Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Three Page 10

  Chapter 30-Universe 10973 Halffa

  I woke up in the sub base at Halffa. Reeas was looking at me in a strange way as I came out of the dream state. I said,

  ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I don’t know, Maybe it’s the change over from one Universe to another?’

  ‘Yes, I feel the emotions here are different. I feel I want to protect you more,’

  ‘Yes, Dan, but I feel very real danger.’

  ‘Yes, but they will have a fight on their hands eh, Reeas.’

  ‘I feel we should just let them kill us straight away, Dan.’


  ‘Well, we will have to die sometime and we have to get the information needed quickly.’

  ‘Yes, but not that quickly.’

  ‘Deria can access their telepathic ability, so all we have to do is get caught and eaten or consumed, as it were.’

  I felt depressed as she said that! Maybe she was encountering the emotional-change-over reaction!

  ‘Please, Reeas,’ I said, ‘we will be OK.’

  ‘I know, but I just want to get this job over, Dan. I can’t stand the low down feeling of the place. Don’t forget you have lower consciousness levels,’

  ‘Yes, I know, but you have more training than me, you should be used to these things.’

  ‘No, Dan, no training can equip one for this place.’

  You were at Far-Station for years, Reeas, and that was very low in consciousness, wasn’t it?’

  ‘No, Dan, it is something else. It must be the physiology of the place!’

  ‘OK, that’s it then, you can stay here, Reeas!’

  ‘No, I’m going with you.’

  ‘Listen, Reeas, I can get the necessary data we need by myself.

  I can see you are affected by this place, please let me go alone this time. I will be back soon as you know, and I will let them take me quickly, also Deria will be with me.’

  ‘Are you sure, Dan?’

  ‘Yes, also I won’t like you being eaten before me.’

  ‘Dan, I sense danger other than the physical presence of the Llantrea.’

  ‘Yes, I know, it is the telepathic ability.’

  ‘Yes, be very careful.’

  ‘OK, Reeas, don’t worry, we will always be together.’

  Now I knew what to do. I have the consciousness needed to get this job done.

  Reeas came over and hugged me. I could see a tear in her eye, that’s something I haven’t seen very often.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ I said, ‘I will be back before you know. Oh, and I love you! I know I don’t say it enough!’

  ‘You don’t have to.’ she said.

  We boarded the lightship, this time without Reeas.

  Deria was her usual higher Guardian self, totally secure in her abilities. I on the other hand, was only secure in the knowledge that I had the highest beings in the Universe or Multiverse to help me. I felt scared again. Why can’t I rise above this depression? It always seems the same whenever I go into action, especially without Reeas, but more so in this Universe. I know I can handle things when I am actually on the planet.

  The ship was ready. Debra was her usual self which was a mixture of calmness and confidence with a little comedy thrown in. Debra was the name I gave to the ships computer, as you know, or rather the ship itself. I named her after an old girlfriend who I had at school back in one of my last life times in the U.S.A. She was a lovely girl, but I was too young, just a year younger than her, but that was too young in her eyes, in my eyes I would have loved her forever. Funny after all these years and life times, I still feel the emotion I had as a boy. I looked her up in the past life records section. She got killed at the age of 18, a passenger in her boyfriend’s car. God, why didn’t she have me as a boyfriend, I would have made sure I had a license to drive before I took her out in the car, unlike her boyfriend! I looked him up in the records section also. He survived the crash but got badly injured and died just eight years later an alcoholic! I didn’t know this at the time as she and her family moved out of the district, so I lost touch, she didn’t even say goodbye. All I can say is it was karma. Yes, I know I’m always saying it was karma, but it is. For students who can access these thought records you already know, sorry. You will also know karma is a universal law of God and cannot be changed.

  We were now coming up on Halffa 2 which was only a relatively short 38 light-years, it only took us eighteen minutes to get there.

  We scanned the nearby space for any alarm messages. One last outpost to be still functioning as a trading post was called Mergon. Space tankers would call there regularly to resupply planets in the five solar systems that made up the Delemar Star Region with gas from super-giant gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn. Now I understood how important this job is not only for the life forms that were on nearby planets, but other neighboring planets that needed to trade and visit the star region of Delemar, trillions of souls.

  OK, I say to myself, time to pay a visit to some plant people. Yes, I know I shouldn’t be sarcastic as I’m a Trainee-Guardian, but I feel a little anger coming on. You know I am now Cloft don’t you? So you can forgive me for feeling a little grumpy.

  For students who are wondering how the Llantrea manage to travel in space. They simply place spores on unsuspecting space vehicles who happen to visit any of the planets that they have inhabited. Yes I know it sounds utterly fantastic. Don’t forget, they have the ability to communicate telepathically with each other, and time has no meaning to them. It has taken a very long time for them to reach this point.

  We came out of orbit in the cloaking mode. We could see the destruction the Llantrea had done to the landscape. Any buildings that were still up had been engulfed by Greenery, but not ordinary greenery, this greenery was a menace to the whole galaxy. We accessed the computer on board to find out that there were only a few dozen small areas of land left that were free of the Llantrea and that was because they were mostly concrete or rock. I suppose the Llantrea needed soil to grow or exist in. OK, I thought let’s get this show on the road.

