especially for this contest. I was having second thoughts about the tactics I was going to employ. Maybe I should just let them kill me?

  'If you do that, Earthman, you will simply come back here and have to go through it all again.'

  I knew he was right. Don't forget, students, we are on one of the mental sub planes so these creatures and I are made up of the same stuff. The Brain is trying to get me to disclose my exact identity or personality. Keep in mind these recordings have been put in later for security reasons. Can you see my problem? I have to somehow temporarily change my consciousness. The Brain also wants me to become so animalistic that I will become too low to contact Debra, but she will still be with me, so to speak. I have to find out how his domain works, without him becoming suspicious.

  I am going to fight as never before, but I am going to keep myself in check. I transformed myself into Cloft. The creature facing me was startled by the change. I realized that these creatures were mutants, probably brought in especially for this contest. It was a sort of cross between a Tyrannosaurus Rex but it had human type arms, and was holding a battle axe! I simply jumped over it onto its back then I ripped its neck open. I knew I could kill all these creatures easily.

  The Brain must have known this as all the creatures that were left simply disappeared.

  'You are trying to be evasive Earthman, I know what are thinking. You would be better cooperating with me. I will let you gain partial access to my databank and then we could rule the whole multiverse. Can you imagine that?'

  'OK,' I said.

  'You understand that you will not be able to access Debra until I let you.'

  'Yes, I understand, but I want to know how you managed to separate me from Debra.'

  'I simply used my mental power. If you think you can overcome my superior brain, think again. You are dangerous to me in some respects. But I know you are low in consciousness without Debra. Cooperate with me and you will be allowed to have a small part in my success. Oppose me and I will make your life agony.'

  Students take note: (This message has been added later.) The mental plane is higher than the astral plane. I have to concentrate my consciousness on the ethereal plane; it is the higher mental plane. The Brain might be able to access the ethereal plane but I doubt it. He is too caught up in the mental side of things. What I need to do is bypass him. I suspect Debra has been unconsciously ordered to access the ethereal plane, probably by me, but for reasons of security I cannot at the moment know for sure. I am sure of one thing though, I am a Guardian, and I am not going to be absorbed by an overgrown brain. I reverted back to Dan Sherman. I wanted to stay as my Tourgen friend, but I couldn't help myself.

  I was led to a room where I was strapped into a chair. I could now see the Brain behind a protected screen surrounded by super robots; the Brain as he is described, is just that, a huge brain, in a sort of glass tank! I now knew that he was behind the attacks in Axvious galaxy. This was something even Sionn wasn't sure of. Although the severity of the attacks were repulsed, and kept secret from Kallo and his clones, surely the Brain must know all about it.

  'You are starting to frustrate me, Earthman. I am beginning to understand something of your nature, but you are trying to mislead me. I can access your immediate thoughts quite easily, but I want to gain access to the past life where you attached yourself to the being known as Debra. I won't treat you as a complete fool. I can see you are more than up to the task of everyday Guardian events. You also know that, in time, I will get into your Room-of-Doors. Can you see? I can break your mind into little pieces, if I so choose. I want you to understand that unless you give me complete access to your mind, I will destroy you. You have heard that quite a few times in the past I know, but this time you can believe it.'

  'OK, now it is my time to speak. You, Mr. Brain, can go and jump off a cliff. Oh, sorry, you won't be able to do that as you have no legs. Maybe two of your robots can throw you off?'

  I started to transform into Cloft. I ripped the strapping from my arms when I felt a tremendous pain in my head. I then blacked out. I woke up in a small cell with only one tiny door! It wasn't big enough for a cat to get in. Suddenly it opened and a large spider crawled in. I particularly despise spiders as you know; then another one came in. I was starting to panic as more and more spiders of all kinds came through the hole. Some were obviously spiders from other planets as I didn't recognize them. I was now up against the wall and feeling very scared.

  The Brain was starting to exert his authority and I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to change into Cloft but I was too stressed to do it. I felt like a child whose mother was had left it. Then suddenly my beautiful little fairy friend Deria came through the hole and started to exterminate the spiders with a wave of her tiny hand! I then realized that it wasn't Deria at all, but Debra in the guise of a fairy! She then promptly disappeared.

  I was then taken back to face the Brain.

  'How did you do that Earthman?'

  'I don't know, I must admit.'

  I noticed that there were now many more robots to guard the Brain.

  'Are you starting to get edgy?' I said.

  I have to warn you, Earthman. I was master shape-shifter when you were still living in a cave. What you see here in my appearance is the culmination of millions of lives devoted to gain mental ability. Shobdera herself can't locate my presence. Can you see? Even Mannus and all his entourage are unable to gain any knowledge about me. Now perhaps, you will begin to understand the enormous power that we three could have? If you agree to merge with me, we can then begin to rebuild the Guardian-Network to our advantage.'

  'What do you mean, when you said we three?'

  'I intend to bring Kallo back from the astral prison. He will be useful to us in ruling the lower regions. I intend to make him an Overlord.'

  'I think Shobdera will overrule that idea.'

  'Have you not understood anything that I have said? Shobdera is just a figure! She wouldn't be able to use her servants. I would have control of her regions, and also the higher regions. With Debra, I can be Supreme-Leader, and you would be my Higher-Overlord. Can you see? You would be able to do anything, go anywhere, and be anyone. When I say be anyone, I mean exactly that. You would be able to place your consciousness into anybody or anything! You could go to Minarion i
n the Relion-Galaxy; it is a planet where your mind would be enlarged. I would personally oversee it. The ability to be mentally able to be in perpetual ecstasy will be yours. You would not need to be at the whim of Sionn all the time. The First and Second Grand Divisions of God would be in stability simply because we would rule in unison. I would of course be then able to bypass the Mental-Realm, and secure myself as leader of the God-worlds.'

  'Do you really expect to be God?'

  'Of course not, I am only a servant, although I would then be able to gain important knowledge of God which I have been held back from for eons.'

  'I say you have held yourself back. You are now in no fit state to rule a child's nursery.'

  'I will allow you some time to think it over. Maybe you will feel different when you face the Mind-Monster?'

  I was taken to another cell and strapped into a chair facing what I can only describe as a large lump of meat in a glass jar.

  Don't forget, students, we are still on one of the mental sub plane which is inaccessible to everyone but the Brain, and his robots. (These records have been added later, (obviously.)

  I want students to understand that although you can access these messages. They were not added to the database for a considerable time. The Brain has trapped me in an inaccessible place, so no messages are allowed out.

  Message from Reeas:

  Dan has once again vanished without a trace! We can't even pinpoint where he went from. He was with me as we began to dream travel, but then he suddenly disappeared. There is no information from the database and even Deria's one and two can't locate him. All I can think is that someone with great power has taken him. I am in the process of asking Sionn to call another special Meeting-of-the-Masters. Sionn informed me by high security thought message that he believes some entity is beginning to make a bid for power. I am getting seriously stressed out with these continual disappearances of Dan. All I want is to be with Dan. But his life as a Guardian seems to be leading him away from me. Debra is the main reason why all these serious situations are happening. I know we are Guardians and that we have to be immune to the dangers, but I feel frightened! Grenwer was now asking me, Deria, and Deria's sister to accompany him to the briefing room. Grenwer looked at us and held up his hand as if to say be quiet. He then touched us all behind the necks. He didn't need to talk as we could understand he wanted us to be in control of our thoughts. We meditated to the inaccessible plane.

  'Please treat this message as a grade one priority. Sionn won't be coming with us to the meeting; he is going on a special mission. That is all I can tell you. Let us proceed to the usual place. Please don't think too much about these events, as we believe some powerful entity has taken Dan, and wants information from him, and his associates.'

  We arrived at the meeting. Students already know the scene. Mannus was unavailable which was unusual, but not unknown. Of course his physical looking astral body was the same, but he was absent.

  Students know also that the power that is Mannus is still here. The meeting was going to be presided over by a higher Guardian called Tharial. The number of people here is startling; all the usual masters and everyone who attended all our other meetings, plus many more that I didn't even know existed. Tharial said, 'Before we begin; let us meditate to the inaccessible plane on the Ethereal-Realm.' I thought this must be very important. I have never experienced this before, and I suspect most of these people here haven't either.

  Once there, Tharial continued: 'the situation that has occurred on one of the inner planes has triggered a Priority-One security status. This meeting has been called to try and gain some information about whom, or what has started it. Sionn has been given permission to access every plane below the First Grand Division of God. You all know that we can't access any level above this without special permission. Sionn is trying to locate Debra, or Dan. I rather think he will try to locate Debra first as Dan, in my opinion, has been taken without too much trouble. Debra, on the other hand, is a different thing altogether. She could be anywhere.'

  I was now becoming a little worried about this Higher-Guardian mentioning Dan and Sionn so openly although this meeting is supposed to be secure. I couldn't put my finger on it but I feel a bad presence here. Tharial continued.

  'I have to tell you that the Guardian-Network is at this moment open to attack. We are doing our best to secure things, but without Debra we are vulnerable. Before anyone asks me how, I will tell you that before Debra things were secure, but since Debra became attached to Dan, things began to change. The entity who has taken Dan knows this, and will bide his time to make his play. We will now meditate to Nirvara the special light region. This is the highest region that many people here have never been able to reach. Mannus will be in attendance. If anyone has any difficulty in gaining access, please hold hands. Let us pray.'

  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won't you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer? You can also visit my website to read my book and other stories at

  Onwards my Student friends to book 11.

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  Colin J Platt.

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