  We landed in a clearing near to a small fortress like building. We couldn’t contact the people by radio or other means as I suppose communications had broken down. Right, I said, let’s meet the locals. I made sure I brought an axe just for comfort. A double bladed battle axe in fact! If I was going to be eaten then I wanted to even the score. Yes, I know you students will say your Karma is going to increase. I know, I say, and I don’t care, I don’t feel very spiritual in this body, Yes, I also know we could blast a hell of a lot of Llantrea, with our cannon from the ship, but in reality it would only be a fraction of the entire population, so let me have my fun. We approached the base at an easy walking pace. I saw a meeting party of about eight beings. Three were Tourgens and the others were different life forms, all humanoid. When we got to within fifteen feet they said ‘Stop right there, intruder.’

  Of course they couldn’t see Deria as she was using her invisibility shield.

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘I just want to chop a little Llantrea.’

  Before they could answer, I noticed that there was a sudden Panic from the group as Llantrea were approaching fast from the wooded area to the North of the base. They started to run back to the base, but I could see they wouldn’t make it in time. I started to run at speed, but not for the base, but for the Llantrea! I reached the leading large tree like creature. I hit it with the axe, slicing it in two. It fell dead. Apparently, if you cut a Llantrea in two it dies. But that wouldn’t actually be an option would it? It would take a lot more than that to stop them, like me being eaten, and the data being analyzed to find an answer to their feeding process. But for now I’m going to enjoy the show. I could see the group was impressed as they also joined in slicing and cutting at the Llantrea with an assortment of weapons.

  Now I was getting into it. I killed another four before one got hold of my arm, I had to let go of the axe. The pressure from
the Llantrea on my arm was intense! I started to bite at it, when another branch type arm grabbed my other arm. Now I was stuck. I could now see the mouth of the creature; it was something like an Octopus, a sort of beak. All of a sudden one of the Tourgens from the group saw my predicament and sliced off the branch that was holding me. I grabbed the axe and swung it killing the Llantrea.

  Now our small group was in a sort of semi-circle with the Llantrea all around us. Three of the group were now dead and being eaten as we were looking on. I could now sense a telepathic message coming from one of the Llantrea, although it was protected by the others, and several yards behind them. I told the rest of the group to stay together. I then jumped over the front line of Llantrea then bringing the axe down as I fell I hit the leader which split it in two. The leader was now dead. The result was surprising! All the Llantrea within about one hundred yards suddenly fell dead! This had a profound effect on the rest of the Llantrea, as they started to retreat back into the wood.

  ‘Who are you?’ said one of the Tourgen’s.

  ‘I have come to help you.’

  ‘Are you a clone?’

  ‘Yes, does it matter?’

  ‘How can you jump so high?’

  I’ll explain it later. Let us get into the base camp first.’

  I Instructed Debra to take a sample from a dead Llantrea to Analyze. In the base camp I told everyone that I would help them to overcome the Llantrea. Most of them didn’t even want my help, so I had to persuade them by having trials of strength; arm-wrestling and lifting things. Yes, I know it is asinine, but that is the way these people are. I instructed the ship to park herself outside in invisibility mode. The people in

  the base camp now trusted me. I said I would be back in a short while. I then accessed my recent conscious brain patterns to get the telepathic frequencies to access the Llantrea leaders, this was relatively easy to do, and the hard part was fabricating some sort of device to give to the people at the base so they could fight the Llantrea. In two days I had several machines to combat the Llantrea.

  Yes, my student friends, I know we could just blast them with the ship, but that was not an option. It is not up to me. I contacted Halffa sub base for instructions and was told to give the machines to the people to help in the fight, you see it is not up to the Guardians to annihilate a species, all we can do is help a little. It will take a long time to restore the balance but it will happen, (Thought message coming through) a large part of the Llantrea leaders would be destroyed by Guardian ships, that means an enormous part of the whole Llantrea population would be gotten rid of. OK, I was wrong; maybe the Guardians do help more than they should, all I know is I didn’t need to get eaten! Good news eh?

  Halffa sub-base also said they would supply weapons such as cutting machines like chain-saws to combat the Llantrea by the people, it will give them something to do and there will be lots of wood to build things.

  Now for another lesson: yes, I know we said that this Universe wasn’t humanoid! But don’t forget life forms such as the Tourgen are man-made and have been brought here by man also other beings like the ones at base camp are immigrants; so to speak, it is the Llantrea which are native to this Universe. Yes, I hear you say, Man is poking his nose into things again! Enough said eh?

  Deria said we had a return-to-base-signal from the ship, so we said our goodbyes and simply walked into the ship which was invisible. Don’t worry, no one saw us leave, if they did what a story that would make for future generations, a Tourgen clone that battled the Llantrea and could jump further and was stronger than any other life form and who brought magic weapons that defeated the enemy then simply disappeared! Even I’m impressed!

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  Thank you for your support. Colin J Platt.

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